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The clique partitioning problem (CPP) requires the establishment of an equivalence relation for the vertices of a graph such that the sum of the edge costs associated with the relation is minimized. The CPP has important applications for the social sciences because it provides a framework for clustering objects measured on a collection of nominal or ordinal attributes. In such instances, the CPP incorporates edge costs obtained from an aggregation of binary equivalence relations among the attributes. We review existing theory and methods for the CPP and propose two versions of a new neighborhood search algorithm for efficient solution. The first version (NS-R) uses a relocation algorithm in the search for improved solutions, whereas the second (NS-TS) uses an embedded tabu search routine. The new algorithms are compared to simulated annealing (SA) and tabu search (TS) algorithms from the CPP literature. Although the heuristics yielded comparable results for some test problems, the neighborhood search algorithms generally yielded the best performances for large and difficult instances of the CPP.  相似文献   

Due to the effects of outliers, mixture model tests that require all objects to be classified can severely underestimate the accuracy of hierarchical clustering algorithms. More valid and relevant comparisons between algorithms can be made by calculating accuracy at several levels in the hierarchical tree and considering accuracy as a function of the coverage of the classification. Using this procedure, several algorithms were compared on their ability to resolve ten multivariate normal mixtures. All of the algorithms were significantly more accurate than a random linkage algorithm, and accuracy was inversely related to coverage. Algorithms using correlation as the similarity measure were significantly more accurate than those using Euclidean distance (p < .001). A subset of high accuracy algorithms, including single, average, and centroid linkage using correlation, and Ward's minimum variance technique, was identified.  相似文献   

算术应用题的分类结果与数学成绩关系研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
阴国恩  冯虹 《心理科学》2006,29(4):778-781
以算术应用题为材料,探讨了不同年级、不同数学成绩学生对算术应用题的分类结果及其与数学成绩的关系。结果表明:不同年级学生对算术应用题分类结果差异显著;数学成绩优生与数学成绩差生对算术应用题分类结果存在差异。  相似文献   

本文之所以要讲解释学分类,因为研究、实施解释学的人往往有三个忽略:(一)不注意海德格尔为什么要中断解释学循环;(二)不反省"现代人比古代人更好的理解古代人"的启蒙教条;(三)还原解释经验比作为知识学的解释学更能面向事物(文本)本身.  相似文献   

曹瑞 《心理学探新》2011,31(5):416-420
分类研究近年来已成为认知科学研究的一个重点,样例观是基于相似性表征的,自从产生以来获得了很大发展。该文对于样例观及其近年来出现的样例模型进行了比较全面的介绍,然后介绍了心理学界针对样例观的争论,最后提出各种分类模型的整合是未来样例观的发展趋势。  相似文献   

A total of 93 drivers (46 female, 47 male) from Toronto, Canada, with at least 5 years' driving experience, completed a battery of self-report questionnaires assessing the likelihood of engaging in mild driver aggression, frequency of past driver violence, driving vengeance, and willful violations. All were recruited as voluntary participants through posted signs, personal contact, and referrals. Mild driver aggression increased independently with elevated vengeance and elevated violations. Driver violence was predicted by the three-way interaction of Vengeance × Violations × Gender such that violence increased in male drivers with a vengeful attitude, especially in combination with higher levels of violations. The data indicated that driver aggression and violence were more prevalent among drivers who held clusters of other dangerous driving attitudes and behaviors as part of their typical behavior routine.  相似文献   

Conee  E.  Feldman  R. 《Philosophical Studies》1998,89(1):1-29
Philosophical Studies -  相似文献   

Both emotional reactivity and categorization have long been studied within the framework of hemispheric asymmetry. However, little attempt has been made to integrate both research areas using any form of neuropsychological research, despite behavioral data suggesting a consistent relationship between affective and categorization processes. The primary goal of the current study was to examine the possibility of a laterally mediated interaction between emotional reactivity and the cognitive process of categorization. Using a split visual fields categorization task combined with affect inducing procedures, we hypothesized that the relationship between state affect and categorization would be dependent on the nature of state affect and on the hemisphere targeted. Results offered support for this hypothesis, showing that state affect related changes in categorization appeared only in the hemisphere commonly associated with both a specific affective state and categorization strategy employed. Findings are discussed in terms of possible evidence for a hemispheric arousal effect underlying the relationship between affect and categorization.  相似文献   

采用改进的flanker范式,探讨了刻板印象激活效应对社会分类的影响,并考察了匹配刺激出现概率对刻板印象激活效应影响社会分类的调节作用。实验一发现,性别刻板印象激活后,按性别分类时,匹配刺激中和不匹配刺激中面孔分类反应时之间的差异是显著的,但按年龄分类时,二者间的差异不显著。实验二表明,匹配刺激出现概率为80%时和50%时,匹配刺激中和不匹配刺激中面孔分类反应时之间的差异是显著的;但当匹配刺激出现概率为20%时,二者间的差异不显著。结果表明,刻板印象激活效应对与该刻板印象对应的社会分类有显著的影响,对与该刻板印象无关社会分类不会产生影响。刻板印象激活效应对社会分类的影响受匹配刺激出现概率的调节。  相似文献   

陈琳  莫雷 《心理学探新》2007,27(1):34-40
该研究采用集中呈现样例的研究范式,探讨了归类不确定情况下,人们的推理方式。实验1控制特征联结频次,考察人们的推理方式是否是基于类别的推理。实验2控制类别中特征的基本概率,考察人们推理方式是否是基于特征联结的推理。实验结果表明,特征推理前不预先归类直接推理时,人们的推理根据目标特征与预测特征联结的频次进行,是基于特征联结的推理;特征推理前预先要求被试归类时,人们的特征推理是基于类别的推理。  相似文献   

Pleasure is one of the most obvious candidates for directly improving wellbeing. Hedonists claim it is the only feature that can intrinsically make life better for the one living it, and that all of wellbeing derives from the relative pleasantness and unpleasantness of conscious experience. But Hedonism is incompatible with the ‘heterogeneity’ of pleasure: it cannot allow that distinct pleasures can feel completely differently, if experiences count as pleasant due to how they feel. I argue that a pluralistic variant of Hedonism can match its theoretical attractions while also accommodating the heterogeneity of pleasure. This has interesting implications for both the philosophical debate over the nature of wellbeing and psychological theories of how to measure and aggregate positive affect. In particular, my argument implies that there is no single dimension of ‘valence’ or ‘intensity’ on which pleasantness can be measured.  相似文献   

Three studies examined the moderating effect of attachment style on cognitive reactions to positive affect inductions. In Study 1 (N = 110), participants completed attachment style scales, were asked to retrieve a happy or a neutral memory, and, then, performed a categorization task. Study 2 (N = 120) used the same affect induction, while examining creative problem solving in the Remote Associates Test. Study 3 (N = 120) replicated Study 2, while using another affect induction (watching a comedy film) and controlling for trait anxiety scores. Overall, securely attached persons reacted to positive affect with broader categorization and better performance in creative problem-solving tasks. Anxious–ambivalent persons showed an opposite pattern of cognitive reactions to positive affect, and avoidant persons showed no difference in their cognitive reactions to positive and neutral affect inductions. The discussion emphasizes the role that attachment-related strategies of affect regulation may play in episodes of positive affect.  相似文献   

归纳推理多样性效应被证实为普遍存在的,然而研究者Heit和Medin却对多样性效应的普遍性存在分歧。本文通过三个实验针对两位学者的分歧展开研究。结果发现:1.两位学者之间的分歧是由不同的分类活动引起的。当分类活动为外显时,被试的推理结果既不支持Medin,也不支持Heit;当分类活动内隐时,被试的推理结果支持Heit的观点。2.人们在日常生活及现实情境中,往往是根据直觉对事物进行分类及多样性推理。  相似文献   

交叉分类被认为是一种能够有效减少群际偏见的方法。交叉分类效应的代数模型主要包括平均模型、相加模型和等价模型,各个模型都有自己成立的证据,其中支持相加模型的研究证据最多。尽管如此,交叉分类效应的代数模型有很明显的局限,即要求所有进行交叉的类别维度权重相等,这与真实社会情境是相矛盾的。交叉分类的潜在加工过程主要有基于认知角度的类别差异模型和基于动机角度的社会认同两种比较成熟的理论,前者又分为类别差异消除模型和类别差异减少模型。  相似文献   

归类不确定时特征推理的单类说理论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人们不能完全确定某个事物应该归入哪个类别的情境,被称作“归类不确定的情境”。关于归类不确定情境中的特征推理,目前有两种理论解释:Anderson的理性模型和Murphy与Ross的“单类说”。理性模型认为,在归类不确定情境中,预测事物是否具有某个特征时,人们会考虑该事物可能属于的所有类别,既会考虑靶类别的信息,又会考虑非靶类别的信息。单类说则相反,认为在归类不确定情境下的特征推理,人们只会考虑靶类别的信息,而不考虑非靶类别的信息。该文重点介绍了单类说的发展进程,并对归类不确定情境中的特征推理进行了展望  相似文献   

A substantial literature has examined the nature of social categorization, a fundamental process having important implications for a wide variety of social phenomena. The great majority of this research has focused on the role of particular, clearly identified social categories (e.g. race, nationality, etc.) while ignoring or holding constant other identity dimensions. This approach has afforded considerable leverage for understanding how salient social identities influence perception, judgment, and behavior. However, it leaves unaddressed many questions about how particular social identities become salient and how (and whether) identities might be inferred when category membership is ambiguous or unknown. Everyday social perception often occurs under conditions of volatility (dynamic contexts), uncertainty (missing information), complexity (multiple bases for categorization), and ambiguity (unclear meaning of available cues). As a consequence, research must address how these factors might qualify basic processes of social categorization. Available evidence is reviewed, and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Ethical vagueness has garnered little attention. This is rather surprising since many philosophers have remarked that the science of ethics lacks the precision that other fields of inquiry have. Of the few philosophers who have discussed ethical vagueness the majority have focused on the implications of vagueness for moral realism. Because the relevance of ethical vagueness for other metaethical positions has been underexplored, my aim in this paper is to investigate the ramifications of ethical vagueness for expressivism. Ultimately, I shall argue that expressivism does not have the resources to adequately account for ethical vagueness, while cognitivism does. This demonstrates an advantage that cognitivism holds over expressivism.  相似文献   

The public expression of opinions (and related communicative activities) hinges upon the perception of opinion consensus. Current explanations for opinion consensus perceptions typically focus on egocentric and other biases, rather than functional cognitions. Using self‐categorization theory we showed that opinion consensus perceptions flow from cognitions regarding the fit between issues and group prototypes. Strong normative fit enhanced perceptions of ingroup opinion consensus (Experiments 1 and 2), and consensus perceptions varied as a function of comparison outgroups (Experiment 3), ingroup prototype salience (Experiment 4), and levels of identity threat (Experiment 5). Self‐categorization theory has the potential to integrate a variety of cognitive and motivational processes to provide a comprehensive explanation for opinion consensus perceptions.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that the brain computes two different kinds of spatial-relation representations: one used to assign a spatial relation to a category and the other used to specify metric distance with precision. The present visual half-field experiment offers support for this distinction by showing that the left and right cerebral hemispheres make more effective use of the categorization and metric distance representations, respectively. Furthermore, the inclusion of a bilateral stimulus presentation condition permits the computation of a reversed association that offers additional support for the distinction between two types of spatial-relation representation.  相似文献   

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