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在社会心理学、教育心理学等分支领域中,态度的测量是一个人们长期关注的研究课题,但在木世纪二十年代中期以前,对这个课题的研究还是一片空白,尽管那时早已有了对智力的测量,但不少人仍认为等距地测量态度是不可能的事。一九二七年美国著名心理学家L·L·瑟斯顿(Thurstone)发表了《心理物理分析》一文,首次提出了一套可直接用于态度测量的科学方法,即配对比较量表法,随即又在《态度可以测量吗?》(1928)一文中  相似文献   

一、教师职业态度量表建立的理论依据教师职业态度量表是根据态度测量的鼻祖,美国芝加哥大学瑟斯顿(L.L.Thurstone)教授关于态度测量的等差法而建立的。态度测量等差法的理论依据是心理物理学。在心理物理学试验中,常用等差法来测量人对物的轻重、色的深浅、音的高低等方面的知觉判断力。  相似文献   

张姝玥  蒋钦  谢丹菊 《心理科学》2013,36(2):458-462
研究考查了大学生对一般生活事件和意外事故的乐观与悲观偏差,并检验不同测量方法是否会产生不同结果。通过对273名大学生进行问卷研究,结果发现:(1)在直接和间接测量时,被试对一般消极事件、意外事故存在乐观偏差,对幸免于意外事故存在悲观偏差;但对一般积极事件,被试在直接测量时出现乐观偏差,在间接测量时为悲观偏差。(2)在两种方法中,被试对意外事故的乐观偏差皆高于一般消极事件,但一般积极事件与幸免于意外事故的结果在直接测量时有显著差异,而在间接测量中差异不显著。(3)在直接测量时,消极事件的发生频率越低乐观偏差越严重,积极事件的发生频率越低则悲观偏差越严重;在间接测量中事件频率与偏差结果相关不显著。  相似文献   

中国与英国儿童对待欺负问题态度的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用修订的Olweus欺负问卷,对中国和英国近万名(中国8937名,英国1035名)中小学儿童对待欺负的态度进行调查。结果发现:(1)中国儿童对待欺负的态度比英国儿童积极。(2)儿童对待欺负问题的态度存在性别和年龄差异。女孩比男孩对待欺负的态度较积极;小学儿童对待欺负的态度比初中儿童积极。(3)儿童在欺负/受欺负关系中的角色与其对待欺负问题的态度有联系。未参与者对欺负的态度最积极,其次是受欺负者、欺负/受欺负者,而欺负者对待欺负的态度最消极;(4)儿童对受欺负者的同情多,而去帮助受欺负者的行为倾向少。  相似文献   

在不同事件率条件下人格倾向类型对认知性警戒的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用两种事件率 ,考察了人格倾向类型对认知性警戒的影响。实验结果表明 :(1 )事件率是影响作业绩效的一个重要因素。事件率与人格倾向存在着交互作用。 (2 )认知性警戒作业的应激效应与事件率有关 ,随着事件率的上升 ,受试者在作业过程中的应激水平明显增高。 (3 )根据对被试自觉疲劳的测量结果 ,在认知性警戒作业中 ,内倾者与外倾者间应激水平存在差异。  相似文献   

内隐和外显态度预测消费者行为的一致性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以非耐用商品(洗发水)和耐用商品(手机)为态度对象,探讨了内隐态度和外显态度之间的一致性及其对行为选择的预测作用.结果发现:(1)当态度对象为非耐用品时,内隐和外显态度之间呈一致性,而当态度对象为耐用品时,内隐和外显态度之间出现分离;(2)在非耐用品上,内隐态度能更好地预测被试的选择行为,而在耐用品上外显态度能更好地预测被试的选择行为.  相似文献   

内隐联想测验(IAT)及其在性别刻板印象研究中的应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
内隐联想测验(Implicit Association Test)是研究内隐社会认知的一种新方法,本研究根据内隐联想测验的基本原理,设计内隐联想测验对性别——学科刻板印象进行测量并设计相应的态度量表进行外显的态度测量,采用2(男\女)*2(文科\理科)的被试间实验设计,结果发现:(1)性别——学科刻板印象普遍存在于不同性别和不同学科的学生之中,并且刻板印象是一个无意识的自动化的加工过程。(2)性别——学科刻板印象的学科差异非常显著,但性别差异不显著,二者交互作用不显著。(3)对于与性别——学科刻板印象对应的外显态度,学科与性别差异均不显著,二者交互作用也不显著。(4)性别——学科刻板印象与其相对应的外显态度间相关不显著,二者存在着分离。  相似文献   

本研究的目的是验证航线飞行管理态度量表在中国文化背景下作为航线飞行安全文化测量工具的信度和效度.通过对量表的验证性因素分析,结合对驾驶行为规范性水平的实时评估,测定量表的信效度.结果表明:(1)航线飞行管理态度量表三因素结构模型具有良好的拟合效果和较高的信、效度,达到了心理计量学的标准.(2)航线飞行管理态度量表能够有效地预测驾驶行为规范性水平.研究结果确认航线飞行管理态度量表具有良好的信度和效度,可以应用于中国文化背景下的航空安全文化特征诊断.  相似文献   

采用2(新闻框架类型:诱发气愤情绪或诱发悲伤情绪)×2(危机事件团体回应类型:惩罚型或补偿型)×2(团体回应中情绪感染力的呈现情况:呈现或缺乏)的被试间实验设计,探讨不同版本的危机事件新闻报道诱发出的不同情绪如何影响个体的信息加工,以及情绪反应怎样影响个体对组织随后回应策略的偏好。结果发现:气愤情绪促使公众采用启发性加工方式,悲伤情绪促使公众采用系统性加工方式;相比于悲伤情绪,气愤情绪会导致公众对公司更加负面的态度;惩罚型回应信息的可信性更高;惩罚型和补偿型回应信息使公众对企业的态度从比较消极转变为偏向积极;具有强烈情绪感染力的回应信息更容易降低气愤组对企业的责任归因程度,并进而促进公众对企业态度的改变;公众的气愤和悲伤情绪水平在接受企业回应后明显减弱,但没有达到基线水平。结果表明,在面对危机事件时,新闻框架的类型、企业对危机事件的回应方式以及回应中的情绪感染力,会结合在一起,制约公众对危机事件的知觉以及对企业的判断。  相似文献   

崔丽霞  史光远  张玉静  于园 《心理学报》2012,44(11):1501-1514
Beck抑郁认知理论认为功能失调性态度和自动思维对抑郁的形成和发展有着重要的影响, 但是不同水平的认知因素在青少年抑郁中起什么样的作用还有待于进一步的研究。根据Oei和Kwon (2007)综合认知模型(ICM), 我们假设在青少年负性生活事件和抑郁症状间功能失调性态度是调节变量, 而自动思维是中介变量。研究采用开学初和临近期末间隔近四个月两个时间点的纵向数据搜集方式, 对613名初中生施以青少年生活事件量表(ASLEC)、功能失调性态度问卷(DAS)、自动思维问卷(ATQ)以及流调中心用抑郁量表(CES-D), 然后通过路径分析对模型进行了拟合度和性别差异检验, 结果表明:(1)各变量显著相关(p<0.01), 且各变量间隔四个月两个时间点的分数差异显著(p<0.01); (2)修正后的青少年抑郁综合认知模型较好地拟了数据, 且功能失调性态度与负性生活事件的交互作用对自动思维的影响上女生的路径系数显著大于男生。结论:功能失调性态度在负性生活事件和青少年抑郁症状间起调节作用, 而自动思维从中起到了认知中介的作用, 且该模型性别差异显著。  相似文献   

This study approaches Maimonides' attitude towards miracles as a long-term process. The young Maimonides saw no room nor any need for miracles. Science provided a full and satisfactory explanation for events within a deterministic cosmos. However, as he matured, his doubts concerning the capacity of science to account for all events intensified; he increasingly realized that some features of the cosmos, or events in Jewish history, cannot be accounted for fully by any explanatory system. As his disbelief in the unlimited power of scientific explanation grew, he became more receptive to the possibility of miracles. For miracles are nothing other than events or features that, while not being totally at odds with science, cannot be fully accounted for in any theory. Maimonides' ultimate acceptance of miracles was, therefore, his ultimate acceptance of his own doubts and uncertainties.  相似文献   

This study inquires the relation between a person's attitude towards himself and his way of predicting his own and the future of the world, respectively. Estimates of probabilities and utilities were made for 20 personal events and 20 general events. The attitude towards oneself was measured on bipolar Osgood type scales where the subject was asked to judge his or her self and the ideal self. A correlation was found between a person's attitude towards himself and his way of predicting the future. The more positive a person's self-image, the higher was the correlation between probability and utility estimates for a set of future events. The paper concludes with a critical discussion of the conclusions which may be drawn from data of the type presented in this study and in earlier studies.  相似文献   

Emergence, the occurrence of novel, unpredictable human behavior, is an inherent aspect of human experience on both the individual and collective levels. In this article, we considered the ubiquitous nature emergent events, indicated some of the ways such events manifest themselves, analyzed the personal and inter-personal processes that give rise to them, and suggested some of their implications for psychology and the other social science. Given the inescapable presence of emergence in human conduct, a redefinition of the goals and scope of social science may be desirable.  相似文献   

以1995名城乡普高生和中职生为被试,采用未来取向问卷(中文版),考察了普高生和中职生对未来的规划和态度的基本特点。研究发现:(1)总体上,普高生对未来教育的投入水平高于中职生,对未来教育和职业目标的实现持更积极乐观的态度。此外,城市普高生对未来教育的探索水平高于城市中职生,但对未来婚姻/家庭的投入水平低于城市中职生;农村普高生对未来职业的探索和投入水平均低于农村中职生。(2)农村青少年对未来职业和婚姻/家庭的投入水平高于城市青少年,且对未来教育目标的实现持更积极乐观的态度。(3)男青少年对未来教育的投入水平低于女青少年,对未来婚姻/家庭的探索和投入水平高于女青少年,且农村男青少年比农村女青少年对未来婚姻/家庭目标的实现持更积极乐观的态度。  相似文献   

Many have argued that a rational agent's attitude towards a proposition may be better represented by a probability range than by a single number. I show that in such cases an agent will have unstable betting behaviour, and so will behave in an unpredictable way. I use this point to argue against a range of responses to the ‘two bets’ argument for sharp probabilities.  相似文献   

心理史学的发展给心理学史的教学与研究带来如下启示:心理学史专业工作者应加强史学修养,明确自己的史学研究立场和原则;心理学史不只是心理学的学科发展史,也是人类社会历史发展的缩影;从拒绝到接受精神分析作为一种史学研究方法的态度转变,蕴涵着当代人文社科研究发展的趋势和走向。  相似文献   

Political action is unpredictable because it unfolds among a plurality of independent actors. This unpredictability generates a fundamental puzzle: If an actor cannot know where her initiative will lead, what motivates and guides her in her doings? The aim of this paper is to develop and defend the solution to the puzzle that we can find in the thought of Hannah Arendt, namely the idea that political action is – or should be – motivated and guided by principles, principles like justice, equality, or honour. Such principles must be distinguished from goals because they do not designate a specific state of affairs, but are general ideas that allow for diverse implementations. I show that this distinction is of great practical importance for the actors involved, since their outlook and their attitude towards others will differ depending on whether they see their activity as aimed at a goal or as guided by a principle.  相似文献   

Emergence, the occurrence of novel, unpredictable human behavior, is an inherent aspect of human experience on both the individual and collective levels. In this article, we considered the ubiquitous nature of emergent events, indicated some of the ways such events manifest themselves, analyzed the personal and interpersonal processes that give rise to them, and suggested some of their implications for psychology and the other social sciences. Given the inescapable presence of emergence in human conduct, a redefinition of the goals and scope of social science may be desirable.  相似文献   

The relationships between glycosylated hemoglobin levels as an index of metabolic control, life events occurring in the previous year, and general adjustment in the areas of attitude towards diabetes, independence, peer, school, and family relationships were investigated in 37 adolescents with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The number or type of life events did not show a relationship with metabolic control. As measured by the Sullivan Diabetic Adjustment Scale, diabetic adolescents who were in better metabolic control reported more conflict regarding family relationships and issues of independence than did those in lesser control.  相似文献   

Cognitive systems research has predominantly been guided by the historical distinction between emotion and cognition, and has focused its efforts on modelling the “cognitive” aspects of behaviour. While this initially meant modelling only the control system of cognitive creatures, with the advent of “embodied” cognitive science this expanded to also modelling the interactions between the control system and the external environment. What did not seem to change with this embodiment revolution, however, was the attitude towards affect and emotion in cognitive science. This paper argues that cognitive systems research is now beginning to integrate these aspects of natural cognitive systems into cognitive science proper, not in virtue of traditional “embodied cognitive science”, which focuses predominantly on the body’s gross morphology, but rather in virtue of research into the interoceptive, organismic basis of natural cognitive systems.  相似文献   

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