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Arousal procrastination was investigated to determine: (a) If the General Procrastination Scale (GP; Lay, 1986) measures procrastination motivated by arousal, and (b) whether sensation seeking (SS), extraversion (E), and the reducer index (R) account for variance in beliefs about the motivation for academic procrastination. Participants were 311 undergraduate students (60.1% female), primarily Caucasian (63.3%), with a mean age of 20.09 (SD = 3.08). An online questionnaire package included measures of procrastination and 3 arousal-based personality inventories. A factor analysis of the GP and the Sensation Seeking Scale-V (SSS-V; Zuckerman, Eysenck, & Eysenck, 1978) produced six factors with the GP and SSS-V items loading on separate factors, indicating no relation. A regression analysis revealed that SS, E, and R together accounted for 5.2% of the variance in participants’ arousal-related beliefs motivating their procrastination. These results challenge the existing literature claiming that the GP is a measure of arousal procrastination, but do indicate that some individuals believe that their procrastination is motivated by a need for heightened arousal.  相似文献   

Evidence surrounding the attraction to media violence is mixed and the effects of violent video game play on players varies across experimental participants. Differences in both may be explained by differences in experienced positive or negative arousal. This study utilizes the limited capacity model of motivated mediated message processing (LC4MP) and the motivation activation measure (MAM), which measures resting activation of the appetitive and aversive arousal systems, to explore the relationship between attraction to media violence, arousal, and aggression. In part 1, a questionnaire found that men and frequent players of violent games expected to enjoy violent games more than nonviolent games. In addition, participants whose scores on the MAM characterized them as risk takers (high scores on appetitive arousal and low scores on aversive arousal) indicated a stronger preference for violent games compared to the other three arousal types, which is in line with the LC4MP. In the experimental portion of the research, after playing a violent game, those participants characterized as risk avoidant (high on aversive arousal and low on appetitive arousal) were significantly less aggressive than all other arousal groups. Overall, results show that individual differences in the appetitive and aversive arousal systems can explain attraction to violent media. Furthermore, arousal resulting from violent video game play can be experienced as pleasant or aversive, and it is this experience of arousal that explains variations in aggressive responses to violent video games.  相似文献   

TwoCebus albifrons monkeys were trained to press a back-lighted panel to postpone a brief electric shock to the tail using a Sidman avoidance schedule (SS = 40 sec, RS = 40 sec). After 25 training sessions, a discriminative schedule was introduced, with the Sidman avoidance continuing in the presence of one discriminative stimulus and punishment introduced in the presence of the other. The discriminative stimuli were colors on the panel. Discriminative training also involved 25 sessions, each with a random sequence of 6 avoidance and 6 punishment segments, with 30 sec intervals between the segments. Plantar skin conductance and heart rate were recorded along with the panel-pressing behavior. The two monkeys adjusted to the discriminative schedule quite differently from one another. One animal responded at a high level and avoided very well (during avoidance) but was punished frequently (during punishment). The other animal responded less frequently and received many shocks during avoidance but almost none during punishment. The animal that showed less ability to inhibit responding (and received about four times as many shocks overall) appeared to have discriminated better temporally in spacing its responses during avoidance training. The monkey whose panel-pressing behavior resulted in more shocks also tended to show a higher tonic level of autonomic arousal. However, within-animal differences in shock frequency (between avoidance and punishment) were not similarly related to autonomie arousal. The animal that received fewer shocks overall (but more during avoidance) showed greater arousal during punishment. The animal that received more shocks overall (but fewer during avoidance) showed no arousal differences between avoidance and punishment.  相似文献   

This study attempted to identify biochemical systems associated with the personality dimensions of Extraversion (E), Neuroticism (N), Psychoticism (P), Sensation Seeking (SS) and Impulsivity (Imp). The subjects were 43 normal volunteers who volunteered to take a battery of psychological tests and allow investigators to obtain samples of blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for biochemical assessment.Substantial positive correlations were found between CSF norepinephrine (NE), MHPG (the principal metabolite of NE), DBH (an enzyme involved in the production of NE) and plasma MHPG and DBH; all of these are regarded, in some part, as putative indicators of central noradrenergic activity. After partialling out the influences of age, height and weight, a number of significant relationships were found between psychological traits and biochemical variables. Extraversion correlated positively and introversion and neuroticism correlated negatively with CSF Ca. Neuroticism also correlated negatively with plasma MHPG. Ego Strength (inversely related to Neurotic Introversion), P and Disinhibitory SS correlated negatively with CSF cort. General SS correlated negatively with CSF NE and plasma DBH, and these correlations were significant in both males and females, as well as in the total group. The results are consistent with some biological models of personality, but suggest the need for modification in others.  相似文献   

The relative sensitivity of the sympathetic-adrenal and pituitary-adrenal systems to different psychosocial demands is considered on the basis of experimental data. It is concluded that positive and negative aspects of psychological arousal ("effort" and "distress") are differentially associated with the activity of each of the two systems, effort being related primarily to catecholamine secretion, distress primarily to cortisol secretion. Data are presented to illustrate the role of personal control as a major modulating factor. Controllability tends to reduce the negative aspects and enhance the positive aspects of arousal, thereby changing the balance between sympathetic-adrenal and pituitary-adrenal activity. The neuroendocrine pattern is the same for males and females, but there is a consistent sex difference in that females are less prone than males to respond to achievement demands by increased catecholamine secretion. The relative influence of biological and social factors on this sex difference in reactivity is discussed.  相似文献   

In the centennial year of the birth of Hans Selye, this review compares his classical concepts of stress with a modern approach to mechanisms of CNS arousal. Relations between the two concepts are described. Neuroanatomical, neurophysiological, and functional genomic mechanisms underlying CNS arousal are briefly reviewed. Controls over stress responses and arousal are compared to particular concepts of control system engineering. Understanding these two systems is of crucial importance because their dysregulation is associated with large numbers of disease states.  相似文献   

Arousal procrastination was investigated to determine: (a) If the General Procrastination Scale (GP; Lay, 1986) measures procrastination motivated by arousal, and (b) whether sensation seeking (SS), extraversion (E), and the reducer index (R) account for variance in beliefs about the motivation for academic procrastination. Participants were 311 undergraduate students (60.1% female), primarily Caucasian (63.3%), with a mean age of 20.09 (SD = 3.08). An online questionnaire package included measures of procrastination and 3 arousal-based personality inventories. A factor analysis of the GP and the Sensation Seeking Scale-V (SSS-V; Zuckerman, Eysenck, & Eysenck, 1978) produced six factors with the GP and SSS-V items loading on separate factors, indicating no relation. A regression analysis revealed that SS, E, and R together accounted for 5.2% of the variance in participants’ arousal-related beliefs motivating their procrastination. These results challenge the existing literature claiming that the GP is a measure of arousal procrastination, but do indicate that some individuals believe that their procrastination is motivated by a need for heightened arousal.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to demonstrate that the relationship between attitudes of a stranger and attraction to that stranger can be mediated by effectance arousal and the consequent information search to reduce the arousal. The argument posited was that individuals under high effectance arousal produced by a confusing and ambiguous film would be attracted to dissimilar others as a source of information and uncertainty reduction. Results indicated that high levels of arousal produced greater attraction to a dissimilar stranger than to a similar stranger. This finding was reversed when an explanation was provided along with the confusing film, lending support to the uncertainty reduction position.  相似文献   

To study how perceptual asymmetries in the recognition of emotion reflect developmental changes in processing affective information, a fused rhyming dichotic word test with positive, negative, and neutral stimuli was administered to adults and children. Results suggested that the hemisphere in which affective information is initially processed affects the strength of perceptual asymmetry and that children's perceptual processing of emotional information is constrained by limited computational resources. Another experiment ruled out effects of volitional shifting of attention to emotional stimuli. These data further confirm that emotional processing involves integration of neural systems across brain regions, including distributed systems that support arousal and recognition. General developmental factors, such as processing capacity, contribute to the coordination of multiple systems responsible for processing emotional information.  相似文献   

The current monograph asserts that nonverbal behaviors can serve as useful overt indices of experienced arousal. Various conceptualizations of arousal and factors eliciting arousal in communication situations are examined. It is proposed that, from a communication standpoint, indices of arousal and arousal change are best classified along two dimensions of arousal intensity and arousal valence. Diverse bodies of literature on nonverbal concamitants of arousal are reviewed. As a first test of whether separate profiles exist for negatively, as opposed to positively or neutrally, valenced arousal, data are analyzed from a mock-interview experiment in which, following a baseline interview, participants (N=52) were subjected by an interviewer to either increased or decreased involvement. The involvement changes were expected to elevate arousal intensity for all participants and induce positively or negatively valenced arousal in the two respective conditions. Polynomial regressions and z-test comparisons of correlations revealed that 16 composites, comprising a total of 47 nonverbal variables, showed significant associations with changes in arousal.  相似文献   

白鼠和人类都对情绪唤醒的经历有更好的记忆。情绪唤醒影响记忆巩固的神经生理机制主要有以下几种方式:(a)情绪唤醒或急性应激,会引发个体内部应激激素的释放,从而增强其记忆巩固过程。(b1)杏仁核的激活对情绪唤醒影响记忆巩固过程十分重要,杏仁核内部去甲肾上腺素(NE)的释放影响记忆巩固过程。(b2)杏仁核投射到负责不同类型记忆加工的脑区,如海马和皮层,从而影响记忆。(c)应激激素影响记忆巩固的过程中,杏仁核内NE的激活在这一过程中扮演着重要角色。综上,情绪唤醒影响记忆巩固的过程,涉及到激素调节、神经调节及二者的共同作用。  相似文献   

The Eysenck hypothesis that extraverts are less aroused or more inhibited than introverts has been subjected to a number of tests in the psychophysiological literature. Research to date suggests the need to clearly differentiate between tests of overall group differences in arousal or inhibition and studies of the differential reactions of the two groups to arousal manipulations. Psychophysiological studies of overall arousal differences in our laboratories and elsewhere have yielded somewhat inconsistent results for SCL, nonspecific response frequency, trials-to-criterion habituation and initial response amplitude, though dishabituation results are consistent with the expectation of higher amplitudes in introverts. Far more consistent are findings testing the inverted-U hypothesis, which suggests that introverts reach a point of optimal arousal at lower levels of stimulus input than do extraverts and hence should show earlier asymptotes and decrements in arousal measures. Using stimulus intensity and caffeine to manipulate arousal, we have found supportive results for SCL and several phasic measures, including the initial, test, and dishabituation responses. Overall, findings suggest that the two personality groups differ more clearly in arousability than in overall arousal level and that this difference is most consistent when conditions induce a rapid breakdown of inhibition and increase in arousal. Further research is needed to better understand the conditional relationship of extraversion to arousability, and arousal-manipulation paradigms would appear to be a fruitful initial approach to carrying out the needed research.  相似文献   

Operator tracking performance in 3 simulated guided missile systems was studied under short-term psychological stress induced by threatening with and also delivering unpleasant electric shocks. The initial part of the stress period was characterized by a moderate decrement of performance and a heightened arousal level, which is regarded as a partial confirmation of the activation theory. The results may also be interpreted in terms of a simple stress-over-time model, based on a hypothetical interaction between arousal and habituation.  相似文献   

A dynamical systems interpretation of a dimensional model of emotion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dimensional structure of emotion was investigated using self reports of induced mood and idiographic and nomothetic analyses. Subjects attended four experimental sessions during which an array of affective states was induced via auditory, visual, and imaginal channels. For each of 118 stimulus events, subjects self-rated their response. Factor analysis yielded the predicted bipolar factors of valence and arousal: these were obtained in group-aggregated analysis and subsequently confirmed as change dimensions at the intraindividual level. Controversy over the fundamental dimensions of affective space was considered with respect to methodological issues such as factor rotation and sampling of data space. Valence and arousal are discussed as motivational, driving parameters of affective experience and a dynamical systems conceptualization of emotion is proposed.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide S: a novel modulator of stress and arousal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Neuropeptide S (NPS) is a recently identified bioactive peptide that modulates stress and arousal. NPS is expressed in a few discrete nuclei in the brainstem, such as the pericoerulear (locus coeruleus (LC)) area and the parabrachial nucleus. NPS activates its cognate G protein-coupled receptor at low nanomolar agonist concentrations and induces elevation of intracellular Ca2+ and cAMP, therefore acting as an excitatory transmitter. The NPS receptor is widely expressed in the brain, including regions known to regulate stress responses such as hypothalamus, thalamus, amygdala and limbic cortex. We have recently reported that the NPS system can modulate stress responses and induce wakefulness based on a battery of behavioral tests. Activation of NPS receptors induces arousal and reduces all sleep stages. At the same time, NPS produces anxiolytic-like effects in rodents. These studies indicate that the NPS system has a unique pharmacological profile to promote both anxiolytic and arousal effects. NPS might interact with other hypothalamic neuropeptide systems that are known to be involved in stress and appetite control and thus might be a valuable target for development of a new class of drugs to treat anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Penile plethysmography (PPG) is an objective measure of male sexual arousal in response to the presentation of a series of erotic and neutral stimuli. This measure is now widely recognized as the most reliable means of objectively measuring male sexual arousal to specific stimuli. Many clinicians and researchers consider PPG to be a vital contribution to the assessment and treatment of adult men with paraphilic interests and men who have committed sex crimes. PPG contributes to the clinical assessment of paraphilic interests, appraisal of risk of recidivism, and provides an objective measurement of changes in sexual arousal in response to treatment. There is strong support for the utility of PPG within clinical and legal contexts. This article addresses ways in which PPG has been utilized in the courts as part of expert clinical opinion. History of its use, details regarding admissibility in court, and case law are explored within the legal systems of Canada, the UK and the USA. Support for the inclusion of PPG as expert evidence is provided and judicial misunderstandings on the rationale for PPG use and its clinical utility in forensic assessments are discussed.  相似文献   

Arousal and valence (pleasantness) are considered primary dimensions of emotion. However, the degree to which these dimensions interact in emotional processing across sensory modalities is poorly understood. We addressed this issue by applying a crossmodal priming paradigm in which auditory primes (Romantic piano solo music) varying in arousal and/or pleasantness were sequentially paired with visual targets (IAPS pictures). In Experiment 1, the emotion spaces of 120 primes and 120 targets were explored separately in addition to the effects of musical training and gender. Thirty-two participants rated their felt pleasantness and arousal in response to primes and targets on equivalent rating scales as well as their familiarity with the stimuli. Musical training was associated with elevated familiarity ratings for high-arousing music and a trend for elevated arousal ratings, especially in response to unpleasant musical stimuli. Males reported higher arousal than females for pleasant visual stimuli. In Experiment 2, 40 nonmusicians rated their felt arousal and pleasantness in response to 20 visual targets after listening to 80 musical primes. Arousal associated with the musical primes modulated felt arousal in response to visual targets, yet no such transfer of pleasantness was observed between the two modalities. Experiment 3 sought to rule out the possibility of any order effect of the subjective ratings, and responses of 14 nonmusicians replicated results of Experiment 2. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of the crossmodal priming paradigm in basic research on musical emotions.  相似文献   

The current study sought to examine the impact of incidental activation defined as arousal and subjective significance, both represented in connotations of verbal materials, on social perception of unknown and thus ambiguous objects, in terms of two basic dimensions of social cognition: warmth and competence. Arousal was expected to promote interpretation of ambiguous stimuli in terms of warmth, while subjective significance in terms of competence. This means that both activation and social perception may be treated as examples dual-mind systems functioning. Sixty participants (30 women) were exposed to two subsequent tasks. The first involved memorizing 135 words (manipulation prepared in a factorial design contrasting 3 levels of arousal and 3 levels of subjective significance), and the second involved guessing the meaning of hexagram stimuli derived from Far East culture. An increasing level of arousal caused participants to interpret stimuli as increasingly related to warmth, while an increasing level of subjective significance led to interpretations more related to competence. This study shows that two distinct types of activation may trigger different interpretations of social stimuli, which means that there is a link between both types of processes. This finding is of great importance for the dual-mind approach, showing that a multitude of dualities indentified thus far may be related one another. Therefore, it is justified to treat them as emanations of more general mental systems.  相似文献   

The present study attempted to relate field dependence-independence (FDI) to accident involvement and perceived causes of accidents as well as to trace these relationships to the sensation-seeking (SS) tendency of the field-dependent driver. In addition, the concomittant effects of internal/external locus of control (IE) were studied. Subjects (N=285) filled out a questionnaire assessing their level of FDI, SS, IE, number of accidents, as well as the attributed importance of various possible causes of their last accident. The obtained results show no relationship between FDI and SS and either the number of accidents or the importance attributed to various causes of accidents. Significant relationships were, however, obtained between FDI and SS and seat-belt use and SS and speed on the highway.  相似文献   

In multifactor individuality theory, emotion is treated as the product of the interaction of the cognitive and affective systems, where the cognitive system is defined as a multidimensional, hierarchical system that transforms information in order to detect environmental invariants, and the affective system is defined as a multidimensional hierarchical system that transforms information into arousal states. The highest order dimensions of the cognitive system are conceptual, perceptual, and symbolizing; the highest order dimensions of the affective system are emotional independence, introversion — extroversion, and emotional stability. The concept of arousal provides a key to understanding the complex interactions between cognition and affect. It is hypothesized that specifiable subsets of cognitive and affective dimensions conform to either the facilitative or decremental effects of arousal, and that the Yerkes-Dodson inverted-U function is a composite of both effects. An explanation for the differentiation of distinct emotional states is also presented. Essentially, emotions are differentiated by different weightings of the affective and cognitive dimensions. A theoretical framework for studying the temporal sequencing of phases of emotional behavior is presented as well.This research was supported by grant number S76-0908-RI, awarded to Joseph R. Royce by the Canada Council. Stephen R. Diamond is a research associate on the Individuality Project supported by the grant. We are grateful to Arnold Powell for assistance with the layout of Figure 7.  相似文献   

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