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Direct physical aggression was related to three variables through a modification of the Buss (1961) “aggression machine” and procedure. There were two intensities of frustration and a control group established on the basis of the goal gradient principle. Aggression was either instrumental or noninstrumental in overcoming the frustration. Frustration was arbitrary (unreasonable) or nonarbitrary (reasonable). More aggression occurred under the instrumental condition than under the noninstrumental condition. The stronger frustration produced more aggression than the weaker frustration, but only when aggression had previously been experienced as instrumental. No more aggression occurred under the arbitrary frustration condition than under the nonarbitrary condition. The results were discussed in relation to the frustration-aggression hypothesis and the goal gradient principle.  相似文献   

Schedule-induced aggression as a function of fixed-ratio value   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons responding for food on fixed-ratio reinforcement schedules attacked live target birds when the ratio value was increased, but not when the value was decreased. The frequency of attacks peaked several days after ratio value change, and then gradually decreased to an original level.  相似文献   

The aggressive behavior of female subjects who held either liberal or traditional beliefs concerning the role of women in modern society was investigated as a function of provocation by traditional or liberal male opponents. Traditional female subjects responded more aggressively than liberal females. The male opponent's attitude had no effect on female aggression.This article is based on an honors thesis submitted to the Honors and Experimental College of Kent State University by the second author.  相似文献   

Social learning theory predicts that outcome expectancies and values should independently predict behavior, but past studies of aggression have failed to test this hypothesis specifically. We asked low–socioeconomic status children to imagine themselves engaging in aggressive behaviors and to rate the likelihood of each of a number of outcomes (outcome expectancies) and to rate how much they cared about those outcomes (outcome values). The relationship between self-reported aggression and outcome expectancies, values, and expectancy by value interactions was assessed. Expectancies, values, and their interactions were differentially related to aggression depending on the specific outcome investigated (e.g., punishment, bad feelings in self or other, prevention of future aggression, and peer respect). Results are discussed in terms of implications for theory and for future research. Aggr. Behav. 24:439–454, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of threat of physical harm on the aggressive behavior of intoxicated and nonintoxicated subjects. Forty male undergraduates competed in a reaction time task in which they could deliver shock to an increasingly provocative opponent. In the threat condition, subjects could be hurt by the opponent (they wore a shock electrode), while in the no-threat condition, they could not be hurt by the opponent (the electrode was removed prior to the competition). The results indicated that under conditions of low provocation, the intoxicated subjects behaved more aggressively than the nonintoxicated subjects in both the threatening and nonthreatening condition. However, under conditions of increasing provocation, only the intoxicated subjects in the threatening condition increased their shock settings.  相似文献   

Subjects serving as advisors instructed a confederate which shock intensity to deliver to an opponent in a reaction-time competition; subjects could also directly aggress by setting shock for the opponent's partner. Vulnerable subjects (shock electrode on) both instigated less aggression, i.e., suggested that less intense shocks be set, and directly aggressed less frequently than nonvulnerable subjects (no shock electrode). Attacked subjects, those for whom the opponents set shock, both instigated more aggression and more frequently set shock than did nonattacked subjects. The relationship between vulnerability and attack was additive for instigative aggression and multiplicative for direct aggression. Both modes of aggression were significantly influenced by the intensity of provocation from the opponents.  相似文献   

Studied the degree to which 40 children (half boys, half girls) in each of three age groups of 5–6, 7–8 and 9–10 years would be affected by the qualities of the actors and the outcomes in perceiving certain acts as either intentional or accidental. Each subject was randomly assigned to either the liked-actor or the disliked-actor conditions and was then administered both the good- and the bad-outcome stories, represented by pictures. Upon listening to each story in which the motivation of the actor was left ambiguous, the subject was asked to specify whether the act was meant to be done or not. The results indicate that in general all children showed a significant tendency to interpret a bad outcome caused by a liked actor as being accidental and that caused by a disliked actor as being intentional; conversely, when the outcome was good, the behavior of the disliked actor was interpreted as being accidental and that of the liked one as being intentional. Although there were no age differences within the experimental conditions, differences were observed between the conditions for different age groups. In general a developmental lag was revealed in the attributive behavior with respect to the disliked-actor condition. One important implication of the study is that children by 5 years of age seem to have learned the evaluative difference between causing something intentionally or accidentally, depending on the outcome quality. The results were interpreted in terms of Heider's ‘balance principles’ which were suggested to serve as a vehicle for making causal inferences.  相似文献   

Based on a theory of self-awareness, it was hypothesized that subjects would use their attitudes to determine their behaviors when (a) that attitude was salient and (b) their attention was directed toward themselves. Subjects, who on questionnaires had indicated that they opposed or condoned the use of punishment, were given the opportunity to shock a male confederate in two (bogus) learning experiments. Each subject was instructed to use his own attitude in choosing shocks to punish incorrect responses. Self-awareness was increased among half the subjects by the presence of a mirror. In each experiment a Punitiveness by self-awareness interaction resulted: High Punitive-Mirror subjects shocked higher than Low Punitive-Mirror subjects, but their respective No Mirror controls did not differ from each other.  相似文献   

Executive function (EF) has been implicated in childhood aggression. Understanding of the role of EF in aggression has been hindered, however, by the lack of research taking into account the function and form of aggression and the almost exclusive focus on cool EF. This study examined the role of cool and hot EF in teacher reported aggression, differentiating between reactive and proactive as well as physical and relational aggression. Children (N = 106) completed laboratory tasks measuring cool (inhibition, planning, working memory) and hot EF (affective decision‐making, delay of gratification). Cool, but not hot, EF significantly contributed to understanding of childhood aggression. Inhibition was a central predictor of childhood aggression. Planning and working memory, in contrast, were significant independent predictors of proactive relational aggression only. Added to this, prosocial behaviour moderated the relationship between working memory and reactive relational aggression. This study therefore suggests that cool EF, particularly inhibition, is associated with childhood aggression across the different functions and forms.  相似文献   

The present study examined influences on girls' evaluations of relational aggression situations. Second‐, third‐, fifth‐, and sixth‐grade girls evaluated four relational aggression conflict scenarios in terms of attributions of aggressor's intentions, evaluator's behavioral response, evaluator's affective state, and how likely the situation was to actually occur. Girls evaluated intentions of a best friend more positively, reported being more mad at an enemy, and perceived conflict to be more likely to occur with an enemy than a best friend. Aggressor intentions in direct conflict scenarios (aggressor said something mean to evaluator) were perceived as more negative than aggressor intentions in indirect conflict scenarios (aggressor said something mean about evaluator to another peer). Younger girls reported intentions of their enemy as being more positive than did older girls. Further, older girls reported intentions of their best friend as being more positive than intentions of their enemy. Older girls also were more accurate in conceptualizing variations in the conflict setting (direct, indirect) and responding in a context‐consistent manner. Findings are discussed in terms of the social‐relational and social‐situational processes that influence children's evaluations of relational aggression and how the current study extends previous research on relational aggression. Aggr. Behav. 26:179–191, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to test the validity of three hypotheses previously offered to explain the attenuating effects of pacifistic noncooperation on instigative aggression. During part one of the experiment all subjects served as instigators; in the second part they actually set shocks for the target. Subjects instigated either a cooperative or noncooperative confederate, and either did or did not have veto power over the confederate's shock selections. Results of the study indicated that all hypotheses, norm-conformity, compliance, and maintenance of power, were viable for subgroups of subjects. Results were discussed in terms of individual differences and the temporarily inhibiting effects of passive resistance.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between sex-role identification and abortion outcome in 120 women receiving first trimester abortions. The sex-role concept dimension was measured both by self-attributions of sex-role traits (as measured by the Bern Sex-Role Inventory) and by life-style (career vs. homemaker) trait attributions. Psychological and physiological aspects of abortion outcome were included; slightly more than 7% of scores were in the symptomatic range, similar to percentages found in previous studies. Both Androgyny (r = -.42, p <.001) and Masculinity (r = -.23, p <.05) were found to be related to positive abortion outcome. Androgyny was more strongly related, which suggests that a balance of masculine and feminine traits, at least for women in the post-abortion situation, is preferable to high Masculinity scores alone. Congruence between one's self-image and one's image of a career woman was also found to be related to abortion outcome (r =.31, p <.01). In attempting to differentiate between the upper and lower 10% of the distribution of abortion outcome, only two variables, Androgyny and self-career congruence, survived parameter criterion, and accounted for 32% of the variance.  相似文献   

In the present study, subjects suggested what shock intensity a confederate should set for her opponent in a reaction time competition. Opponents displayed one of three attack patterns: increasing, decreasing, or minimal provocation. Also, for half the subjects a “no shock” option was available. A control group who had the nonaggressive option and for whom the opponent was nonaggressive (always chose “no shock”) was included. Results revealed that subjects' responses were governed by the norm of reciprocity; also the option reduced instigative aggression for subjects encountering increasing and decreasing provocation, while elevating aggressive response when the opponent was minimally provocative. Results are discussed in terms of attribution and locus of control.  相似文献   

Study 1 used two scenarios depicting provocations to investigate whether prisoners' willingness to engage in physical aggression would vary according to the perceived fighting ability (Resource Holding Power [RHP]) of the opponent. RHP was operationalized in terms of three levels of the size, number of allies, and reputation. The sample (both sexes; N=1,253) was taken from a range of British prisons. Unexpectedly, the prisoners said that they would be less likely to attack a weaker opponent than an equally matched one. The predicted decline from equally matched to more formidable opponents was found only under some conditions. A further sample of male prisoners (N=260), completed a similar provocation scenario, with response options covering fear, several forms of aggression, the importance of the provocation for reputation, and that the provocation was unimportant. Fear increased with RHP as predicted. Lower physical aggression to a low RHP opponent was again found, and it was associated with a lesser impact on reputation of an insult from this source. There was also a lower likelihood of responding with physical aggression to a high RHP opponent, as originally predicted. Implications of the findings for motivational theories of aggression are discussed, and also the applicability to humans of concepts from game theory models of the evolution of fighting strategies.  相似文献   

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