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In choice serial reaction time (RT), Response-to-next-Stimulus Interval (RSI) was varied from 0 to 600 msec in 40-msec steps. In three experiments, RT fell and errors rose as RSI was increased to 480 msec; they remained unchanged thereafter. The effect of RSI on RT was not linear, was reduced by 6- as compared with 4- or 3-choice responding, and was unaffected by sleep deprivation, despite loss of sleep reducing RT overall. The effect of penultimate RSI on RT was similar to that current RSI, but smaller. Two explanations of RSI—response-generated kinaesthetic feedback blocking a “central processor” and a preparatory interval as in warned simple RT—are rejected. Instead, the idea of “relative refractory state” is revived but now, because of the RSI/error finding, biased more towards responding than stimulus reception and encoding. In all three experiments the influence of RSI on RT was reduced with practice. If practice encourages automatic rather than controlled processing (Shiffrin & Schneider, 1977), the prediction is that the former will show less refractoriness.  相似文献   

We report a formal model of transitive inference based on protocols from experiments on squirrel monkeys solving the 5-term series problem (McGonigle & Chalmers, 1977, 1992). These studies generate databases featuring transitive choice, task transfer (where at first a significant decrement is observed, and later substantial improvement without explicit training), and, finally, a Symbolic Distance Effect (SDE) based on decision-time data. Using a rule-based (production) system, we first established rule stacks at the group, then at the individual level, on the basis of triadic transfer performance first recorded in the McGonigle and Chalmers (1977) study. The models for each subject then accommodated data from the more intensive, later study with the same subjects (McGonigle & Chalmers, 1992). We found the initial model capable of dealing with all choice and reaction-time phenomena reported thus far, with only small changes in a rule search procedure. In common with an independent assay by McGonigle and Chalmers (1992), our model-based reassessment of decision times indicates that a major source of reaction time variation is item prominence in the rule stack rather than interitem (ordinal) distance per se.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in which subjects matched upper and lower case versions of well-known abbreviations, such as BBC and etc, and meaningless controls. “Same” RT showed a familiarity effect for upper case versions of abbreviations such as BBC and GPO, but not for the lower case versions bbc and gpo. The converse did not occur for abbreviations such as etc, which were thought to occur most frequently in lower case. The “different” RT was inhibited by familiarity, with pairs such as IBM GPO being classified less rapidly than their lower case versions or controls. These effects occurred for subjects instructed to report “No” for “same” displays and “Yes” for “different” displays as well as for subjects given a conventional decision-report assignment. Some implications of these results for an account of the manner in which familiarity affects graphemic comparison processes are considered.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that visual encoding requires central processing, evidenced in the form of dual-task interference on response processes of a reaction time (RT) task. We report two experiments examining such dual-task interference: (1) at global level, to establish that visual encoding indeed requires central processing; and (2) at code level, to see whether two tasks may share the same representational codes. To this end, we manipulated the compatibility relation between the response codes for an auditory choice RTtask and the stimulus codes for a logically independent visual motion detection task. The results showed significant dual-task slowing of the response for the auditory task, demonstrating the interference at a global level. The effects of cross-task compatibility (CTC) were obtained at the short stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), showing that the RTs were faster for compatible trials. Furthermore, the CTC effect remained even when the visual stimulus did not need to be “consolidated” (Jolicoeur & Dell'Acqua, 1998) for reporting, while the response postponement effect was greatly reduced. We interpret these results as indicating that the present two tasks share both “central” processes and common representational codes, but that these two levels of dual-task interference can be dissociated.  相似文献   

Four experiments are described which aim to distinguish the relative contributions of measures of semantic distance based on formal and normative criteria. Experiment I replicates a previous finding by Collins and Quillian (1969) that sentence confirmation RTs support a hierarchically-organised memory model. Experiments II and III minimised the role of syntactic processes and examined the times taken to “see the relationship” between pairs of concepts. The results also supported a hierarchical model but cast doubt upon the formal distinction between superset and property relationships. Experiment IV showed similar results using only property relationships of the “has” form. Multiple regression analyses of the data indicate that “number of intervening links” is a more consistent predictor of RT than “associative” measures of semantic relatendness and confirm strong linearity effects consistent with a hierarchical model of storage.  相似文献   

The effects of response repetition on choice RT were compared in b-reaction and in c-reaction tasks [Experiments I(a) and I(b)]. The difference in RTs for repeated and for non-repeated responses was found to be less for c-reaction than for b-reaction tasks. This seemed to be because in c-reaction tasks subjects can prepare themselves to make the same response on every trial, so that there is little further RT reduction consequent on immediate response repetition. In b-reaction tasks subjects cannot always prepare to make the same response, so that the difference between response repetition RT and responce alteration RT is greater. Experiment II examined transitions between events in a serial, self-paced C.RT task in which subjects made a different response to each of two signals but withheld any response to the onset of a third. In this task responses were faster when they followed other, different responses than when they followed “no go” trials. The results of these experiments allow us to reject, even for very elementary tasks, a simple “S--R connection network” model for the processes involved in the identification of signals and the production of responses to them.  相似文献   

The averaged sensory evoked potential (EP) was recorded from the scalp (vertex to mastoid) in a psychological refractory period experiment in which 12 young adults participated. Reaction times (RTs) were measured to either both or only the second of pairs of stimuli, in different trial blocks, with inter-stimulus intervals (ISIs) of 100, 200, 300 and 400 msec occurring in random sequence. EPs were recorded at each ISI. No latency changes could be found in the prominent non-specific components (P1-N1-P2) of the EP to stimulus 2 even at ISIs where the RT was substantially delayed. Thus the notions that the RT2 delay is due to occupation of a single channel central processor by S1 and that non-specific EP components reflect the time course of information processing in underlying neural tissue, do not lend each other mutual support. Furthermore, as profound amplitude refractoriness in components P1-N1 and N1-P2 persisted at ISIs where RT was as fast or faster than simple RT, there appears to be a dissociation between “psychological refractoriness” and “physiological refractoriness”. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 examined visual reversal learning and in Experiment 2 monkeys were trained to criterion in a serial reversal set between “FR” and “DRO” response requirements. In both cases impairments were observed in fornix-transected monkeys. These results are discussed in connection with previous findings that in serial reversals damage to the hippocampal system in monkeys causes a deficit in spatial but not in visual learning. A unified account is proposed.  相似文献   

Using single neuron recordings in monkey primary motor (MI) cortex, two series of experiments were conducted in order to know whether response preparation can begin before perceptual processing finishes, thus providing evidence for a temporal overlap of perceptual and motor processes.

In Experiment 1, a “left/right, Go/No-Go” reaction time (RT) task was used. One monkey was trained to perform wrist flexion/extension movements to align a pointer with visual targets. The visual display was organized to provide a two-dimensional stimulus: side (an easy discrimination between left and right targets) which determined movement direction, and distance (a difficult discrimination between distal and proximal targets) which determined whether or not the movement was to be made. Changes in neuronal activity, when they were time-locked to the stimulus, were almost similar in the Go and No-Go trials, and when they were time-locked to movement onset, were markedly reduced in No-Go as compared to Go trials.

In Experiment 2, a stimulus-response compatibility (SRC) task was used. Two monkeys were trained to align a pointer with visual targets, on either left or right. In the spatially “compatible” trials, they had to point at the stimulus position, whereas in the “incompatible” trials, they had to point at the target located in the opposite side. For 12.5% of neurons, changes in activity associated with incompatible trials looked like changes in activity associated with movements performed in the opposite direction during compatible trials, thus suggesting the hypothesis of an automatic activation of the congruent, but incorrect response.

Results of both experiments provide evidence for a partial transmission of information from visual to motor cortical areas: that is, in the No-Go trials of the first task, information about movement direction, before the decision to perform or not this movement was made, and, in the incompatible trials of the SRC task, information about the congruent, but incorrect response, before the incongruent, but correct response was programmed.  相似文献   

Subjects made “same”-“different” judgements of simultaneously presented pairs of visual stimuli which could vary either in shape and colour independently, or in shape alone. In both conditions only shape was relevant to the “same”-“different” judgement. In the former condition “same” and “different” reaction times (RTs) were shorter when the states (“same” or “different”) of the relevant and the irrelevant dimension, colour, were the same. This result is interpreted as support for either a perceptual or a response interference hypothesis. The presence of an irrelevant dimension did not appear to affect differentially “same” and “different” judgements. The need for a re-evaluation of the results from other studies of multi-dimensional stimulus discrimination is discussed.  相似文献   

In a “Consistent” spatial choice reaction task, the same spatial relationship obtains between each stimulus and its appropriate response. In an “Inconsistent” task this is not so. The present experiment concerns errors in Inconsistent tasks. Duncan (in press) has suggested that, when two spatial S-R relationships are involved in a task, the dominant type of error is a response bearing to the stimulus the wrong one of the two relationships. Duncan's results, however, may be described by a different generalization. Rabbitt and Vyas (1973) have suggested that confusions occur between responses which, when made correctly, bear similar spatial relationships to their stimuli. In the present experiment, a new Inconsistent task is studied. The results support the account of Duncan (in press) but provide no support for that of Rabbitt and Vyas (1973). Partly on the basis of error results, Duncan (in press) proposed a model of response selection in the spatial choice reaction task. Unlike previous accounts, this model is not based on a set of individual “S--R” associations; operations generating sets of S--R pairs are involved.  相似文献   

Pairs of high frequency English words, orthographically acceptable pseudo-words, and non-word letter strings were presented in a “same”-“different” task. The mean reaction times for “same” judgments were ordered; real words were faster than pseudo-words, and pseudo-words were faster than non-words. The RTs for the “different”, judgments showed no differences among the three types of words, except in the first two days of practice in a blocked presentation condition when the difference between the real words and non-words was marginally significant. These and other results suggest that “same” judgments are based upon a comparison process which efficiently uses higher order semantic and orthographic information in words, whereas “different” judgments are based upon comparison process which performs a self-terminating search of the graphemic information in words. The results were also discussed with reference to hierarchical models of word perception and reading.  相似文献   

Template theories of visual pattern recognition assume the operation of preprocessing routines to deal with irrelevancies such as discrepancies in stimulus size. In three experiments where size was an irrelevant dimension, observers classified pairs of forms as either “same” or “different”. In Experiment I, the classification “different” was required when the stimuli shared the same form but a different orientation, and “same” when the stimuli shared the same form and orientation. Under these conditions RT was an increasing function of the magnitude of the size disparity between stimuli with equal slopes for “same” and “different” judgements. In Experiment II, “different” classifications were made to stimuli that had different forms, and “same” to figures with the same form. This stimulus set produced a size disparity function that interacted with response type; “different” responses had a shallower slope. Experiment III consisted of a mixed stimulus set drawn from both Experiment I and II. Stimuli that produced additive effects of size disparity and response type in Experiment I now produced an interaction between these two factors similar to the one observed in Experiment II. The results of these experiments are interpreted as evidence that previous contradictory results reported in the literature stem from differences in the way the stimulus set is constructed, and that size transformations can not be a necessary operation, at least when “different” judgements are made. The results are problematic for the view that size disparity effects in matching tasks are easily interpretable in terms of a primitive size normalization stage that precedes any comparison operations.  相似文献   

In a study of size constancy, monkeys were trained with extended practice to choose the larger of two projected stimulus discs independently of distance. When surgical brain lesions were made following pre-operative training, it was found that posterior parietal lesions caused no deficit on this task while inferotemporal lesions caused a severe breakdown from which three out of four animals showed almost no recovery. Mathematical analysis showed that the pattern of performance after inferotemporal lesions could be described as due to a tendency to oscillate between a “correct” and two “incorrect strategies” and that this tendency was also apparent to at least some extent in the unoperated animals. It is argued that the two incorrect strategies might have resulted from a disturbance of size constancy, such that the animal became unable to use both retinal size and distance information in computing physical size and instead used either retinal size or distance information alone. Parallels are drawn between such an hypothetical perceptual disorder and certain clinical disturbances in man.  相似文献   

It was thought that the physical aspects of auditory stimuli were possibly transmitted via separate pathways from those transmitting the verbal aspects. Three experiments were designed to test this hypothesis. In these experiments subjects had to perform a shadowing task and had to respond simultaneously on response keys to pips superimposed in either ear on verbal messages. The response to these pips was of increasing complexity, in that it was a simple reaction time which was measured in the first experiment, a choice reaction time in the second experiment and a more complex choice reaction time in the third experiment. Subjects were able to perform these tests although the increasing difficulty was reflected in longer reaction times and more errors. The reaction times to the pips presented to the ear which was not being shadowed were slower, and the errors, made to pips in both channels, were “false positives” rather than errors of omission. These results were taken as favouring the hypothesis.  相似文献   

The relationships between intelligence test scores and measures derived from reaction time (RT) and perceptual speed procedures were investigated in 137 twelve-year-old students with IQs ranging from 59 to 142. A range of intelligence tests were used and the scores factor analyzed to produce general, spatial and verbal factors. Test and factor scores were correlated with perceptual speed and with measures taken from 2, 4, and 8 choice RT tasks using a response keyboard upon which the subject's fingers directly rested, thus avoiding interpretive problems associated with a “home key.” Inspection time correlated poorly with intelligence. Only three of the RT measures produced correlations greater than .25 with the general factor. These were the slope of Hick's law, B, (correlation −.28), the 8 choice mean RT, RT8, (−.33) and the 8 choice standard deviation, SD8 (−.41), compared with the average intercorrelation between the intelligence measures of .40. Test-retest correlations of the RT measures, taken over a year for half the subjects, were low as reliability measures, with .35 for B, .52 for RT8, and .48 for SD8. Correlations of RT measures with spatial scores were not significantly greater than with verbal scores, suggesting that whatever relationship exists is with a general factor rather than only a spatial one.  相似文献   

Subjects were asked to judge successively presented letter trigrams “same” or “different.” The different stimuli were divided into four groups; not confusable (NC), acoustically confusable (AC), visually confusable (VC), and both visually and acoustically confusable (VC & AC). Reaction times (RT) were lengthened only by the double confusability. It is argued that comparisons are normally made in both channels, so that confusability in a single channel has no effect since the alternative channel is unimpaired. RTs are only increased when both channels are slowed down. A further experiment confirms this interpretation. When the situation is manipulated so that only the visual channel is employed, the VC group shows the same increase as the VC & AC group.  相似文献   

The Law of Effect dictates that animals will repeat the just-reinforced response “win-stay”, and yet there have been apparent violations of this by rats running for food in mazes, in the form of “win-shift” behaviour. Four experiments analysed the conditions determining win-stay and win-shift behaviour. All the experiments employed a schedule in which reinforcement was distributed across two choices, and in which the probability of reinforcement for the first response after previous reinforcement was equivalent for the two options. Despite this lack of programmed differential reinforcement, rats showed a significant win-stay tendency in Experiment 1, with no spatial bias. Experiments 2 and 3 used respectively a Y-maze and an operant chamber in which responding required a return to a central choice point. In both situations, significant win-shift behaviour resulted initially, at relatively high frequencies of reinforcement, but this win-shift changed to significant win-stay over many sessions, and with intermittent reinforcement. Experiment 4 introduced explicitly non-reinforced trials and demonstrated a “lose-shift” tendency, parallel to win-stay. Possible artefacts underlying win-stay and win-shift behaviour are rejected, and various mechanisms for these effects, including theories of optimal choice and associative learning, are discussed.  相似文献   

Four sets of paired visual stimuli (OO, XX, XO, or OX) were judged by 48 subjects to be either “same” or “different.” Decision latencies of the same and different judgement were studied as a function of the inter-stimulus interval (ISI). In Experiments I and II, in which stimulus durations were 70 millisec., decision latencies showed marked increases when the ISI was reduced to 100 millisec., but in Experiments III and IV, in which the stimulus durations were only 40 millisec., comparable increases did not occur until the ISI was reduced to 50 millisec. These increases were more marked for “same” than for “different” judgements, although overall decision latencies were generally shorter for “same” judgements. The effects of varying ISIs and stimulus durations are interpreted in terms of masking; they fail to support an hypothesis of central intermittency.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that in searching for existing or absent “e.s” in printed prose, the presence or absence of silent “e.s” was less likely to be detected than that of pronounced “e.s.” It was suggested that the acoustic or kinaesthetic “image” was searched for evidence of an “e” in addition to the visual stimulus and that evidence from both sources was considered in making the appropriate response.

The present experiment employs mainly substitutive errors within words, which may or may not change their pronunciation. The results suggest that the form of the acoustic correlates has no bearing upon whether the words are detected as wrongly spelt, but that the presence or absence of an acoustic event corresponding in time to the spatial location of the error is important.  相似文献   

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