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This research aimed to examine how personal car users are informed about Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in Australia, and the extent to which information received at point of sale influenced the level of understanding and adaptation of ADAS. Further, this study applied the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to assess drivers’ intentions to use ADAS within the next month. Participants were required to have purchased a new or second-hand vehicle within the past five years and which had at least one of the following five ADAS: autonomous emergency braking, lane departure warning, adaptive cruise control, blind spot monitoring, and rear cross traffic alert. Participants (N = 217, Mage = 47.87 years, 149 male) completed a 20-minute online questionnaire. The findings revealed that 122 (56%) participants reported not seeking out any information about ADAS prior to purchasing their vehicle. Further, the most reported approaches used by participants to learn about their vehicle’s ADAS were through the owner’s manual (n = 121, 55%) and via trial and error (n = 117, 54%). It was also found that total time spent with the salesperson in explaining ADAS features did not influence drivers’ level of understanding of ADAS or number of days to adapt to the ADAS in their vehicle. However, and consistent with the TAM, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use were significant positive predictors of intentions to use ADAS within the next month. It was also found that participants who learnt about these technologies either via reading the owner’s manual, trial and error, or a verbal explanation at point of sale appeared to be more frequently classified as reporting higher acceptance of ADAS than those participants who did not use those learning methods. Given that technology in vehicles will continue to advance, it is vital that more work is conducted to educate drivers about the functionality of ADAS. Further, it is also important to communicate where buyers of personal cars can go and find accurate and reliable information about ADAS.  相似文献   

Driver assistance systems have the potential to create the basis for future mobility solutions. They enable older generations in need of assistance to maintain their mobility even in the case of physical deficits. Therefore, we conducted a literature review and identified factors that may influence the acceptance of driver assistance systems. Based on the technology acceptance model and other influencing factors, we developed a research model that was validated with the help of a study (n = 227). The results show that, depending on age, there are differences in the acceptance of driver assistance systems and their influencing factors among old and young people. The five determinants of acceptance, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and trust in technology are viewed as equally important for all age groups. Differences emerge within the group of older vehicle drivers with varying weighting. For the 50–59 age group, perceived ease of use and social norm are most important, while for the 60–69 age group, perceived usefulness and trust in technology are very important. Among 70–90-year olds, trust in technology is emphasized as most important. Our results show how important it is to increase the confidence of older drivers in age-appropriate driver assistance systems, using target-group-specific advertising and public relations work.  相似文献   

The development of advanced technology has revolutionized human life. In this regard, autonomous driving, a core technology currently being developed, is changing rapidly. In addition to improving technology, the acceptance of technology users must be secured. Most relevant studies conducted hitherto have involved evaluation using acceptance elements defined based on the technology acceptance model and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. In this study, 21 elements associated with the acceptance of autonomous driving are defined. The Kano model is used to classify the acceptance elements into five attributes and to propose guidelines for improving acceptance. Driver characteristics are classified based on four human factors, which are used to investigate differences in acceptance between groups. A Google survey and fieldwork were completed by 187 participants. Contrary to previous studies, no significant gender differences are observed in the current study. In terms of age, many obstacles are encountered in securing autonomous driving acceptance from the elderly driver group. Additionally, a more conservative tendency is indicated by people with more driving experience. The results of this study reveal important points for identifying elements that hinder future sustainability and commercialization of autonomous driving, thereby facilitating its further technological development.  相似文献   

Two-hundred and twenty-three participants completed an online survey regarding their experiences with advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) on their personal vehicles, with focus on 1) drivers’ trust in 13 ADAS technologies, and 2) perceived effectiveness of currently used methods of training. Eighteen drivers participated in focus groups designed to probe more deeply into survey responses. Results of the survey showed that participant ratings of trust increased significantly with longer vehicle ownership, but participants who experienced unexpected ADAS technology behavior rated their trust over time significantly lower on ADAS technologies with the exception of rear collision avoidance. The majority (75.8%) of participants reported receiving some ADAS instruction at their vehicle dealership, but only 16.6% indicated it was formal. Participants who received formalized training reported it to be significantly more effective than those who received informal overviews of their systems. Use of trial and error and the owner’s manual were the most frequently reported methods of learning outside of dealership training. Responses indicated that the lack of content tailored to trim-specific vehicle features in owner’s manuals was a barrier to effective use.  相似文献   

Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) in passenger vehicles can improve highway safety. ADAS place powerful, yet imperfect, automation in the hands of drivers who hold both misconceptions and reservations about ADAS. There is little previous research on drivers’ knowledge of ADAS, and even less on sources of information drivers use to inform their knowledge. The present study addressed this gap, testing hypotheses about influences on understanding of seven ADAS in 634 licensed US drivers (aged 18–82). Multiple regression to predict self-assessed driver characteristics revealed: (a) Drivers who rated themselves as more technically sophisticated tended to be young and male, to be at once less objectively knowledgeable and more confident of their knowledge of ADAS, to avoid car dealers for ADAS information, and to value brand status; (b) Drivers who rated themselves as faster to adopt new technology also tended to be male but to be more objectively knowledgeable about ADAS and to prefer learning about ADAS from owner manuals; (c) Drivers who rated themselves as more confident in using novel vehicle technology tended to be young males with greater objective knowledge of ADAS who valued “hands-on” ADAS experience; (d) Drivers who rated themselves as more concerned about vehicle safety tended to be female, to value crash data, and to rely on hands-on experience to learn about ADAS; (e) Drivers who rated themselves as having greater aesthetic concerns tended to rely on information on styles, colors, wheels when buying a new car and preferred specific ADAS components. Neither of the latter two differed in objective ADAS knowledge. These results make a novel contribution in revealing how driver demographics and characteristics are related to preference for specific sources of information on ADAS and objective knowledge of ADAS. These results can inform future efforts to increase driver understanding of the capabilities and limitations of ADAS and hence increase public safety.  相似文献   

Connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) are within reach of widespread deployment on public roads, but public perceptions are ambivalent. The objective of the present research was to assess expectations about the consequences of CAV introduction. These expectations should explain CAV acceptance, but their relative importance is poorly understood. We conducted a survey with a representatively drawn panel sample (N = 529) from France, Germany, Italy, and the UK. The survey consisted of a large item pool of expected consequences from CAV introduction, as well as general and affective evaluation of CAVs, ease of use, and behavioral intention to use CAVs. Exploratory factor analysis revealed four facets of expected consequences: road safety, privacy, efficiency and ecological sustainability. On average, expectations were mostly positive for ecological sustainability and safety, but negative for privacy. At the same time, substantial variance existed between respondents and between countries. For safety and efficiency, improvement was expected by a third of respondents, while another third expected worsening. Respondents from Italy expected more positive consequences for safety, while respondents from both France and Germany expected more negative consequences for privacy. To different degrees, all four facets predicted the intention to use CAVs in a structural equation model, primarily via affective evaluations. For policy makers, manufacturers, and service providers, understanding the trade-offs inherent to different CAV solutions will be central to ensure citizens’ needs are respected.  相似文献   

To examine the public acceptance of connected vehicles (CVs), this study developed a novel connected vehicle acceptance model (CVAM) extending the technology acceptance model (TAM). The model was built based on a questionnaire survey of 2400 US adults. Perceived data privacy and security associated with the technology was found to shape the trust, attitude, and behavioral intention to use CVs, in addition to the predictors of original TAM: perceived usefulness and ease of use. Results revealed that trust mediates the effect of perceived data privacy and security on CV acceptance, though its directional relationship with perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use is unclear. Socio-demographic and other characteristics of respondents associated with CV acceptance and its predictors were explored. A number of theoretical and practical implications of the study findings are discussed.  相似文献   

When designing new Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), the existing guidelines like the RESPONSE 3 Code of Practice imply intense testing of the system prior series production. Within the EU-FP7-Project ISi-PADAS a new methodology of risk based design has been established which includes an integrated simulation platform. This integration enables intense testing of new prototypes in an accelerated way and therefore enhances the design process while directly combining the simulation results with a risk matrix.This paper describes the new methodology while focussing on the software framework and the procedure of risk assessment in detail. It shows the general approach as well as the appropriate steps taken for an ADAS prototype developed in the context of ISi-PADAS.  相似文献   

Platooning technology aims at achieving fuel savings by reducing the distance between two or more electronically coupled vehicles. This technology has recently been tested on public highways with heavy trucks in Germany and California. The objective of this study is to assess the level of acceptance among other road users as well as influencing factors of acceptance. An online questionnaire was administered in Germany and California with a total of N = 536 participants. They received information about truck platoon driving (level-1 and level-2 automation) and answered questions about their attitudes towards the technology as well as their behavioral intention to cooperate with the truck platoons. The overall results showed that 70% of respondents indicated acceptance towards the technology, with acceptance rates being significantly higher in California than in Germany. German respondents were more willing to drive into the gap of platoon vehicles and preferred larger platooning gaps. An adaption of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) showed that the expected usefulness, and the expected ease of sharing the highway, were the strongest predictors for the behavioral intention to cooperate with platoon vehicles. However, the intention to cut in between platoon vehicles could not be predicted by these variables. Cut-in vehicles are a potential safety risk and decrease the efficiency of platoon driving. Therefore, future research should focus on finding behavioral countermeasures.  相似文献   

The long-term effects on driver behaviour and acceptance of a seatbelt reminder system were examined in an on-road study. The system was capable of detecting seatbelt use in all seating positions and produced a two-stage visual and auditory warning if occupants were unrestrained. The effects of this system were evaluated alone and in combination with two other intelligent transport systems: intelligent speed adaptation and a following distance warning system. Twenty-three fleet car drivers drove an instrumented vehicle (SafeCar) for at least 16,500 km as part of their everyday driving. The results revealed that driver and passenger interaction with the seatbelt reminder system led to large and significant decreases in the percentage of trips where occupants were unbelted, in the percentage of total driving time spent unbelted, and in the time taken to fasten a seatbelt in response to system warnings. The seatbelt reminder system was rated by drivers as being useful, effective and socially acceptable, and led to a decrease in drivers’ subjective workload. These results were found even though the baseline pre-exposure seatbelt wearing compliance rates among participants were high.  相似文献   

We discuss three theoretical models from met expectations research in the fields of organizational behavior and consumer psychology. Based on the fundamental arguments in the models, we term these models: disconfirmation, ideal point, and experiences only. We present three-dimensional graphical and analytical representations of the models, with satisfaction being a function of expectations and experiences. We tested the models in the context of a new information system implementation in an organization, with expectations, experiences, and system satisfaction measured for both ease of use and usefulness, the focal constructs of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). We found that an experiences only model in which expectations had no measurable effect best explained the data for ease of use. The results for usefulness indicated a modified version of the experiences only model in which the positive effect of experiences becomes slightly stronger—i.e., more positive—as expectations increase.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigated if keeping the driver in the perception–action loop during automated driving can improve take-over behavior from conditionally automated driving. To meet this aim, we designed an experiment in which visual exposure (perception) and manual control exposure (action) were manipulated. In a dynamic driving simulator experiment, participants (n = 88) performed a non-driving related task either in a head-up display in the windshield (high visual exposure) or on a head-down display near the gear shift (low visual exposure). While driving, participants were either in an intermittent control-mode with four noncritical take-over situations (high manual control exposure), or in a continuous automation-mode throughout the ride (low manual control exposure). In all conditions, a critical take-over had to be carried out after an approximately 13 min ride. Measurements of take-over behavior showed that only high visual exposure had an effect on hands-on reaction time measurements. Both visual exposure and manual control exposure had small to medium sized main effects on time to system deactivation, the maximum velocity of the steering wheel, and the standard deviation of the steering wheel angle. The combined high visual – and high manual control exposure condition led to 0.55 s faster reaction time and 37% less steering variability in comparison to the worst case low visual – and low manual control exposure condition. Together, results corroborate that maintaining visual exposure and manual control exposure during automated driving can be efficacious and suggest that their positive effects are additive.  相似文献   

Automated vehicles (AVs) will be introduced on public roads in the future, meaning that traditional vehicles and AVs will be sharing the urban space. There is currently little knowledge about the interaction between pedestrians and AVs from the point of view of the pedestrian in a real-life environment. Pedestrians may not know with which type of vehicle they are interacting, potentially leading to stress and altered crossing decisions. For example, pedestrians may show elevated stress and conservative crossing behavior when the AV driver does not make eye contact and performs a non-driving task instead. It is also possible that pedestrians assume that an AV would always yield (leading to short critical gaps). This study aimed to determine pedestrians’ crossing decisions when interacting with an AV as compared to when interacting with a traditional vehicle. We performed a study on a closed road section where participants (N = 24) encountered a Wizard of Oz AV and a traditional vehicle in a within-subject design. In the Wizard of Oz setup, a fake ‘driver’ sat on the driver seat while the vehicle was driven by the passenger by means of a joystick. Twenty scenarios were studied regarding vehicle conditions (traditional vehicle, ‘driver’ reading a newspaper, inattentive driver in a vehicle with “self-driving” sign on the roof, inattentive driver in a vehicle with “self-driving” signs on the hood and door, attentive driver), vehicle behavior (stopping vs. not stopping), and approach direction (left vs. right). Participants experienced each scenario once, in a randomized order. This allowed assessing the behavior of participants when interacting with AVs for the first time (no previous training or experience). Post-experiment interviews showed that about half of the participants thought that the vehicle was (sometimes) driven automatically. Measurements of the participants’ critical gap (i.e., the gap below which the participant will not attempt to begin crossing the street) and self-reported level of stress showed no statistically significant differences between the vehicle conditions. However, results from a post-experiment questionnaire indicated that most participants did perceive differences in vehicle appearance, and reported to have been influenced by these features. Future research could adopt more fine-grained behavioral measures, such as eye tracking, to determine how pedestrians react to AVs. Furthermore, we recommend examining the effectiveness of dynamic AV-to-pedestrian communication, such as artificial lights and gestures.  相似文献   

The dominant technological trajectory in vehicle design brings with it similarly dominant driver performance issues in regard to vehicle feedback and driver situational awareness (SA). Three experiments are reported in this paper that describe not only the effects on driver SA of manipulations of vehicle feedback but also illuminate issues concerned with SA measurement methods and contexts. The findings suggest that current trends in vehicle design may contribute little towards a driver’s SA and, in fact, may actually show a generalized trend towards decreasing it. The efficacy of verbal protocol and probe recall SA measurement techniques is noted in terms of observing this effect. On the other hand, a concerning dissociation occurred with findings from a self-report measure of SA. Drivers appear to show a concerning lack of self-awareness of their SA and, indeed, any shortfall in it.  相似文献   

As e-scooters become more popular, service providers and policymakers are seeking ways to retain the existing customers and encourage them to continue to use e-scooters in the future. In this study, we extend the concepts of the technology acceptance model to identify the factors that affect the intention to continue using e-scooters. We build our findings based on survey data including 2126 shared e-scooter users in Chicago. Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling, we analyzed the data and 10 proposed hypotheses. Our empirical results substantiate that the proposed model provides a theoretical framework to understand the continuance intention of shared e-scooter users. According to the findings, the most salient factor determining users’ decisions is perceived usefulness, followed by perceived reliability. The significance of reliability necessitates taking measures to guarantee the availability of e-scooters in times and places they are needed, particularly for mandatory trips. Additionally, social influence, perceived ease of use, variety seeking, and perceived enjoyment, are evinced to represent the other critical drivers of using e-scooter in the future, and in order of precedence. The insights from this study can assist shared e-scooter operators, transportation planners, and policymakers in making informed decisions and pave the way for a greater inclination to continue using shared e-scooters and move toward smart cities.  相似文献   

Fun is fundamental in life, since it fosters interaction and learning. But the design of fun is not trivial since it is subjective: it depends upon context, preferences and the history of users. That is why assessment is an important issue in the design process. Traditional assessment methods involve observation and inquiring of users while interacting, while more recent methods involve data collection and physiological measurements. This article presents a survey on the existing methods for the assessment of fun from its constituent elements – attention, flow, immersion and emotion.  相似文献   

以515名小学3年级到6年级的儿童为研究对象,采用交叉滞后研究设计,探讨同伴接纳知觉准确性和偏差与孤独感之间的关系。研究中,由儿童评定自己对同班每个同学的喜欢程度,预计同班同学对自己的喜欢程度,并完成社交自我知觉和孤独感量表。结果表明:(1)同伴接纳知觉绝对准确性与孤独感相关不显著,但同伴接纳知觉相对准确性可以显著预测当前和一年后的孤独感。(2)同伴接纳知觉偏差与孤独感具有双向影响作用,积极同伴接纳知觉偏差有利于降低儿童的孤独感,并且孤独感能正向预测后期的同伴接纳知觉偏差。  相似文献   

Social markers of acceptance are socially constructed indicators of adaptation (e.g., language skills or adherence to social norms) that recipient nationals use in deciding whether to view an immigrant as a host community member. This study had two objectives: (a) to distill the markers considered important by Japanese undergraduates to accept immigrants in Japanese society and (b) to test the premises of integrated threat and social identity theories by ascertaining the effects on marker endorsement of perceived immigrant threat, contribution, relative social status, and intergroup permeability. Native‐born Japanese (the term “native‐born Japanese” is used throughout this article to refer to people born as Japanese citizens—differentiating them from immigrants who are Japanese citizens naturalized after birth) from 12 Japanese universities (N = 428) completed an online survey. Marker importance ratings were factor‐analyzed, and three latent dimensions were found representing sociolinguistic, ethnic, and socioeconomic markers. Multiple hierarchical regressions discerned the main effects of immigrants’ perceived threat and contribution on social markers as well as their interactions with intergroup permeability and immigrant relative status. The results underscored perceived threat’s consistent role in increasing marker importance and suggested divergent paths to acceptance: Immigrants perceived as “low‐status” were expected to conform to sociolinguistic and ethnic markers, whereas socioeconomic markers were stressed more for “high‐status” immigrants when perceived immigrant threat increased and intergroup boundaries were considered less permeable.  相似文献   

The number of older drivers on the roadways is increasing; at the same time, technology in the automotive environment is rapidly evolving. To investigate the potential impact of these converging changes, this study used a cross-generational approach to compare driver attitudes toward advanced automotive technologies. Approximately 1000 drivers between the ages of 18 and 85 located across the United States responded to a survey about their opinions regarding general technology, advanced in-vehicle technology, and near-horizon connected vehicle systems. Participant responses were categorized using a generational construct, sorting responses not only by age but by shared life experiences (e.g. economic circumstances, involvement in wartime activities, cultural movements, etc.). The oldest generation (the “Silent” generation) exhibited the least interest in and comfort with advanced technology, although they owned and used advanced in-vehicle technology at approximately the same rates as the two middle generations. The youngest generation (the “Millennial” generation) was most likely to be interested in and comfortable with technology, but was least likely to own vehicles with advanced technology. All participants expressed interest in safety-related connected vehicle systems, but less so in infotainment applications. Reservations regarding data security and system cost were shared across generations. These findings are framed in the context of an aging population with unique driving and vehicle needs, and provide information that may assist both with vehicle technology design aspects and the proposed large-scale implementation of connected vehicle systems, including considerations for seniors and emphasis on safety systems and data security.  相似文献   

Behavior of right turning vehicles in the context of safety is characterized by their use of turning indicators and compliance with the stop rule. They are influence by the width of the carriageway and the variation in volume on the major road with respect to the traffic moving in the near and far side direction. Other factors affecting the behavior are the speed and spacing between vehicles moving on the major road. Lack of adequate past knowledge on the effect of geometric variation in terms of road width and directional variation in volume on the safety of unsignalized intersections have provided the motivation for this study. This paper focuses on the many factors that affect the behavior of right-turning vehicles resulting into conflicts. A brief account of the unique indigenous maneuver termed as the “Weaving Merging Right Turn” (WMRT) is provided and its effectiveness with respect to conventional right turn is evaluated. Data of 39,016 vehicles collected on 10 sites between January and June 2014 was analyzed. Multiple accidents were observed only on sites which had near side traffic volume greater than far side traffic volume. This result remains consistent with sites having single as well as multiple lanes per direction on the major roads. The number of conflicts for vehicles performing the WMRT was 2.5 times less as compared to the conventional right turn. Moreover WMRT was found to be the maneuver of choice for right turning motorcyclists with 60% of them opting for it over the conventional right turn on intersections having major road width less than 9 m. None of the motorcyclists, which were involved in a traffic conflict, were observed to use their turning indicator. Moreover none of the motorcyclists, which experienced a traffic conflict, were found to comply with the stopping rule at sites with major road width less than 9 m. On sites with major road width greater than 9 m, 45% of motorcyclists, involved in a traffic conflict, complied with the stopping rule as compared to 79% by vehicles other than motorcycles.  相似文献   

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