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Research over the last two decades has resulted in improved understandings of the nature and characteristics of driving anxiety. However, we still do not know the extent of driving anxiety in the general population, as most studies have focused on clinical or vehicle accident samples, and the only population study is of older adults. The present study addressed this gap in knowledge using data from 441 people who responded to a survey sent to a random sample of 1500 adults recruited from the compulsory voting register in New Zealand. While 31% reported no driving anxiety, 52% endorsed mild driving anxiety and 16% reported moderate to severe driving anxiety. There were small but significant differences in the average age at which participants in these three groups started to learn to drive, but there were no differences in driving-related accidents and incidents over the past 12 months. Those with higher driving anxiety endorsed more anxiety about road rage, lower feelings of safety while driving, and more driving-related avoidance and negative cognitions than the less anxious participants. However, levels of helpseeking were low, and suggest the need to develop online self-help packages that are more accessible and acceptable to those experiencing driving anxiety.  相似文献   

BackgroundAnxiety over driving can have consequences for road safety and individual well-being. This area is under-researched in Australia, despite international research suggesting that most drivers experience some level of anxiety over driving.ObjectivesThis study aimed to contribute to the understanding of driving anxiety by 1) confirming the factor structure of two questionnaires designed to understand the concerns (Driving Cognitions Questionnaire: DCQ) and avoidance behaviours (Driving and Riding Avoidance Scale: DRAS); 2) providing evidence of anxiety manifestations in Australian drivers, and 3) understanding whether these differ according to the initial onset of this anxiety.MethodsA total of 1,600 people (77% females; age ranging from 18 to 89 [M = 27.92; ± 13.49], 75% licenced, 20% learning, 5% unlicenced) in Australia who identified as having “some” level of anxiety over driving, completed an online questionnaire regarding their anxiety.ResultsConfirmatory Factor Analyses showed the two-factor structure of the DRAS (general and traffic avoidance; and weather and riding avoidance) and the two-factor structure of the DCQ (crash-related concerns and social and panic related concerns) best fit the data. The most common anxiety onsets were crash involvement (14%), knowing someone who had been in a crash (9%) and due to criticism from others (9%). While no differences emerged between these groups on avoidance behaviour nor on crash concerns, social and panic concerns were higher for the criticism onset group.ConclusionsThe results demonstrate difference sources of anxiety and provide evidence of the importance of interactions with passengers in determining how a driver feels about the driving task.Practical implicationsAvenues for the reduction or avoidance of anxiety are proposed. These include better awareness and education for drivers regarding the importance of positive interactions and/or well as better journey management to avoid triggers of anxiety.  相似文献   

The Approach–Avoidance Task (AAT) was employed to indirectly investigate avoidance reactions to stimuli of potential social threat. Forty-three highly socially anxious individuals (HSAs) and 43 non-anxious controls (NACs) reacted to pictures of emotional facial expressions (angry, neutral, or smiling) or to control pictures (puzzles) by pulling a joystick towards themselves (approach) versus pushing it away from themselves (avoidance). HSAs showed stronger avoidance tendencies than NACs for smiling as well as angry faces, whereas no group differences were found for neutral faces and puzzles. In contrast, valence ratings of the emotional facial expressions did not differ between groups. A critical discrepancy between direct and indirect measures was observed for smiling faces: HSAs evaluated them positively, but reacted to them with avoidance.  相似文献   

Research derived from terror management theory demonstrates that subtle reminders of mortality increase strivings for meaning. It is argued that such strivings reflect efforts to prevent the anxiety that death reminders may otherwise cause. However, no research has directly tested the assertions that subtle mortality primes increase death anxiety and perceptions of meaning in life moderate this effect. The current study examined these predictions. Meaning in life was measured, death cognition primed, and death anxiety assessed. A mortality prime increased death anxiety, but only for individuals who lack perceptions of meaning in life. Theoretical and applied implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Gender differences in accidentology, notably on roads, are well documented and current research in social psychology tends to explain these differences by gender stereotypes, notably the association of risk-taking with social expectations concerning masculinity. To date, however, little research has explored gender stereotypes associated with vehicle driving. Beliefs about driving by men and women, as well as the effect of the age and gender of the perceiver, were explored using the free association method with 599 preadolescents and adolescents between 10 and 16 years of age. The results show that gender stereotypes are indeed associated with driving from the age of 10. While the representation of male drivers is already stable at this age, the representation of female drivers appears to develop with age. Furthermore, there is a notable in-group serving bias, but only among girls. The results are discussed in terms of an essentialist representation of genders, in-group/out-group relations, age differences in gender stereotypes associated with driving, and practical consequences on driver’s training and socialization to risk-taking.  相似文献   

Fear and avoidance of driving are possible consequences of involvement in road traffic crashes (RTCs). Few studies have assessed the factors associated with fear and avoidance of driving after an RTC. The aim of this present study is to investigate the relations among trauma appraisals of fear, negative driving cognitions, fear and avoidance of driving in a sample of people who experienced vehicle crashes. Further, the mediating role of negative driving cognitions in the relation between trauma appraisals, fear of driving and avoidance of driving was assessed. The sample was comprised of 116 drivers who had been involved in an RTC in the past two years. Negative driving cognitions positively predicted fear of driving and avoidance of driving. Moreover, negative driving cognitions mediated the relation among trauma appraisals of fear with fear of driving and avoidance of driving. The theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate the prevalence of depression and anxiety and investigate the potential risk factors for depression and anxiety in Chinese gout patients. A self-report survey was administered to 226 gout patients and 232 age- and gender-matched healthy individuals. Patients were asked to complete a set of standardized self-report questionnaires. Univariate and mutiple regression were used to analyze the data. We found 15.0% of gout patients had depression, and 5.3% had anxiety. After adjusted demographic variables, the prevalence of depression was significantly higher than the healthy controls (6.0%). There were significant correlations among education, total pain, disease duration, stage of gout, functional disability, number of tophi, number of flares/last year, presence of tender joints, nephropathy comorbidity, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and psychological status. Meanwhile, logistic regression analysis identified number of tophi, functional disability, and mental component summary (MCS) as predictors of depression in gout patients. Education and MCS were significantly accounted for anxiety. In summary, the prevalence of depressive symptoms among gout patients was higher than healthy individuals. Education, disability, tophi and HRQoL were important risk factors linked to depression/anxiety in Chinese gout population.  相似文献   

The current study examined the likelihood of disclosing one’s anxiety to others during anxiety-provoking conversations, as reported by individuals high or low in social anxiety. It investigated to whom these disclosures are made, and the content and intended purposes of these disclosures. Undergraduate students and community members low (n = 79) or high (n = 81) in social anxiety completed the Anxiety Disclosure in Everyday Life questionnaire, as well as several other measures as part of another study. Analyses indicated that individuals high in social anxiety were significantly less likely to disclose their anxiety as compared to individuals low in social anxiety. The likelihood of disclosing one’s anxiety varied significantly depending on to whom one was speaking, with intimate partners being disclosed to the most. The content of the disclosures typically involved stating that one is feeling shy or nervous without offering an explanation, or attributing it to one’s personality traits (e.g., shyness), with the intended purpose often being to elicit assistance or reassurance from their conversation partner or to manage the impressions of others.  相似文献   

Despite significant gains in overall collision rates, pedestrian and bicycle safety in complete street environments remains an on-going challenge. However, urban areas with the most risk exposure for pedestrians continue to maintain lower incident rates than their suburban counterparts (“Dangerous by Design” 2021). Under most driving circumstances, the over-rehearsed nature of driving leads to a psychological state similar to self-hypnosis, where attention is subconsciously maintained on the driving task while metacognitive awareness is minimized or eliminated. This state continues until some type of conflict, uncertainty, and/or novel stimulus is presented. The primary difference in driver attention in urban environments is postulated to result from the Conditioned Anticipation of People (CAP). Based on the human neurological predisposition to recognize and fixate on human faces and figures, we hypothesize that in areas where drivers have been conditioned to expect human presence, low-level metacognition is preemptively re-engaged to address their presence, resulting in higher attentional resource expenditure and increased distraction management. Such conditioning may be generated by contextual features common to pedestrian-friendly environments but, necessarily, must be reinforced over time by the Actual Presence of People (APP). CAP driver engagement is limited by the perceptual abilities of the driver such that at higher speeds or within wider corridors, the presence of pedestrians is more difficult to perceive. This results in a non-CAP attention pattern, exhibiting minimal metacognitive activity, high levels of automaticity, and reduced attention. This model was generated based on the observation that vulnerable user presence and the roadway contextual features that support the driver's ability to see vulnerable users were related to attention data measured during the SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study. Visually discernable features that were associated with vulnerable user presence had relationships with attention and large effect sizes (η2 > 0.5). Contextual features that had relationships with vulnerable user presence, but minimal visual impact or interfered with the driver’s ability to see vulnerable users had no relationship to driver attention. This behavioral pattern provides supportive evidence for the proposed model.  相似文献   


Persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) disproportionately suffer from anxiety and depressive symptoms and disorders. Although past work has examined the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for depression, and to a lesser extent anxiety, among PLHIV, little is known regarding potential mechanisms underlying improvement in anxiety/depression among this group. Anxiety sensitivity is a well-established risk/maintenance factor for anxiety and depressive disorders and is hypothesized to play an important role in maintaining anxiety among PLHIV. Past work has identified anxiety sensitivity as a mechanism of action underlying changes in various anxiety domains yet it is unknown whether changes in anxiety sensitivity relate to changes in anxiety symptoms among PLHIV undergoing transdiagnostic CBT for anxiety. The current study sought to examine treatment-related changes in anxiety sensitivity and how the trajectory of change relates to anxiety and depressive symptoms as well as overall quality of life. Individuals (n = 35) with HIV/AIDS and elevated anxiety symptoms received CBT for anxiety. Results indicated that reductions in anxiety sensitivity were significantly related to changes in anxiety, depression, and quality of life. Together, these data suggest that changes in anxiety sensitivity are significantly related to changes in anxiety/depression and quality of life among PLHIV seeking treatment.  相似文献   

Driving around bends at high speeds is a task performed by many on a daily basis but the underlying mechanisms of steering control remain largely unknown. Previous research has shown that when steering, gaze direction can be a critical component of success. However, with increased use of in-vehicle information systems (IVIS), there is growing competition over the same resources that are needed to steer (gaze as well as associated attentional resources). Although it can be argued that locomotor steering is an automatic task that can be performed without recourse to conscious “cognitive” control, much simpler locomotor-related tasks, such as judging one’s heading, have been shown to be affected by concurrent attentional tasks (Wann, Swapp, & Rushton, 2000). Here we examined whether an attentional task placed at an offset fixation point influenced concurrent steering performance along a computer simulated road. The experiments either used gaze-fixation points that had similar properties to real-world road signs (i.e. moved relative to the vehicle) or were more akin to IVIS (i.e. fixed to the vehicle). Results showed that gaze fixation eccentric to future path caused systematic steering biases. The degree or type of cognitive load did not change the degree of steering bias, but there was some evidence of decreased lane variability when viewing the IVIS-type displays. No differences in steering performance were found between the different types of cognitive task. We conclude that where you look is critical for safe driving, and IVIS-type displays might make drivers more susceptible to cognitive interference.  相似文献   

People with higher social anxiety tend to reveal less information about themselves in interactions with strangers, and this appears to be part of a self-protective strategy adopted in situations in which the risk of negative evaluation is judged to be particularly high. This research examined whether a similar style of communication may be adopted by people with higher social anxiety in their close relationships, and whether it may be associated with decrements in the quality (support, depth, conflict) of these relationships. Over 300 people from the community completed a series of online questionnaires measuring social anxiety and depression, and disclosure in and quality of their close friendships and romantic relationships. After controlling for levels of depression, social anxiety was associated with a paucity of disclosure in both romantic relationships and close friendships in females, but not males. There was an indirect association between higher social anxiety and lower relationship quality (lower support, with a trend towards greater conflict) via lower self-disclosure in women's romantic relationships, but not their close friendships. Addressing disclosure in the context of close relationships may assist socially anxious women to develop more fulfilling and harmonious close relationships.  相似文献   

Older drivers are at a severely higher risk for motor vehicle crash involvement. Due to the global aging of the population, this increased crash risk has a significant impact on society, as well as on an older individual’s quality of life. For this reason, there is a need for understanding how normal age-related changes in cognition and underlying brain dynamics impact driving performance to identify the functional and neurophysiological biomarkers that could be used to design strategies to preserve or improve safe driving behavior in older persons. This review provides an overview of the literature on age-related changes in cognitive functioning and brain dynamics that impact driving simulator performance of healthy persons. A systematic literature search spanning the last ten years was conducted, resulting in 22 eligible studies. Results indicated that various aspects of cognition, most importantly executive function, complex attention, and dual tasking, were associated with driving performance, irrespective of age. However, there was a distinct age-related decline in cognitive and driving performance. Older persons had a more variable, less consistent driving simulator performance, such as more variable speed adaptation or less consistent lane keeping behavior. Only a limited number of studies evaluated the underlying brain dynamics in driving performance. Therefore, future studies should focus on implementing neuroimaging techniques to further unravel the neural correlates of driving performance.  相似文献   

Background: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) impacts quality of life (QoL). Psychological factors influence the course of the disease and should be targeted for intervention.

Methods: Our study was a prospective, randomised control trial. Fifty-six outpatients were randomly chosen and allocated to a treatment group or a waiting-list control group. Treatment group patients attended three relaxation-training sessions and received an audio disc for home practice. Evaluations performed pre and post-treatment: state anxiety was assessed with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, QoL with the IBD Questionnaire. The Visual Analogue Scale assessed pain, depression, stress and mood. Patients completed a symptom monitoring diary. The control group's symptoms were monitored without study-related treatment.

Results: Thirty-nine subjects completed the study and were included in the data analysis. Following the relaxation-training intervention, the treatment group's (n?=?18) measured results showed a statistically significant improvement as compared to the control group (n?=?21) (time by treatment interaction): anxiety levels decreased (p?<?0.01), QoL and mood improved (p?<?0.05), while levels of pain and stress decreased (p?<?0.01).

Conclusions: Findings indicate IBD patients may benefit from relaxation training in their holistic care. New studies as well as further investigation of the subject are warranted.  相似文献   

There are few studies examining the relationship between psychopathology and positive experiences and traits. Although initial studies suggest persons with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are at increased risk for excessive social anxiety, there have been no studies to date evaluating how these conditions might interact to affect positive experiences and traits. Using self-report scales, informant ratings, and experience-sampling methodologies, we examined the association of social anxiety with well-being and character strengths in veterans with and without PTSD. Controlling for PTSD and trait negative affect, social anxiety was negatively related to global ratings of well-being and character strengths. Social anxiety also accounted for incremental variance in day-to-day well-being (i.e., daily affect balance, percentage of pleasant days, positive social activity, self-esteem, gratitude) over a 14-day assessment period. Although veterans with PTSD reported lower levels of global and daily well-being and character strengths than veterans without PTSD, a diagnosis of PTSD failed to exhibit unique relationships with these constructs. Building on a growing body of work, these data suggest that social anxiety is uniquely associated with disturbances in positive experiences, events, and traits. Our findings support the value of directly addressing social anxiety in the study and treatment of PTSD.  相似文献   

This study aimed (i) to investigate the relationships among socioeconomic status, disease activity, quality of life, and the psychological status in Chinese rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients; (ii) to explore the possible risk factors of anxiety and depression. A total of 160 RA patients underwent standardized laboratory examinations and completed several questionnaires. Independent samples t-tests, χ2 analyses, and logistic regression modeling were used to analyze the data. We found 30.6% RA patients were anxiety, and 27.5% had depression, which were significantly higher than the control group (7.8 and 11.7%, respectively). And there were significant correlations among education, pain, disease activity, medication adherence, functional capacity, quality of life, and anxiety/depression. Meanwhile, logistic regression analysis revealed that poor quality of life and low education level were significantly associated with anxiety/depression in RA patients. In conclusion, there were significant relationships among education, quality of life, and anxiety/depression in Chinese RA patients.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to adapt the Driving Cost and Benefit Scale (DCBS, Taubman-Ben- Ari, 2008) to Chinese drivers and examine its relationships with driving style and traffic violations. Nine hundred drivers aged 18 to 60 years were asked to complete the DCBS and the Multidimensional Driving Style Inventory. The results of exploratory factor analysis (n = 429) and confirmatory factor analysis (n = 429) yielded a 36-item scale with satisfactory reliability. The Chinese version of the DCBS contains seven factors, including three driving cost factors (damage to self-esteem, life endangerment and distress) and four driving benefit factors (impression management, sense of control, thrill and pleasure). Significant associations between the DCBS-C factors and driving styles and traffic violations show that the discriminant validity of the scale is acceptable. Moreover, the driving cost factor of damage to self-esteem and the driving benefit factor of thrill both contributed to drivers’ traffic violations and crashes. The findings show that the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the DCBS are acceptable, and it can be used as a tool to measure driving motivation in China.  相似文献   

Fear conditioning studies have shown that social anxiety is associated with enhanced expectancy of aversive outcome. However, the relation between cognitive expectancy and social anxiety has never been tested in avoidance conditioning paradigms. We compared 48 low (LSA) and high socially anxious individuals (HSA) on subjective expectancy of aversive outcome during an avoidance conditioning task. Displays of neutral faces were coupled with an aversive outcome (US): a shout and a shock. Participants could avoid the US by pressing a correct button from a button box. First, HSA showed higher US expectancy than LSA during the initial phase of avoidance conditioning, supporting the view that socially anxious individuals have an expectancy bias when social situations are ambiguous. Second, when the avoidance response became unavailable, LSA showed lower US expectancy than HSA, suggesting that low socially anxious individuals are prone to a positive bias when perceived threat is high. A lack of such positive bias in socially anxious individuals may lead to higher susceptibility to safety behavior interpretations. Together, these findings support the role of cognitive processes in avoidance conditioning and underscore the relevance to encounter avoidance learning when studying social anxiety.  相似文献   

Background and Objectives: Standardized testing has become a common form of student evaluation with high stakes, and limited research exists on understanding the roles of students' personality traits and social-evaluative threat on their academic performance. This study examined the roles of avoidance temperament (i.e., fear and behavioral inhibition) and evaluative threat (i.e., fear of failure and being viewed as unintelligent) in standardized math test and course grades in college students. Design and Methods: Undergraduate students (N = 184) from a large public university were assessed on temperamental fear and behavioral inhibition. They were then given 15 minutes to complete a standardized math test. After the test, students provided data on evaluative threat and their math performance (scores on standardized college entrance exam and average grades in college math courses). Results: Results indicate that avoidance temperament was linked to social-evaluative threat and low standardized math test scores. Furthermore, evaluative threat mediated the influence of avoidance temperament on both types of math performance. Conclusions: Results have educational and clinical implications, particularly for students at risk for test anxiety and underperformance. Interventions targeting emotion regulation and stress management skills may help individuals reduce their math and test anxieties.  相似文献   

Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is an effective program for improving well-being. A growing body of studies is exploring the mechanisms mediating its beneficial effects. Integrative self-knowledge (ISK) is the construct of focus in this study. The primary goal of the current study was to investigate the mediating role of ISK in the relationship between improved mindful observing (MO), non-judging inner experience (NJ), and well-being following an MBSR program with an Iranian sample. Participants (n = 118) enrolled in MBSR and completed depression, anxiety, stress (DASS), Bartone Symptoms Checklist (BSC), Five-Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, and ISK scale before and after the program. Results showed significant reductions in BSC, DASS, and improvements in MO, NJ, and ISK at the end of the program. Mediation analyses revealed that changes in ISK significantly mediated the relationship between changes in MO and NJ and symptoms (MO indirect effect on DASS: β = 0.11, confidence interval [CI] [0.003, 0.29]; NJ indirect effect on DASS: β = 0.12, CI [−0.16, 0.45]; MO indirect effect on BSC: β = 0.08, CI [0.001, 0.27]; NJ indirect effect on BSC: β = 0.09, CI [0.01, 0.22]). Improvements in MO and NJ may provide a pathway to cultivating ISK in MBSR, which may lead to enhanced well-being.  相似文献   

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