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Automated vehicles (AVs) will be introduced on public roads in the future, meaning that traditional vehicles and AVs will be sharing the urban space. There is currently little knowledge about the interaction between pedestrians and AVs from the point of view of the pedestrian in a real-life environment. Pedestrians may not know with which type of vehicle they are interacting, potentially leading to stress and altered crossing decisions. For example, pedestrians may show elevated stress and conservative crossing behavior when the AV driver does not make eye contact and performs a non-driving task instead. It is also possible that pedestrians assume that an AV would always yield (leading to short critical gaps). This study aimed to determine pedestrians’ crossing decisions when interacting with an AV as compared to when interacting with a traditional vehicle. We performed a study on a closed road section where participants (N = 24) encountered a Wizard of Oz AV and a traditional vehicle in a within-subject design. In the Wizard of Oz setup, a fake ‘driver’ sat on the driver seat while the vehicle was driven by the passenger by means of a joystick. Twenty scenarios were studied regarding vehicle conditions (traditional vehicle, ‘driver’ reading a newspaper, inattentive driver in a vehicle with “self-driving” sign on the roof, inattentive driver in a vehicle with “self-driving” signs on the hood and door, attentive driver), vehicle behavior (stopping vs. not stopping), and approach direction (left vs. right). Participants experienced each scenario once, in a randomized order. This allowed assessing the behavior of participants when interacting with AVs for the first time (no previous training or experience). Post-experiment interviews showed that about half of the participants thought that the vehicle was (sometimes) driven automatically. Measurements of the participants’ critical gap (i.e., the gap below which the participant will not attempt to begin crossing the street) and self-reported level of stress showed no statistically significant differences between the vehicle conditions. However, results from a post-experiment questionnaire indicated that most participants did perceive differences in vehicle appearance, and reported to have been influenced by these features. Future research could adopt more fine-grained behavioral measures, such as eye tracking, to determine how pedestrians react to AVs. Furthermore, we recommend examining the effectiveness of dynamic AV-to-pedestrian communication, such as artificial lights and gestures.  相似文献   

Among different types of crashes, hit-and-run is driver’s failure to stop after a vehicle crash. There are many accidents where drivers could actually be at fault or totally innocent, and leaving the scene would turn an innocent driver into a criminal. The current paper aims to contribute to the literature by exploring the association of different variables pertaining to the condition of infrastructure, environment, driver, population of the area, and crash severity and type with hit-and-run crashes. The analysis is performed for two data sets: (i) crashes where the driver was distracted; and (ii) crashes where driver was not distracted. Hit-and-run crash data with corresponding factors are police-reported data for crashes within Cook County, Illinois, occurring between 2004 and 2012. A logistic regression model assessed 43 variables within 16 categories for statistically significant association with hit-and-run crashes, for drivers with and without distraction. For both driver distraction statuses, 17 variables were associated with a significant increased probability of a hit-and-run crash and 10 variables were associated with a significant decreased probability. Additionally, it was found that crashes on curve level and curve hillcrest road alignment types were associated with increased likelihood of a hit-and-run crash when the driver was distracted and decreased likelihood when the driver was not distracted. Variables related to hit-and-run crashes vary depending on driver’s distraction status. When comparing likelihood to flee the scene after a crash, non-distracted drivers are 27% less likely to do so compared to distracted drivers.  相似文献   

The introduction and uptake of technology within road vehicles has readily advanced the capabilities and the functions that the driver of a road vehicle has available to them. While this has benefited the drivers’ productivity and entertainment behind the wheel, it has also heightened the possibility for distraction. Research into driver distraction to date has identified how technologies inside the vehicle may be used ineffectively and can compromise the safety of the road transport system. Yet, the factors that drivers state impact on their decision to engage with distracting technologies are less well known. This paper presents the first diary study into driver distraction. The study asked drivers to record all technological distractions that they engaged with across a 4-week period, as well as interactions that they ignored or choose not to engage with. The diary entries include the technologies drivers interacted with and the conditions surrounding this, as well as external factors that drivers cited to influence their decision to interact. Primarily, factors relating to the task itself were found to be of most importance to the drivers’ decision to engage. Differences were also found in how drivers stated they compensated for any engagement with distracting tasks. This has important consequences for the design and integration of technological devices into the vehicle. The novel application of the method offers insights into the naturalistic conditions surrounding drivers’ involvement with distracting technologies. The method is also reviewed on its applicability to the study of driver distraction.  相似文献   

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a contextual behavioral psychotherapy that helps clients build meaningful lives in the service of their own chosen values, rather than specifically focusing on symptom reduction or prevention of destructive behaviors. However, empowering ACT clients to navigate suicidal crises effectively is vital to ensuring the opportunity to build a life they will choose to live. Suicide safety planning is a widely used empirically supported approach to prepare clients to survive suicidal crises, and can be effectively incorporated into ACT. In this paper, we offer a contextual behavioral conceptualization of suicide as an extreme attempt to solve the problem of painful thoughts, emotions, and sensations, and provide an example of how this conceptualization and the necessity of safety planning can be introduced to clients. Use of chain analysis of suicidal behavior is introduced as a tool to inform the suicide safety plan. We describe how ACT processes can enhance safety plans and, in turn, create safety plans that will serve as means to develop skills associated with efficacious/effective ACT interventions. Finally, we discuss the ongoing evaluation and revision of the safety plan from an ACT framework.  相似文献   

心理理论与同伴接纳   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
近年来的相关研究表明 ,心理理论能力的发展与儿童被同伴喜欢接纳的程度之间具有复杂的、双向作用的关系 ,二者的相关程度随着年龄增长有增强的趋势并且存在性别差异。对矛盾的和被忽视群体以及学龄儿童的研究也许有助于进一步理解二者间的关系。  相似文献   




This paper proposes a conceptual framework to understand the relationship between roadside advertising signs, driver behaviour, and road safety outcomes. Roadside advertising signs are external distractions that may take a driver's attention away from safety-critical driving tasks, potentially increasing crash risk through driver distraction and inattention. Although studies report safety concerns, as a whole, the body of research in the field is inconclusive with inconsistent quality, making it difficult to draw firm conclusions. Definitive links between roadside advertising and road trauma are not yet evident, which has major consequences for road regulators' capacity to develop evidence-based policy to safely administer public roads. However, a lack of consistent evidence does not indicate an absence of risk but underscores its complexity. To address this problem, the Driver Behaviour and Roadside Advertising Conceptual Framework (DBRA framework) was developed to strategically investigate and conceptualise the phenomena of roadside advertising. A new term – “extended engagement” – has also been proposed to account for situations of prolonged attentional engagement with a roadside advertising sign. Further, it is posited that important variations in driving performance may be associated with a driver's extended engagement with a roadside advertising sign. Built on extant theories of driver behaviour and empirical research, the DBRA framework is designed to be a robust tool that encourages a common agenda for future roadside advertising research.  相似文献   

压力是对潜在威胁性事件产生的生理与心理反应。正念通过专注当下并保持接纳的态度缓解压力。然而以往关于正念缓解压力的研究并没有明确具体的机制,且忽略了正念影响压力过程中的复杂性与多样性。监控与接纳理论通过解构监控与接纳成分,更加清晰地呈现了正念的作用机制,因此本文依据监控与接纳理论,梳理正念对压力的影响效果及其心理神经机制。未来的研究在探讨正念通过监控与接纳成分影响压力的同时应重点关注监控作用效果与机制;重视压力刺激与压力评估的重要性;设计新的实验范式,直接探究正念监控与接纳对压力影响的心理与神经机制。  相似文献   

The number of acceptance- and mindfulness-based interventions for chronic pain, such as acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), increased in recent years. Therefore an update is warranted of our former systematic review and meta-analysis of studies that reported effects on the mental and physical health of chronic pain patients. Pubmed, EMBASE, PsycInfo and Cochrane were searched for eligible studies. Current meta-analysis only included randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Studies were rated for quality. Mean quality did not improve in recent years. Pooled standardized mean differences using the random-effect model were calculated to represent the average intervention effect and, to perform subgroup analyses. Outcome measures were pain intensity, depression, anxiety, pain interference, disability and quality of life. Included were twenty-five RCTs totaling 1285 patients with chronic pain, in which we compared acceptance- and mindfulness-based interventions to the waitlist, (medical) treatment-as-usual, and education or support control groups. Effect sizes ranged from small (on all outcome measures except anxiety and pain interference) to moderate (on anxiety and pain interference) at post-treatment and from small (on pain intensity and disability) to large (on pain interference) at follow-up. ACT showed significantly higher effects on depression and anxiety than MBSR and MBCT. Studies’ quality, attrition rate, type of pain and control group, did not moderate the effects of acceptance- and mindfulness-based interventions. Current acceptance- and mindfulness-based interventions, while not superior to traditional cognitive behavioral treatments, can be good alternatives.  相似文献   

Two groups of high and low vivid imagers heard an audiotape of a crime, read an account of it with both correct and new information, then took recognition and source memory tests. While listening and reading, both groups were told to attend carefully, but one was also instructed to form visual images of the scene. Recognition memory accuracy was greater for material from the text only than from the audio only, whereas source memory accuracy was greater for audio than for text. For source memory of text, high imagers performed more poorly than low imagers under imagery instructions. These results replicate previous work and extend it from an initial film source to an audio source. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The long-term effects on driver behaviour and acceptance of a seatbelt reminder system were examined in an on-road study. The system was capable of detecting seatbelt use in all seating positions and produced a two-stage visual and auditory warning if occupants were unrestrained. The effects of this system were evaluated alone and in combination with two other intelligent transport systems: intelligent speed adaptation and a following distance warning system. Twenty-three fleet car drivers drove an instrumented vehicle (SafeCar) for at least 16,500 km as part of their everyday driving. The results revealed that driver and passenger interaction with the seatbelt reminder system led to large and significant decreases in the percentage of trips where occupants were unbelted, in the percentage of total driving time spent unbelted, and in the time taken to fasten a seatbelt in response to system warnings. The seatbelt reminder system was rated by drivers as being useful, effective and socially acceptable, and led to a decrease in drivers’ subjective workload. These results were found even though the baseline pre-exposure seatbelt wearing compliance rates among participants were high.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and implementation of qualitative behavioural criteria in order to analyse the conduct of pedestrians and vehicles when they are required to interact with each other, with particular interest to street designs with elements of shared space. The new behavioural analysis technique is developed by identifying the fundamental principles that underpin existing traffic analyses, such as traffic conflicts techniques, and adapting those to a qualitative framework that describes the mindset and rationale of road users. The technique is then applied to a case study in London, using video data from periods before and after the redevelopment of the Exhibition Road site from a conventional dual carriageway to a modern design with some elements of shared space. With the main goals being to assess the pedestrians’ confidence and the vehicles’ tolerance/patience when forced to interact with each other, behavioural trends are related to instantaneous characteristics of the vehicle flow (vehicle approach speed and traffic density). The data produced are used to develop and validate qualitative behavioural relationships for pedestrian–vehicle interactions, as well as location-specific conclusions for the Exhibition Road site.  相似文献   

以515名小学3年级到6年级的儿童为研究对象,采用交叉滞后研究设计,探讨同伴接纳知觉准确性和偏差与孤独感之间的关系。研究中,由儿童评定自己对同班每个同学的喜欢程度,预计同班同学对自己的喜欢程度,并完成社交自我知觉和孤独感量表。结果表明:(1)同伴接纳知觉绝对准确性与孤独感相关不显著,但同伴接纳知觉相对准确性可以显著预测当前和一年后的孤独感。(2)同伴接纳知觉偏差与孤独感具有双向影响作用,积极同伴接纳知觉偏差有利于降低儿童的孤独感,并且孤独感能正向预测后期的同伴接纳知觉偏差。  相似文献   

接纳承诺疗法干预非自杀性自伤已经被一些临床案例证实疗效显著,与其他传统的心理治疗相比,接纳承诺疗法的干预效果更加持久。首先分析了非自杀性自伤基本含义以及各类特征,从心理动机的角度简要说明了非自杀性自伤发生的原因,再结合接纳承诺疗法的心理病理模型及治疗模型,阐述了接纳承诺疗法是通过提高个体心理灵活性减少非自杀性自伤发生的的理论依据与治疗过程,最后梳理了近年来国外学者通过接纳承诺疗法干预非自杀性自伤的实证研究及效果,为其他研究者实践该疗法治疗非自杀性自伤提供借鉴思路。  相似文献   

The current study compared the effects of an acceptance versus distraction rationale on coping with experimentally induced pain. Eighty participants were randomly assigned to one of five conditions: Full-Acceptance, Full-Distraction, Instruction-only-Acceptance, Instruction-only-Distraction and No-Instructions. Participants completed a simple matching task and were intermittently given the choice either to receive an electric shock and continue, or to avoid the shock and terminate the task. Only the Full-Acceptance strategy (that included experiential exercises and a metaphor) had a significant effect on task tolerance as measured by an increase in the number of shocks delivered post-intervention relative to baseline. In addition, the participants in both of the acceptance conditions showed lower levels of believability in that they were more likely to continue with the task even when reporting more pain. The results support the prediction that acceptance-based interventions work by undermining the behavioural-control functions of pain-related thoughts and feelings, and call for a systematic analysis of how metaphors and exercises work in analogue research.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify factors predictive of intentions to participate in genetic testing for hereditary cancer. Measures of the psychosocial influences on intention were based on the theories of reasoned action (TRA) and planned behaviour (TPB) and a new measure of Attitude toward Uncertainty. The participants (the breast cancer sample, n = 124; the colon cancer sample, n = 168) were recruited via a general practitioner's patient database and asked to complete postal questionnaires. The overall response rate was 57.4% (54.7% in the colon cancer sample, 61.4% in the breast cancer sample). In the colon cancer sample, 72% of respondents stated that they would choose to participate in genetic testing for colon cancer susceptibility. In the breast cancer sample, 77% of respondents stated that they would choose to participate in genetic testing for breast cancer susceptibility. The TRA components (attitudes and subjective norms) and Attitude toward Uncertainty emerged as the strongest predictors of intention. The Attitude toward Uncertainty appears to moderate intention in that participants with more negative attitudes toward uncertainty are more likely to undergo the test than those seeking more certainty.  相似文献   

The Belief Acceptance Scale (BAS) is a nine question scale that was developed to evaluate how open and accepting an individual is to other people’s beliefs across interdependent life domains. The purposes of this article are to demonstrate the internal consistency of the BAS and examine the instrument’s substructure and to correlate the BAS with validated measures of religiosity and demographic data gathered from a web-based Survey of Spiritual Experiences. The BAS focuses on cultural beliefs instead of religious motivations and was designed to be administered to religious and non-religious individuals. Three domains of belief acceptance were tested: the internal or subjective openness to other beliefs (Psychological Domain), willingness to participate in other ideologies and rituals (Reciprocal Domain), and the willingness to date or marry outside one’s belief system or cultural background (Social Domain). Responses from 350 individuals were correlated and analysed to estimate the scale’s internal consistency and subscale structure. Analyses support the validity of the BAS scores in that they demonstrate expected correlations with demographic data and standardised measures of religiosity. The results show that the BAS is an internally consistent scale with a coherent substructure that adequately measures openness to other beliefs, ideologies and belief systems.  相似文献   

Motivating people to change their departure time could play a key role in reducing peak-hour congestion, which remains one of the most prevalent transport problems in large urban areas. To achieve this behavioural change, it is necessary to better understand the factors that influence departure time choice. So far departure time choice modelling focussed mainly on objective factors, such as time and costs as main behavioural determinants. In this study, we derived psychological factors based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour, estimated them based on structural equation modelling, and included them into a discrete choice model. The psychological factors were measured based on an online questionnaire addressed to car commuters to the city centre of Copenhagen (N = 286). The questionnaire additionally included a travel diary and a stated preference experiment with nine departure time choice scenarios. All psychological factors had a significant effect on departure time choice and could improve the model as compared to a basic discrete choice model without latent constructs. As expected, the effects of the psychological factors were different depending on framework conditions: for people with fixed starting times at work, the intention to arrive at work on time (as estimated by subjective norm, attitude, perceived behavioural control) had the strongest effect; for people with flexible working hours, the attitude towards short travel time was most relevant. Limitations, the inclusion of additional psychological factors and their possible interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis review investigated the effectiveness of behaviour-change interventions to improve physical activity (PA) participation in individuals with a spinal cord injury. Additionally, the review sought to analyse the change in PA behaviour that might be expected by utilising behaviour change in PA interventions and what specific intervention characteristics, application of behaviour change theories, and behaviour change techniques are most efficacious.MethodsThe protocol was prospectively registered on PROSPERO: CRD42021252744, and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis guidelines were followed in this review. Eight databases were comprehensively searched using a well-defined strategy developed in collaboration with an academic liaison librarian. Randomised, non-randomised controlled, and non-controlled studies were included in this review; however, controlled and non-controlled studies were analysed separately. Studies were included if participants were older than 16 years and had an SCI of any cause, level or severity, regardless of the time since injury. The behaviour change technique taxonomy version 1 was used to code the intervention characteristics for behaviour modification. The combined effects across studies were pooled in a meta-analysis, and the risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias 2 tool.ResultsThe search retrieved 10,155 titles and abstracts. After duplicate removal and screening against the eligibility criteria, 23 studies were included. The overall effect estimate of the change in PA participation in the controlled trials post-intervention was medium (d = 0.50, 95% CI = 0.31–0.70) in favour of behaviour-targeted interventions. The mean difference in PA volume between pre- and post-intervention was an increase of 22 minutes per week (95% CI = 5.96–38.90). Interventions that provided practical support (d = 0.81, 95% CI = 0.46–1.16), which were individualised (d = 0.62, 95% CI = 0.34–0.90) and that utilised monitoring (d = 0.59, 95% CI = 0.34–0.83) had a greater effect on change to PA than those that were group-based and did not utilise those specific techniques.ConclusionsInterventions that target behaviour change to increase PA in people with SCI appear effective. Utilising behaviour change frameworks and specific behaviour change techniques augments PA uptake and levels, and interventions aimed at improving PA in people with SCI should incorporate a behaviour modification component. More research is needed on the isolated effect of intervention structure parameters and specific behaviour change techniques.  相似文献   

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