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本文是对“白痴学者”M(男,11岁)的初步观察结果。M 在言语、思维、行为和情绪表达等方面,发展水平相当低下;但同时却具有超人的特殊才能:日期推算、心算和数字记忆。M 大脑和身体发育正常,未进过幼儿园和小学.家长也未对其进行过专门教育和训练.所以,M 智能畸形发展的原因尚须深入研究.  相似文献   

白痴学者   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈兴时 《心理科学》1993,16(2):104-108
在轻度或中度精神发育不全患者中,存在着某方而智力功能超群的佼佼者——即所谓的“白痴学者”。这一现象早在一个多世纪以前的1887年伦敦医学会议上就被Down 描述过。白痴学者在临床上十分罕见,文献资料多为个案报告。但由于白痴学者临床表现丰富多彩,给人印象深刻,因而许多作者对这类病案描述得精彩生动,一些国家的新闻机构还当作轶事传播报导。本文回顾与复习了100多年来,世界各地有关白痴学者的主要文献,以飨读者。一、临床表现白痴学者(Idiot Savant),这里的Savant 来源了法语的Savoir 一词。白痴学者,又称单一学者,专家综合症,聪明的呆子,缺陷的天才,自闭症,才艺并发症和雨人等,其主要临床特点是:在智力普遍低下的背景上,表现出个别突出的,远远超过一般水平的孤立才能,  相似文献   

在自然科学中,假说被看作是人的认识通向科学真理、建立科学理论的必由之路。正如恩格斯所说:“只要自然科学在思维着,它的发展形式就是假说。”(《自然辩证法》,第218页)可是,对于哲学中是否存在假说、哲学是否容许假说,有的学者却是持保留态度甚至加以否定的。其实,在哲学隶属  相似文献   

克隆性分析技术已经很大程度上影响和改变着人们对肿瘤的思维."莱昂假说"的创立、印证以及克隆性分析技术的发展、应用,已经使我们重新认识了许多肿瘤和肿瘤前期病变的性质.其间的研究工作启示我们,科学需要源于事实基础的大胆猜测,更需要有求异性思维,敢于突破、善于联想根源于深厚的知识沉淀.  相似文献   

"污染避难所假说"的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张志辉 《学海》2005,2(2):187-191
"污染避难所假说"指出,由于发展中国家的环境管理能力和环境标准都显著地低于发达国家,在资源配置全球化的大背景下,发达国家的一些污染产业或企业有可能转移到发展中国家,进而对发展中国家的生态环境施加负面影响.本文对"污染避难所假说"研究进行梳理,分析现有研究存在的问题,并指出进一步研究的方向.  相似文献   

姚海娟  白学军 《心理科学》2014,37(2):316-321
抑制是创造性思维过程中的一种重要的认知加工机制。创造性思维与认知抑制的关系主要有三种观点:创造性思维的认知去抑制假说、认知抑制假说和适应性认知抑制假说。本文系统评述了创造性思维与认知抑制关系的相关理论、研究新进展和神经机制。未来研究应加强创造性思维与认知抑制关系的理论整合与构建,分析创造性思维的不同阶段的认知抑制机制,采用无意抑制与有意抑制研究范式,对创造性思维与认知抑制的关系、影响因素及神经机制进行深入研究。  相似文献   

刍议儒释道之"和"   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文探讨传统文化中儒释道对"和"的论述,认为"和"是中国历史文化的特征,古代先哲的生命信仰和思维基础.  相似文献   

文章阐述了创造性思维之类比法在红细胞免疫系统假说提出及完善中发挥的作用,表明培养学生的创造性思维,在医学实践观察、理论研究及临床思维中是极为重要的.使我们认识到,医学认识目的的实现,需要创造和使用某种适当的认识手段.  相似文献   

随着死亡率的降低,人们越来越关注增加的预期寿命是否在健康状态中度过。相应地,学者们提出了疾病扩张、疾病压缩和动态平衡三种假说。这对于判断人口健康发展趋势以及制定医疗和社会服务规划都具有重要的理论和现实意义。阐述三种假说的依据和理论机制、分析已有文献的验证结果,并探讨未来的理论研究方向。认为三种假说在不同特征的人群中都得到了一定程度的验证,而研究人口健康在三种假说状态间转换的前提条件,并通过公共卫生和医疗手段实现疾病压缩将有利于提高生命质量、实现全民健康。  相似文献   

本文根据影像诊断逻辑学原理,探讨影像诊断思路.影像诊断思路可分为两个层面的思维和四个相应阶段.两个层面的思维是对象思维和元思维.四个阶段是影像观察理解、异常影像解析、疾病假说构建、影像诊断验证.这一过程我们称为影像诊断的二层四阶段系统辩证思路.  相似文献   

How to build a connectionist idiot (savant)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
D Norris 《Cognition》1990,35(3):277-291
This paper describes the development of a connectionist model of an idiot savant date calculator using a multi-layer back-propagation network. The model mimics the behaviour of idiot savant date calculators in learning to perform the date calculation task without the need either to develop arithmetical skills or to encode explicit knowledge about regularities in the structure of dates. However, the performance of the model highlights limitations on the use of back-propagation as a general-purpose learning algorithm in complex problem domains. Even with a relatively simple problem like date calculation back-propagation can only succeed when forced to take a highly structured and modular approach to learning.  相似文献   

Traditional accounts of the “idiot savant”—the development of a superior skill in otherwise subnormal individuals—are challenged through the examination of two cases, a pair of twins with extraordinary numerical ability but otherwise moronic, and Nadia, an autistic girl with extraordinary drawing ability. It is suggested that these phenomenal but particular skills are due to the functional reallocation of representational space in long-term memory. The hierarchical schematic organization of the mnemonic space, normally used for a range of conventional skills such as language, is employed instead for the hypertrophy of one-particular skill. What may appear to be feats of rapid calculation or artistic creativity actually represent automatic routings through long-term memory and translation into motor activity, possibly attributable to an unorthodox context of socialisation and social interaction. Evidence from such cases therefore proves to be inconclusive with regard to determining the nature of intelligence.  相似文献   

曹漱芹 《心理科学进展》2013,21(8):1457-1465
孤岛能力是个体在一般能力普遍落后的情况下某一个或几个领域表现出来的与其整体能力极不匹配的超常能力。令人惊讶的是,人类近一半的孤岛能力产自于孤独症谱系障碍。本文系统回顾了孤独症孤岛能力的特征、传统的各种心理学解释和当前最有力的认知神经科学发现:脑病理性优势假说和孤独症特质假说。在此基础上,本文认为脑优势中心的转移和混乱的大脑连接可能是孤岛能力产生的前提,而特定技能的遗传和后天的反复练习则是孤岛能力得以强化和巩固的重要因素。  相似文献   

Local and global processing in savant artists with autism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pring L  Ryder N  Crane L  Hermelin B 《Perception》2010,39(8):1094-1103
We explored the hypothesis that an enhanced local processing style is characteristic of both art and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by examining local and global processing in savant artists with ASD. Specifically, savant artists were compared against non-talented individuals with ASD or mild/moderate learning difficulties (MLD), as well as artistically talented or nontalented students, on the block-design task and meaningful and abstract versions of the embedded figures test (EFT). Results demonstrated that there were no significant differences between the meaningful and abstract versions of the EFT, in any of the groups. This suggests that the primary process governing performance on this task was perceptual (local), rather than conceptual (global). More interestingly, the savant artists performed above the level of the ASD and MLD groups on the block-design test, but not the EFT. Despite both the block-design task and the EFT measuring local processing abilities, we suggest that this result is due to the block-design task being an active construction task (requiring the conversion of a visual input into a motor output), whereas the EFT is a passive recognition task. Therefore, although an enhanced local processing style is an important aspect of savant artistic talent, motor control also appears to be a necessary skill.  相似文献   

Abstract— This article reports a test of the hypothesis that stated willingness to pay (WTP) for environmental quality follows a contribution model rather than the purchase model that is more congenial to economic thinking In particular, we examine the ability of the Schwartz norm-activation model of altruism to explain six different WTP assessments The Schwartz model explains stated WTP for environmental quality, except when payments are framed as taxes We suggest that models should presume that both altruistic and egoistic considerations may affect stated WTP and that framing may affect their relative contributions  相似文献   

Some individuals are able to determine the weekday of a given date in a few seconds (finding for instance that June 12, 1900, was a Tuesday). This ability has fascinated scientists for many years because it is predominantly observed in people with limited intelligence and may appear very early in life. Exceptional visual memory, exceptional concentration abilities, or privileged access to lower levels of information not normally available through introspection have been advanced to explain such phenomena. In the present article, the authors show that a simple cognitive model can explain all aspects of the performance of Donny, a young autistic savant who is possibly the fastest and most accurate calendar prodigy ever described.  相似文献   

HAROLD模型(Hemispheric Asymmetry Reduction in Older Adults)是指与年轻人相比,老年人在完成某些认知任务时大脑激活呈现出非对称性减弱的现象。该模型自提出以来就引发了很多质疑和研究,近几年来又有一系列的研究分别从不同角度提供了支持该模型的证据,它们包括记忆研究领域、抑制研究领域、语言认知研究领域、感觉动作研究领域和脑神经研究领域。同时也存在明显不支持该模型的研究证据,主要体现为对补偿说的批驳。通过对支持该模型和不支持该模型两方面脑成像研究成果的文献分析,发现HAROLD模型可能是一个任务特异性模型;除补偿说之外,还有其他可能的观点能够解释功能性脑成像的年龄差异;对脑激活定义的进一步明确化有助于澄清相关的争论  相似文献   

《Cognitive development》2004,19(2):169-178
Calendrical calculation is the unusual ability to name days of the week for dates in the past and sometimes the future. Previous investigations of this skill have concerned savants, people with pervasive developmental disorders or general intellectual impairment. This research has yielded a hypothesis about how calendrical skills develop but no direct evidence. This study attempts to learn about the development of savant skills by investigating the development of calendrical skills in two boys (aged 5 and 6 years) along with more general cognitive and social assessments. Consistent with the hypothesis, they initially demonstrated knowledge of regularities but limited range and accuracy in answering date questions and they were slower than many adult savants. At follow up, neither had improved their calendrical skills and they were less willing to answer date questions. Possibly this is because, unlike savants, they had developed interests more commonly shared by their peers and they now received praise for more conventional achievements.  相似文献   

Savant syndrome, characterized by remarkable islands of mental ability in otherwise mentally handicapped persons, may occur in autistic as well as nonautistic individuals. Overall, approximately 10% of autistic persons exhibit savant abilities; roughly 50% of those with savant syndrome have autism, and the remaining 50% have other forms of developmental disability. Most commonly, savant syndrome takes the form of extraordinary musical abilities, but may also include calendar-calculation, artistic, mathematical, spatial, mechanical, and memory skills. While savant syndrome was first described more than a century ago, only recently have researchers begun to employ a more uniform nomenclature and more standardized testing in an effort to compare the abilities of savants with those of normal persons. Males show signs of savant syndrome approximately four times more often than females. Along with imaging study findings, this fact suggests the presence of a developmental disorder involving left-brain damage with right-brain compensation.  相似文献   

青少年时期是创造性发展的关键阶段,探明青少年创造性发展规律及其神经机制对于培养和激发个体的创新潜能具有重要意义。本文综述了青少年创造性发展及其脑机制的研究进展,分别对青少年创造性思维发展趋势、影响因素及其相应的脑机制展开综述,并在此基础上进行了展望。总体而言,青少年时期创造性思维发展呈现出两个波峰(11~13岁,15~16岁)的发展趋势;青少年创造性发展受外部原生家庭教养方式和学校教师激励以及内部情绪动机和自我管理能力的影响较大;前额叶对青少年创造性发展具有重要作用,这可能与该脑区涉及执行控制功能有关。针对青少年创造性发展的教育干预以及大脑可塑性可能成为该领域的研究热点;而大样本纵向跟踪多模态脑影像数据库的建立可为相关研究提供重要支持。  相似文献   

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