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Illusory conjunctions inside and outside the focus of attention   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article addresses 2 questions that arise from the finding that visual scenes are first parsed into visual features: (a) the accumulation of location information about objects during their recognition and (b) the mechanism for the binding of the visual features. The first 2 experiments demonstrated that when 2 colored letters were presented outside the initial focus of attention, illusory conjunctions between the color of one letter and the shape of the other were formed only if the letters were less than 1 degree apart. Separation greater than 2 degrees resulted in fewer conjunction errors than expected by chance. Experiments 3 and 4 showed that inside the spread of attention, illusory conjunctions between the 2 letters can occur regardless of the distance between them. In addition, these experiments demonstrated that the span of attention can expand or shrink like a spotlight. The results suggest that features inside the focus of attention are integrated by an expandable focal attention mechanism that conjoins all features that appear inside its focus. Visual features outside the focus of attention may be registered with coarse location information prior to their integration. Alternatively, a quick and imprecise shift of attention to the periphery may lead to illusory conjunctions among adjacent stimuli.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate as to whether people track multiple moving objects in a serial fashion or with a parallel mechanism. One recent study compared eye movements when observers tracked identical objects (Multiple Object Tracking—MOT task) versus when they tracked the identities of different objects (Multiple Identity Tracking—MIT task). Distinct eye-movement patterns were found and attributed to two separate tracking systems. However, the same results could be caused by differences in the stimuli viewed during tracking. In the present study, object identities in the MIT task were invisible during tracking, so observers performed MOT and MIT tasks with identical stimuli. Observer were able to track either position and identity depending on the task. There was no difference in eye movements between position tracking and identity tracking. This result suggests that, while observers can use different eye-movement strategies in MOT and MIT, it is not necessary.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to evaluate the influence of movement frequency and predictability on visual tracking of the actively and the passively moved hand. Four measures of tracking precision were employed: (a) saccades/cycle, (b) percent of pursuit movement, (c) eye amplitude/arm amplitude, (d) asynchrony of eye and hand at reversal. Active and passive limb movements were tracked with nearly identical accuracy and were always vastly superior to tracking an external visual target undergoing comparable motion. Proprioceptive information about target position appears to provide velocity and position information about target location. Its presence permits the development of central eye-movement programmes that move the eyes in patterns that approximate but do not exactly match, temporally or spatially, the motion of the hand.  相似文献   

Two experiments used the N-Back task to test for age differences in working memory inside and outside the focus of attention. Manipulations of the difficulty of item-context binding (Experiment 1) and of stimulus feature binding (Experiment 2) were used to create conditions that varied in their demand on working memory, with the expectation that greater demand might increase age differences in focus-switching costs and the search rate outside the focus of attention. Results showed, however, that although age differences were evident in measures of overall speed and accuracy, and the manipulations significantly affected response times and accuracy in the expected direction, the experimental manipulations had no impact on age differences. Findings instead pointed to age-related reductions in accuracy but not speed of focus-switching and search outside the focus of attention. Thus, age-related deficits appear to involve the availability of representations in working memory, but not their accessibility.  相似文献   

A priming procedure was used to study the processing of distractors located either inside (between the location of two targets) or outside (peripherally to the locations of the targets) the focus of attention. The stimuli were five-letter arrays, and participants had to decide whether two marked target letters were the same or different. In Experiments 1 and 2, positive priming was obtained both when targets and in-distractors in primes repeated as targets in probes; negative priming was found when out-distractor primes repeated as targets in probes. In Experiment 3, we also manipulated the match in letter case from primes to probes. In-distractors produced reliable positive priming, irrespective of whether the letters matched in case. In contrast out-distractors produced negative priming but only when the letters had the same case in primes and probes. These results are attributed to a spatial attention process operating (in this case) on low-level visual features, and an object-based selection process that enables more abstract information to be processed for selected stimuli.  相似文献   

Research on group criticism has demonstrated that criticisms are received less defensively when made by an ingroup member than when made by an outsider (the intergroup sensitivity effect). Three experiments tested the extent to which this effect is driven by social identity concerns or by judgments of how experienced the source of the criticism is. In Experiments 1 and 2, Australians who criticized Australia (ingroup critics) were met with less defensiveness than were foreigners who criticized Australia (outgroup critics), regardless of the amount of experience the foreigner had with Australia. Furthermore, the effects of speaker type on evaluations were mediated by perceptions of the extent to which the criticisms were intended to be constructive but not by perceptions of experience. Finally, Experiment 3 indicated that although experience does not help outgroup critics, a lack of experience can hurt ingroup critics. Recommendations are provided as to how people can reduce defensiveness when making group criticisms.  相似文献   

A system is presented that allows automated, three-dimensional tracking of hand and arm movements. The system incorporates commercially available optoelectronic cameras and provides portable and affordable, yet accurate, three-dimensional monitoring of multiple joints of the hands and arms. Special-purpose hardware components were developed, as was software for data acquisition, data processing, and graphic display. The hardware and software are described, along with such necessary procedures as system calibration and transformation of coordinate system frames of reference. Testing of the system revealed highly accurate three-dimensional spatial tracking. The three-dimensional numeric and graphic analyses of movement made possible by this system allow new studies into the nature of the neural control of movement.  相似文献   

为进一步挖掘中国人人际关系性人格特质的内涵,研究1采用“个体中心”的潜在剖面分析方法对1911名CPAI-2中国人的常模样本在人际关系性上的表现进行整体揭示。同时,为比较中西方人际关系性的不同,研究2探讨了非华人群体人际关系性的潜在剖面结构。研究3进一步在2580名大学生群体中验证中国人人际关系性上的外圆内方的潜在剖面结构,并探讨人际关系性的亚型以及哪种亚型的人在现代社会更具适应性。中国人群体的研究结果均呈现四分类模型,但这一分类模型并没有在西方样本中复现出来,并且研究3发现中国人群体中外圆内方的亚群体最具适应性。研究结合中国传统文化中的“君子人格”进行相关讨论,为当代中国人辩证统一的“外圆内方”的文化特异性的行为模式提供历史阐释及其当代生活适应性的证据。  相似文献   

The functional, physiologic aspects of the human supralaryngeal vocal tract, which follow from the equal length of the oral and pharyngeal cavities and their right angle orientation are discussed. Sounds like the vowels [i] and [u], which only the human supralaryngeal vocal tract can produce in a Quantal mode, provide a selective advantage for vocal communication and the evolution of the human vocal tract and matched neural property detectors. The dissimilarity between Neanderthal skulls and specimens of anatomically modern Homo sapiens and other fossil skulls is discussed in relation to the reconstruction of the Neanderthal supralaryngeal vocal tract. The absence of some of the innate neural property detectors that play a part in the perception of human speech can be inferred in Neanderthal hominids from the reconstruction of their supralaryngeal vocal tract.  相似文献   

Amounts of crying were measured for two groups of infants in two states, calm and crying. The stimulus group was exposed to two test-cry stimuli (own-cry/other-cry) in both states. The control group was not exposed to the test-cry stimuli. For the stimulus group, results showed that there was no significant difference in the amount of crying during presentation of either the own-cry or other-cry test stimulus. However, the stimulus group did cry significantly less than the control group. This difference in the amount of crying was attributed to the capacity of the infant to suppress crying in the presence of auditory stimuli.  相似文献   

Studies of attentional capture by personally significant stimuli have reached inconsistent results, possibly because of improper control of the participants' attention. In the present study, the authors controlled visual attention by using a Stroop-like task. Participants responded to a central color and ignored a word presented either centrally (i.e., at the focus of attention) or peripherally (i.e., outside the focus of attention). Central words led to slower reaction times and larger orienting responses for significant items than for neutral items. These effects largely disappeared when the words appeared in a peripheral location. The peripheral words interfered with performance when they were relevant to task demands. These results indicate that there is a fundamental difference between task-relevant words and personally significant words: The former capture attention even when presented peripherally, whereas the latter do not.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic motion-tracking systems have the advantage of capturing the tempo-spatial kinematics of movements independently of the visibility of the sensors. However, they are limited in that they cannot be used in the proximity of electromagnetic field sources, such as computer monitors. This prevents exploiting the tracking potential of the sensor system together with that of computer-generated visual stimulation. Here we present a solution for presenting computer-generated visual stimulation that does not distort the electromagnetic field required for precise motion tracking, by means of a back projection medium. In one experiment, we verify that cathode ray tube monitors, as well as thin-film-transistor monitors, distort electro-magnetic sensor signals even at a distance of 18 cm. Our back projection medium, by contrast, leads to no distortion of the motion-tracking signals even when the sensor is touching the medium. This novel solution permits combining the advantages of electromagnetic motion tracking with computer-generated visual stimulation.  相似文献   

Past research shows that European Americans tend to take a first‐person perspective to understand the self and are unlikely to align the inside look with the outside gaze, whereas Asians tend to take a third‐person perspective and are likely to shift their inside look in the direction of the outsize gaze. In three experiments, we compared Asians and European Americans' self‐perceptions when the presence of their parents in the background of self‐perception was primed or otherwise. Without the priming, both European Americans and Asians viewed themselves more positively from their own perspective than from their parents' perspective. With the priming, only Asians lowered the positivity of their self‐perceptions to match the perceived positivity of the self in the parents' perspective. These results suggest that Asians do not have a static, passive tendency to assimilate their self‐views into the perceived external assessments of the self. Rather, their self‐views are fluid and flexible.  相似文献   

The present experiments were concerned with subsyllabic units in word recognition. The studies employed a same-different RT task. A one-syllable word and a probe were presented simultaneously, and subjects responded “same” if the probe was an integral subset of the word (BLAST:BL), and “different” otherwise (BLAST:BC). Probes included single letters (BLAST:L), doublets (BLAST:LA), triplets (BLAST:LAS), and the whole word (BLAST: BLAST). The first experiment suggested that a variety of spelling patterns, as well as the whole word, served as units of processing. In particular, initial consonant clusters were processed as quickly as single letters, and only slightly faster than the whole words. Consonant strings were used in the second experiment, which demonstrated spelling pattern effects with permissible strings (BLGST:BL) as compared to nonpermissable strings (BXJPK:BX). A third experiment demonstrated that the particular effective units depend on task demands.  相似文献   

In an eye movement experiment, we assessed the performance of young (18–30 years) and older (65 + years) adult readers when sentences contained conventional interword spaces, when interword spaces were removed, or when interword spaces were replaced by nonlinguistic symbols. The replacement symbol was either a closed square (■) that provided a salient (low-spatial-frequency) cue to word boundaries, or an open square (□) that provided a less salient cue and included features (vertical and horizontal lines) similar to those found in letters. Removing or replacing interword spaces slowed reading times and impaired normal eye movement behavior for both age groups. However, this disruption was greater for the older readers, particularly when the replacement symbol did not provide a salient cue as to word boundaries. Specific influences of this manipulation on word identification during reading were assessed by examining eye movements for a high- or low-frequency target word in each sentence. Standard word frequency effects were obtained for both age groups when text was spaced normally, and although the word frequency effect was larger when spaces were removed or filled, the increases were similar across age groups. Therefore, whereas older adults’ normal eye movements were substantially disrupted when text lacked conventional interword spaces, the process of lexical access associated with the word frequency effect was no more difficult for older than for young adults. The indication, therefore, is that although older adults struggle from the loss of conventional cues to word boundaries, this is not due to additional difficulties in word recognition.  相似文献   

Green CS  Bavelier D 《Cognition》2006,101(1):217-245
Here, we demonstrate that action video game play enhances subjects' ability in two tasks thought to indicate the number of items that can be apprehended. Using an enumeration task, in which participants have to determine the number of quickly flashed squares, accuracy measures showed a near ceiling performance for low numerosities and a sharp drop in performance once a critical number of squares was reached. Importantly, this critical number was higher by about two items in video game players (VGPs) than in non-video game players (NVGPs). A following control study indicated that this improvement was not due to an enhanced ability to instantly apprehend the numerosity of the display, a process known as subitizing, but rather due to an enhancement in the slower more serial process of counting. To confirm that video game play facilitates the processing of multiple objects at once, we compared VGPs and NVGPs on the multiple object tracking task (MOT), which requires the allocation of attention to several items over time. VGPs were able to successfully track approximately two more items than NVGPs. Furthermore, NVGPs trained on an action video game established the causal effect of game playing in the enhanced performance on the two tasks. Together, these studies confirm the view that playing action video games enhances the number of objects that can be apprehended and suggest that this enhancement is mediated by changes in visual short-term memory skills.  相似文献   

Ben-Yashar R  Nitzan S  Vos HJ 《Psicothema》2006,18(3):652-660
This paper compares the determination of optimal cutoff points for single and multiple tests in the field of personnel selection. Decisional skills of predictor tests composing the multiple test are assumed to be endogenous variables that depend on the cutting points to be set. It is shown how the predictor cutoffs and the collective decision rule are determined dependently by maximizing the multiple test's common expected utility. Our main result specifies the condition that determines the relationship between the optimal cutoff points for single and multiple tests, given the number of predictor tests, the collective decision rule (aggregation procedure of predictor tests' recommendations) and the function relating the tests' decisional skills to the predictor cutoff points. The proposed dichotomous decision-making method is illustrated by an empirical example of selecting trainees by means of the Assessment Center method.  相似文献   

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