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Research indicates that graduate programs in counseling and clinical psychology are beginning to include more courses on multicultural issues. Little data is available, however, concerning the inclusion of training in multicultural issues in predoctoral psychology internship training programs. This study examined the amount and type of such training actually occurring at predoctoral psychology internship training programs in university counseling centers.  相似文献   

Although data about personality assessment training in clinical psychology programs have often been gathered, little comparable data have been collected about assessment training in counseling psychology programs. To collect such information, we conducted a survey of all programs identified as part of the Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs. A two-page questionnaire was sent out to the 64 program directors, with 56 (88%) of the questionnaires being returned. Information about availability of required personality assessment courses, availability of elective assessment courses, and types of personality tests covered in the counseling curriculum is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

In a national questionnaire survey of graduate programs offering the Ph.D. or Psy.D. in clinical psychology, the status of family therapy training was examined. With a 79 per cent response rate (102 programs), the study found that 10 per cent of the nationwide faculty identified themselves as primarily family therapy oriented, 32 per cent of the programs had no family-oriented faculty members, 18 per cent of all psychotherapy courses were family therapy courses, and 21 per cent of the schools had no family therapy course. The ratings of the importance of providing students with family therapy training were found to be unrelated to the number of family therapy courses available but positively correlated with the percentage of family therapy courses within the total curriculum.  相似文献   

针对我国心理学专业"实验心理学"本科教学现状,调查了来自全国28个省市自治区的120所大学的164名"实验心理学"任课教师。结果发现:大部分高校将实验心理学课安排在了第二学年;教学课时在60以上;实际课时越高,其期望课时也越高;讲授《实验心理学》课的教师主要是讲师和副教授,教授较少;实验室面积在160平方米以上的高校占了一半以上,但实验室建设仍被认为是教学的主要困难来源;86.3%的教师会在教学方法上重视实验操作;教师大都受科研压力之苦;教师的教学能力和学生的学习动机是制约教学效果的主要因素,教学难点主要来自实验设计;针对实验心理学任课教师的培训达到了令人满意的效果。  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(1):5-14
Ethical training in graduate programs is an important part of the professional development process. Such training has taken a position of prominence in both counseling and clinical psychology but seems to be lagging behind in the field of sport psychology. A debate exists about whether such training is necessary and, if so, how it should be provided. An important step in better understanding these issues is to identify how such training is currently taking place. This study surveyed the program directors of sport psychology programs listed in the Directory of Graduate Programs in Applied Sport Psychology (Burke, Sachs, & Schrader, 2002) about the ethical training that takes place in their programs and their perceptions of the preparedness of the students in their programs. Of those contacted, 54% (n = 47) responded to the e-mail based survey. The results from these respondents indicated that 64.4% of programs require training in ethics and that the training was most commonly integrated into other nonethics courses. Overall, respondents did not feel as if students were completely prepared for either the ethical or legal issues that they will face in their professional careers. The importance of ethical training and suggestions for improving ethical training are discussed.  相似文献   

Directors from psychology internship programs across the United States were asked to participate in a survey regarding their sites’ provision of services to traumatized populations and didactic and supervisory training offered to interns. All totaled, 259 training directors completed the survey. Using a point system, an impact score of training saturation was determined based on the content and frequency of training offered in didactic, supervision, or combined formats. Of these, all reported at least one trauma training opportunity in either didactic or supervision format. More than half indicated that they offered at least 1 to 3 hours of didactics on trauma per week (62.2%) and slightly less offered supervision-specific training opportunities (54.5%). However, only 30.8% identified training opportunities in trauma/posttraumatic stress disorder that reached a high level of saturation in training, meaning they offered training activities above the median impact score. The most commonly reported barrier to offering trauma training was related to being busy meeting other specialty or program requirements. Findings provide a preliminary overview of current training practices that can be useful to students seeking trauma internship placements and administrators and faculty who are looking to revise their curriculum.  相似文献   

We surveyed American Psychological Association–accredited clinical psychology doctoral programs' (n = 83) training in psychological assessment—specifically, their coverage of various assessment topics and tests in courses and practica, and whether the training was optional or required. We report results overall and separately per training model (clinical science, scientist-practitioner, and practitioner-focused). Overall, our results suggest that psychological assessment training is as active, or even more active, than in previous years. Areas of increased emphasis include clinical interviewing and psychometrics; multimethod, outcomes, health, and collaborative or therapeutic assessment; and different types of cognitive and self-report personality tests. All or almost all practice-focused programs offered training with the Thematic Apperception Test and Rorschach compared to about half of the scientist-practitioner programs and a third of the clinical science programs. Although almost all programs reported teaching multimethod assessment, what constitutes different methods of assessing psychopathology should be clarified in future studies because many programs appear to rely on one method—self-report (especially clinical science programs). Although doctoral programs covered many assessment topics and tests in didactic courses, there appears to be a shortage of program-run opportunities for students to obtain applied assessment training. Finally, we encourage doctoral programs to be familiar with (a) internships' assessment expectations and opportunities, (b) the professional guidelines for assessment training, and (c) the American Psychological Association's requirements for preinternship assessment competencies.  相似文献   

A review of the literature suggests that counseling professionals may not be receiving substantive training related to AIDS. In this article, all U.S. counselor education programs were surveyed to determine the extent of such training. The responding programs (N = 243) identified AIDS as a high priority for inclusion in curricular programming, yet nearly 40% of the responding programs did not include any AIDS training in their curricula. Implications for counselor education and the counseling profession are discussed, and suggestions are made for including AIDS-related training in programs.  相似文献   

The Multicultural Competency Checklist (Ponterotto, Alexander, & Grieger, 1995) was used to assess counseling psychology students' perceptions of multicultural training in their programs. Results revealed that most students perceived their programs to (a) have a required multicultural counseling course, (b) employ diverse teaching strategies and procedures, (c) use varied methods of evaluating performance, and (d) have faculty members whose primary research interest was in multicultural issues. Alternatively, many students reported that their programs did not (a) have appropriate representation of bilingual individuals on the faculty, (b) demonstrate adequate leadership and support with regard to multicultural issues, (c) use assessment instruments in evaluating their level of multicultural competency, and (d) make available a “multicultural resource center” for their use. The importance of integrating multicultural issues throughout academic programs is also discussed.  相似文献   

Data from the National Research Council's 1995 study of doctoral programs provide a basis for the comparison of research-oriented Ph.D. programs in psychology and Ph.D. programs of professional-applied schools. The latter present a profile of faculty resources, attributes, and activities that differs sharply from that found in the research-oriented programs, and in Ph.D. programs in the other behavioral and social sciences. The difference in profiles suggests that the professional programs conduct Ph.D. training that departs from the training ordinarily regarded as necessary for the award of that degree.  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(2):101-108
A survey of the 37 psychology departments offering courses accredited by the Australian Psychological Society yielded a 92% response rate. Sixty-eight percent of departments employed students as research subjects, with larger departments being more likely to do so. Most of these departments drew their student subject pools from introductory courses. Student research participation was strictly voluntary in 57% of these departments, whereas 43% of the departments have failed to comply with normally accepted ethical standards. It is of great concern that institutional ethics committees apparently continue to condone, or fail to act against, unethical research practices. Although these committees have a duty of care to all subjects, the final responsibility for conducting research in an ethical manner lies with the individual researcher.  相似文献   

Surveys of clinical psychologists' self‐reports of professional practice exist in Australia and New Zealand, but comparatively little data exist on the training available in universities. The present study was designed to gather data on the training and assessment of cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT). A semi‐structured phone interview was designed for use with clinical psychology training directors, or equivalent, in Australia and New Zealand. Out of a total of 48 universities in the region, 40 clinical directors were successfully contacted: One declined involvement, and 39 agreed to participate, yielding a response rate of 81% (six in New Zealand and 33 in Australia). The data showed that it is common for clinical training programmes in our region to provide clinical trainees with foundational knowledge in CBT (i.e., 29 of the 39 surveyed). However, CBT is mainly incorporated into the auspices of clinical training programmes, there is a wide range of assessment methods to evaluate competence in providing therapy, and relatively few academic units exist that focus exclusively on CBT.  相似文献   

Little is known about the mechanisms by which psychology graduate programs transmit responsible conduct of research (RCR) values. A national sample of 968 current students and recent graduates of mission-diverse doctoral psychology programs completed a Web-based survey on their research ethics challenges, perceptions of RCR mentoring and department climate, whether they were prepared to conduct research responsibly, and whether they believed psychology as a discipline promotes scientific integrity. Research experience, mentor RCR instruction and modeling, and department RCR policies predicted student RCR preparedness. Mentor RCR instruction, department RCR policies, and faculty modeling of RCR behaviors predicted confidence in the RCR integrity of the discipline. Implications for training are discussed.  相似文献   

This needs assessment of predoctoral psychology programs in a large southeastern state reveals that although many programs include adolescent health issues and often involve the psychiatry discipline in their curricula, many trainees do not have exposure to medicine, nutrition, or nursing disciplines. Opportunities for greater interdisciplinary adolescent health care training exist in psychology training programs in this southeastern state. Integrating such training into psychology programs may enhance psychology's ability to function as a vital component of adolescent health care teams within academic medical centers across the country.  相似文献   

A survey was devised to obtain feedback from counselor educators throughout the country regarding the teaching of consultation skills in their master's degree programs. This survey was mailed to 410 counselor education departments, with the request that the faculty member most closely associated with teaching consultation at the master's level respond. Usable survey forms were returned by 144 programs. A phone follow-up survey of selected nonrespondents substantiated the indicated findings. Reported survey results indicate the extent to which counselor education programs include training in consultation skills, the number of students involved, and the emphasis placed on various consultation skills.  相似文献   

Fifty-one percent (N = 80) of directors of doctoral PhD and PsyD programs in clinical psychology, accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA), responded to a survey on assessment training. The study was a replication of an earlier survey by Piotrowski and Keller (1984b) on instruction, practices, and attitudes on testing. Our findings indicated that training emphasis in assessment coursework has changed very little over the past decade. Intelligence testing was emphasized in most programs, followed by objective and projective personality assessment. However, training in behavioral assessment techniques was required in only half of the responding programs. There were no significant differences between PhD and PsyD programs concerning required coursework in assessment. Factors that influence the perennial importance of testing in the clinical core curriculum are discussed.  相似文献   

The following is a review of creativity courses and programs offered at universities in Europe, North America, Japan, and China. Creativity courses and programs occur in a variety of disciplines, but are found most frequently in fields such as business; education and psychology; and engineering, science, and technology. This paper provides information about course and program titles, characteristics, and instructors.  相似文献   

This article describes ways in which political psychology can be incorporated into undergraduate course curricula. The challenges of teaching political psychology to undergraduate students are discussed, and possibilities for the content and structure of undergraduate courses in political psychology are examined in the context of active learning. Suggestions for the development of an undergraduate major in political psychology are offered.  相似文献   

为了解我国部分医科类高校医学(生命)伦理学课程的开展现状,对国内48所高校中68名从事医学(生命)伦理学教学工作的教师进行问卷调查。结果显示,23所高校教师人数超过4人;女性教师中学历为硕士的人数最多;32.4%的教师第一专业具备临床或医药背景;学时为32学时~36学时的高校仅1所,学分为2学分的高校也只有1所,以必修课形式开设的高校只有2所;28所高校开设了医学(生命)伦理学相关的讲座,其中2所高校年均开设次数达到5次或以上。调查显示,高校整体师资力量较薄弱、女性教师学历水平有待提高、教师知识结构较单一、课程受重视程度低、医学人文环境较差。建议扩大、优化师资结构,重树学科定位,加强医学人文建设,营造医学人文氛围。  相似文献   

Although education in the responsible conduct of research is considered necessary, evidence bearing on the effectiveness of these programs in improving research ethics has indicated that, although some programs are successful, many fail. Accordingly, there is a need for systematic evaluation of ethics education programs. In the present effort, we examine procedures for evaluation of ethics education programs from a multilevel perspective: examining both within-program evaluation and cross-program evaluation. With regard to within-program evaluation, we note requisite designs and measures for conducting systematic program evaluation have been developed and multiple measures should be applied in program evaluation. With regard to cross-program evaluation, we argue that a meta-analytic framework should be employed where analyses are used to identify best practices in ethics education. The implications of this multilevel approach for improving responsible conduct of research educational programs are discussed.  相似文献   

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