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Maternal depression is a major public health concern, as children of depressed mothers have a substantially increased risk for psychiatric problems into adulthood. Low-income mothers have high rates of depression, yet few receive mental health care. Barriers have been identified, but solutions have been based on what mental health professionals believe is helpful rather than mothers’ own perspectives, or require participation in an existing treatment. The purpose of our study was to learn what low-income, depressed mothers believe they need from mental health care to overcome barriers to mental health care. Twelve mothers with at least one child between the ages of 2 and 17 participated in individual interviews. Using qualitative grounded theory methodology, data were organized into six theoretical constructs. These included: (1) attitudes, expectations, and emotions impact the intention to enter treatment, (2) identifying as self-sufficient inhibits the intention to enter treatment, (3) providing knowledge, skills and environmental resources facilitate treatment entry, (4) habits and life circumstances that make treatment seem unimportant inhibit treatment entry, (5) balancing acceptance, change, and the therapeutic relationship facilitates treatment retention, and (6) sharing similarities with people involved in treatment often, but does not always facilitate treatment retention. A 3-step theory was developed regarding variables that influence mothers’ (a) intentions to enter treatment, (b) treatment entry, and (c) treatment retention. Offering what low-income, depressed mothers believe they need could better engage and retain them in mental health treatment.  相似文献   

不管处于什么发展水平的国家,都需要进行持续的卫生保健改革,这已成为整个社会政治改革的一部分,卫生保健改革已经融入整个世界的社会大变革中.卫生经济问题无一不具有道德成分,无一能离开伦理政策得以解决.我们对中国医疗卫生体制改革的伦理学展望中,提倡一种"公平优先,兼顾效率"的价值观.我们需要正确认识市场的目标、价值和规律,正确理解和发挥政府和市场的调节作用,促进医疗卫生体制改革的健康发展.  相似文献   

卫生经济伦理学对医疗完全市场化的质疑   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
不管处于什么发展水平的国家,都需要进行持续的卫生保健改革,这已成为整个社会政治改革的一部分,卫生保健改革已经融入整个世界的社会大变革中。卫生经济问题无一不具有道德成分,无一能离开伦理政策得以解决。我们对中国医疗卫生体制改革的伦理学展望中,提倡一种“公平优先,兼顾效率”的价值观。我们需要正确认识市场的目标、价值和规律,正确理解和发挥政府和市场的调节作用,促进医疗卫生体制改革的健康发展。  相似文献   

This article is based on the opening presentation by the author to the Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers’ 5th National Conference, “Preparing Psychologists for a Rapidly Changing Healthcare Environment” held in March, 2011. Reviewing the patient protection and affordable care act (ACA), that presentation was designed to set the stage for several days of symposia and discussions anticipating upcoming changes to the healthcare system. This article reviews the ACA; general trends that have impacted healthcare reform; the implications of the Act for psychology’s workforce including the growing focus on interprofessional education, training, and practice, challenges to address in order to prepare for psychology’s future; and recommendations for advocating for psychology’s future as a healthcare profession.  相似文献   

This mixed method study examined factors associated with parents not attending their child’s mental health treatment after initially seeking help for their 2–5 year old child. It was part of a larger study comparing two evidence-based treatments among low-income racial/ethnic minority families seeking child mental health services. Of 123 parents who initiated mental health treatment (71?% African American or multi-racial; 97.6?% low-income), 36 (29.3?%) never attended their child’s first treatment session. Socio-demographic characteristics, parenting stress, depression, severity of child behavior problems, and length of treatment delay from intake to first scheduled treatment session were compared for families who did and did not attend their first treatment session. Parents who never attended their child’s first treatment session were more likely to live with more than four adults and children (p?=?.007) and have more depressive symptoms (p?=?.003). Median length of treatment delay was 80 days (IQR?=?55) for those who attended and 85 days (IQR?=?67.5) for those who did not attend their child’s first treatment session (p?=?.142). Three themes emerged from caregiver interviews: (a) expectations about the treatment, (b) delays in getting help, and (c) ambivalence about research participation. Findings suggest the need to develop better strategies for addressing risk factors early in the treatment process and reducing the length of time families with adverse psychosocial circumstances must wait for child mental health treatment.  相似文献   

论述了在全民健康背景下医学教育思想的转变;提出了重新设计培养目标,改革课程计划、培齐模式、教学方法的思路和做法;从加强医学人文课程建设、开展人文素质教育、促进专业教育与人文教育结合、加强医学伦理学教育等方面,提出了促进医学科学与医学人文结合的建议.  相似文献   

从深层次研究和认识卫生改革的方向与目标   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20年的卫生改革是伴随着社会经济改革与发展的过程慢慢地进行摸索,改革的‘彼岸’并没有一个清晰的图景;由于改革的目标模式所提供的信息是不充分的,我们没有更多的信息来判断我们改革的进程与结果。因此,卫生改革最迫切的事情是需要更大的耐心,以新的认识,新的理念和勇气,来进行系统的反思,以促进卫生改革从一种经验性的改革进入到一种理性的改革过程。  相似文献   

20年的卫生改革是伴随着社会经济改革与发展的过程慢慢地进行摸索,改革的‘彼岸'并没有一个清晰的图景;由于改革的目标模式所提供的信息是不充分的,我们没有更多的信息来判断我们改革的进程与结果.因此,卫生改革最迫切的事情是需要更大的耐心,以新的认识,新的理念和勇气,来进行系统的反思,以促进卫生改革从一种经验性的改革进入到一种理性的改革过程.  相似文献   

We invite readers of this colloquy on information‐seeking behavior to reconsider the worldview that structures scholarly and practical thinking about information‐seeking behavior as a mode of human activity. We propose an alternative formulation–meaning engagement practice–to draw into relief the assumptions that tacitly underpin the investigation of information‐seeking behavior. We develop this alternative by contrasting information with meaning, seeking with engagement, and behavior with practice. By rethinking information‐seeking behavior through the lens of meaning engagement practice, avenues for theoretical development and systematic investigation of communication more generally are recovered. We ground our case for meaning engagement practice in four research contexts: modeling the user in information mediation, information access and browsing as relevant processes for understanding information‐seeking behavior, the products and by‐products of an information‐seeking behavior worldview in psychiatric evaluation, and approaches to the design of mediation practices that encourage reflection.  相似文献   

Psychologists from 45 academic health science centers throughout the United States and Canada gathered at Georgetown University for a national conference November 2–5, 1995 organized by the Association of Medical School Psychologists. This paper introduces the proceedings of that conference described in the next four articles in this issue of the Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings[Volume 4, number 1]. Papers prepared by the working groups focus upon clinical services, education and training, research, and governance and administration within the academic medical setting.  相似文献   

Within the context of Black churches, African American clergy have a significant role in the delivery of mental health care services for parishioners and their families. Working toward better linkages between faith-based communities and more formal mental health care could help to provide more culturally sensitive and timely mental health care for African American families. Using a salient part of an integrative model (Davey and Watson in Contemp Fam Ther 30:31–47, 2008), the roles Black church leaders have historically played for African American families seeking outside mental health care services are considered. We additionally provide an example of a recent collaborative partnership with a Black church that points toward some promising directions for future research and clinical collaborations between the field of couple and family therapy and the Black church community.  相似文献   

为了更好地办好《医学与哲学》“临床决策论坛版”,使之更加贴近临床,为广大临床医生提供更加科学、合理的决策思路,2008年1月5日至14日,本刊常务副主编赵明杰、编辑王德顺调研和走访了七大城市(北京、太原、西安、武汉、长沙、济南、沈阳),与这些城市的17家大型医院的174名临床专家进行了座谈、交流和讨论。本次调研的行程如下:  相似文献   

医院的社会责任:伦理学视角   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
讨论了评价医院管理行动的伦理框架,严峻的卫生形势,医院的社会责任,其中着重讨论参与全面建设小康社会;向社会提供公平的卫生保健服务;重建医患信托关系以及调整与企业关系防止利益冲突.  相似文献   

世界卫生组织的宪章和有关卫生大会的决议多次指出:"人人享有最高而可获得的健康标准是一项人类的基本权利".中国曾经是发展中国家贯彻世界卫生组织人人享有卫生保健战略目标的楷模.随着社会经济的发展,人口结构及疾病谱的改变,科技的迅速进步,我们需要进行卫生改革,但世界上没有现成的模式.分析了我国的卫生改革中取得的伟大成就,但在医疗卫生改革中缺乏伦理考量:卫生资源分配的不公正和政府在卫生总投入中所占的比例不足,是造成"看病难、看病贵"的主要原因.由世界卫生组织和联合国教科文组织最近所提出的伦理准则:分析了卫生改革的公正性和社会责任.  相似文献   

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