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This article presents an exploratory study, which attempts to analyse the changes which have occurred in the professional life of nurses in France since the introduction of the system of payment per medical act (T2A). The theoretical background is provided by theories on the activity. The T2A system is intended to provide a means of or ganising nursing care. The main results of qualitative analysis undertaken show above all changes in the way nurses’ work is organised (pace, rhythm, productivity, value for money and turnover). The more intense workload mentioned by the nurses concerns above all an increase in technical and administrative activity rather than any personal interaction with the patients, which appears to have suffered from the changes. The repercessions identified by the nursing staff include frustration, a loss of meaning in their work and a lower standard of nursing care provided.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2021,27(3):175-200
The second edition of the ITC guidelines for translating and adapting tests was prepared between 2005 and 2015 to improve upon the first edition, and to respond to advances in testing technology and practices. The 18 guidelines are organized into six categories to facilitate their use: pre-condition (3), test development (5), confirmation (4), administration (2), scoring and interpretation (2), and documentation (2). For each guideline, an explanation is provided along with suggestions for practice. A checklist is provided to improve the implementation of the guidelines.  相似文献   

The question of the introduction of emerging technologies and their incessant renewal in organizations basically refers to the place and role that these devices play in activity, as well as how they can affect activity and health at work … Thought as a prospective reflection trying to grasp the logic and the modalities of the digital transformations in progress, the ambition of this paper is: (i) first, identify and characterize the emerging technologies that are deployed in the company; (ii) discuss their impact on the activity and well-being of employees, showing the uses and paradoxical effects that these devices can have on work; and (iii) finally think about the psychosocial function of these devices as potential health and business development operators.  相似文献   

Our study focuses on the stakes of the school (de)mobilization of junior-high school high potential pupils; it hinges around the interconstruction between their family experiences and the meaning of their school experience. Two hundred and fifty-five high potential, 9 to 15 year-old pupils have responded to a questionnaire made up of 65 items divided into six headings (school path, school experience, their relationship to knowledge and their future; support and parental investment into the children's school-life; sociobiographic information) and a self-evaluation of their self-esteem. Their class-teachers have filled in an evaluation grid for each student's skills and behavior at school. The descending hierarchical classification highlights different sorts of evidence regarding these pupils’ school (de)mobilization, thus evincing singular experiences. These manifestations can be related to a variety of school paths, relationship to schooling, learning and the different ways parents support their children and invest themselves in them – as the children perceive them as doing so.  相似文献   

Residential segregation is becoming a complex phenomenon in a great number of cities, in which case, it becomes important to use methodological approaches that allow us to take this complexity into account. This article presents a case study of the Montreal situation using a method describing segregation along five dimensions identified by Massey and Denton (Social Forces 67:281–315, 1988): equality, concentration, aggregation, exposition and centralisation, as well as a set of fifteen segregation indices, and seven variables describing the immigrant population. Results indicate that Montreal, in 2001, appeared as a multicultural city characterized by a plurality of immigration patterns of urban insertion.  相似文献   

Recently, social psychology has taken an interest in attitudes and beliefs about laïcité and their relations to other variables, such as expressions of prejudice. Laïcité can be defined as the separation of churches and State, the role of the State being to assure an equality and a freedom of religion. The aim of this study was to construct a measure of beliefs of laïcité, and then to compensate for the lack of reliable measures about the possible interpretations of laïcité. The exploratory (study 1) and confirmatory factor analyses (study 2) led to sixteen items being included in the scale and representing four laïcité dimensions: public expression of religious beliefs, religious neutrality of the State and its institutions, equality of different religious beliefs, and protection of religious groups. Correlations across different dimensions showed that the public expression of religious beliefs was positively correlated with equality of different religious beliefs and negatively to neutrality of the State and its institutions. Moreover, convergent and discriminant validity (studies 2 and 3) showed that dimensions of laïcité are differently correlated with prejudice, SDO, religiosity, or with the republican model's adhesion. t-tests showed that compared to Catholics, agnostics and atheistics want a stronger religious neutrality of the State, are more in favor of an equalitarian treatment of different religious beliefs, but are less in favor of a protection of religion by State. Concerning the attachment to laïcité, this variable is only very weakly correlated with the four dimensions. Statistical analysis conducted on attachment to laïcité and other psychosocial variables such as prejudice, social dominance orientation (SDO), religiosity, religious beliefs (atheistics and agnostics vs. catholics) and political orientation showed that only SDO is (negatively) related to attachment to laïcité. These results suggest different conceptions of laïcité depending on psychosocial variable such as religion, prejudice or SDO. Finally, a test-retest has been effected on the scale (study 4). The results shown that the adhesion to the laïcité’s dimensions is stable in the time.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationships between care activity and temporal constrains. The main objective is to understand the constrain effects on care givers activity. It is aimed at understanding the effects of the requirements on care givers activity. A research-action of eighteen month was conducted within a residential establishment for older dependent people and studied the activity of thirty four care givers. Our theoretical frame associates both work clinic and ergonomics. Investigations method combined both observation and interviews. The analysis of the care givers activity shows the effects of the organizational constrains on the activity. The care givers activity focuses on time organization rather than care. Finally, the quality of work is impaired, the work looses its sense and misses its primary objectives.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2023,2023(179):21-26
Medical research collects a huge number of medical data sheltered in Data Centers. An European regulation rule (GDRP) or General Data Protection Regulation aims to give an ethic frame to protect personal data and delegate responsability to citizens.  相似文献   

To facilitate the analysis and the management of claims related to the last Covid-19 pandemic, the DAJ of the AP–HP constituted a medical group assisted by lawyers intending to review the scientific knowledge and organizational measures during the first wave of this pandemic. This group brought together medical doctors with both scientific expertise in the main specialties requested during this viral infection and knowledge of repairing bodily damage. Based on the data provided by the hospital dashboards and the collection of hospital procedures for Covid-19 and non-Covid-19 patients, the goal of this group was to assess the level of scientific knowledge and organizational measures respectively at the start of the epidemic, its peak and at the end. During the three periods of this pandemic the main changes observed included a greater selectivity on admissions with increasing consideration on the patient's comorbidity; a continual evolution in drug management and more rigorous isolation measures with interruption of visiting rights. The target was to prevent contamination of the non-infected persons with an obsession to protect healthcare workers. The absence of selection for patients requiring intensive care for compensation of their respiratory failure forced AP–HP to double the number of intensive care beds and to refer some patients in other regions. In a context of unstable scientific knowledge and evolving organizational measures, the collection of these data should facilitate the management of claims related to Covid19 during the first wave of this pandemic and open a prospective study for the next pandemic.  相似文献   

A proportion of 55 % of school administrators experience a high level of job stress mainly caused by relationship conflicts and overwork. According to the demands and resources of employment model, having personal resources would protect against the harmful effect of the difficulties experienced and the more specific a resource, the more it can counter the effect. Thus, political skills (HP) would decrease the effect of demands related to relationship conflicts, while the sense of self-efficacy (PES) decreases the negative impact of the workload on the PES. The objective of this study is to verify the effect of personal resources, HP and MS, on the relationship between job demands and job psychological health. A total of 232 school administrators from Quebec participated in the study. Job demands, as well as personal resources, are linked to anxiety and serenity according to Bakker and Demerouti (2007). Nevertheless, the SEP does not interact with the relationship of demands and psychological health in employment (PES). In addition, only the social astuteness dimension of HP moderates the relationship of demands and anxiety.  相似文献   

This study proposes to apply the paradigm of Churchill in the case of the adaptation in french and validation of the Maignan and Ferrell scale (1999) based on the model developed by Carroll (1979). This model proposes to distinguish four principles of social responsibility: economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibility. Four factors were highlighted in a first exploratory study conducted among 320 workers. This structure was confirmed during a second confirmatory investigation among 287others workers. If the four identified factors do not match exactly to the theoretical chosen model, they bring value to support the differences in social responsibility between the internal actors and external actors.  相似文献   

Parental child rearing can be analysed through the observation of child-rearing behaviours and also through the way parents organize home environment. This study intends to identify the home environmental quality dimensions that are related to maternal interactive behaviours after accounting for maternal education level.The participants were 120 mothers of children aged 14 to 49 months. The quality of home environment was assessed with HOME Inventory for Families of Infants and Toddlers (Caldwell and Bradley, 1984). Interactive behaviours were collected, video registered and coded using the Mothers Teaching Styles Rating Scale (Cruz, Aguiar and Barros, 2004; McWilliam et al., 1996).Positive associations were found between HOME total score and the responsiveness and active teaching dimensions of maternal interactive behaviour; these associations decreased after accounting for maternal education level. Negative associations were found between home environment and non contingent involvement; but these associations slightly increased after accounting for maternal education level.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2019,25(4):383-397
The psychological assessment is a widespread approach in child and adolescent psychology, but few studies have examined the experiences of the main stakeholders during this process. This study was conducted among 105 parents consulting for their child in a psychological counseling centre, and investigated by ad-hoc questionnaires the dimensions that can be involved at different moments of the assessment: expectations and perceptions, motivation for change, working alliance, and satisfaction with care. The results highlight the importance of parents’ initial representations and the quality of first contact with psychologists. This study enhances our understanding of procedural elements little studied and yet determinant for the engagement of parents in the psychological assessment and the intervention that would follow.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2020,26(2):141-157
The article presents the theoretical-methodological contributions of Social Health Psychology on the evaluation and reinforcement of psychosocial skills in the context of therapeutic patient education. This is illustrated by a synthesis of the results of several empirical researches in the field of pediatric diabetes. This synthesis shows that psychosocial skills are part of a system of actions and interpretations shaped by therapeutic and relational issues as well as social symbolism. Several practical implications emerge from these results for more effective work on the psychosocial skills of patients. The article concludes with the interest of a “psychosocial clinic” which draws on the viewpoint of Social Health Psychology to evaluate, analyze and intervene on the psychosocial determinants of health behaviours.  相似文献   

Alexithymia is a deficit in the cognitive processing of emotion. From a psychoanalytic perspective, alexithymia can be conceived as a disorder of affect mentalization. The present study proposes an original angle for the study of alexithymia by using an innovative method for the evaluation of affect mentalization through the analysis of discourse: the grille de l’élaboration verbale des affects (GÉVA). The GÉVA was applied to the discourse of 62 participants suffering from a respiratory disorder and whose level of alexithymia was previously assessed with the Beth Israel Hospital Psychosomatic Questionnaire (BIQ). Results show that the alexithymic participants’ discourse presents lower levels of verbal elaboration of affect as well as a lower proportion of emotional content compared to the non alexithymic participants’ discourse.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2023,68(2):169-189
IntroductionCognitive distortions contribute to the maintenance of inappropriate cognitive schemas and play a role in the emergence of pathologies such as anxiety and depression. We developed the Cognitive Distortion Scale for Adults in order to identify distortions in individuals’ reasoning. The main objectives of this study were: (1) to study the psychometric properties of the Cognitive Distortion Scale for Adults, (2) to identify cognitive distortions associated with anxiety and depression in the general population.MethodThe study involved 916 participants (151 men and 765 women) aged 18 to 85-years. The participants completed the Cognitive Distortion Scale for Adults. The tool presents 42 mini scenarios with a daily life situation and a proposition concerning a cognitive distortion. Participants must give their degree of agreement (0 to 10) with this one. Seven cognitive distortions are operationalized (dichotomous reasoning, disqualification of one of the poles, arbitrary focusing, omission of the neutral, requalification in the other pole, maximization and minimization). They also completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Both scales were available online on the Internet. The total duration of the test was approximately 10 minutes. A group of 35 participants completed the two scale 15 days apart.ResultsThe sub-dimensions of EDC-A obtain Cronbach alphas higher than .65 and EDC-A has a coherent factor structure. The scale has good temporal stability. Anxiety is predicted by dichotomous reasoning, disqualification of one of the poles, arbitrary focusing and maximization. Depression is predicted by dichotomous reasoning, arbitrary focusing, omission of the neutral and requalification in the other pole. Anxiety and depression are associated with negative cognitive distortions in reasoning. However, depression is also associated with positive cognitive distortions. Subjects with depression produce more varied cognitive distortions than subjects with anxiety.DiscussionThe Cognitive Distortion Scale for Adults shows promising psychometric properties. Further studies will need to be conducted to confirm these results. Anxiety would be related to biased information treatment of negative information, whereas depression would be related to more comprehensive biased information treatment, both negative and positive information. Anxiety would be related to suboptimal functioning of reasoning abilities; depression would be more characterized by a structural deficit of reasoning abilities.  相似文献   

France has a very rich legal framework, which defines the conditions of access and use of health data for scientific research purposes and ensures their protection. Currently, this legal framework is undergoing revision. The European regulation of April 27th 2016 on protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data came into effect in EU member states since 25th May 2018 and substitute a rationale of administrative process for a rationale that empowers the researchers to document and prove compliance with the regulation (“accountability”). This regulation must be coordinated with the other regulation applicable to research in UE and with national law.  相似文献   

The Conseil des relations interculturelles (CRI) is a research and advisory council whose mission is to advise the Minister of Citizens relations and Immigration on primary matters concerning integration of immigrants and intercultural relations. In the summer of 2002, the members of the Conseil produced an advisory report on religious diversity. The purpose of this work was to propose a framework to reflect on the subject and suggest avenues which could facilitate the recognition of religious diversity in citizen public civic spaces. This document is a revision of the original abridged version, published in March 2004.  相似文献   

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