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Moderation analysis is useful for addressing interesting research questions in social sciences and behavioural research. In practice, moderated multiple regression (MMR) models have been most widely used. However, missing data pose a challenge, mainly because the interaction term is a product of two or more variables and thus is a non-linear function of the involved variables. Normal-distribution-based maximum likelihood (NML) has been proposed and applied for estimating MMR models with incomplete data. When data are missing completely at random, moderation effect estimates are consistent. However, simulation results have found that when data in the predictor are missing at random (MAR), NML can yield inaccurate estimates of moderation effects when the moderation effects are non-null. Simulation studies are subject to the limitation of confounding systematic bias with sampling errors. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to analytically derive asymptotic bias of NML estimates of moderation effects with MAR data. Results show that when the moderation effect is zero, there is no asymptotic bias in moderation effect estimates with either normal or non-normal data. When the moderation effect is non-zero, however, asymptotic bias may exist and is determined by factors such as the moderation effect size, missing-data proportion, and type of missingness dependence. Our analytical results suggest that researchers should apply NML to MMR models with caution when missing data exist. Suggestions are given regarding moderation analysis with missing data.  相似文献   

Lord developed an approximation for the bias function for the maximum likelihood estimate in the context of the three-parameter logistic model. Using Taylor's expansion of the likelihood equation, he obtained an equation that includes the conditional expectation, given true ability, of the discrepancy between the maximum likelihood estimate and true ability. All terms of orders higher thann ?1 are ignored wheren indicates the number of items. Lord assumed that all item and individual parameters are bounded, all item parameters are known or well-estimated, and the number of items is reasonably large. In the present paper, an approximation for the bias function of the maximum likelihood estimate of the latent trait, or ability, will be developed using the same assumptions for the more general case where item responses are discrete. This will include the dichotomous response level, for which the three-parameter logistic model has been discussed, the graded response level and the nominal response level. Some observations will be made for both dichotomous and graded response levels.  相似文献   

Samejima has recently given an approximation for the bias function for the maximum likelihood estimate of the latent trait in the general case where item responses are discrete, generalizing Lord's bias function in the three-parameter logistic model for the dichotomous response level. In the present paper, observations are made about the behavior of this bias function for the dichotomous response level in general, and also with respect to several widely used mathematical models. Some empirical examples are given.  相似文献   

In item response models of the Rasch type (Fischer & Molenaar, 1995), item parameters are often estimated by the conditional maximum likelihood (CML) method. This paper addresses the loss of information in CML estimation by using the information concept of F-information (Liang, 1983). This concept makes it possible to specify the conditions for no loss of information and to define a quantification of information loss. For the dichotomous Rasch model, the derivations will be given in detail to show the use of the F-information concept for making comparisons for different estimation methods. It is shown that by using CML for item parameter estimation, some information is almost always lost. But compared to JML (joint maximum likelihood) as well as to MML (marginal maximum likelihood) the loss is very small. The reported efficiency in the use of information of CML to JML and to MML in several comparisons is always larger than 93%, and in tests with a length of 20 items or more, larger than 99%.  相似文献   

Algebraic properties of the normal theory maximum likelihood solution in factor analysis regression are investigated. Two commonly employed measures of the within sample predictive accuracy of the factor analysis regression function are considered: the variance of the regression residuals and the squared correlation coefficient between the criterion variable and the regression function. It is shown that this within sample residual variance and within sample squared correlation may be obtained directly from the factor loading and unique variance estimates, without use of the original observations or the sample covariance matrix.  相似文献   

Methods for the treatment of item non-response in attitudinal scales and in large-scale assessments under the pairwise likelihood (PL) estimation framework and under a missing at random (MAR) mechanism are proposed. Under a full information likelihood estimation framework and MAR, ignorability of the missing data mechanism does not lead to biased estimates. However, this is not the case for pseudo-likelihood approaches such as the PL. We develop and study the performance of three strategies for incorporating missing values into confirmatory factor analysis under the PL framework, the complete-pairs (CP), the available-cases (AC) and the doubly robust (DR) approaches. The CP and AC require only a model for the observed data and standard errors are easy to compute. Doubly-robust versions of the PL estimation require a predictive model for the missing responses given the observed ones and are computationally more demanding than the AC and CP. A simulation study is used to compare the proposed methods. The proposed methods are employed to analyze the UK data on numeracy and literacy collected as part of the OECD Survey of Adult Skills.  相似文献   

A maximum likelihood procedure for combining standardized mean differences based on a noncentratt-distribution is proposed. With a proper data augmentation technique, an EM-algorithm is developed. Information and likelihood ratio statistics are discussed in detail for reliable inference. Simulation results favor the proposed procedure over both the existing normal theory maximum likelihood procedure and the commonly used generalized least squares procedure.  相似文献   

宋枝璘  郭磊  郑天鹏 《心理学报》2022,54(4):426-440
数据缺失在测验中经常发生, 认知诊断评估也不例外, 数据缺失会导致诊断结果的偏差。首先, 通过模拟研究在多种实验条件下比较了常用的缺失数据处理方法。结果表明:(1)缺失数据导致估计精确性下降, 随着人数与题目数量减少、缺失率增大、题目质量降低, 所有方法的PCCR均下降, Bias绝对值和RMSE均上升。(2)估计题目参数时, EM法表现最好, 其次是MI, FIML和ZR法表现不稳定。(3)估计被试知识状态时, EM和FIML表现最好, MI和ZR表现不稳定。其次, 在PISA2015实证数据中进一步探索了不同方法的表现。综合模拟和实证研究结果, 推荐选用EM或FIML法进行缺失数据处理。  相似文献   

Recent detection methods for Differential Item Functioning (DIF) include approaches like Rasch Trees, DIFlasso, GPCMlasso and Item Focussed Trees, all of which - in contrast to well established methods - can handle metric covariates inducing DIF. A new estimation method shall address their downsides by mainly aiming at combining three central virtues: the use of conditional likelihood for estimation, the incorporation of linear influence of metric covariates on item difficulty and the possibility to detect different DIF types: certain items showing DIF, certain covariates inducing DIF, or certain covariates inducing DIF in certain items. Each of the approaches mentioned lacks in two of these aspects. We introduce a method for DIF detection, which firstly utilizes the conditional likelihood for estimation combined with group Lasso-penalization for item or variable selection and L1-penalization for interaction selection, secondly incorporates linear effects instead of approximation through step functions, and thirdly provides the possibility to investigate any of the three DIF types. The method is described theoretically, challenges in implementation are discussed. A dataset is analysed for all DIF types and shows comparable results between methods. Simulation studies per DIF type reveal competitive performance of cmlDIFlasso, particularly when selecting interactions in case of large sample sizes and numbers of parameters. Coupled with low computation times, cmlDIFlasso seems a worthwhile option for applied DIF detection.  相似文献   

四参数Logistic模型潜在特质参数的Warm加权极大似然估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟祥斌  陶剑  陈莎莉 《心理学报》2016,(8):1047-1056
本文以四参数Logistic(4-parameter Logistic,4PL)模型为研究对象,根据Warm的加权极大似然估计技巧,提出了4PL模型潜在特质参数的加权极大似然估计方法,并借助模拟研究对加权极大似然估计的性质进行验证。研究结果表明,与通常的极大似然估计和后验期望估计相比,加权极大似然估计的偏差(bias)明显减小,并且具有良好的返真性能。此外,在测试的长度较短和项目的区分度较小的情况下,加权极大似然估计依然保持了良好的统计性质,表现出更加显著的优势。  相似文献   

Item response theory models posit latent variables to account for regularities in students' performances on test items. Wilson's “Saltus” model extends the ideas of IRT to development that occurs in stages, where expected changes can be discontinuous, show different patterns for different types of items, or even exhibit reversals in probabilities of success on certain tasks. Examples include Piagetian stages of psychological development and Siegler's rule-based learning. This paper derives marginal maximum likelihood (MML) estimation equations for the structural parameters of the Saltus model and suggests a computing approximation based on the EM algorithm. For individual examinees, empirical Bayes probabilities of learning-stage are given, along with proficiency parameter estimates conditional on stage membership. The MML solution is illustrated with simulated data and an example from the domain of mixed number subtraction. The authors' names appear in alphabetical order. We would like to thank Karen Draney for computer programming, Kikumi Tatsuoka for allowing us to use the mixed-number subtraction data, and Eric Bradlow, Chan Dayton, Kikumi Tatsuoka, and four anonymous referees for helpful suggestions. The first author's work was supported by Contract No. N00014-88-K-0304, R&T 4421552, from the Cognitive Sciences Program, Cognitive and Neural Sciences Division, Office of Naval Research, and by the Program Research Planning Council of Educational Testing Service. The second author's work was supported by a National Academy of Education Spencer Fellowship and by a Junior Faculty Research Grant from the Committee on Research, University of California at Berkeley. A copy of the Saltus computer program can be obtained from the second author.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood classification rule is a standard method to classify examinee attribute profiles in cognitive diagnosis models (CDMs). Its asymptotic behaviour is well understood when the model is assumed to be correct, but has not been explored in the case of misspecified latent class models. This paper investigates the asymptotic behaviour of a two-stage maximum likelihood classifier under a misspecified CDM. The analysis is conducted in a general restricted latent class model framework addressing all types of CDMs. Sufficient conditions are proposed under which a consistent classification can be obtained by using a misspecified model. Discussions are also provided on the inconsistency of classification under certain model misspecification scenarios. Simulation studies and a real data application are conducted to illustrate these results. Our findings can provide some guidelines as to when a misspecified simple model or a general model can be used to provide a good classification result.  相似文献   

This article proposes an approach to modelling partially cross‐classified multilevel data where some of the level‐1 observations are nested in one random factor and some are cross‐classified by two random factors. Comparisons between a proposed approach to two other commonly used approaches which treat the partially cross‐classified data as either fully nested or fully cross‐classified are completed with a simulation study. Results show that the proposed approach demonstrates desirable performance in terms of parameter estimates and statistical inferences. Both the fully nested model and the fully cross‐classified model suffer from biased estimates of some variance components and statistical inferences of some fixed effects. Results also indicate that the proposed model is robust against cluster size imbalance.  相似文献   

王孟成  邓俏文 《心理学报》2016,(11):1489-1498
本研究通过蒙特卡洛模拟考查了采用全息极大似然估计进行缺失数据建模时辅助变量的作用。具体考查了辅助变量与研究变量的共缺机制、共缺率、相关程度、辅助变量数目与样本量等因素对参数估计结果精确性的影响。结果表明,当辅助与研究变量共缺时:(1)对于完全随机缺失的辅助变量,结果更容易出现偏差;(2)对于MAR-MAR组合机制,纳入单个辅助变量是有益的;对于MAR-MCAR或MAR-MNAR组合机制,纳入多于一个辅助变量的效果更好;(3)纳入与研究变量低相关的辅助变量对结果也是有益的。  相似文献   

We provide a short reply to [Grünwald, P., & Navarro, D. (2009). NML, Bayes and true distributions: A comment on Karabatsos and Walker. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, in press (doi:10.1016/j.jmp.2008.11.005)] comment on the article by [Karabatsos, G., & Walker, S. (2006). On the normalized maximum likelihood and Bayesian decision theory. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 50, 517-520].  相似文献   

By use of an inequality of Marcus and Lopes for elementary symmetric functions, a new proof is presented for the following result by Ghurye and Wallace: Given that the independent random variablesX j are Bernoulli with success probabilityp j () strictly between 0 and 1 and nondecreasing in, the sum X j has monotone likelihood ratio.  相似文献   

A complete survey of a network in a large population may be prohibitively difficult and costly. So it is important to estimate models for networks using data from various network sampling designs, such as link-tracing designs. We focus here on snowball sampling designs, designs in which the members of an initial sample of network members are asked to nominate their network partners, their network partners are then traced and asked to nominate their network partners, and so on. We assume an exponential random graph model (ERGM) of a particular parametric form and outline a conditional maximum likelihood estimation procedure for obtaining estimates of ERGM parameters. This procedure is intended to complement the likelihood approach developed by  Handcock and Gile (2010) by providing a practical means of estimation when the size of the complete network is unknown and/or the complete network is very large. We report the outcome of a simulation study with a known model designed to assess the impact of initial sample size, population size, and number of sampling waves on properties of the estimates. We conclude with a discussion of the potential applications and further developments of the approach.  相似文献   

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