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农村人民公社的所有制及基本核算单位,经历了从人民公社的“一大二公”和大集体所有制,到以生产(大)队为基本核算单位,再到生产小队的部分所有制,最后到以生产小队(又称生产队)为基本核算单位的演变历程。总的趋势是一次比一次更朝着符合生产力发展水平、调动农民群众积极性因而更代表群众利益的方向前进。毛泽东在这个历史演进过程中发挥了主要作用。既要承认毛泽东在大跃进和人民公社化运动中犯了严重的指导思想上的左倾错误,也要看到毛泽东为纠正实际工作中的左倾错误而作出的艰辛努力和重要贡献。力求更客观、全面地评价建国后的毛泽东。  相似文献   

在毛泽东的影响和指导下,"大跃进"期间田家英深入农村,做了许多调查研究工作,其许多意见和主张得到毛泽东的重视和采纳,这为党当时制订正确的农村工作政策和条例、纠正左倾错误、恢复农业生产,起了重要作用.田家英调查研究的理论与实践,对于我们今天深入实际、做好"三农"工作,仍有重要现实意义.  相似文献   

人民公社制度内涵及其反思——以现代性为视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以现代性视角来看,人民公社制度是毛泽东为解决中国农村和农民尽快实现由传统向现代社会转型的一次全方位探索和实践.它源起于新中国对于工业化路径的选择,采取了"政社合一"的制度模式,并在实践中逐渐形成了一套较为完整的约束和实施机制.尽管它存在着诸多问题,但却是我们理解和把握中国现代化道路的一个不可或缺的楔入口.  相似文献   

周兵 《现代哲学》2008,(2):67-75
一般认为,"无产阶级专政下继续革命理论"是"文化大革命"的指导思想,它在十年"文革"期间被广泛宣传,曾写入中共"九大"、"十大"、"十一大"通过的政治报告和党章,还写入了四届和五届全国人大一次会议修改通过的宪法,影响十分巨大.它在提出时被认为"在马克思主义发展史上树立了第三个伟大的里程碑",而历经十余年后,<关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议>却对它作出完全不同的评价,认为它是"左倾"错误论点.应该"坚决纠正".本文以社论<沿着十月社会主义革命开辟的道路前进>、中共"九大"、华国锋、十一届三中全会和<关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议>等为坐标,对其历史命运进行追踪和考察.  相似文献   

文章以作者二十年来对毛泽东个人思想之当代价值的三次思考为主线而展开,指出:(1)不能把毛泽东所确立的革命传统与其所开辟的中国特色社会主义建设道路对立起来,不能把晚年毛泽东的极左错误与其超越时代的理想主义价值观相混淆;(2)晚年毛泽东的错误与落后民族国家革命后创建社会主义制度的巨大困难直接相关,不能直接照搬经典思想,而是必须从世情国情出发;(3)在全球化时代,中国化马克思主义必须重新定位毛泽东、重新发明毛泽东、重新发现毛泽东的理想主义遗产。  相似文献   

"去工业化"与人民公社的困境   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
人民公社承载着组织农村工业化之重任,普遍试办社队工业企业、就地转移劳动力、使农民尽快富裕起来是人民公社工农商学兵、农林牧副渔综合发展的题中之意.然而1962的政策大调整将其"去工业化"之后,人民公社被归结为一种纯农组织而失去了它应有的功能,并由此开始陷入困境而走向终结.  相似文献   

前不久,在毛泽东的《实践论》发表55周年前夕,上海市哲学学会、华东师大哲学系、《毛泽东哲学思想研究》编辑部、同济大学社会科学系等单位发起召开理论讨论会.54名上海哲学理论工作者与会讨论了如下几个理论问题.一、《实践论》的理论地位有学者指出,在第二次国内革命战争期间,王明等教条主义者自封为正统的马克思主义者,讥讽在中国的山沟里出不了马克思主义.《实践论》就是要从理论上清算王明的左倾教条主义.《实践论》全面地论述了马克思主义的实践思想,阐述了马克思主义与中国革命实践相结合的原则,从而奠定了毛泽东哲学思想的理论基础.  相似文献   

一九八一年七月二十日至八月三日,全国党校系统在大连市召开了哲学年会。会上讨论了毛泽东哲学思想的特点、内容和体系以及其它一些哲学问题。现将其中几个问题的讨论择要记述如下。一、左倾错误的哲学基础问题年会上,大家就我们党前些年指导思想上发生左的错误在哲学思想方面的根源进行了初步探讨。党的六中全会通过的《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》,正确地指  相似文献   

以标准的黑白面孔图片作为实验材料,让41名大学生观看不同倾斜角度(左倾、竖直和右倾)的面孔图片,并对之进行面孔吸引力的评价,同时用眼动仪记录被试的眼动数据。结果显示:(1)被试观看左倾和右倾面孔的平均瞳孔大小显著小于观看竖直面孔的平均瞳孔大小,观看左倾面孔的平均瞳孔大小显著大于右倾面孔;(2)被试对左倾和右倾面孔的平均注视时间显著短于对竖直面孔的平均注视时间,同时对左倾面孔的注视时间显著长于右倾面孔;(3)被试对左倾和右倾面孔的平均注视次数显著少于对竖直面孔的平均注视次数。实验结果表明,面孔的倾斜角度很可能是影响面孔吸引力的一个重要因素,在面孔吸引力的审美偏好中存在"角度效应",即竖直面孔的吸引力高于倾斜面孔的吸引力,左倾面孔的吸引力高于右倾面孔的吸引力。  相似文献   

《一九五六年到一九六七年全国农业发展纲要》作为新中国第一个乡村振兴的战略性规划文件,蕴含着毛泽东建设社会主义新农村的远景目标,是在合作化高潮基础上制定的农业生产、农村发展的全面布局,也是将农业生产、农村发展纳入国家整体建设和计划体系之中的重要步骤。这种以"组织起来"为核心、农业生产发展为基础的战略布局包括三方面:1.传统农业的社会主义和现代化改造;2.属地合作式的农村全面治理;3.农民生活方式的改进。毛泽东乡村振兴战略的特质在于以合作社为载体实现农村的属地全面治理,《纲要》的内容体现了毛泽东全面振兴中国乡村的目标、途径和总体布局。  相似文献   

Building on goal‐regulation theory, we develop and test the hypothesis that proactive goal generation fosters individual innovative work behavior. Consistent with a resource‐based perspective, we further examine two‐three‐way interactions to assess whether the link between proactive goal generation and innovative behavior is jointly moderated by organizational affective commitment and production ownership, or, alternatively, leader support for innovation. In a sample of 442 municipal employees from the administrative division of an Italian city hall, proactive goal generation was positively associated with innovative work behavior. Additionally, as expected, this relationship was stronger when employees were highly affectively committed to their organization and when they exhibited a high level of production ownership or received extensive support for innovation from their supervisors. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Joan M. Jensen 《Sex roles》1977,3(5):423-441
This study examines the impact of European invasion on the mode of production, household lives, and ideology of one group of Native American women, the Seneca. Seneca women had high public status, a balanced division of labor, ownership of the land, and control over the means of agricultural production. The power derived from their role in production and the social institutions which had developed from this production were difficult to destroy, despite the efforts of missionaries, government, and reformers. The effects of disease, war, and the market economy on the Seneca women are specifically examined. Also described are attempts to impose the ideology of individualism and nuclear household patterns on the Seneca by withdrawing women from production outside the home and establishing male ownership of private property.Criticism by many women helped the development of this article at different stages. Anthropologists Bea Medicine and Peggy Sanday, women historians at Arizona State University, and community women in Phoenix all made valuable contributions to its evolution.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the design of a multiplier/divider being developed for the PDP-8/S. The unit will carry out the required function on two 12-bit signed numbers (using 2's complements for negative numbers) and produce a correctly signed result. All data transfers will be through the programmed I/O channel, no data break facility being required. The estimated time taken for the operations is 96 microsec for multiplication and 176 microsec for division, which is considered reasonable in comparison to the I/O times of 38 microsec. The total material cost is estimated at $1,500. Some variations of the basic unit are also discussed.  相似文献   

If persons fully own themselves and can acquire, by unilateral acts, unconditional full property rights to previously unowned natural resources, then by these same principles of property they also own the products of their property and of their labour. But (a) the principles of property are silent on the question of the division of joint products; (b) the market is a form of cooperation in production which makes the total social product a joint product. In the circumstances of an unrestrained fully developed market, therefore, it is not fully determinate what one's product is. Thus the holdings that each person ends up with cannot be justified merely in terms of ownership of products. I offer an explanation of why some may resist this view of the market.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper identifies four areas of conflict which arise in contemporary workplaces, conflict between management and workforce over initiative, especially with respect to decisions over choice of product and methods of production, over productivity and the response to declining demand, over innovation and technological redundancy, and over division of the company's income.
All four types of conflict are traced to the existence of the employer/employee relationship, which generates these conflicts by perpetuating both real conflicts of interest and conflictual attitudes.
The conflicts could be resolved if the employment relationship were abolished as the standard manner of participation in the economy. This paper argues for the abolition of the market for labour while retaining markets in goods, services, and capital, by the transformation of firms into production co-operatives, in which partnership, not employment, is the normal relationship to the enterprise.
The advantages of such a scheme are briefly touched on, and then some of the more obvious difficulties in implementing it are discussed. These include the Trade Union interest, problems of ownership and capital formation, recruitment questions, and capitalist resistance.  相似文献   

An extensive body of research has demonstrated an association between gun ownership and suicide that extends beyond the effects of a range of covariates. We aimed to expand on extant research by examining the extent to which gun ownership predicts statewide overall suicide rates beyond the effects of demographic, geographic, religious, psychopathological, and suicide‐related variables. By extending the list of covariates utilized, considering those covariates simultaneously, and using more recent data, we sought to present a more stringent test. Gun ownership predicted statewide overall suicide rates, with the full model accounting for more than 92% of the variance in statewide suicide rates. The correlation between firearm suicide rates and the overall suicide rate was significantly stronger than the correlation between nonfirearm suicide rates and the overall suicide rate. These findings support the notion that access to and familiarity with firearms serves as a robust risk factor for suicide. Therefore, means safety efforts aimed at reducing accessibility and increasing safe storage of firearms would likely have a dramatic impact on statewide overall suicide rates.  相似文献   

The United States is awash in a sea of both faith and firearms. Although sociologists and criminologists have been trying to understand the predictors of gun ownership in the United States since the 1970s, it has been over two decades since social scientists of religion have been part of this important conversation. Consequently, religion is nothing more than a control variable in most studies of gun ownership. Even then, scholars have rarely gone beyond a basic measure of religious affiliation in which Protestant = 1 (else = 0). This article therefore seeks to bring social scientists studying religion back into the conversation about gun ownership in America and to move the discussion forward incrementally. It does so in three ways. First, it employs a more sophisticated measure of religious affiliation than has been used to study gun ownership in the past. Second, it measures religiosity beyond simply religious affiliation. Third, it recognizes and seeks to specify some of the various ways in which the relationship between religion and gun ownership may be mediated by other religiously influenced sociopolitical orientations. Using data from the 2006–2014 General Social Survey, hierarchical binary logistic regression models show significant effects of evangelical Protestant affiliation, theological conservatism, and religious involvement on personal handgun ownership.  相似文献   

介绍了心理所有权的理论基础,整合了组织心理所有权的基本内涵及其构念,阐述了组织心理所有权与工作态度及工作行为之间的关系:①对组织的心理所有权与员工态度以及工作行为之间具有积极的关系;②心理所有权有助于解释员工的工作责任及其行为;③心理所有权对员工绩效的预测价值还有待进一步验证。并指出当前研究中存在的问题以及未来发展趋势  相似文献   

The Abhidharma Buddhist revisionary metaphysics aims to provide an intellectually and morally preferred picture of the world that lacks a self. The first part of the paper claims that the Abhidharma ‘no-self’ view can be plausibly interpreted as a no-ownership view, according to which there is no locus or subject of experience and thus no owner of mental or bodily awarenesses. On this interpretation of the no-self view, the Abhidharma Buddhist metaphysicians are committed to denying the ownership of experiences, and thereby apparently obliged to explain our purported experience of ownership. My experiences seemingly come with the sense that I am the one who is undergoing this experience. But is there a really an experience of ownership—namely, an experience of being a subject that underlies our sense of ownership? I argue that there is nothing that it is like to be an owner of experiences, in the sense that there is no experiential phenomenology associated with the ownership of experience. The second part of the paper argues that, since there is no experience of ownership, there is no onus on the Abhidharma philosopher to give an explanation of the sense of ownership.  相似文献   

The neurocognitive structure of the acting self has recently been widely studied, yet is still perplexing and remains an often confounded issue in cognitive neuroscience, psychopathology and philosophy. We provide a new systematic account of two of its main features, the sense of agency and the sense of ownership, demonstrating that although both features appear as phenomenally uniform, they each in fact are complex crossmodal phenomena of largely heterogeneous functional and (self-)representational levels. These levels can be arranged within a gradually evolving, onto- and phylogenetically plausible framework which proceeds from basic non-conceptual sensorimotor processes to more complex conceptual and meta-representational processes of agency and ownership, respectively. In particular, three fundamental levels of agency and ownership processing have to be distinguished: The level of feeling, thinking and social interaction. This naturalistic account will not only allow to “ground the self in action”, but also provide an empirically testable taxonomy for cognitive neuroscience and a new tool for disentangling agency and ownership disturbances in psychopathology (e.g. alien hand, anarchic hand, anosognosia for one’s own hemiparesis).  相似文献   

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