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In recent years, chewing has been discussed as producing effects of maintaining and sustaining cognitive performance. We have reported that chewing may improve or recover the process of working memory; however, the mechanisms underlying these phenomena are still to be elucidated. We investigated the effect of chewing on aspects of attention and cognitive processing speed, testing the hypothesis that this effect induces higher cognitive performance. Seventeen healthy adults (20–34 years old) were studied during attention task with blood oxygenation level-dependent functional (fMRI) at 3.0 T MRI. The attentional network test (ANT) within a single task fMRI containing two cue conditions (no cue and center cue) and two target conditions (congruent and incongruent) was conducted to examine the efficiency of alerting and executive control. Participants were instructed to press a button with the right or left thumb according to the direction of a centrally presented arrow. Each participant underwent two back-to-back ANT sessions with or without chewing gum, odorless and tasteless to remove any effect other than chewing. Behavioral results showed that mean reaction time was significantly decreased during chewing condition, regardless of speed-accuracy trade-off, although there were no significant changes in behavioral effects (both alerting and conflict effects). On the other hand, fMRI analysis revealed higher activations in the anterior cingulate cortex and left frontal gyrus for the executive network and motor-related regions for both attentional networks during chewing condition. These results suggested that chewing induced an increase in the arousal level and alertness in addition to an effect on motor control and, as a consequence, these effects could lead to improvements in cognitive performance.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, participants used a keyboard to enter 4-digit numbers presented on a computer monitor under conditions promoting fatigue. In Experiment 1, accuracy of data entry declined but response times improved over time, reflecting an increasing speed-accuracy trade-off. In Experiment 2, the (largely cognitive) time to enter the initial digit decreased in the 1st half but increased in the 2nd half of the session. Accuracy and time to enter the remaining digits decreased across though not within session halves. The (largely motoric) time to press a concluding keystroke decreased over the session. Thus, through a combination of facilitation and inhibition, prolonged work affects the component cognitive and motoric processes of data entry differentially and at different points in practice.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanisms responsible for the automatic processing of the numerosities represented by digits in the size congruity effect (Henik & Tzelgov, 1982). The algorithmic model assumes that relational comparisons of digit magnitudes (e.g., larger than {8,2}) create this effect. If so, congruity effects ought to require two digits. Memory-based models assume that associations between individual digits and the attributes "small" and "large" create this effect. If so, congruity effects ought only to require one digit. Contrary to the algorithmic model and consistent with memory-based models, congruity effects were just as large when subjects judged the relative physical sizes of small digits paired with letters as when they judged the relative physical sizes of two digits. This finding suggests that size congruity effects can be produced without comparison algorithms.  相似文献   

The present study identified two aspects of complexity that have been manipulated in the implicit learning literature and investigated how they affect implicit and explicit learning of artificial grammars. Ten finite state grammars were used to vary complexity. The results indicated that dependency length is more relevant to the complexity of a structure than is the number of associations that have to be learned. Although implicit learning led to better performance on a grammaticality judgment test than did explicit learning, it was negatively affected by increasing complexity: Performance decreased as there was an increase in the number of previous letters that had to be taken into account to determine whether or not the next letter was a grammatical continuation. In particular, the results suggested that implicit learning of higher order dependencies is hampered by the presence of longer dependencies. Knowledge of first-order dependencies was acquired regardless of complexity and learning mode.  相似文献   

When probabilistic inferences have to be made from cue values stored in long-term memory, many participants appear to use fast and frugal heuristics, such as “take the best” (TTB), that assume sequential search of cues. A simultaneous global matching process with cue weights that are appropriately chosen would mimic the decision outcomes, albeit assuming different cognitive processes. We present a reanalysis of response times (RTs) from five published experiments (n 5 415) and one new experiment (n 5 82) that support the assumption of sequential search. In all instances in which decision outcomes indicated the use of TTB’s decision rule, decision times increased monotonically with the number of cues that had to be searched in memory. Furthermore, RT patterns fitted the outcome-based strategy classifications, which further validates both measures.  相似文献   

A free-vision chimeric facial emotion judgment task and a tachistoscopic face-recognition reaction time task were administered to 20 male right-handed subjects. The tachistoscopic task involved judgments of whether a poser in the centrally presented full-face photograph was the same or different poser than in a profile photograph presented in the left or right visual field (LVF, RVF). The free-vision task was that used by J. Levy, W. Heller, M. Banich, and L. Burton (1983, Brain and Cognition, 2, 404-419) and involved judging which of two chimeric faces appeared happier, in which the two chimeras were mirror images of each other and each chimera consisted of a smiling half-face joined at the midline to a neutral half-face of the same poser. For the tachistoscopic task, subjects were divided into groups of Fast and Slow responders by a median split of the mean reaction times. For the Fast subjects, judgments were faster in the LVF than in the RVF, and there was a significant interaction between visual field and profile direction, such that responses were faster for medially oriented profiles; i.e., LVF responses were faster for right-facing than for left-facing profiles, with the reverse relationship in the RVF. The Slow responders did not show these effects. Only the Fast group showed the bias for choosing the chimera with the smile on the left as happier, and mean response speed and the LVF advantage on the tachistoscopic test correlated with the leftward bias on the free-vision task for all subjects combined. It was suggested that overall response speed on the face-matching task reflected the extent to which specialized and more efficient right hemisphere functions were activated.  相似文献   

In the context of perceptual-cognitive expertise it is important to know whether physiological loads influence perceptual-cognitive performance. This study examined whether a handball specific physical exercise load influenced participants’ speed and accuracy in a flicker task. At rest and during a specific interval exercise of 86.5–90% HRmax, 35 participants (experts: n = 8, advanced: n = 13, novices, n = 14) performed a handball specific flicker task with two types of patterns (structured and unstructured). For reaction time, results revealed moderate effect sizes for group, with experts reacting faster than advanced and advanced reacting faster than novices, and for structure, with structured videos being performed faster than unstructured ones. A significant interaction for structure × group was also found, with experts and advanced players faster for structured videos, and novices faster for unstructured videos. For accuracy, significant main effects were found for structure with structured videos solved more accurately. A significant interaction for structure × group was revealed, with experts and advanced more accurate for structured scenes and novices more accurate for unstructured scenes. A significant interaction was also found for condition × structure; at rest, unstructured and structured scenes were performed with the same accuracy while under physical exercise, structured scenes were solved more accurately. No other interactions were found. These results were somewhat surprising given previous work in this area, although the impact of a specific physical exercise on a specific perceptual-cognitive task may be different from those tested generally.  相似文献   

Three approaches to a theoretical analysis of confidence judgments are considered: one linking confidence to the number of sensory observations, one based on a distinction between ‘state’ and ‘process’ factors, and a ‘balance of evidence’ hypothesis developed from an accumulator model of discrimination. An experiment is described in which observers were asked to decide which of two parallel lines was the longer, and to rate their confidence in each judgment. Each observer's set for speed or accuracy was manipulated over successive blocks of trials, and effects on response time, accuracy, and confidence were examined. Under an accuracy set, observers produced a higher percentage of correct responses, had longer response times, and made more confident judgments than under a set for speed. Within both speed and accuracy blocks, however, confidence ratings were inversely related to response time. The data on response accuracy, time, and confidence indicate certain deficiencies in either of the first two approaches, but were well accounted for by the third.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether expertise with letter string processing influences visual short-term memory capacity. Specifically, we examined whether performance in a change-detection task would vary as a function of stimulus type (letters vs. symbols) and type of display (horizontal, vertical, and circular). Participants were asked to detect a one-character change in a briefly presented character array following a delay of 900?ms. Concurrent articulation was used to limit effects of rehearsal. Type of display significantly affected performance with letters, but not with symbols, with a selective increase in change-detection accuracy for horizontally presented letter arrays compared with vertical and circular arrays. These findings confirm the standard limits of storage in visual short-term memory, but critically reveal a selective advantage for letter arrays over symbol arrays when presented horizontally. Such an advantage is probably due to the utilization of a specialized encoding mechanism built up over years of reading experience.  相似文献   

An account of affective modulations in perceptual speed and accuracy (ASAP: Affecting Speed and Accuracy in Perception) is proposed and tested. This account assumes an emotion-induced inhibitory interaction between parallel channels in the visual system that modulates the onset latencies and response durations of visual signals. By trading off speed and accuracy between channels, this mechanism achieves (a) fast visuo-motor responding to course-grained information, and (b) accurate visuo-attentional selection of fine-grained information. ASAP gives a functional account of previously counterintuitive findings, and may be useful for explaining affective influences in both featural-level single-stimulus tasks and object-level multistimulus tasks.  相似文献   

Summary Although experimental psychologists measure the quality of performance in terms of either terminal accuracy or latency, no clear theoretical link has been recently made between these measurements. This paper reports two experiments which show that a fundamental limitation to performance, either in terms of speed or accuracy, is the delay since a previous movement was made. Under circumstances where eye-movements are controlled, the ensemble size appears not to affect response latency directly, but response-to-stimulus interval (RSI) has a highly significant effect. Furthermore, the accuracy of responses is independent of either ensemble size or entropy, but is again directly related to RSI. These results are discussed in terms of the instability and lability of the spatial information upon which the operator must act, and it is hypothesized that a major contributing factor to performance in serial tasks is the state of the subject's knowledge about the spaces he or she operates in.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe subject of cerebral dominance has received great attention by researchers; however, there is a paucity of studies that have examined its relationship to information processing.ObjectiveThe current study aims to reveal the differences between the cerebral dominance patterns (left cerebral dominance, right cerebral dominance, integrated parallel cerebral dominance) in the speed and accuracy of information processing.MethodA sample of (182) volunteers university students, (mean age ± SD, 19.92 ± 2.76 years; range, 18–24 years; 68 male, 114 females). The Human Information processing survey was applied to the participants. Each subject was exposed to two elementary cognitive tasks (Stroop task and Eriksen flanker task). Each task included two experimental conditions: first, the congruent condition that reflects the automatic processing of information; second, the incongruent condition that reflects the controlled processing of information.ResultsThe results of the study revealed that there were no differences between the patterns of cerebral dominance in the speed and accuracy of information processing.ConclusionAlthough the relationship between cerebral dominance and information processing is not significant, we need more studies to examine this relationship in other samples and in other experimental conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of a speed or accuracy strategy on response interference control during choice step execution. Eighteen healthy young participants were instructed to execute forward stepping on the side indicated by a central arrow (←, left vs. →, right) under task instructions that either emphasized speed or accuracy of response in the neutral condition. In the flanker condition, they were additionally required to ignore the 2 flanking arrows on each side (→→→→→, congruent or →→←→→, incongruent). Errors in the direction of the initial weight transfer (APA errors) and the step execution times were measured from the vertical force data. APA error was increased in response to the flanker task and step execution time was shortened with a speed strategy compared to an accuracy strategy. Furthermore, in response to the visual interference of the flanker task, speed instructions in particular increased APA errors more than other instructions. It may be important to manipulate the level of the speed-accuracy trade-off to improve efficiency and safety. Further research is needed to explore the effects of advancing age and disability on choice step reaction in a speed or accuracy strategy.  相似文献   

People are able to use temporal cues to anticipate the timing of an event, enabling them to process that event more efficiently. We conducted two experiments, using the fixed-foreperiod paradigm (Experiment 1) and the temporal-cueing paradigm (Experiment 2), to assess which components of information processing are speeded when subjects use such temporal cues to predict the onset of a target stimulus. We analyzed the observed temporal expectation effects on task performance using sequential-sampling models of decision making: the Ratcliff diffusion model and the shifted-Wald model. The results from the two experiments were consistent: temporal expectation affected the duration of nondecision processes (target encoding and/or response preparation) but had little effect on the two main components of the decision process: response-threshold setting and the rate of evidence accumulation. Our findings provide novel evidence about the psychological processes underlying temporal-expectation effects on reaction time.  相似文献   

Bilingual speakers generally manifest slower word recognition than monolinguals. We investigated the consequences of the word processing speed on semantic access in bilinguals. The paradigm involved a stream of English words and pseudowords presented in succession at a constant rate. English-Welsh bilinguals and English monolinguals were asked to count the number of letters in pseudowords and actively disregard words. They were not explicitly told that pairs of words in immediate succession were embedded and could either be semantically related or not. We expected that slower word processing in bilinguals would result in semantic access indexed by semantic priming. As expected, bilinguals showed significant semantic priming, indexed by an N400 modulation, whilst monolinguals did not. Moreover, bilinguals were slower in performing the task. The results suggest that bilinguals cannot discriminate between pseudowords and words without accessing semantic information whereas monolinguals can dismiss English words on the basis of subsemantic information.  相似文献   

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