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New imaging techniques in cognitive neuroscience have produced a deluge of information correlating cognitive and neural phenomena. Yet our understanding of the inter-relationship between brain and mind remains hampered by the lack of a theoretical language for expressing cognitive functions in neural terms. We propose an approach to understanding operational laws in cognition based on principles of coordination dynamics that are derived from a simple and experimentally verified theoretical model. When applied to the dynamical properties of cortical areas and their coordination, these principles support a mechanism of adaptive inter-area pattern constraint that we postulate underlies cognitive operations generally.  相似文献   

Bimanual coordination dynamics in poststroke hemiparetics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Poststroke hemiparetic individuals (n = 9) and a control group (n = 9) completed a frequency-scaled circle-drawing task in unimanual and bimanual conditions. Measures of intralimb spatial and temporal task accuracy and interlimb coordination parameters were analyzed. Significant reductions in task performance were seen in both limbs of the patients and controls with the introduction of bimanual movement. Spatial performance parameters suggested that the 2 groups focused on different hands during bimanual conditions. In the controls, interlimb coordination variables indicated predictable hand dominance effects, whereas in the patient group, dominance was influenced by the side of impairment and prior handedness of the individual. Therefore, in this particular bimanual task, performance improvements in the hemiplegic side could not be elicited. Intrinsic coupling asymmetries between the hands can be altered by unilateral motor deficits.  相似文献   

Does a concurrent cognitive task affect the dynamics of bimanual rhythmic coordination? In‐phase coordination was performed under manipulations of phase detuning and movement frequency and either singly or in combination with an arithmetic task. Predicted direction‐specific shifts in stable relative phase from 0° due to detuning and movement frequency were amplified by the cognitive task. Nonlinear cross‐recurrence analysis suggested that this cognitive influence on the locations of the stable points or attractors of coordination entailed a magnification of attractor noise without a reduction in attractor strength. An approximation to these findings was achieved through parameter changes in a motion equation in relative phase. Results are discussed in terms of dual‐task performance as limited resources, dynamics rather than chronometrics, and reparameterization rather than degradation.  相似文献   

Intentional and attentional dynamics of speech-hand coordination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interest is rapidly growing in the hypothesis that natural language emerged from a more primitive set of linguistic acts based primarily on manual activity and hand gestures. Increasingly, researchers are investigating how hemispheric asymmetries are related to attentional and manual asymmetries (i.e., handedness). Both speech perception and production have origins in the dynamical generative movements of the vocal tract known as articulatory gestures. Thus, the notion of a "gesture" can be extended to both hand movements and speech articulation. The generative actions of the hands and vocal tract can therefore provide a basis for the (direct) perception of linguistic acts. Such gestures are best described using the methods of dynamical systems analysis since both perception and production can be described using the same commensurate language. Experiments were conducted using a phase transition paradigm to examine the coordination of speech-hand gestures in both left- and right-handed individuals. Results address coordination (in-phase vs. anti-phase), hand (left vs. right), lateralization (left vs. right hemisphere), focus of attention (speech vs. tapping), and how dynamical constraints provide a foundation for human communicative acts. Predictions from the asymmetric HKB equation confirm the attentional basis of functional asymmetry. Of significance is a new understanding of the role of perceived synchrony (p-centres) during intentional cases of gestural coordination.  相似文献   

Sixteen adult subjects were served in an experiment in which the writing of six unfamiliar graphemes was practiced. To investigate the learning process, we analyzed the absolute and relative changes of movement time of the first three consecutive segments as a function of practice. The results showed that movement time of all three segments decreased. This decrease was significantly less in the first segment that it was in the second and third segment, however. We interpret these effects of practice, from an information-processing viewpoint, as follows: (a) Initially separate response segments become integrated in more comprehensive response chunks, and (b) the preparation of later segments of the grapheme is realized more and more during the real-time execution of the initial segment. The results further revealed that these learning effects were more pronounced in graphemes composed of familiar segments than in graphemes that contained unfamiliar segments. Finally, it turned out that similarity between initial and final segments hindered the writing speed of the first segment; the effect of similarity was independent of the above-mentioned effects of practice. The latter effect is interpreted as confirming evidence for the view that the preparation of later segments of a grapheme is reflected by changes of movement time of the first segments of a grapheme.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to compare the handwriting behaviours of true and false writing. Based on the cognitive load and dis‐automaticity known to be experienced while communicating a deceptive message, we hypothesized a difference (in temporal and spatial, pressure measures and peak velocities) between the handwriting of true vs. false messages. Thirty‐four participants wrote true and false sentences on a digitizer, which is part of a new system called the Computerized Penmanship Evaluation Tool (ComPET). The ComPET evaluates brain‐hand performance, as manifested through handwriting behaviour, and was found to be a valid measure for detecting the dis‐automaticity that is indicative of certain diseases in the clinical field. Differences were found in mean pressure, spatial measures (mean stroke length and mean stroke height), but no differences were found in temporal measures and in the number of peak velocities. The use of ComPET in lie detection is discussed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite their common origin, studies on motor coordination and on attentional load have developed into separate fields of investigation, bringing out findings, methods, and theories which are diverse if not mutually exclusive. Sitting at the intersection of these two fields, this article addresses the issue of behavioral flexibility by investigating how intention modifies the stability of existing patterns of coordination between moving limbs. It addresses the issue, largely ignored until now, of the attentional cost incurred by the central nervous system (CNS) in maintaining a coordination pattern at a given level of stability, in particular under different attentional priority requirements. The experimental paradigm adopted in these studies provides an original mix of a classical measure of attentional load, namely, reaction time, and of a dynamic approach to coordination, most suitable for characterizing the dynamic properties of coordinated behavior and behavioral change. Findings showed that central cost and pattern stability covary, suggesting that bimanual coordination and the attentional activity of the CNS involved in maintaining such a coordination bear on the same underlying dynamics. Such a conclusion provides a strong support to a unified approach to coordination encompassing a conceptualization in terms of information processing and another, more recent framework rooted in self-organization theories and dynamical systems models  相似文献   

The influence of focal attention on the coordination dynamics in a bimanual circle drawing task was investigated. Six right-handed and seven left-handed subjects performed bimanual circling movements, in two modes of coordination, symmetrical or asymmetrical. The frequency of movement was scaled by an auditory metronome from 1.50 Hz to 3.00 Hz in 7 steps. On each trial, subjects were required to attend either to the dominant hand, to a neutral position, or to the nondominant hand.The uniformity of the relative tangential angle was lower in asymmetrical than in symmetrical conditions, but was not influenced by the direction of attention. In the asymmetrical mode, shifts in RTA relations, suggestive of loss of stability, were evident as the movement frequency was increased. Typically, these shifts were mediated by distortions of the trajectory of the nondominant limb. When the nondominant hand was the focus of attention, movements of this hand were more circular, and temporal variability was reduced, at the cost of a greater deviation from the target frequency. Movements of the dominant hand were not affected by the direction of attention. The findings show that although directed attention acts to modify the coordination dynamics, it does so primarily at the level of the individual hands, rather then in terms of the relation between them.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the compensatory postural coordination patterns that emerge in the face of dynamic changes in the surface of support. Adult subjects stood on a moving platform that was sinusoidally translated in the anterior-posterior direction. The frequency and amplitude of the support surface translation were manipulated over a wide range of parameter values. The results revealed that as the frequency of platform motion increased, the postural system systematically exploited the available joint-space degrees of freedom and generated four distinct postural coordination modes (a rigid mode --> ankle mode --> ankle-hip mode --> ankle-hip-knee mode). It appears that upright standing posture has a small set of coordination patterns that are particular to the dynamics of the surface of support.  相似文献   

An experiment is described that examines the basis of the control of vertical amplitude (height) of handwriting. It is shown that changes in movement duration accompany changes in height whether the latter are associated with instructions to write larger than normal (between words) or because the letters to be written (e, l) differ in height (within words). The proportional differences in movement duration match the proportional differences in amplitude between words but not within words. It is concluded that two different time-based mechanisms are invoked for handwriting height control: interval adjustment for writing size changes between words and duration selection for letters differing in height within a word.  相似文献   

Sixteen right-handed participants without formal musical training performed a rhythmic multifrequency coordination task for several hours over a one-week period. Two groups were studied with respect to the assignment of hand to frequency: 1L:2R, in which the preferred right hand performed the higher frequency, and 2L:1R in which the non-preferred left hand performed the higher frequency. Performance asymmetries in terms of relative phase stability were initially expected and confirmed. The 1L:2R pattern was more stable than 2L:1R. It has been suggested that performance asymmetries result from asymmetrical coupling between the limbs as influenced by handedness. This study examined whether the acquisition of 2L:1R, the less stable of the two patterns, required the formation of asymmetrical coupling such that the faster hand would exert a greater forcing on the slower hand than vice versa, a supposition put forth in many studies of bimanual polyrhythmic tapping. The present data provide quantitative evidence that, in terms of stability (as quantified by relative phase uniformity, transition pathways, and lead-lag relations), handedness asymmetries, as well as acquired asymmetries, can be captured by low-dimensional dynamics consisting of symmetric and asymmetric coupling terms. Received: 18 November 1996 / Accepted: 6 May 1997  相似文献   

In studies of postural control, investigators have used either experimentally induced perturbations to stance or unperturbed stance. The distinction between perturbed and unperturbed stance has gained renewed importance in the context of inphase and antiphase coordination of the hips and ankles. Several contributions have replicated the findings published over the past decade, suggesting the possibility of a unified view of postural control. However, any proposed unified view depends on how so called perturbed and unperturbed are defined. The authors argue that, to date, there is no explicit and general definition of those terms. The main reason is that all perturbations are relative and depend on appropriate frames of reference for perception and action. Arguments about empirical or theoretical unification of perturbed and unperturbed stance are premature.  相似文献   

Learning of coordination patterns was investigated theoretically from the point of view of a dynamic theory of biological coordination and with reference to recent experiments on the learning of relative timing patterns. The theory is based on theoretical and experimental work showing that coordinated movement is characterized not only by the actually performed pattern of coordination but by an entire dynamics of coordination. Theoretically, such dynamics are captured as equations of motion of relevant collective variables. Experimentally, signatures of these underlying dynamics can be found in the temporal stability of coordination patterns, which can be assessed through various stability measures as well as through processes of pattern change. We argue that not only intrinsic coordination tendencies, but also specific behavioral requirements, be they perceived, memorized, or intended, must be expressed in terms of such dynamics. The concept of behavioral information captures such requirements as part of the coordination dynamics. We expound two hypotheses on the nature of learning in this framework. First, we assume that at each point during the learning process the system is governed by a well-defined coordination dynamics. This equation of motion evolves with learning so as to acquire an attractor solution near the to-be-learned pattern. Second, we hypothesize that this change of the coordination dynamics, captured by the time course of memorized behavioral information, can itself be ascribed to an additional layer of dynamics, the slower learning dynamics. Testable consequences of these views are discussed in the light of recent experimental findings on the learning of a relative phase in rhythmic movement: (a) Learning affects dynamic properties of performed coordination patterns, in particular, their stability; (b) the change of the coordination dynamics due to learning leads to specific changes of behavior also under conditions other than the learned condition, namely, to systematic deviation toward the learned patterns; (c) learning may lead to instabilities in the coordination behavior if initial and learned performance differ sufficiently; and (d) the dynamic properties of the performed coordination patterns are distinct on the two time scales of learning and of performance.  相似文献   

Although handwriting can vary in size, it remains remarkably similar in form, demonstrating motor constancy (equivalence). A consideration of changes in writing size may indicate: (1) how rescaling is accomplished, and (2) those invariant features that remain constrained under size variation. In the experiment reported here nine participants wrote the word “minimum” (without dotting “i’s”) in cursive text, under three size conditions on a SmartBoard. The standard deviation of stroke slope did not change its relationship to mean stroke slope, but stroke durations and lengths did vary. Kinematic analysis indicated that the number of submovements, their efficiency, and their kinematic structure varied across the three writing size conditions. The results suggested that motor constancy does not merely reflect a simple change in a single parameter of scale.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the interpersonal coordination that occurred between two people when sitting side-by-side in rocking chairs. In two experiments participant pairs rocked in chairs that had the same or different natural periods. By instructing pairs to coordinate their movements inphase or antiphase, Experiment 1 investigated whether the stable patterns of intentional interpersonal coordination were consistent with the dynamics of within person interlimb coordination. By instructing the participants to rock at their own preferred tempo, Experiment 2 investigated whether the rocking chair movements of visually coupled individuals would become unintentionally coordinated. The degree to which the participants fixated on the movements of their co-actor was also manipulated to examine whether visual focus modulates the strength of interpersonal coordination. As expected, the patterns of coordination observed in both experiments demonstrated that the intentional and unintentional interpersonal coordination of rocking chair movements is constrained by the self-organizing dynamics of a coupled oscillator system. The results of the visual focus manipulations indicate that the stability of a visual interpersonal coupling is mediated by attention and the degree to which an individual is able to detect information about a co-actor's movements.  相似文献   

Recent work in embodied cognition has demonstrated that language comprehension involves the motor system (e.g., Glenberg & Kaschak, 2002). Such findings are often attributed to mechanisms involving simulations of linguistically described events (Barsalou, 1999; Fischer & Zwaan, 2008). We propose that research paradigms in which simulation is the central focus need to be augmented with paradigms that probe the organization of the motor system during language comprehension. The use of well-studied motor tasks may be appropriate to this endeavour. To this end, we present a study in which participants perform a bimanual rhythmic task (Kugler & Turvey, 1987) while judging the plausibility of sentences. We show that the dynamics of the bimanual task differ when participants judge sentences describing performable actions as opposed to sentences describing events that are not performable. We discuss the general implications of our results for accounts of embodied cognition.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to use an x-y digitizer to collect handwriting samples typical of those written by the child in his or her natural environment, to analyze these samples with novel segmentation algorithms, and to present them visually in ways that illuminate spatial and temporal dynamic features amongst children with dysgraphic and proficient handwriting. While using the POET software (Penmanship Objective Evaluation Tool), a paragraph was copied onto paper affixed to an x-y digitizer by third-grade students, 14 with proficient and 14 with poor handwriting. A segmentation algorithm was developed to automatically isolate writing segments. Results yielded significant differences between the groups in various measures, including the number of the raw segments (i.e., the number of segments before combined with letters), the number of reverse segments (i.e., when the participant returned to correct or complete a previously written segment), the number of letters per minute, and the mean "In-Air" time between letters. Variability in both the spatial and temporal domains of instances of the same letter throughout the text was greater among the dysgraphic handwriters in comparison to the variability among the proficient. These results demonstrated the potential of using automated analytic techniques and visual display to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of handwriting difficulties.  相似文献   

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