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荀子“刑”、“德”思想自有其独特的学术品格,但溯其源流,大抵远绍周公“明德慎罚”思想,近承孔子“为政以德”、“先教后诛”思想,下启董仲舒“德主刑辅”思想,诸多思想与表述甚至直接袭用《尚书》等书、引证孔子等语录事迹,在先秦儒家刑德思想发展系统中是不可或缺的重要一环。  相似文献   

戴黍 《学海》2006,(1):146-148
《淮南子》因应时势,从先秦各家、尤其是从儒家学说中广泛汲取“德”的资源,十分重视君主之德。该书在论述对君主之德加以理解、培养与施行的过程中,表现出了从重“德性”进至重“德行”的深化。  相似文献   

作为“德国文化年·德中同行”的一个组成部分,《世界哲学》与歌德学院(中国)、德国文化中心共同推出这期德国哲学专号,主题为“ICH/自我”。  相似文献   

“德之行”是思孟“五行”学说的基础。通过对“德”义发展史的考查,本文认为“德之行”是子思对早期儒家“德行”观的一个突破,而孟苟思想的差异体现了儒者在“行”和“德之行”这两种“德”观念上的不同选择。“德之行”的提出,为儒家开出了新命题新方向,它提升了儒家的伦理规范,是儒家伦理宗教化的开端。  相似文献   

孔子毕生以创建“仁学”伦理文化、丰富和发展传统周礼为己任 ,未将思考和阐发当时的法和“法制”问题作为自己主要的人生目标。政法不分的专制统治模式使他的“为政以德”主张合乎逻辑地具有“为政以法”(“为政以刑”)的特质 ,“为政以德”也合乎逻辑地含有“为法以德”的思想。从儒家伦理思想的基本特性和《论语》看 ,孔子不仅不“轻法”,而且对法和“法制”是给予充分肯定的。  相似文献   

马斗成 《管子学刊》2004,(4):5-9,42
“刑、德”命题是古代政治法律思想中近乎永恒的命题。《管子》中有丰富、深刻的刑德思想:《管子》肯定刑在治国施政中的必要性,却大抵主张轻刑;《管子》更重视德,倡导以利民、惠民、养民为内容的德政及以“礼义廉耻”为主要特色的德教。其刑德兼施、先德后刑思想,可谓远绍周、吕,近承管、晏,下启苟、董,在中国古代正统刑德法律思想发展史上是重要一环。《管子》刑德思想还打上了齐地阴阳五行学说的烙印,具有浓厚的齐学色彩。  相似文献   

刘畅 《世界哲学》2010,(3):68-82
本文的主题是说话人的意思/意指(meinen)这个概念以及它与语词、语句的意思(Bedeutung)之间的关系。文中讨论了维特根斯坦对这两种观点的批评:1.意指是一种心灵活动、心灵过程;2.意指为所说的句子赋予了意义,“注入了灵魂”。文章的最后一部分对“意义”与“意思”的概念区分作一小结。  相似文献   

肖雁 《中国哲学史》2007,(2):102-107
《诗经》“德”论的一个重要特点就是,确立了“德”作为一个哲学和伦理范畴所特有的形上义蕴,开启了一条从形上王国通向现实人生的道路。“柔”、“惠”、“直”、“恭”、“温”、“善”等诸多道德规范和道德条目的内涵开始向“德”渗透,德性思想和意识逐渐生成。“德音”、“德行”这些颇具中国特色的哲学概念的出现,则为“德”范畴在哲学和伦理向度上的发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

在存在论的意义上,《管子》中的“道”、“德”是被作为重要的哲学范畴运用的,指生命产生的根源和生命存在的内在根据,二者是一体共在的关系。《管子》的“道”、“德”论揭示了人与万物在自然本性层面上的内在一体性和生态伦理的存在论维度,启示我们生态伦理应超越人与自然的外在关系,建立于人与自然内在关系的基础上。  相似文献   

论周人“德”观念的繁复性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周人重德,其“德”观念主要运用于政治领域,功能是要维护周的天下能够永久延续下去,因此,“德”观念在周人心目中体现出一种繁复性,它包括四个方面的内容,即天德、王德、臣德、民德。周人的“德”观念可以视为一个结构系统,而“一个结构可以定义为成分间或基本过程间的一个关系网”(布洛克曼:《结构主义》,商务印书馆1987年版,第18页)。在这个网络中,各种成分互相制约,而四种“德”又以“王德”为中心,因为“王”(君主)有德就可以得到上天的护佑和臣民的拥戴,周朝就会延续下去,所以天子之德是最重要的。“臣”处于“王”…  相似文献   

1.《文子》残简四次称引“传曰”,即指早于竹简的传本《文子》。传本《文子》与今本《文子》非问答体部分有着一致性。2.《越绝书》、《淮南子》所称引的“传”正是指传本《文子》。3.九篇本《文子》即由“传”本《文子》和竹简问答体《文子》汇编而来,今本《文子》乃是承袭九篇本而来。4.今本《文子》与《淮南子》互见部分有共同来源,即传本《文子》。  相似文献   

I suggest that ubiquitous references made by Confucius to poetic songs in the Analects reveal an important aspect of his philosophy. This aspect involves the assumption that things in the world “resonate” with one another. Using elements of Alfred North Whitehead's thought, as well as metaphysical insights from the Han Dynasty text, Huainanzi, I first present an aesthetic theory along with a supporting cosmological vision that enhances our appreciation of this trait in the Confucian world. With these preliminaries in mind, I approach the Analects itself. I will isolate the term xing, or “stimulation “, and demonstrate how this term allows us to understand the function of poetry for the early Confucians. I conclude that poetry was thought to behave much like what Whitehead called “propositions”, and that this function assumes a world with certain basic tendencies normally associated with Daoist cosmology.  相似文献   

Xunwu Chen 《亚洲哲学》2013,23(1):100-114
This paper explores the subject-matter of the relationship between law and humanity, filling a significant lacuna in philosophy of law in the West today. Doing so, the paper starts with recasting the traditional Chinese conflict—in particular, the conflict between legalism and Confucianism—over law in a new light of the contemporary call for stopping crimes against humanity. It then explores Habermas’ insight into and illusion of law. Finally, it examines the internal relationship between law and humanity, contending that law must always treat humanity as a purpose, not as a tool to other ends, functioning to build a community of humanity; while a distinction exists between justice and benevolence, law must not be inhumane.  相似文献   

交感思维是人类一种基础的、直觉的思维方式, 主要基于“交感”的认知模式, 遵循相似律和触染律两个法则。相似律认为果必同因、相似相生, 表面相似的事物共享一些基本特质; 触染律认为事物“本质”可以在物体接触时传递, 事物在脱离接触后仍可以继续发生相互作用。触染效应可以是正面的, 也可以是负面的。交感效应已经在食物厌恶、消费者购物等行为中得到验证。今后研究应拓展交感思维的应用领域, 提出更有效的弱化和抑制方法, 并从意识、记忆、知觉、认知等信息加工层面对其进行深入探讨。  相似文献   

Although the role of ethics in modern Jewish thought has been widely explored, major works by foundational philosophers remain largely absent from such discussions. This essay contributes to the recovery of these voices, focusing on the Hebrew writings of Moses Mendelssohn (1729–1786) and Nachman Krochmal (1785–1840). I argue that these texts reveal the existence of a shared ethical project animating these founding philosophical voices of Jewish modernity, and that reconstructing their claims contributes to broader conversations about the relationship between ethics and law. Mendelssohn and Krochmal present Jewish law as addressing needs emerging from the history of moral philosophy—from the modern histories of Platonic and Aristotelian ethics. Moreover, my reading highlights these thinkers’ ongoing relevance, suggesting that their work illuminates the role of law in ethical cultivation.  相似文献   

In this article, I deal with airs and sounds and scents, while keeping an eye on the law. My field of enquiry is the interstitial area between sensory and affective occurrences, namely sensory experiences that are traditionally thought to be a causal result of external stimuli, and affective experiences that are mostly associated with emotional changes and generally allude to something internal. I am arguing that there is no constructive difference between internal and external origin of occurrences. In its stead, I suggest the concept of atmosphere, namely an attempt at understanding affective occurrences as excessive, collective, spatial and elemental. However, it quickly becomes apparent that an atmosphere is legally determined. The law controls affective occurrences by regulating property of sensory stimulation. At the same time, the law guides bodies into corridors of sensory compulsion – an aspect of which is consumerism in capitalist societies. The law achieves this by allowing certain sensory options to come forth while suppressing others, something which is particularly obvious in cases of intellectual property protection that capture the sensorial. I deal with the law in its material, spatial manifestation and in particular through what I have called the ‘lawscape’, namely the fusion of space and normativity. I employ a broadly Deleuzian methodology with insights from radical geography, affective studies, and urban and critical legal theory in order to develop and link the various parts of the text.  相似文献   

According to the theory of dispositions here defended, to have a disposition is to have some (non‐dispositional) property that enters into a law of a certain form. The theory does not have the crucial difficulty of the singular material implication account of dispositions, but at the same time avoids the unfortunate notion of ‘reduction sentences’. It is further argued that no dispositional explanation is one of the covering‐law type; but the theory shows how, for any dispositional explanation! To construct a potential explanation of the covering‐law type. The theory can also be applied fruitfully to human behavior, especially with respect to the issues of reasons and causes and of’ rational’ explanation. The success of the applicability of this theory of dispositions is further evidence of its adequacy.  相似文献   

When is a law too idealized to be usefully applied to a specific situation? To answer this question, this essay considers a law in hydrogeology called Darcy's Law, both as it is used in what is called the symmetric-cone model, and as it is used in equations to determine a well's groundwater velocity and hydraulic conductivity. After discussing Darcy's law and its applications, the essay concludes that this idealized law, as well as associated models and equations in hydrogeology, are not realistic in the sense required by the D-N account. They exhibit what McMullin calls mathematical idealization, construct idealization, empirical-causal idealization, and subjunctive-causal idealization. Yet this lack of realism in hydrogeology is problematic for reasons unrelated to the status of the D-N account. These idealizations are also problematic in applied situations. Their problems require developing two supplemental criteria, necessary for their productive application.  相似文献   

In this article the history of sociology is set in the context of the European legal tradition, especially that of Roman law and its modern interpretations and transmutations; and Montesquieu and Vico are briefly examined as social thinkers illustrating a kind of paradigm-shift from the old art of law to the new science of society.  相似文献   

In an alleged counter‐example to the completeness of rational preferences, a career as a clarinettist is compared with a career in law. It seems reasonable to neither want to judge that the law career is at least as preferred as the clarinet career nor want to judge that the clarinet career is at least as preferred as the law career. The two standard interpretations of examples of this kind are, first, that the examples show that preferences are rationally permitted to be incomplete and, second, that the examples show that preferences are rationally permitted to be indeterminate. In this paper, I shall argue that the difference between these interpretations is crucial for the money‐pump argument for transitivity, which is the standard argument that rational preferences are transitive. I shall argue that the money‐pump argument for transitivity fails if preferences are rationally permitted to be incomplete but that it works if preferences are rationally permitted to be indeterminate and rationally required to be complete.  相似文献   

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