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This article attempts to demonstrate the value of using a psychoanalytic theory of personality for psychological testing. This approach has more clinical utility than a solely research-based one. It recasts test data into conceptually related constructs that have internal consistency to each other and are directly relevant to psychotherapeutic treatment. Such theoretical recasting serves an organizing function, an integrative function, a clarification function, and a predictive function for the clinical inference process. Furthermore, a psychoanalytically oriented approach to testing allows for the expansion in sources of data that one considers in the testing situation. Five different sources of data emerge from the testing situation once one refocuses on theoretical constructs rather than test signs. These include test scores, test content, the patient-examiner interaction, patient behavior, and examiner countertransference.  相似文献   

Operating characteristics describe the validity of tests that attempt to dichotomously predict a diagnosis. These statistics are not fully published in the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III Manual (MCMI-III manual Millon, 1994) When calculated from available statistics, the positive predictive powers of the MCMI-III scales are poor both in absolute terms and relative to the MCMI-II (Millon, 1987). There were a number of problems, however, with the initial MCMI-III validity study both inherently and in execution. Although it is doubtful that the MCMI-III is weaker than the MCMI-II, a new validity is needed.  相似文献   

内隐联想测验:信度、效度及原理   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
内隐联想测验(Implicit Association Test)是一种评估个体对两个概念的自动化联系强度的间接测量方法,近年来被广泛应用于内隐社会认知研究。有很多证据显示,较之于外显测验,IAT能为研究提供更多新的信息,但其信度、效度指标都有待改善,而且不同学者对其测验原理仍有不同解释。因此,研究者对IAT的应用及对其结果的解释需持谨慎态度。另外,文章还简单介绍了IAT数据处理的新方法和一些IAT的变式。  相似文献   

The rationale and construction of the Bene-Anthony Family Relations Test suggest that it could be a valuable clinical projective technique. Little research involving the instrument has been reported, and most studies have been hampered by failure to report essential information, small sample size, poor design, and inappropriate statistical procedures. Investigations reported to date have yielded equivocal evidence of the test's validity. Additional research, for which specific directions are suggested, is needed to indicate the instrument's validity and usefulness or call for its abandonment or revision.  相似文献   


The Memory in Reality (MIR) test, or Apartment Test, was designed as an ecologically valid alternative to word list recall measures. Participants name 10 everyday objects, place them in a scale model of an apartment and after a delay with interference, recall the objects and their placement. Two studies are reported. Study 1 included 51 older adult volunteers. Study 2 was a population-based sample of 633 older twins. The Apartment Test Recall and Placement tasks were highly correlated with word list delayed recall. Ecological validity was supported by correlations with informant reports of participants' functioning. Apartment Test Recall was not affected by education. Analysis of Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) showed Apartment Test Recall performed as well as word list delayed recall in distinguishing participants with and without dementia. We conclude that the Apartment Test is a valid measure of verbal memory with evidence of ecological and concurrent validity.  相似文献   

This study investigated the validity and incremental validity of a situational interview beyond that of a composite measure of cognitive ability. Forty-seven factory service technicians underwent an interview and took four cognitive ability tests. Supervisors rated the performance of these subjects in a concurrent validation study. The interview was found to be a valid predictor of a supervisor rating of performance (r = 0.32, p < 0.05 uncorrected), however, was unable to show incremental validity over ability tests (Incremental R2= 0.05, n.s.). Limitations of the present study and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The strong controversy over the Thematic Apperception Test's (TAT) validity may be partly due to the divergent results critics and advocates have obtained in their own research. It is noted that conditions of test administration are closely associated with quality of TAT research results. To demonstrate a cause of TAT invalidity, 199 adolescents were given the TAT following one of four instructional sets: neutral, following a personality test, emphasizing that the TAT is a personality test, and in a nonthreatening but structured setting. As expected, stories written after neutral instructions were valid predictors of need for achievement, affiliation, and power criteria; whereas other stories yielded nonsignificant and sometimes negative validities. It was concluded that the instructions are crucial to the quality of TAT results, and suggestions were offered to help ensure validity.  相似文献   

This experiment investigated several underlying assumptions and one aspect of the validity of the Luscher Color Test, a projective test developed in Europe and relatively unknown in the United States. It was predicted that Ss would report increases in “negative” feelings to the color red, while blue would have the opposite effect, and yellow would produce an increase in “positive” feelings. Twenty-three male and 23 female Ss rated their immediate reactions to the LCT colors on seven mood adjectives, following which they were given the short version LCT and the IPAT Anxiety Scale. The results supported the hypotheses regarding blue and yellow, but not those regarding red nor the validity of the LCT as an anxiety measuring instrument.  相似文献   

Visual perceptual skills of school-age children are often assessed using the Supplemental Developmental Test of Visual Perception of the Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration. The study purpose was to consider the construct validity of this test by evaluating its scalability (interval level measurement), unidimensionality, differential item functioning, and hierarchical ordering of its items. Visual perceptual performance scores from a sample of 356 typically developing children (171 boys and 185 girls ages 5 to 11 years) were used to complete a Rasch analysis of the test. Seven items were discarded for poor fit, while none of the items exhibited differential item functioning by sex. The construct validity, scalability, hierarchical ordering, and lack of differential item functioning requirements were met by the final test version. Since 7 test items did not fit the Rasch analysis specifications, the clinical value of the test is questionable and limited.  相似文献   

The 24-item Abbreviated Character Strengths Test (ACST) was developed to efficiently measure character strengths (Peterson, Park, &; Castro, 2011 Peterson, C., Park, N., &; Castro, C. A. (2011). Assessment for the US Army Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program: The Global Assessment Tool. American Psychologist, 66, 1018.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). However, its validity for this purpose has not yet been sufficiently established. Using confirmatory factor analysis to test a series of structural models, only a modified bifactor model showed reasonably acceptable fit. Further analyses of this model failed to demonstrate measurement invariance between male and female respondents. Relationships between ACST dimension and Big Five personality trait scores were generally weak-to-moderate, and support for hypotheses regarding each ACST virtue's expected correspondence with specific Big Five dimensions was mixed. Finally, scores on ACST dimensions accounted for a combined 12% of the variance in satisfaction with life scores, after controlling for socially desirability. Although an abbreviated measure of character strengths represents a practical need, considerable improvements to the ACST are needed for it to adequately meet this purpose.  相似文献   

A two-phase longitudinal study was conducted to explore the exploration validity (i.e., the power of interest inventories to facilitate career exploration activities such as talking to professionals and seeking vocational information) of the 1985 Strong Interest Inventory (SII) for college students. Participants in the study included an experimental group (N =75), which participated in the SII testing and a group interpretation, and a contrast group(N=67). Students in the experimental group reported significantly more instrumental career exploration behaviors at a 1-year follow-up than did the contrast group.  相似文献   

Teaching ethical behavior is an aspect of physical education. The purpose of the study was to present the construction and to estimate validity of a test which assesses physical education students' moral judgment, the Moral Judgment Test in Physical Education. The sample comprised 281 male and female participants (95 in Grades 7 to 9, 92 in Grades 10 to 12, and 94 university students), who completed Lind's Moral Judgment Test and the Moral Judgment Test-PE version. The validity of the latter was assessed using four criteria of Lind's moral theory. Analysis indicated that the Moral Judgment Test-PE had adequate construct validity and correlated positively, although relatively weakly, with the original test, so the new version has sufficient construct validity to be used in physical education.  相似文献   

李金波  王权 《心理科学》2003,26(5):885-886
1 引言  测验信度和效度是衡量测验编制质量的两个主要参数。测验信度和效度受项目难度、区分度以及被试能力分布等多方面因素的制约。IRT利用信息函数的概念提出了用项目参数来调节测验信度的具体方法 ,这是IRT在心理和教育测量学上的一大贡献。但对于如何提高测验效度 ,至今人们还是凭经验来选择测验项目 ,缺乏客观有效的方法。另外 ,项目难度与区分度是密切地关联着的 ,它们协同影响着测验效度。为此 ,在研究项目参数与测验效度间的关系前 ,首先应该研究项目难度与项目区分度间的关系。2 区分度对难度的回归关系的模拟试验2 .1 …  相似文献   

行政职业能力倾向测验效度的研究报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈社育  余嘉元 《心理科学》2002,25(3):325-327
为了对目前国家公务员录用考试中的行政职业能力倾向测验有效性有一个全面准确的了解,本研究依据现代心理测量理论,采用科学规范的实证研究方法,对行政职业能力倾向测验的效度进行了较为系统的研究,得到了一些有用的结论,为国家公务员录用考试的深化改革提供了较为全面的信息。  相似文献   

This study assessed the construct validity of the Relationship Profile Test (RPT; Bornstein &; Languirand, 2003 Bornstein, R. F., &; Languirand, M. A. (2003). Healthy dependency. New York, NY: Newmarket. [Google Scholar]) with a substance abuse sample. One hundred-eight substance abuse patients completed the RPT, Experiences in Close Relationships Scale–Short Form (Wei, Russell, Mallinckrodt, &; Vogel, 2007 Wei, M., Russell, D. W., Mallinckrodt, B., &; Vogel, D. L. (2007). The Experience in Close Relationships Scale (ECR)–Short Form: Reliability, validity and factor structure. Journal of Personality Assessment, 88, 187204.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), Personality Assessment Inventory (Morey, 1991 Morey, L. C. (1991). Personality Assessment Inventory professional manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources. [Google Scholar]), and Symptom Checklist–90–Revised (Derogatis, 1983 Derogatis, L. R. (1983). SCL–90–R administration, scoring, and procedures manual II. Towson, MD: Clinical Psychometric Research. [Google Scholar]). Results suggest that the RPT has good construct validity when compared against theoretically related broadband measures of personality, psychopathology, and adult attachment. Overall, health dependency was negatively related to measures of psychopathology and insecure attachment, and overdependence was positively related to measures of psychopathology and attachment anxiety. Many of the predictions regarding RPT detachment and the criterion measures were not supported. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory-Short Version (YPI-S; van Baardewijk et al., 2010) is a self-report measure to assess psychopathic-like traits in adolescents. The aim of the present study is to investigate the factor structure, the internal consistency, and the criterion validity of the YPI-S in 768 Belgian community adolescents (45.4?% males). In general, our study supported the YPI three factor structure while relevant indices showed that the instrument is internally consistent. In addition, relations between the YPI-S total score and dimension scores on the one hand and external criterion measures (e.g. conduct problems and self-reported offending) on the other hand were generally in line with predictions. The present study replicated and substantially extended previous findings of the YPI-S in a sample of community youth. Future studies are needed to test whether findings from community samples can be replicated in clinical-referred and justice-involved boys and adolescents.  相似文献   

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