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迷宫与动物行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王彦  苏彦捷 《心理学动态》2001,9(3):264-269
在动物心理学的实验研究中,迷宫是很常用的一种仪器。章介绍了迷宫的发展历史、类型以及应用的研究领域,并讨论了未来迷宫方法的进一步改进及其广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

有人设计了一个迷宫,迷宫的中央放了一根金条用于奖励能进入并顺利走出来的得胜者。设计者每月举行一次比赛,慕名而来的参赛者络绎不绝。  相似文献   

MORRIS迷宫图像自动处理系统隋南,匡培梓中国科学院心理研究所(北京100012)Morris不透明水迷宫是研究大鼠学习记忆或空间认知行为的一种简便、实用而且较为先进的实验模型装置。在实验过程中常记录搜索目标时间、朝向角度、运动轨迹、入水位置等多项...  相似文献   

围绕学习、记忆、情绪及应激等心理因素与复发的关系,应用阿片类物质心理依赖研究条件性位置偏爱,条件性位置厌恶,Morris水迷宫量化觅药动机模型,行为及条件性行为敏感化等多种动物行为模型,从情绪相关学习、记忆在成瘾行为中的作用,不同神经核团与神经递质系统活动性的改变,应激相关因素易化的成瘾易感性,自然奖赏与成瘾药物奖赏相关记忆的比较研究等方面,对应激与记忆相关的吗啡心理依赖及复发的脑机制进行了系列研究  相似文献   

王琼  王玮文  李曼  杜伟  邵枫 《心理学报》2016,48(5):509-517
脑源性神经营养因子(brain-derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF)广泛参与了个体学习和记忆等认知功能, 通过与其酪氨酸激酶受体(tyrosine kinase, TrkB)特异性结合, 实现其多种神经生化功能。本研究观察了TrkB受体阻断剂ANA-12的慢性内侧前额叶皮质(medial prefrontal cortex, mPFC)注射对大鼠旷场行为、Morris水迷宫空间学习和逆反学习的影响。研究结果表明, mPFC的慢性BDNF阻断显著降低了大鼠在逆反学习测试中的逃离潜伏期和运动距离即增强了大鼠的逆反学习能力, 但不影响其旷场行为和水迷宫空间学习能力。同时, 慢性阻断mPFC-TrkB受体也并未导致大鼠海马BDNF蛋白含量的显著改变。这些结果提示, 对于大鼠的Morris水迷宫空间学习和逆反学习, mPFC-BDNF主要在逆反学习调节中发挥重要作用。这对于进一步探索海马和mPFC在调节个体认知功能中各自的作用及其潜在的相互关系提供了有力的证据和支持。  相似文献   

电影叙事学不是关注电影表意的层面,而是关注影片的叙事结构与叙事功能,是对一个影视作品叙事结构的抽象性研究分析。2015年国庆档,一部制作成本仅为170万的农村现实题材悬疑片《心迷宫》的上映引发了业界的热议,获得了极好的口碑。作为谜题电影,《心迷宫》的成功得益于导演精湛的叙事技巧,具体表现为:全知视点与多重内聚焦相结合、时间的变形和非线性的时序、版块式拼图的叙事结构。  相似文献   

希腊神话中,有一个故事很启发人。相传有位叫米若斯的国王为了报杀子之仇,向雅典发起战争,迫使雅典人每隔几年送7对童男童女到克里特岛,用来喂米若斯关在克里特岛迷宫中的怪牛。雅典王子忒修斯决定要杀死那头吃人的怪牛,于是,他和另外13位童男童女一道前往克里特岛。岛上迷宫设计得非常复杂,之前进去的人没有一个能活着出来。为此,忒修斯先用自己的魅力征服了米若斯国王的女儿,向这位公主讨到了走出迷宫的办法,最后不仅成功地杀死了怪牛,并且安全地返回雅典。走出迷宫的办法是,带上一个线团,  相似文献   

闫方博 《美与时代》2008,(1):126-128
迷宫叙事是后现代美学的一个重要特征.迷宫表达的是一种徒劳无望的探寻,一次没有归宿的旅行,一种面临绝处死亡的焦灼.循环和重复是这种无望和焦虑的表达,变化与反思构成了寻找出路的可能.封闭的迷宫同时也是敞开的乐园,这是悖论,也是当下的人们不得不面对的一种选择.  相似文献   

现代社会的"道德迷宫"及其伦理出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伦理作为社会的一种文化存在,是为人类生命过程提供解释并帮助人们应对生存困境的一种努力。现代社会转型导致了人类道德活动空间的变化,传统道德哲学提供的理论及其原则已无法解释和应对现代社会复杂的道德状况,伦理危机状态下的社会成员生活在无所适从的"道德迷宫"之中。在伦理危机四起、"道德迷宫"叠出的现实社会,根据现实社会结构的变化实现相应的伦理建设成为我们当前亟须解决的迫切任务。组织伦理是帮助社会摆脱现代性伦理危机,走出"道德迷宫"的关键。  相似文献   

外科消融是治疗心房颤动(房颤)的重要手段,尤其是对于合并其他心脏疾病需要进行其他心脏手术的患者。目前房颤外科消融策略主要包括经典迷宫手术、改良迷宫手术、微创房颤消融及杂交手术等,其中以微创外科消融和其他心脏手术同期进行的改良迷宫手术最为流行,杂交手术尚处初始阶段,具有广阔的发展前景。本文主要就房颤外科消融的适应证、策略进行讨论。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore how Mexican American adolescents (N = 120) would perform on the MMPI-A given that Hispanic adolescents were seriously underrepresented in the national norming sample during the development of the MMPI-A. The participants completed the MMPI-A, a short demographic questionnaire, and a 5-item version of the Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans. Results indicated that the present sample of Mexican American adolescents' performance on the Validity, Clinical, and Content scales differed minimally from the national norming group's performance, and their performance varied as a function of their levels of acculturation and socioeconomic status. Implications of these data are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between the client and therapist is the central change factor in religiously oriented psychotherapy. The identification of the beloved and the value and use of that recognition to shed light on the unconscious motives in relationship are two central points in this theory.  相似文献   

社会知识论(下)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三 戈德曼的社会知识论戈德曼为社会知识论提出的问题域 ,包含在他所谓的“求真知识论” (veritisticepistemolo gy)名下。求真的知识论 (不论是个体的还是社会的 )关注的是知识的生产 ,这里“知识”被理解为弱的意义上的“真信念”。更准确地说 ,它关注的是知识及其反面———错误 (虚假信念 )与无知 (真信念的缺乏 )。它所研究的主要问题是 :什么样的实践对于知识 (与错误、无知相比 )具有相对有利的影响 ?个体的求真知识论在非社会的实践中寻找有关的答案 ,社会的求真知识论则在社会的实践中寻求解答。在戈德曼那…  相似文献   

The assessment and treatment of adults who set fires deliberately are underdeveloped relative to other areas of forensic-clinical psychology. From a scientist–practitioner perspective, all clinical assessment and treatment should be guided by a theoretical and empirically based understanding of the presenting clinical phenomena. In this paper, we critically review current typologies, motives, and theories regarding the etiological features of deliberate adult firesetting. Then, using a theory knitting perspective, we synthesize the prime parts of this information into a comprehensive multifactorial framework of deliberate firesetting. The resulting Multi-Trajectory Theory of Adult Firesetting (M-TTAF) is an integration of current theory, typological, and research knowledge into a comprehensive etiological theory of firesetting along with its maintenance, and desistence. In addition to this overall theoretical framework, we summarize five associated prototypical firesetting trajectories (or patterns of characteristics leading to the firesetting behavior) that stem from our theoretical work. We examine this new theory according to key evaluative components associated with theory construction and conclude by highlighting the M-TTAF's potential application in future research and practice innovation with adult firesetters.  相似文献   

This study applies the construct of sanctification to college students' perceptions of their bodies. Students (N = 289) completed measures on the extent to which they viewed their bodies as being a manifestation of God (e.g., "My body is a temple of God") and as characterized by sacred qualities (e.g., holy, blessed, sacred). Greater levels of both forms of sanctification were related to higher levels of health-protective behaviors, strenuous exercise, satisfaction with one's body, and disapproval of alcohol consumption as well as to lower levels of illicit drug use, unhealthy eating practices, and alcohol consumption. Viewing the body as having sacred qualities was also related to lower rates of binge eating and illicit drug use.  相似文献   

Ian P. Gent 《Studia Logica》1993,52(2):233-257
In this paper I give conditions under which a matrix characterisation of validity is correct for first order logics where quantifications are restricted by statements from a theory. Unfortunately the usual definition of path closure in a matrix is unsuitable and a less pleasant definition must be used. I derive the matrix theorem from syntactic analysis of a suitable tableau system, but by choosing a tableau system for restricted quantification I generalise Wallen's earlier work on modal logics. The tableau system is only correct if a new condition I call alphabetical monotonicity holds. I sketch how the result can be applied to a wide range of logics such as first order variants of many standard modal logics, including non-serial modal logics.  相似文献   

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