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Using factual information of uncertain truth value as the stimulus material, previous investigators have found that repeated statements are rated more valid than non-repeated statements. Experiments 1 and 1A were designed to determine if this effect would also occur for opinion statements and for statements initially rated either true or false. Subjects were exposed to a 108-statement list one week and a second list of the same length a week later. This second list was comprised of some of the statements seen earlier plus some statements seen for the first time. Results suggested that all types of repeated statements are rated as more valid than their non-repeated counterparts. Experiment 2 demonstrated that the validity-enhancing effect of repetition does not occur in subject domains about which a person claims not be knowledgeable. From the results of both studies we concluded that familiarity is a basis for the judged validity of statements. The relation between this phenomenon and the judged validity of decisions and predictions was also discussed.  相似文献   

Four pigeons were exposed to a tandem variable-interval (VI) fixed-ratio (FR) schedule in the presence of a 50-pixel (about 15 mm) square or an 80-pixel (about 24 mm) square and to a tandem VI differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate (DRL) schedule when a second 80-pixel or 50-pixel square was present. The values of the VI and FR schedules were adjusted to equate reinforcement rates in the two tandem schedules. Following this, a square-size continuum generalization test was administered under a fixed-interval (FI) schedule or extinction. In the first testing session, response frequency was a graded function of the similarity of the test stimuli to the training stimuli for all pigeons. These systematic generalization gradients persisted longer under the FI schedule than under extinction.  相似文献   

On the generality of some memory laws   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several memory laws have been established for the free recall of word lists. The generality of some of these laws were tested, using tasks which the subjects performed (SPTs) as to-be-recalled list items. SPT recall obeyed one law of word recall in showing a strong positive recency effect in immediate free recall, which appeared to be due to these events being in a temporary state of high accessibility. Differences between word and SPT recall were: 1) The reliable primacy effect associated with word recall did not appear in SPT recall; 2) Subjects reported using active memorisation strategies for word lists, but not for SPT lists; 3) Unlike word recall, diverting the subject's attention to so-called deep or shallow features of the SPTs during presentation did not affect the level of their recall. These results considered together with Cohen & Stewart's (1981) finding that SPT recall was not age-sensitive were taken to indicate that SPTs should be regarded as a different class of memory event than words, and that memory models dealing with SPT recall should de-emphasize the importance of encoding, stressing instead retention, and retrieval operations.  相似文献   

Studies have found that rolling the visual environment affects observers' perception of gravitational vertical and horizontal and that pitching the environment affects observers' perception of pitch. However, the relationship between these two perceptions is not fully understood. In the present work, observers performed three tasks while in a visual surround whose pitch and roll was manipulated. In the first task, observers adjusted a rod in the frontal-parallel plane to the horizontal (roll). In a second task, they adjusted a rod along a plane parallel to straight-ahead to the vertical (pitch). In the final task (“in-between”), they adjusted a rod midway between the first two conditions. The typical pitch and roll effects were found, as well as a contribution of both pitch and roll to the in-between task. No interaction between pitch and roll effects was found, indicating independent cognitive representations.  相似文献   

In affective Simon studies, participants are to select between a positive and negative response on the basis of a nonaffective stimulus feature (i.e., relevant stimulus feature) while ignoring the valence of the presented stimuli (i.e., irrelevant stimulus feature). De Houwer and Eelen (1998) showed that the time to select the correct response is influenced by the match between the valence of the response and the (irrelevant) valence of the stimulus. In the affective Simon studies that have been reported until now, only words were used as stimuli and the relevant stimulus feature was always the grammatical category of the words. We report four experiments in which we examined the generality of the affective Simon effect. Significant affective Simon effects were found when the semantic category, grammatical category, and letter-case of words was relevant, when the semantic category of photographed objects was relevant, and when participants were asked to give nonverbal approach or avoidance responses on the basis of the grammatical category of words. Results also showed that the magnitude of the affective Simon effect depended on the nature of the relevant feature.  相似文献   

Yeh SL  Liao HI 《Acta psychologica》2008,129(1):157-165
The contingent-orienting hypothesis states that attentional capture by a task-irrelevant stimulus is contingent on whether that stimulus shares a feature property that is critical to the task at hand [Folk, C. L., Remington, R. W., & Johnston, J. C. (1992). Involuntary covert orienting is contingent on attentional control settings. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 18, 1030-1044]. Studies supporting this hypothesis have mostly used set size four displays throughout the experiment and thus constrict its ecological validity, since conclusions drawn from experiments using fixed set-size displays may not be generalized to other conditions with different set sizes. We used a spatial cueing paradigm in which a non-informative onset or color cue preceded an onset or a color target, and manipulated set size as a within- or between-subject factor. In four experiments, the original finding of Folk et al. (1992) was replicated only when a fixed set size (four) was used throughout. When both set-size four and eight were used in an experiment, stimulus-driven capture by onset in search of a color target was found even for set-size four displays. These results raise doubts as to the generality of the contingent-orienting hypothesis and help to delineate the boundary conditions on this hypothesis.  相似文献   

When claims of amnesia are made in legal cases, it is necessary to determine whether they are genuine or simulated. This article assesses current knowledge of the relation between genuine and simulated amnesia and discusses issues that are critical to understanding of the problem. It is argued that there are few well established facts regarding the nature of simulated amnesia, and no evidence that experts can distinguish accurately between genuine and simulated amnesia. Suggestions are made for future research that draw upon recent advances in cognitive psychology, social psychology, and neuropsychology.  相似文献   

The role of sensory return in movement has recently been considered in relation to models involving feedforward control and in the comparison of predicted and actual states. The author suggests that sensory feedback may also have other effects at the level of movement initiation. The experiences of 3 individuals with differing impairments are reported, 1 with acute withdrawal of movement and position sense, 1 with acute meningitis, and the 3rd after prolonged immobilization following a heel injury. All were surprised to find difficulty in turning an intention to move into action in the affected body areas. One suggested that he had "forgotten what to do," even though the original injury had healed. The path from intention to movement may be dependent on feedback from the peripheral sensory apparatus at levels below attention, at least until voluntary action is required.  相似文献   

Summary Data obtained in four sets of experiments involving pitch, heaviness, greyness, and circular area were re-analyzed. It was found (1) that similarity estimates S ijare a power function of stimulus ratios S ijwith the exponent n s,(2) that ratio estimates q ijare also a power function of stimulus ratios S ijwith the exponent n q(i.e., Stevens' power law), (3) that the exponent n of similarity estimates as power function of ratio estimates is equal to the ratio n s/n q,and (4) that, inversely, the exponent m of ratio estimates as power function of similarities is equal to the ratio n q/n s.The investigation was supported by a grant from the Swedish Council for Social Science Research.  相似文献   

Number magnitude is assumed to be holistically represented along a single mental number line. Recently, we have observed a unit-decade-compatibility effect which is inconsistent with that assumption (Nuerk, Weger, & Willmes, 2001). In two-digit Arabic number comparison, we have demonstrated that compatible comparisons in which separate decade and unit comparisons lead to the same decision (32_47, 3 < 4 and 2 < 7) were faster than incompatible trials (37_52, 3 < 5, but 7 > 2). Because overall distance was matched, a holistic model could not account for the compatibility effect. However, one could argue that the compatibility effect was due to the specific vertical perceptual arrangement of the two-digit numbers in Nuerk et al.'s (2001) experiment where the decade digits and unit digits were presented column-wise above each other. To examine this objection, we studied the perceptual generality of the compatibility effect with diagonal presentation. We replicated the compatibility effect with diagonal presentation. It is concluded that the compatibility effect is not due to encoding characteristics imposed by the perceptual setting of the original experiment. In particular, the assumption of an overall analog magnitude representation for two-digit numbers is not consistent with these data.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on choice procedures in which responses on each of two keys were reinforced probabilistically, but only after a schedule requirement had been met. Under one arrangement, a fixed-interval choice procedure was used in which responses were not reinforced until the interval was over; then a response on one key would be reinforced, with the effective key changing irregularly from interval to interval. Under a second, fixed-ratio choice procedure, responses on either key counted towards completion of the ratio and then, once the ratio had been completed, a response on the probabilistically selected key would produce food. In one experiment, the schedule requirements were varied for both fixed-interval and fixed-ratio schedules. In the second experiment, relative reinforcement rate was varied. And in a third experiment, the duration of an intertrial interval separating choices was varied. The results for 11 pigeons across all three experiments indicate that there were often large deviations between relative response rates and relative reinforcement rates. Overall performance measures were characterized by a great deal of variability across conditions. More detailed measures of choice across the schedule requirement were also quite variable across conditions. In spite of this variability, performance was consistent across conditions in its efficiency of producing food. The absence of matching of behavior allocation to reinforcement rate indicates an important difference between the present procedures and other choice procedures; that difference raises questions about the specific conditions that lead to matching as an outcome.  相似文献   

On the relation between preference and resistance to change   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Nevin (1979) noted that preference in concurrent chains and resistance to change in multiple schedules were correlated, in that both measures were affected similarly by variations in parameters of reinforcement such as rate, immediacy, and magnitude. To investigate the relationship between preference and resistance to change directly, we used a within-session procedure that arranged concurrent chains in one half of the session and a multiple schedule in the other half. The same variable-interval schedules served as terminal links in concurrent chains and as the components of the multiple schedule, and were signaled by the same stimuli. After performances had stabilized, responding in the multiple schedule was disrupted by delivering response-independent reinforcement during the blackout periods between components. Both preference in concurrent chains and relative resistance to change of multiple-schedule responding were well described as power functions of relative reinforcement rate, as predicted by current quantitative models (Grace, 1994; Nevin, 1992b). In addition, unsystematic variation in preference and resistance to change was positively correlated, which suggests that preference and resistance to change are independent measures of a single construct. That construct could be described as the learning that occurs regarding the prevailing conditions of reinforcement in a distinctive stimulus situation.  相似文献   

The paper concerns the relation between frequency estimates and recognition decisions. Theories postulating that these two measures reflect independent retrieval processes and theories that postulate that frequency estimation and recognition are mutually dependent processes are discussed. Empirical results apparently supporting both positions are also reviewed. Results of experiments in which instructions and test methods are varied factorially and results of conditional and correlational analyses establishing a dependency between frequency estimates and recognition decisions are taken as evidence supporting the dependent process view. However, the results do not permit discrimination within this class of theories.  相似文献   

Two experiments evaluated the hypothesis that perceptual fluency is used to infer prior occurrence. Subjects heard (Experiment 1) or saw (Experiment 2) a list of words and then were presented in the same modality with both these and other words twice in succession: first in a more or less impoverished fashion, and then in clear fashion. For the first of these two presentations, the subjects tried to identify the word; for the second, they gave a recognition judgement. As predicted by the perceptual fluency hypothesis, and as has been found in previous research, the recognition judgments were more positive for identified words than for unidentified words. However, degree of impoverishment, by which apparent perceptual fluency was brought under experimental control, did not affect the recognition judgments. The perceptual fluency hypothesis was therefore not supported, and the observed relation between identification and recognition was attributed to an item selection effect.  相似文献   

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