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现代中国人心理健康和谐观的理论构念   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阳泽  张向葵 《心理科学》2007,30(3):629-631
本文分析显示中国人的心理是自我的关系状态,中国人的健康是和谐状态,传统心理健康的本质是自我关系世界的和谐。基于对传统的继承和发展。提出现代中国人心理健康的本质是自我关系世界的全面积极和谐,内容包括人自身的和谐、人与社会的和谐、人与自然的和谐和人与意义世界的和谐。  相似文献   

和谐世界理念有着深厚内蕴和巨大张力的重要原因之一就是它蕴含着中国优秀传统文化的“和而不同”、“天人合一”、“天下为公”、“实现大同”等和谐思想。要构建和谐世界,必须继承民族传统文化的精神、借鉴和吸收人类先进文化。  相似文献   

《老子》最早赋予“道”以完整和深刻的哲学本体论意义。道的哲学本体论具有三重基本内涵,即追寻作为世界统一性的终极存在、知识统一性的终极解释、意义统一性的终极价值。三重内涵的融通合一即是和谐的意义和旨趣所在,体现为天人和谐、人际和谐和群体和谐。《老子》认为道是万物的本原,德是万物分享形上之道而各自获得的本性,二者皆以和谐为内核,和谐是道的基本特征和存在状态。和谐的终极价值以人的意义统一性为逻辑基点,和谐的终极存在以道的世界统一性为生成维度,和谐的终极解释以道的知识统一性为治理向度。  相似文献   

《周易》充满了和谐思想:人与自然的和谐,通过阴阳和谐、尚中正、交感比应等表现出来;人际关系的和谐,通过培养诚信、谦虚、宽容的性格、讲求家庭和谐,当政者和民众的交往沟通表现出来。这些思想对我们当今时代具有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

世界和平与发展需要和谐的国际社会环境,世界和谐是构建性的。以世界和谐为伦理诉求的国际组织在全球治理中发挥着重要的作用,并遵循公正与共生的伦理原则。同时,在实践中正确处理有关主权、人权、国际责任、人道主义等方面的问题,才能真正实现世界和谐。  相似文献   

墨子提出的“天下之人皆相爱”理想,虽然没有实现,但一直是人类追求的目标。在全球一体化和现代化的今天,面对日益盛行的个人主义和民族利己主义或国家至上主义,面对一切湮没在利害关系之中的无情无爱世界,面对各种犯罪、恐怖活动和局部战争,以墨子的兼爱理想为旗帜,建立“强不执弱,众不动寡,富不侮贫,贵不敖(傲)贱,诈不欺愚”的制约机制,构建动态的世界和谐,已经成为当代人类和世界各国面临的重大而紧迫的任务。本文试图阐述墨子的兼爱思想对构建当代世界和谐的意义。  相似文献   

This paper investigates Wittgenstein's remarks on happiness and harmony in the context of Wittgensteinian antitheodicy. Philosophers of religion inspired by Wittgenstein's philosophy often criticize theodicies seeking to justify apparently meaningless evil and suffering within God's overall harmonious plan. The paper analyses Wittgenstein's early views on happiness as harmony with the world, examining whether they are incompatible with an antitheodicist approach abandoning the very project of theodicy by acknowledging a certain kind of disharmony. However, antitheodicy may also, at the transcendental meta‐level, be considered a “harmonious” way of “seeing the world aright,” which raises a reflexive problem for any Wittgenstein‐inspired antitheodicy.  相似文献   

《管子》的"和合"是一种差等和合,治国理念以天地人和合观为基础,建立了形而上的天地和合道德根据,治国的目标是为了达到社会和合偕习,和合观的使用在方法上运用个人内心和合、国家内外和合达到国家治理,形下之用体现于政治上政通人和以实现天地人和。管子之所以成为我国春秋初期著名的政治家,是因为他的治国理念高远、方法得当、运用适宜,既有道德感化,又有法治辅助,还有礼义调和,实现了社会上下和合、内外和合、形上形下和合。  相似文献   

儒家思想中有丰富的和平文化资源。和谐论是儒家的秩序的和平论的核心。和谐论包括天人和谐、社会和谐、家庭和谐、群己和谐。从此出发 ,可以建立起天人合一的宇宙秩序 ,三纲六纪的社会秩序 ,治国安邦的国家秩序 ,天下一家的世界秩序。  相似文献   

The Bible reveals a free, contingent act of the triune, personal God as the origin of the world. This paper explores the fruitfulness of taking the contingency of creation as the starting-point for our thinking about the natural world. We will see that the contingency of creation implies a conception of the natural order which is in harmony with modern science. It is the foundation for the experimental method and the use of mathematics, provides an understanding of contingent laws of nature, shows that natural order is open to historical evolution, and makes room for chance and novelty.  相似文献   

On 21 June 2018, on his 23rd international journey, Pope Francis travelled to Geneva to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the World Council of Churches. The Swiss city also hosts a large number of representative international institutions dealing with global governance and the issues of peace, human rights, and migration. After reviewing the main highlights of the journey, this article discusses its significance: to appeal to the common commitment of Christians to proclaim the gospel and its power of salvation in a divided and wounded world. In this way, Pope Francis underlined that in the pluralistic society of today, harmony is not possible if we just ignore faith and focus on what it means to be human while excluding the transcendent. Indeed, it is the gospel that promotes harmony and commitment to a better world.  相似文献   

J. G. Fichte (1762–1814) articulates and defends a conception of autonomy as rational self-identification. This paper reconstructs this conception and examines various difficulties recognized by Fichte during the earliest phases of his career (1780s–1790s), with the heterogeneity of natural drives and freedom as the principal threat. Theoretically, this heterogeneity is overcome for Fichte by his deduction of the compound nature of humanity as a condition of rational agency. But, from the standpoint of the deliberating agent herself, this deduction is not sufficient. The harmony of nature and freedom is, for Fichte, a desideratum of practical rationality, and so must be addressed as such. Fichte's argument at this point is that a further perspective on oneself must be at least implicit in the moral outlook of a deliberating agent in order for this harmony to be attained on a practical level. This is because the harmony that is achieved at the deliberative level is occasional, temporary, and fundamentally uncertain. The required perspective turns out to be religious faith, the idea that the ‘infinite task’ of morality is eternally realized in divine reason, or that there is a ‘moral world order’ in which nature and freedom are reconciled.  相似文献   

天·地·人──谈《易传》的生态哲学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
《易传》把天地自然界看成是有生命的存在,而人的生命正来自于这个自然界。自然界不仅是人的生命存在的根源,也是人的生命意义和价值的根源。人在获得自然所提供的一切生存条件的同时,更要“裁成”“辅佐”自然界完成其生命意义,才能实现人与自然的和谐相处,达到“天人合一”的最高境界。  相似文献   


Jakob von Uexküll is mostly known for his concept of Umwelt—the meaningful surrounding of animals. von Uexküll insisted vehemently on the fact that Umwelt vindicated Kant’s subjectivist epistemology in the biological domain. However, we argue that a crucial yet widely overlooked development in von Uexküll’s theory of meaning implies a more radical vision strikingly germane to J. J. Gibson’s own direct realist epistemology-ontology and in tension with his own subjectivist concept of Umwelt. Gibson argued that organism and environment are complementary and meaning is not constructed via a subjective act but is directly available in the world as opportunities for action, namely, affordances. We show that von Uexküll’s notion of “functional tone” is similar to Gibson’s concept of affordance in that it includes action in perception. More important, von Uexküll introduces the musical metaphor of harmony to characterize the relationship between animal and environment. Like Gibson’s reciprocity, harmony implies an unmediated isomorphism between the dispositions of the animal and those of the environment that allows for direct perceptual contact with the world and action upon it.  相似文献   

Marriage is the most respected institution in the world, and it contributes to the foundations of procreation, leadership and peace and is the hub of economic stability. Currently, there are marital disharmony cases which have led to marriage being viewed with a negative perception. This trend is common in Lugari, Kakamega County, Kenya, resulting in psychological torture, issues with child development in terms of learning and discipline, and a long‐term effect on their behaviour as adults. Premarital counselling was conceived for the purpose of helping families to re‐evaluate their feelings about marriage and its values in order to experience marital harmony. This study sought to determine the relationship between premarital counselling and marital harmony among families. It was guided by solution‐focused theory (SFT). The target population for the study was married couples and premarital counsellors. Purposive and simple random techniques were used to select a representative sample of 20 men, 20 women and 10 premarital counsellors in Lugari, Kakamega County. There was a statistically significant relationship between premarital counselling services and marital harmony among families with a correlation of .893. Therefore, there should be awareness of the existing services, and couples intending to marry should seek premarital counselling interventions and continue to attend counselling after formalising their marriage to keep up with the changing times.  相似文献   

东西方文明冲突与文化融合,既不是争夺话语权及同化的问题,也不是消融各自的特色,而是基于和谐在文化差异中分享与互尊。惟有正视这一点,中华文明的精神价值和思想资源才可能通过与西方经典的相互诠释来与西方文明沟通与交流,并追寻到当今世界根源性精神;进而发现一个为人类理性所能认同的共同的真理与价值标准。恰恰是通过对中西文化元典的比较研究,我们发现不同文化的冲突不可怕;它是进化的一个条件,但是你必须共同融合才能产生新的文明。  相似文献   

The contemporary Thai Theravada Buddhist monks Buddhadasa Bhikkhu and Phra Prayyudh Payutto espouse a version of natural law thinking in which the norms of good behavior derive from the nature of the world, specifically its features of conditionality, causality, karma and interdependence. An ethic which stresses non-egoic harmony is the result. This paper (1) develops the notion of natural law in their thinking and (2) critically evaluates these ideas as a foundation for ethical thought, specifically asking whether such ideas recognize something of value in the individual per se and in individual freedom and, in an interdependent world, how one can challenge injustice or a brutal government.  相似文献   

The visual and performing arts in Africa provide unique opportunities not just for the reinforcement of gender differences but also for the subversion or transcendence of those differences to ensure societal harmony. A close reading of the various forms of artistic expression provides valuable data on women's perceived mystical powers—procreation, metaphysical knowledge and intimate communication with the spirit world as well as their social and religious status.  相似文献   

This article reviews some of the ethical aspects of collaborative research. Scientific collaboration has known potential benefits but it’s a challenging task to successfully accomplish a collaborative venture on ethically sound grounds. Current trends in international healthcare research collaboration reflect limited benefits for the majority of world population. Research collaboration between scientists of academia and industry usually has financial considerations. Successful cross-cultural and international collaborations have to overcome many regional and global barriers. Despite these difficulties, many scientific collaborations usually begin with an informal meeting or contact. With advancement in global communications, scientists have greater responsibility towards the world community while considering the impact of their collaborative partnerships. I review the basic factors that are required for forging a collaborative partnership and responsible attitudes to sustain the relationship. Finally I conclude that scientists in healthcare research can play important roles beyond collaborations and contribute to bringing harmony, resolving differences across the nations and countries in today’s troubled world.  相似文献   

The visual and performing arts in Africa provide unique opportunities not just for the reinforcement of gender differences but also for the subversion or transcendence of those differences to ensure societal harmony. A close reading of the various forms of artistic expression provides valuable data on women’s perceived mystical powers—procreation, metaphysical knowledge and intimate communication with the spirit world as well as their social and religious status.  相似文献   

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