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慧远大师是中国早期佛教界的杰出领袖。在他的领导下,庐山僧团成为东晋时期南方佛教的中心,很重要的原因在于慧远继承和发扬道安创设的僧制建设,以僧制管理僧团成员,使整个僧团戒行清净、和合共处,成为模范僧团,为后世僧团内部管理提供了成功范本。僧制不同于戒律,制定者主体具有多元性,内容上既参照了戒律条文,又因地制宜、因时制宜,具有很强的灵活性和生命力,一经开创便广为发展,成为各大宗派竞相效仿的僧团管理模式。慧远进行的僧制建设解决了佛教戒律与中国社会相适应的问题,在中国佛教发展史上产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

敦煌慧远述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国佛教史上,僧人取名慧远者很多,就隋朝以前来说,见于史载者便有三人。即庐山慧远(雁门楼烦氏)、江陵长沙寺慧远(籍贯不明)和京师净影寺慧远(敦煌李氏)。庐山慧远为东晋人,是早期佛教史上最有影响的中国僧人,故多为人们熟知。长沙寺慧远,为南朝刘宋时人,在佛教史上,没有多少影响。至于本文要谈及的汝煌慧远,虽无庐山慧远之声誉,但也不失为一代高僧。正因如此,有人把他与庐山慧远相比,称之为“小慧远”,然因庐山慧远在中  相似文献   

学术界对魏晋时期汉地僧团的管理模式,主要依据道安的《僧尼轨范》展开研究,实际在当时,包括慧远在内的一些僧人,都创制过僧团的内部管理制度。塚本善隆先生抄录的《敦煌写本某地方佛教教团规制》,为我们研究魏晋时期僧团的内部管理,提供了新的视角。通过此类文献,我们能了知魏晋时期的佛教内部管理,是建立在戒律基础上,汇通了中国固有的礼制要求和政府需求的管理模式。  相似文献   

宗教研究关于宗教的社会功能与构建和谐社会匡永琼(2.3)佛教哲学与德里达解构主义郭延成(2.8)佛学研究《金刚经》研究述评杜正乾(1.10)佛教哲学中的“是”林晓辉(1.15)中国佛教戒律及其伦理意义袁升祺(2.12)赵朴初是中国佛教现代化历程的开拓者李霞(2.16)大同华严寺大雄宝殿佛名考辨曹彦玲(2.22)庐山慧远的佛教发展策略梁民政(3.3)皈依佛教的精神超越之旅——宗炳的佛学活动及其对晋宋之际佛学思想的诠释杨遇青(3.9)如来藏本有与空性之关系略述聂伟荣(4.3)试论佛教戒律对构建和谐社会的积极作用竹音(4.9)宗宝本《六祖坛经》“止恶行善”论析…  相似文献   

鸠摩罗什入关后《大智度论》的译出,使中国学僧首次接触到了较为详细的印度佛身理论。庐山慧远正值此时,较早学习了《大智度论》,并就佛身理论中的核心概念“法身”存在的诸多疑问求教罗什。在两人的书信集《大乘大义章》中,慧远将法身理解为有形有相的实体。与罗什交流后,慧远对法身的认识在一定程度上有所纠正,但法身实有思想仍未改观,这为晋宋之际佛教义学的转向发挥了重要的理论铺垫作用。因此,探讨东晋庐山慧远的法身思想,有助于凸显其在中国佛学思潮转向中的理论意义。  相似文献   

庐山慧远在中国佛教史上具有极其重要的地位。慧远的法性思想被认为是其佛教思想的核心。但慧远的法性概念在不同时期具有不同内涵,时而与法身的概念紧密结合,时而单独作为实法的本性而存在。但作为佛教领袖和积极修行者,慧远最终的法性思想表现出了鲜明的修行论特质。  相似文献   

本刊讯应中国佛协的邀请,以庐山慧远法师日本佛教者奉赞会会长多贺谷崇峰为团长的日本  相似文献   

东晋出现了四大佛教中心:襄阳、庐山、建康、会稽。它们以佛理探讨为主,但民俗信仰也在教理佛教氛围中培植。道安在襄阳僧团内倡导了弥勒信仰;慧远在庐山教团中进行着阿弥陀佛的集体崇拜实践;建康皇室佛教充斥着低级淫祀;而会稽地区,却酝酿并盛行开了观世音信仰。这些民俗信仰既具有一定的地域性,又具有相当的流动性。佛教的民俗信仰中有一个趋势:弥勒作为佛的身份和上生净土、释疑解难的一面被阿弥陀佛信仰取代;弥勒作为菩萨的身份及未来佛下生人间的一面渐被观音菩萨现世救济取代。  相似文献   

正慧持(337-412),俗姓贾,雁门楼烦(今山西宁武)人,中国佛教净土宗的初祖、庐山东林寺的创建者慧远大师的胞弟,曾与胞兄一起师从道安法师。太元六年(381),因为北方战乱,慧持随兄慧远南下,打算去广东罗浮山潜修,路过浔阳(今江西九江),爱庐山之清静,于是驻锡龙泉精舍,后在江州刺史桓伊的勷助下建成东林寺并定居于此。慧持还同慧远、慧永等123人共同创建白莲社,被举  相似文献   

净土宗是唐代僧人善导实际开创的中国佛教宗派, 因专修往生阿弥陀佛净土法门得名。此宗奉东晋庐山慧远为初祖,因慧远曾与人结立“白莲社”,发愿往生西方净土,所以,净土宗又名“莲宗”。  相似文献   

This study examined the level of self-esteem and narcissism as personality variables involved in the disposition to experience and express anger. Three hundred thirty-eight subjects were sampled across two higher education centres and one student teaching programme in the United Kingdom. It was reasoned that individuals with both high self-esteem and narcissism would report especially high tendencies to experience and express anger and aggression and that those with high self-esteem and low narcissism would report the lowest. These predictions were influenced by theories that emphasise the role of threats to high self-esteem in the production of aggression and violence. Results indicate that groups defined by their extreme scores on self-esteem and narcissism scales produced levels of anger expression in the predicted direction. The importance of considering extreme levels of self-esteem and narcissism (in conjunction with other factors) in an analysis of anger is discussed with reference to currently influential theories in the field. Aggr. Behav. 24:421–438, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This article summarizes research on social and personal determinants of adolescent use and abuse of alcohol and marijuana to aid practitioners when designing interventions.  相似文献   

Bem (1974) reconceptualized masculinity and femininity as independent and orthogonal constructs that both men and women possess to varying degrees. This perspective was used as a starting point to investigate whether the contributions of gender-typed characteristics can help to account for commonly observed gender differences in wayfinding (the ability to identify one’s current location and successfully navigate to an unseen location in the environment) favoring men. We further divided gender-typed characteristics into cognitive and personality characteristics to assess their separate influence on wayfinding and explored whether gender-typed characteristics predicted self-reported use of masculine wayfinding strategies (i.e., orientation strategies) and self-reported wayfinding competence. Participants were 452 college women and men in a southern U.S. public university. They completed the Gender-Stereotypic Characteristics questionnaire (Diekman and Eagly 2000), a social comparison questionnaire (created by the authors), a wayfinding strategy questionnaire (Lawton 1994), and a wayfinding competence questionnaire (Hegarty et al. 2002). For both men and women, higher masculine cognitive characteristics significantly correlated with greater use of orientation wayfinding strategies typical of men. For men, both higher masculine and feminine cognitive characteristics predicted better overall wayfinding competence whereas for women, only higher masculine cognitive characteristics predicted better overall wayfinding competence. For both men and women, higher feminine personality characteristics predicted poorer wayfinding competence. These results demonstrated the importance of considering cognitive and personality characteristics of masculinity and femininity in explaining individual differences in wayfinding.  相似文献   


Based on analysis of self-ratings of mood, positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA) have been proposed as basic, orthogonal mood dimensions (Watson & Tellegen, 1985). The present study asked subjects (N = 61) to not only provide self-ratings of PA and NA terms but also to retrieve personal memories associated with those terms. Self-rated PA was associated with latency to retrieve PA- but not NA-related memories; self-rated NA was associated with latency to retrieve NA- but not PA-related memories. Self-ratings of PA and NA were not significantly correlated, nor were retrieval latencies for PA and NA memories. Individual item correlations also revealed a strong direct relationship between self-ratings and retrieval latency. The dissociations involving a non-self report measure strengthen the distinction between PA and NA, and the individual item correlations are interpreted as showing that self-ratings of affect are based upon the ease of retrieval of personal memories.  相似文献   

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