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This article describes an evolving collaborative relationship between a family therapist and a physician focused on the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, a highly prevalent disorder which has several psychological characteristics. We began with a unique approach utilizing (1) simultaneous treatment by both specialists; (2) a focus on the relationship context of illness. This approach draws on family systemic theory and practice as well as a circular model of mind and body interaction. Because the intervention was significantly helpful to patients, the premises which informed it were then incorporated into a five session group treatment model. Results and clinical report support the efficacy of a collaborative systemic approach between a medical specialist and family psychologist in treating adult chronic illness.  相似文献   

Sixty-six chronic low back pain sufferers were randomly divided into three groups. Following individual assessments consisting of psychological questionnaires, pain monitoring, and measurement of paraspinal electromyogram (EMG), one group received paraspinal EMG biofeedback and another a placebo treatment. The third group received no intervention. Two further assessments were carried out on all groups immediately after treatment and at a 3-month follow-up. All groups showed significant reduction in pain, anxiety, depression, and paraspinal EMG following treatment and at follow-up, but there were no differences between groups. A regression analysis failed to identify subjects' characteristics that predicted positive outcome in the biofeedback group. However, high scores on the Evaluative scale of the McGill Pain Questionnaire and high hypnotizability were significant predictors of positive outcome for the placebo group. It is concluded that paraspinal EMG biofeedback is not a specific treatment for chronic low back pain in a nonhospitalized population.  相似文献   

A multi‐component intervention was used to treat chronic rumination exhibited by an adult female diagnosed with a developmental disability. The intervention consisted of: (a) interruption of precursor behavior, (b) the alternation of 10‐min periods of continued instruction that involved walking and working with (c) 10‐min periods in which instructions were not delivered but a variable time 5‐s schedule of noncontingent attention was programmed, and (d) a 1‐min differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) schedule. During the intervention, rumination decreased by 82% relative to baseline. Next, components of the multi‐component intervention were systematically removed to evaluate their individual contribution. Results suggested that each individual component contributed to the overall treatment effects. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


When a child is the identified patient, people often expect individual sessions to be a part of treatment. Yet, family therapists routinely violate this expectation by working with children solely in the context of the family. This article discusses how the therapeutic process can be facilitated by conducting at least a small number of individual sessions with children. Such behavior by the therapist communicates to children, parents, and involved referral sources a respect for their opinions and lays the groundwork for cooperation. The advantages and disadvantages of such an approach are discussed.  相似文献   

A variety of family therapy techniques have been used to treat chronic pain. In this paper, an attempt is made to examine those familytherapy methods. It is noted that to date there is virtually a total absence of research to determine the efficacy of family therapy to treat chronic benign pain. From a clinical perspective family therapy must be offered to famiies with chronic pain patients to counteract the negative impact of chronic pain on the entire family system.  相似文献   

Material is presented from brief focal psychotherapy used in the treatment of four patients with chronic pain refractory to multiple forms of treatment. The value from therapy for each patient is described in terms of actual pain relief, in improvement in understanding the interpretation of past trauma into present bodily symptoms, and in subsequent ability to cope with the pain. Three reported treatment to have improved their pain; one reported an improvement in her ability to cope with it and consequent improvement in lifestyle. The place of pathological mourning in the aetiology of such pain is considered, together with a discussion on the constant finding of denial or displacement of intense anger towards important past figures and its manifestation in the transference. A discussion of the place of brief focal psychotherapy as a time- and cost-effective intervention in the treatment of chronic pain is presented.  相似文献   

The effects of behavioural treatment on chronic pain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Psychologically-based interventions for chronic pain traditionally include a mix of methods, including physical conditioning, training in relaxation or attention control, strategies to decrease irrational or dysfunctional thinking patterns, and activity management training. Recent developments suggest additional methods to promote acceptance, mindfulness, values-based action, and cognitive defusion (a cognitive process entailing change in the influences exerted by thoughts without necessarily changing their form or frequency). Collectively, these processes entail what is referred to as psychological flexibility. This study examined how changes in traditionally conceived methods of coping compare to changes in psychological flexibility in relation to improvements in functioning over the course of an interdisciplinary treatment program. Participants were 114 chronic pain sufferers. Results indicated that changes in the traditionally conceived methods were essentially unrelated to treatment improvements, while changes in psychological flexibility were consistently and significantly related to these improvements. We suggest that psychological flexibility appears highly relevant to the study of chronic pain and to future treatment developments. The utility of more traditionally conceived pain management strategies, on the other hand, may require a reappraisal.  相似文献   

This article reports the development of a protocol for the therapeutic application of "attention control" for chronic pain. Attention control is the limitation of the impact of pain by switching or retunning attention. An expert systems approach was used to develop the protocol. In the first stage an extensive literature search retrieved published and unpublished accounts of attention control strategies and a draft treatment manual was prepared. In the second stage 6 experts were recruited and they independently read and reviewed the draft manual. They were interviewed using a semi-structured protocol to elicit their views on the draft manual. The manual was then revised to accommodate the information and expertise. In addition to providing expert opinion on the manual the experts also raised issues about the process of change in psychological treatment for chronic pain. These issues were organized into a process model of change in chronic pain.  相似文献   

This article describes the psychological treatment of a chronic pain patient using a single case design methodology in order to evaluate changes in symptomatic measures as well as in Repertory Grid Test scores. These changes included a substantial reduction in levels of subjective pain and anxiety as well as a reduction in symptom superordinacy, level of self-dissatisfaction, and positive meaning (“payoff”) of anxiety. Results are discussed in relation to the literature on pain and on personal construct theory.  相似文献   

As part of a comprehensive interdisciplinary evaluation conducted prior to participation in an outpatient chronic pain treatment program, the psychological status of 101 persons was assessed. The majority of participants was found to have a form of personality disorder, determined by conservative cutoff scores applied to their Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) profiles. DSM-III-R Cluster C disorders (i.e., Avoidant, Dependent, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Passive-Aggressive) were overrepresented in this sample. Subsequent analyses revealed that personality disorders were related to higher levels of self-reported distress and pain at both the beginning and the end of outpatient treatment. Differential responses to treatment were observed on self-report measures; however, few relations were found between personality disorder and physical therapist ratings of impairment and improvement. Implications for the assessment of personality disorders in outpatient pain treatment programs are discussed and appropriate intervention strategies are considered.  相似文献   

This study examined whether repression predicts outcome following multidisciplinary treatment for chronic pain and whether links between anxiety and outcome are obscured by repressors. Ninety-three chronic pain patients completed a 4-week pain program. Lifting capacity, walking endurance, depression, pain severity, and activity were measured at pre- and posttreatment. Low-anxious, repressor, high-anxious, and defensive/high-anxious groups were formed from median splits of Anxiety Content (ACS) and Lie scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2; Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, Tellegen, & Kaemmer, 1989). Significant ACS x Lie interactions were found for lifting capacity, depression, and pain severity changes. Planned comparisons showed that both repressors and high-anxious patients performed poorly on lifting capacity; repressors alone recovered poorly on depression and pain severity. Results imply that repression may interfere with the process and outcome of pain programs.  相似文献   

Although women report feeling more pain than men, their pain is often underdiagnosed and undertreated. By proposing a gender-based theoretical conceptualisation, we argue that such sex-related biases may be enhanced or suppressed by contextual variables pertaining to the clinical situation, the perceiver or the patient. Consequently, we aimed to explore the moderator role of two clinically relevant variables in a chronic low-back pain (CLBP) scenario: diagnostic evidence of pathology (EP) and pain behaviours conveying distress. One-hundred and twenty-six female nurses (M?=?35.33, SD?=?7.64) participated in an experimental between-subjects design, 2 (patient's sex)?×?2 (EP: present vs. absent)?×?2 (pain behaviours: with vs. without distress). Independent variables were operationalised by vignettes depicting a patient with CLBP. Nurses judged the patient's pain on several dimensions: (1) credibility; (2) disability; (3) severity of the clinical situation; (4) psychological attributions and (5) willingness to offer support. Main findings showed that judgements of women's pain were influenced by EP, while judgements of men's pain were not. Moreover, nurses showed biases against men, but only in the presence of EP. The influence of distress cues was less consistent. Theoretical and practical implications are drawn.  相似文献   

The prevalence and cost of chronic pain is a major physical and mental health care problem in the United States today. As a result, there has been a recent explosion of research on chronic pain, with significant advances in better understanding its etiology, assessment, and treatment. The purpose of the present article is to provide a review of the most noteworthy developments in the field. The biopsychosocial model is now widely accepted as the most heuristic approach to chronic pain. With this model in mind, a review of the basic neuroscience processes of pain (the bio part of biopsychosocial), as well as the psychosocial factors, is presented. This spans research on how psychological and social factors can interact with brain processes to influence health and illness as well as on the development of new technologies, such as brain imaging, that provide new insights into brain-pain mechanisms.  相似文献   

A causal analysis of chronic pain and depression   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
There is considerable controversy in the literature regarding the extent to which chronic pain and depression are associated and the possible causal relationship of such an association. The present study examines these issues with a sample of 243 patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who were mailed questionnaires for six waves of data collection. The results indicated that RA patients experience higher levels of depressive symptomatology than community samples. Using a two-latent-variable, cross-lagged design, covariance structural modeling was conducted on self-report measures of pain and depression over 6-month intervals. Results most strongly supported a causal model in which pain predicts depression during the last 12 months of the study.  相似文献   

Fifty-eight outpatients with chronic low back pain were randomly allocated to one of six experimental conditions. Four conditions were designated as treatment conditions and two as control conditions. The four treatment groups consisted of: cognitive treatment (either with or without relaxation training) and behavioural treatment (either with or without relaxation training). The cognitive and behavioural groups also received physiotherapy. The two control conditions consisted of: attention (physiotherapy plus discussion sessions) and no-attention (physiotherapy-only) conditions. All conditions, including the two controls, received the same physiotherapy back-education and exercise program. For the sample as a whole, improvements were obtained on measures of affective distress, functional impairment, medication use, pain-related dysfunctional cognitions and use of active coping strategies. These improvements were generally maintained at 6- and 12-month follow-ups. The combined psychological/physiotherapy treatment conditions improved significantly more than the physiotherapy-only conditions from pre to posttreatment on measures of pain intensity, self-rated functional impairment and pain-related dysfunctional cognitions. However, these differences were only weakly maintained at 6- and 12-month follow-ups. The behavioural conditions improved significantly more than the cognitive conditions from pre to posttreatment on the self-rated measure of functional impairment, but this difference was not maintained at 6- and 12-month follow-ups. Progressive relaxation training was found to make little contribution to either cognitive or behavioural treatments.  相似文献   

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