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The Scott Sex-Role Inventory (SSRI) is a 37-item questionnaire of teachers' knowledge of sex differences and attitudes toward sex-role stereotyping. Norms, reliability, and validity were developed on a suburban southeastern school system. Responses of male and female teachers were comparable on both sections of the test. The SSRI offers an index of teachers' knowledge and attitudes toward sex roles which may help to assess (1) needs for attitude change and (2) the effectiveness of intervention programs.  相似文献   

Three studies describe the development and initial validation of the Gender Attitude Inventory (GAI), a structured inventory that assesses attitudes toward the multiple objects that organize college students' thoughts and feelings about sex and gender. An intergroup relations perspective was used to specify the universe of gender-related targets and to construct a preliminary instrument. Factor analyses of the results of two sequential studies yielded a 109-item inventory with 14 content-specific attitude areas and three second-order factors. In Study 3 GAI scales were shown to have acceptable internal consistency and temporal stability, as well as convergent and discriminant validity. In terms of race/ethnicity, most respondents were white (ranging from 69% to 82% across the three studies).  相似文献   

Kazdin's (1980a) Treatment Evaluation Inventory (TEI) is the major instrument used to assess parents' acceptance of procedures for behavior problem children. The length of the TEI, however, as well as problems with its scaling and wording limits its value as a clinical research instrument. In the present study, three experiments were conducted to develop a modified TEI. In Experiment 1, 153 parents completed the TEI to evaluate a behavioral treatment for noncompliant and oppositional children. A factor analysis of the data was used to obtain a reliable factor structure for the TEI and to construct a 9-item TEI-Short Form (TEI-SF) with a 5-point scale, consistent anchors on the scale, and simplified text and instructions. Experiment 2 evaluated the psychometric characteristics of the TEI and the TEI-SF. These data indicated the TEI-SF is a sound alternative to the original TEI. Experiment 3 compared the readability and completion time of the two instruments.  相似文献   

Development of an inventory to measure ways of knowing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Characteristics of consonant-vowel duration and vocal fundamental frequency (F0) are reported for 12 school-age stuttering males. Subjects' speech was recorded pre- and post- therapy and at 2-mo follow-up. Mean F0 and voice onset time values remained stable from pretherapy to 2-mo follow-up, and an increase of 12% vocalized time was maintained across all posttherapy samples. It is suggested that increases in speech fluency may not be accompanied by changes in fundamental timing gestures. Increased speech fluency may be accomplished through increases in vocalized time permitting adjustments in motor sequencing which accompany stuttering.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and test a short form of the Adult Career Concerns Inventory (ACCI; D. E. Super, A. S. Thompson, & R. H. Lindeman, 1988), a measure of career stage that is based on D. E. Super's (1990) theory of career development. Participants were 260 college students who completed surveys. Examination of Cronbach's alpha indicated adequate reliability for the ACCI—Short Form. The multitrait‐multimethod matrix was used to compare the short form method with the long form method across the 4 career stages. Results indicated adequate convergent validity.  相似文献   

The standardization of ADHD ratings in adults is important given their differing symptom presentation. The authors investigated the agreement and reliability of rater standardization in a large-scale trial of atomoxetine in adults with ADHD. Training of 91 raters for the investigator-administered ADHD Rating Scale (ADHDRS-IV-Inv) occurred prior to initiation of a large, 31-site atomoxetine trial. Agreement between raters on total scores was established in two ways: (a) by Kappa coefficient (rater agreement for each item with the percentage of raters that had identical item-by-item scores) and (b) intraclass correlation coefficients (reliability). For the ADHDRS-IV-Inv, rater agreement was moderate, and reliability, as measured by Cronbach's alpha, was substantial. The data indicate that clinicians can be trained to reliably evaluate ADHD in adults using the ADHDRS-IV-Inv.  相似文献   

The Erickson 39-item S-scale was administered to 24 persons who stutter, 24 persons with voice or articulation disorders, and 24 normal speakers. The purpose of the study was to determine if the three populations differed in communication attitude. The one-way analysis of variance showed that the three groups differed significantly. Normal speakers revealed the most desirable communication attitude; the communication attitude of the voice and articulation disorders population was less favorable than normals; the communication attitude of the stuttering population was least favorable.  相似文献   

The Reaction Inventory-Guilt was developed to isolate, in individuals, the specific stimulus situations which result in guilt. The 50-item inventory was administered to 96 subjects. The estimate of the internal consistency coefficient was .94. The inter-item correlations were factor analyzed by the principle axis method, and rotation to oblique simple structure was accomplished by the Promax method. Four oblique factors were obtained: intentional behavior disrupting interpersonal relations; self-destructive behavior; behavior contrary to moral or ethical principles; and unintentional behavior disrupting interpersonal relationships.  相似文献   

The object of this study was to construct and validate an inventory to measure the satisfaction of users of Family Medicine Clinics. The satisfaction construct was theoretically developed, then the semantic network technique was applied to write 45 items with a dichotomized response. The scale was validated for 4,134 users. Cronbach coefficient alpha was .78. In a factor analysis, 8 factors were obtained, which explained 43.3% of the variance. The content of the first factor referred to the Family Physician dimension, Factors 3, 4, and 5 to the Family Medicine Clinic, and Factors 2, 6, 7, and 8 to Other Services of the Clinic. The questionnaire is being integrated to the Quality of Care Evaluation System to assess satisfaction of users. It may be useful in other venues to assess cultural and organizational aspects of satisfaction with health care.  相似文献   

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