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Hemispatial asymmetries in judgment of stimulus size   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent research has demonstrated a leftward bias in judgments of size. In the present experiments, hemispatial size bias was measured through simultaneous presentation of a circle and an ellipse varying in horizontal or vertical extent. A consistent leftward bias of horizontal size judgments (but not vertical) was obtained; at the point of subjective equality, the width of the objects that were presented in left hemispace was smaller than the width of the objects that were presented in right hemispace. These data suggest that the horizontal extent of stimuli appear larger in left hemispace than in right hemispace. Results also indicated that symmetrical stimulus presentation, with respect to the vertical meridian, is required for the bias to emerge. Furthermore, increasing or decreasing stimulus eccentricity weakened the effect. Attenuation of this bias upon the manipulation of parameters indicates that this phenomenon is context specific and is affected by similar parameters that are known to influence the magnitude of error in pseudoneglect.  相似文献   

Perception of size is assessed by having observers adjust a comparison target at a fixed distance to match the size of a standard located at different distances. Results depend on instructions, target orientation, and available stimulus cues. A mathematical theory assumes that the brain performs an inverse transformation on the proximal information impinging on the retina to recover the original distal size of the target. Results depend on the target visual angle, and the effective target distance and orientation applied in performing the inverse transformation. Effective values are linked to instructions, target location, and stimulus cues. Two models are developed and successfully fit to empirical data. One emphasizes the distance parameter; the second, the orientation parameter.  相似文献   

Previous studies demonstrate that people high in delusional ideation exhibit a data‐gathering bias on inductive reasoning tasks. The current study set out to investigate the factors that may underpin such a bias by examining healthy individuals, classified as either high or low scorers on the Peters et al. Delusions Inventory (PDI). More specifically, whether high PDI scorers have a relatively poor appreciation of sample size and heterogeneity when making statistical judgments. In Expt 1, high PDI scorers made higher probability estimates when generalizing from a sample of 1 with regard to the heterogeneous human property of obesity. In Expt 2, this effect was replicated and was also observed in relation to the heterogeneous property of aggression. The findings suggest that delusion‐prone individuals are less appreciative of the importance of sample size when making statistical judgments about heterogeneous properties; this may underpin the data gathering bias observed in previous studies. There was some support for the hypothesis that threatening material would exacerbate high PDI scorers' indifference to sample size.  相似文献   

Can independent dimensions of brightness and hue be used in a combined digital information code? This issue was addressed by developing 2 color-coding systems and testing them on informed and naive participants in signal beam detection and classification experiments for simulated sonar displays. Each coding system's results showed both groups efficiently used encoded information that varied simultaneously along the 2 dimensions of brightness and hue. Findings support the proposed procedures for developing color information codes and the validity of such information codes across different populations. Applied significance of these results is provided by the test of principled methods of color-code construction and the demonstration that extending the information content of user interfaces beyond 1 dimension is feasible in practice.  相似文献   

Experiment I obtained scalar (absolute) size estimates under full cue conditions for rectangular standards that were presented at distances ranging from 1.22 to 3.05 m. Size-estimate reaction times increased linearly with increasing viewing distance. Reaction times for distance estimation were the same at all distances. Experiment II obtained size estimates over distances ranging from 1.22 to 5.49 m under objective and phenomenal size-estimation instructions. Only objective size-estimate reaction times increased with distance. Phenomenal size estimates were faster then objective estimates and were the same for all viewing distances. It was concluded that the cognitive operations involved in objective size estimation were responsible for the effects obtained in Experiment I and the similar findings reported in earlier studies by Broota and Epstein (1973).  相似文献   

We aimed to understand which factors have a functional role in the size coding of responses, either the size of the switches or the force required to trigger each switch. This question is of relevance because it allows a better understanding of processes underlying action coding. In each trial, participants saw a small or large object. Depending on its colour, the participants had to press one of two switches. In the “size” condition, the response device consisted of two switches of different visual size, but both required the same amount of force. In the “force-feedback” condition, the response device consisted in two switches of identical visual size, but one switch required more force than the other. We found a compatibility effect in the “size,” not in the “force-feedback” condition, supporting that the size-coding of responses would be due to the size of the switches.  相似文献   

The authors introduced the Size Judgment Span (SJS) task, a working memory measure developed for use with persons of varied educational backgrounds and general intellectual ability. The authors pooled data from 5 published articles where the SJS task and other measures of cognitive performance were administered to create an archival data set with 496 participants. Analyses of these data yielded strong evidence of age and individual ability differences in SJS performance, confirming the sensitivity of this task for empirically distinguishing age and ability groups. The SJS was also significantly correlated with the backward digit span and listening span tasks. Using hierarchical regression analyses, the authors examined the SJS task as a predictor of different forms of episodic memory, including spatial location memory, verbal free recall, and recognition memory. Results confirmed the practical utility and predictive validity of the SJS task. The authors considered implications for current theoretical views of working memory.  相似文献   

Many studies have found the font size of to-be-remembered words has a significant influence on judgments of learning (JOLs). However, few studies have investigated whether JOLs are affected by the mental imagery size of to-be-remembered words, even when the font sizes themselves are kept identical in study materials. This study investigated whether the visual mental imagery size influences the participants’ JOLs and what the underlying mechanisms are. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants learned words with identical font sizes, mentally generated large or small imageries and then made JOLs. We found that JOLs under the large imagery condition were significantly higher than those under the small imagery condition, but actual recall performance exhibited no significant difference. In Experiment 3, participants pressed a button immediately after mental imagery generation and showed that it took significantly longer to generate large imageries than to generate small imageries, and the difference in JOLs between two conditions was no longer significant. In Experiment 4, we used a questionnaire to investigate the contribution of beliefs and found that participants believed large imageries were easier to remember. These findings indicate that imagery size has a significant impact on JOLs, in which beliefs may play a leading role.  相似文献   

Visual illusions provide important evidence for the co-existence of unconscious and conscious representations. Objects surrounded by other figures (e.g., a disc surrounded by smaller or larger rings, Ebbinghaus/Titchener illusion) are consciously perceived as different in size, while the visuo-motor system supposedly uses an unconscious representation of the discs' true size for grip size scaling. Recent evidence suggests other factors than represented size, e.g., surrounding rings conceived as obstacles, affect grip size. Use of the diagonal illusion avoids visual obstacles in the path of the reaching hand. Results support the dual representation theory. Grip size scaling follows actual size independent of illusory effects, which clearly bias conscious perception in direct comparisons of lengths (Experiment 1) and in finger-thumb span indications of perceived length (Experiment 2).  相似文献   

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