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NBIC会聚技术是主导21世纪技术革命的新兴技术群,将掀开人类技术发展历史新篇章,产生比以往任何一次技术革命都更为广泛深远的影响.会聚技术带来无限机遇的同时,也正在掀开“潘多拉之盒”.会聚技术发展将逐步改造人类的遗传物质与精神世界,最终变人类自身的自然进化为完全的人工进化,进而颠覆传统自然生命神圣伦理观;会聚技术将在更广泛、更深远的意义上撼动传统道德谱系,引发道德秩序混乱.因而,在发展会聚技术的开端就应当特别关注相应的社会问题,及早开展与研发同步的相关问题研究,显得尤为紧迫与重要.有必要、也有可能建立起一套法律、伦理、监督相结合的机制去调控会聚技术的发展,并依据技术不同发展阶段构建不同的规约手段和规约机制.  相似文献   

试论信息伦理的特点与本质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息伦理学作为科技哲学与伦理学的边缘学科 ,不仅要关注现实生活中出现的各种各样的信息行为 ,而且要深入研究信息的“元伦理学”问题 ,同时还要对信息化与传统社会现象交融过程中出现的“交叉伦理”问题进行相关分析 ,准确把握。信息伦理本质上有三个层面。即从信息伦理的起源上看 ,信息伦理是人类交往活动的现实需要和规律反映 ;从信息伦理的应用上看 ,信息伦理调节着人们在信息交往活动中的功利实现 ;从信息伦理的目的上看 ,信息伦理追求人类社会在信息时代的和谐与进步。  相似文献   

死亡权利的伦理分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
传统道德观认为,人有生存权,但人没有死亡权。随着人类生活质量意识的提高,有人提出:人不仅有生存权,而且也有死亡权。70年代在日本东京举行的“国际安乐死讨论会”,该会就宣称,要尊重人的“生的权利”,也要尊重人的“尊严死的权利”。80年代在我国上海举行的...  相似文献   




在资本与伦理的关系问题上,人们一般认为,两者是对立、冲突的,基于此一认识,人们对资本进行猛烈抨击。但是,当人们批判资本对伦理的负面影响时,又有意或无意地忽视了资本对伦理的正面影响。正是由于资本对伦理的正面影响使得资本与伦理具有统一性,因而资本接受伦理的规约和范导就成为可能。其可能性条件就在于,资本具有超经济性的维度,是二重性即经济性与伦理性的统一体,这种二重性需要结合资本运作过程和经济人假设的内部矛盾来看待。当然,在当下中国全面建设社会主义现代化强国的新征程中,要使资本接受伦理的规约和范导,需要创造一系列条件,主要包括:坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,走中国式现代化道路,对资本进行合理限制,引导资本服务于我国全体人民的共同富裕目标和美好生活诉求。在资本与人的关系上,要坚持资本为了人而不是人为了资本的原则,践行以人为本的理念。  相似文献   

生命权利平等的伦理诠释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人的生命是十分珍贵的,生命权利应该优先于一切权利。没有先进的医学技术和较高的社会发展水平,生命权利就很难得到保障和实现。在发展医学技术的同时,应认真思考卫生经济政策的核心价值,保证卫生经济政策在任何时候都不背离公民的健康利益,从而保障人的生命权利得以实现。  相似文献   

随着国内企业和研究者发起的临床研究越来越多,达到国际公认的临床研究信息公开伦理原则非常重要。临床研究信息公开包括研究开始前的注册登记以及研究结束后的结果发表及数据公开。文章基于对《赫尔辛基宣言》和《涉及人的生物医学研究国际伦理准则》的文献研究和比较分析,系统地梳理了临床研究信息公开相关伦理原则的发展沿革及最新要求,并对我国目前临床研究信息公开的现状进行分析,以期促进我国临床研究信息公开的发展完善,加强受试者保护并促进临床研究质量提升。  相似文献   

朱飞 《伦理学研究》2013,(1):133-136
随着教育改革的逐渐深入,传统的师道尊严的师生关系结构已被打破,师生关系冲突成为现代师生关系发展必须关注的一个新问题.师生关系冲突根本上是一种权利的冲突.在现代教育背景下,师生权利关系的发展更多是处在法律框架下,致使权利的伦理道德视角被遮蔽,而缺少了伦理道德关怀的权利关系更易产生诸多矛盾冲突.因此,要更深刻认识师生关系之间的冲突,伦理视域是我们透视问题的一个关键.而且要实现师生关系冲突的缓解,必须以道德权利来制衡法律权利,实现师生权利关系的真正和谐发展.  相似文献   

当谈及媒介与伦理的关系时,人们常局限于将伦理作为媒介实践的价值指导。媒介与伦理的关系还有另一重要旨趣,即媒介作用于伦理。以"信息方式"解读媒介,以"伦理方式"阐释伦理,"信息方式—伦理方式"的诠释框架突破媒介能够作用于伦理的传播学问题,从道德哲学高度复原出媒介影响伦理建构的道德哲学图景。信息方式通过具体的语言构型和交往行动,影响伦理方式的意义结构与时空因素,进而影响伦理方式"个体"与"伦理实体"两大概念元素的存在性状,最终在信息方式的文明生态中生成具有特殊立场、价值特征以及存在形态的伦理方式。伦理方式的变革将进一步深刻影响精神世界、生活世界的状态以及两者之间的关系,造就整个文明世界发展的基本走向。这是伦理方式对文明的影响,更是伦理方式对其自身的文明诠释。信息方式与伦理方式的耦合,无论在理论和实践上都具有深刻的道德哲学意义。  相似文献   

虚假医疗信息的道德缺失与伦理重建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随着经济和信息技术的发展,医疗信息环境的污染和失衡已严重影响到了医疗卫生事业的健康发展。从虚假医疗信息的表现入手,剖析了虚假医疗信息产生的根源,着重分析了虚假医疗信息的道德缺失,从实际出发提出了具有可操作性的伦理道德重建。  相似文献   

Cathleen Kaveny's Prophecy Without Contempt seeks to reorient the conversation among religious ethicists and political theorists about religion in public life. Rather than focus on religious speech in general, Kaveny distinguishes deliberation and indictment as forms of discourse, and she subjects indictment to ethical evaluation. She aims to constrain the public exercise of inordinate indictment, while encouraging prophetic indictment that meets the demands of justice. While the book is a much‐needed corrective, Kaveny's focus on the powerful rhetoric of prophetic indictment omits the harms that can come to the body politic from unjust silence. Such silence deserves more moral attention.  相似文献   

《Counseling and values》2017,62(2):159-179
A random sample of 430 independently licensed counselors evaluated 4 ethical information interventions in the context of 16 boundary‐crossing scenarios. Results indicated that counselors have serious reservations about any form of boundary crossing. They reported mostly reviewing various codes of ethics, reviewing state laws and rules, consulting with others, working from gut instincts, and reflecting on personal experience when confronted with boundary‐crossing issues. Participants clearly preferred streamlined ethical information interventions.  相似文献   

The authors investigated how and to what extent visual information and associated task constraints are negotiated in the coordinative structure of playground swinging. Participants (N = 20) were invited to pump a swing from rest to a prescribed maximal amplitude under 4 conditions: normal vision, no vision, and 2 visual conditions involving explicit phasing constraints. In the latter conditions, participants were presented with a flow pattern consisting of a periodically expanding and contracting optical structure. They were instructed to phase the swing motion so that the forward turning point coincided with either the maximal size (enhanced optical flow) or the minimal size (reduced optical flow) of the presented flow pattern. Removal of visual information clearly influenced the swinging behavior, in that intersegmental coordination became more stereotyped, reflecting a general stiffening of the swinger. The conditions involving explicit phasing requirements also affected the coordination, but in an opposite way: The coordination became less stereotyped. The two phasing instructions had differential effects: The intersegmental coordination deviated more from normal swinging (i.e., without phasing constraints) when optical flow was enhanced than when it was reduced. Collectively, those findings show that visual information plays a formative role in the coordinative structure of swinging, in that variations of visual information and task constraints were accompanied by subtle yet noticeable changes in intersegmental coordination.  相似文献   

This paper deals with certain ethical problems inherent in psychological research based on internet communication as stored information. Section 1 contains an analysis of research on Internet debates. In particular, it takes into account a famous example of deception for psychology research purposes. In section 2, the focus is on research on personal data in texts published on the Internet. Section 3 includes an attempt to formulate some ethical principles and guidelines, which should be regarded as fundamental in research on stored information.  相似文献   




It is now relatively commonplace to advocate the need for some sorts of constraints on learning and knowledge acquisition. The critical issues to cognitive science concern the sorts of constraints that are able to best model various phenomena of learning and development. Four types of constraints on learning are proposed to be used as an interpretative framework within which to: 1. Better understand the nature of current research: 2. Allow the exploration of alternative models of learning related phenomena, and 3. See more clearly needs for further research. Superficially similar learning phenomena can be modeled by very different configurations of underlying constraints with strong implications for the sorts of representational states that are involved. Each of the five papers in this issue (Brown, Gelman, Markman, Newport, and Spelke) is considered in terms of the configuration of constraints after which each author intends to model their phenomena and in terms of alternate configurations. The papers are construed as illustrating a diverse set of models of how constraints might guide learning, and while the evidence generally favors the configurations suggested by the authors, in each case alternative models are possible and motivate quite specific future research questions. More broadly, it is suggested that asking detailed questions about the sorts of Constraints types that could potentially model complex cases of natural knowledge acquisition helps motivate fundamental questions about learning and the nature of knowledge and that the five papers in this issue are superb examples of how adopting this kind of perspective has been fruitful research orientation.  相似文献   

Biology, during the last decade in particular, is making substantial headway into our social theories of business and behavior. While the social sciences rush to keep up with the advancement of knowledge, we highlight the need for an ethics discussion to also keep pace. Although the implications to theory are important, our focus is on how new knowledge has the capacity to alter the formulation and practice of business policy, which we believe is potentially profound. Furthermore, the ethicality of a set of issues can depend heavily on one’s perspective, and differing views may not always be compatible. With this in mind, we discuss the ways in which one area of emerging biological knowledge—behavioral genetics—invites a rethinking of the nuances of four long-standing topic areas of business ethics surrounding personnel selection; and we do so from two perspectives—that of the employer and of the job seeker. The four ethical topics are (a) the static (mostly) nature of genetic information that is out of an individual’s control, (b) faking and lying during selection processes, (c) privacy, and (d) stigmatization of minority groups.  相似文献   

In response to Raskin and Debany's lead article (this issue Raskin, J. D., &; Debany, A. E. (this issue). The inescapability of ethics and the impossibility of “anything goes”: A constructivist model of ethical meaning making. Journal of Constructivist Psychology. (Reprinted from Ethics in action: Dialogue between knowledge and practice, pp. 1332, by S. Cipolletta &; E. Gius (Eds.), 2012, Milan, Italy: LED) [Google Scholar]), I offer support for their general conclusion that ethical implications are inescapable in relation to any version of constructionism, and concur that the frequent characterization of constructivism as ultimately reducing to a position of “anything goes” is not sustainable. I depart from Raskin and Debany on the question of whether an integrative framework for constructivist positions is possible, especially in relation to questions concerning the ethical dimension. I suggest that the reasons for considering the anything goes charge inappropriate are different for different versions of constructivism, and illustrate with analysis of the ethical dimensions of personal construct theory and social constructionism.  相似文献   

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