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今年冬季,五台山将开展以“钟”为中心的文化旅游。那么,何谓“钟”呢?如何击呢?有何用呢?下就述之。  相似文献   

陶渊明情感和诗歌中的佛教色彩   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陶渊明是中国古代最伟大的诗人之一,他的诗歌对后来历代的诗人都有影响,这与陶渊明对于自然的默契,以及在诗歌中处处流露出的禅机,和有时达到的很高的禅境,是分不开的。  相似文献   

五台山佛教音乐的历史价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
五台山佛教音乐是五台山佛教的重要组成部分,它伴随着五台山佛教的发展而发展,唐时发展到鼎盛,形成了具有五台山特点的佛教音乐,直到现在它还保存了古代大量的旧谱歌词。因此说,五台山佛教音乐是中华民族传统音乐的“活化石”。  相似文献   

在海峡两岸佛教界,赵朴老与星云法师的人间佛教思想最为接近。他们都不是太虚大师的亲传弟子,但都直接继承了太虚的人间佛教理论。他们都以真常唯心论作为人间佛教理念的思想基础,这点与印顺法师不同。他们都有思想、有实践,使人间佛教的光辉实实在在地照耀着海峡两岸。继承前人大业,解答实践中出现的疑难,推进人间佛教理论实践的发展,是后人应尽之责。  相似文献   

五台山佛教文化中的环境伦理思想对保护和发展五台山自然环境具有重要的意义。五台山佛教环境伦理思想主要体现在基本价值取向、环境通德基础、道德约束机制等方面。  相似文献   

When caffeine consumers repeatedly experience a novel flavoured drink containing caffeine, the rated pleasantness of the drink flavour increases progressively. These results could be interpreted in terms of the flavour acting as a Pavlovian conditioned stimulus (CS) predicting the consequences of caffeine ingestion. However, all studies of this phenomenon to date have used between-subjects designs, and one criticism of this is that changes in pleasantness might have arisen from nonspecific effects. A more rigorous test is to examine changes in pleasantness for two drinks, a CS+ flavour paired with caffeine and CS- paired with placebo. Accordingly, 20 moderate caffeine consumers consumed both CS+ and CS- drinks in counterbalanced order over eight conditioning trials at breakfast, with hedonic and sensory characteristics evaluated on each trial. As predicted, the rated pleasantness of the CS+ drink increased whereas pleasantness of the CS- drink did not change. Despite this, participants did not have an overall preference for the CS+ flavour posttraining. However, both those who chose the CS+ and those who chose the CS- at the end showed the same direction and rate of change in pleasantness for the two drinks during training, but spurious differences in baseline preference obscured this effect in terms of an overall change in preference. Overall these data suggest that changes in pleasantness of drinks paired with caffeine delivery are best explained in terms of Pavlovian associations between drink flavour and the postingestive effects of caffeine.  相似文献   

This article is an extension of earlier discussion in the present journal regarding feelings in literature and, more broadly, the distinction between literary and scientific discourse. Valid though this distinction may be on some level, it is argued herein that it owes its very existence, in part, to a problematically narrow view of what constitutes science, one that not only eschews the life of feeling but that fails to abide by the primary obligation of the scientific endeavor—namely, to practice fidelity to the phenomena of concern. In this respect, it might plausibly be said that much of contemporary psychological science is not scientific enough and that, consequently, a more open and capacious conception is called for. More specifically, it is suggested that a portion of the discipline move in the direction of what might be called poetic science, a form of science that, in its very art-fulness, can do justice to the ambiguity, complexity, and depth that characterizes lived experience.  相似文献   

In two experiments hungry rats were given access to running wheels. When given the novel flavour, almond, prior to novel access to the wheels, a conditioned aversion to almond was revealed by a subsequent two-bottle test. No such aversion was found in rats with previous experience of wheel running, whether this prior running occurred in the absence of any novel flavour, as in Experiment 1, or following access to saccharin, as in Experiment 2. These results suggest that the failure of rats with prior experience of the running wheels to develop a flavour aversion (unconditioned stimulus, US, preexposure effect) is unlikely to be due to associative blocking. Instead it seems that increasing exposure to a wheel produces habituation of its nausea-inducing properties.  相似文献   

〔表演过程〕助手将一瓶人们常喝的北京二锅头和两个透明玻璃杯放在桌上。主持人请上台来一位会喝酒的观众,让他把酒开封,往两个玻璃杯中各倒半杯,并请他尝一尝是不是正宗的北京二锅头?观众饮了一小口,巴达巴达嘴点头称“是”。主持人将酒杯放在桌子的左右  相似文献   

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