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Based on 7,939 business units in 36 companies, this study used meta-analysis to examine the relationship at the business-unit level between employee satisfaction-engagement and the business-unit outcomes of customer satisfaction, productivity, profit, employee turnover, and accidents. Generalizable relationships large enough to have substantial practical value were found between unit-level employee satisfaction-engagement and these business-unit outcomes. One implication is that changes in management practices that increase employee satisfaction may increase business-unit outcomes, including profit.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that the turnover process is not fully captured by the traditional sequential model relating job dissatisfaction to subsequent turnover. The present study contributes to this research by modeling within-individual job satisfaction as a function of job change patterns to determine if individual work attitudes change systematically with the temporal turnover process. Specifically, the authors hypothesized that low satisfaction would precede a voluntary job change, with an increase in job satisfaction immediately following a job change (the honeymoon effect), followed by a decline in job satisfaction (the hangover effect). Though this pattern is suggested in the literature, no prior research has integrated and tested this complete temporal model within individuals. Findings based on a sample of managers supported the proposed honeymoon-hangover effect.  相似文献   

A considerable body of research has accumulated concerning the strength of the relationship between job and life satisfaction. However, very few studies have examined the possible moderating effects of other variables. The present study, using a sample of 911 heads of households, examined the moderating effects of seven variables related to occupation, age, and urbanization. As hypothesized, education and income positively, and strongly, moderated the job satisfaction-life satisfaction relationship. Self-employment (vs non-self-employment) also had a significant impact; occupation, though, had only a modest effect. Age and job longevity exhibited strong, curvilinear effects. Urbanization did not attenuate the relationship. In view of national work force trends toward increased education, professionalization, income, and age, the relationship between job and life satisfaction will likely become stronger and more relevant over time.  相似文献   

This daily diary study among 55 dyads of co-workers working within the same unit examined the crossover of expansive job crafting which, framed within the Job-Demands Resources Model, consists of two distinct behaviours: seeking challenges and seeking resources. We hypothesized that seeking resources and seeking challenges are transferred from one employee (actor) to the other (partner) on a daily basis and that there is more crossover of job crafting from actor to partner when the partner is high in empathy. Moreover, job crafting was expected to relate positively to daily adaptation to changes as measured both by self-reports and peer-reports. Multilevel analyses confirmed the crossover of seeking challenges and partly confirmed the crossover of seeking resources. Empathy of the partner acts as a moderator in this latter crossover process: there is more crossover of seeking resources from actor to partner when the partner is high in empathy. Moreover, day-level seeking resources and seeking challenges were both positively related to self-rated day-level adaptivity. Day-level seeking resources was also positively related to other-rated day-level adaptivity. These results imply that stimulating job crafting within organizations is valuable because it spreads around and can help in the adaptivity to changes.  相似文献   

Introduction/objectiveThe objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between perceived organizational support and work engagement. On the one hand, we examined an underlying mechanism of this relationship, i.e. self-efficacy. On the other hand, we studied the outcomes of this relationship in terms of employees’ job satisfaction, psychological strains and performance.MethodAn online questionnaire was administrated to employees of two private companies. Employees’ performance was then evaluated by their direct supervisors. In total, 265 employees and 112 supervisors participated in the study.ResultsOur results indicated that self-efficacy partially mediates the relationship between perceived organizational support and work engagement. Furthermore, work engagement increased job satisfaction, reduced psychological strains and enhanced extra-role performance.ConclusionThis study contributes to the development of both work engagement literature and organizational support theory. The implications and limitations of this research are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Brockner and Adsit (1986) found that satisfaction with an exchange relationship was more strongly related to perceptions of equity among men than women. Kahn (1972) reported that men were more likely than women to distribute outcomes to individuals in direct proportion to their input. We evaluated potential gender differences among 12,979 personnel in 30 different organizational systems in (a) correlations between fairness and job satisfaction scores and (b) standardized group differences in the perceived amounts of pay and promotion fairness and expressed levels of facet and global job satisfaction. The fairness-satisfaction relationship was not higher for men, and there were no practical differences in fairness perceptions and job satisfaction between men and women.  相似文献   

The association between actual and perceptual personality similarity and perceptual accuracy on relationship satisfaction is examined in 191 couples. Self‐ and partner ratings of personality were assessed using the Revised NEO Personality Inventory ( P. T. Costa & R. R. McCrae, 1992 ) and relationship satisfaction using the Relationship Assessment Scale ( S. S. Hendrick, A. Dicke, & C. Hendrick, 1998 ). Actual and perceptual similarity and perceptual accuracy were quantified using the index of profile agreement (R. R. McCrae, 1993 ) and L. J. Cronbach and G. C. Gleser's (1953) D‐indices. These indices showed large variability in personality profiles within couples and considerable perceptual accuracy between raters. Actual similarity was positively associated with female relationship satisfaction, controlling for personality traits of both partners. Moreover, partial support was obtained for the positive associations between perceptual similarity and accuracy and relationship satisfaction.  相似文献   

A longitudinal modelling approach is used to examine the effect of job satisfaction on survey non‐response in an applied employee attitude survey. Members of a large electronics company were invited to participate in the survey in each of four consecutive years. Logistic autoregressive modelling revealed a significant effect of prior non‐response on subsequent non‐response. The odds of responding to the survey in any given year were more than twice as high for individuals who had responded to the same survey 1 year before, as compared with those who did not. Prior job satisfaction was also significantly related to subsequent survey non‐response. Participants who were more satisfied on a given occasion were more likely to respond 1 year later than those who were less satisfied. At the facet level, satisfaction with supervisors contributed incrementally to the prediction of survey non‐response in subsequent years. Implications for the theoretical and methodological development of non‐response research and for the practical implementation of employee attitude surveys are discussed.  相似文献   

学业成就是衡量学生学习认知能力和检测其学习效果的重要指标,受到感知社会支持和学习投入等因素的显著影响,先前的研究已经考察了这两个因素对学业成就的共同作用机制,但感知社会支持与学业成就的关系强度不明,且尚不完全清楚中介效应、调节效应对二者关系的影响。因此当前研究采用元分析方法检验效应量的可靠性、学习投入的中介效应以及一系列调节效应。研究共纳入符合要求的原始文献41篇,含78个研究。结果发现:(1)感知社会支持及子类型与学业成就呈现显著的正相关,但效应值偏小,即二者之间存在的是弱相关。此外,感知社会支持及子类型显著正向预测学习投入,且对学习投入的效应量高于对学业成就的效应量。(2)学段仅对感知教师支持的调节效应显著,学业成就指标调节了感知社会支持及子类型与学业成就之间的关系,而经济水平和文化背景的调节效应不显著。(3)学习投入在感知社会支持及子类型对学业成就的影响中起到部分中介作用,且中介效应只存在于初中群体,在高中群体中介效应不显著。  相似文献   

李树文  罗瑾琏 《心理学报》2020,52(9):1121-1131
基于人-环境匹配和资源保存理论,研究构建了一个调节-中介模型,从二元视角分析了领导情绪评价能力与下属情绪评价能力一致对员工建言的影响路径与边界。通过对43位领导与182位下属的配对问卷调研,结果表明:(1)相较"低领导-低下属"情绪评价能力一致,在"高领导-高下属"情绪评价能力一致情境下,员工的内部人身份感知更高;(2)相较"高领导-低下属"情绪评价能力不一致,在"低领导-高下属"情绪评价能力不一致情境下,员工的内部人身份感知更高;(3)内部人身份感知在情绪评价能力一致与促进性建言、抑制性建言间起部分中介作用;(4)相较领导-下属性别相同,当领导-下属性别不同时,员工内部人身份感知的中介作用更强。研究从情绪评价能力、性别的二元匹配视角揭示了员工建言的前因,为领导与下属间交互影响提供了更多解释路径。  相似文献   

The authors examined the salience of perceived control and need for clarity as "buffers" of the adverse consequences of role stressors by using hierarchical regressions on role ambiguity and role conflict, with job satisfaction and psychological strain as the criterion variables. In a sample of U.S. and New Zealand employees, perceived control was directly associated with higher satisfaction and reduced strain but displayed no moderating effect on stressor-outcome relationships. Need for clarity, on the other hand, was a significant moderator of the relationship of role ambiguity and conflict to both satisfaction and strain; that finding suggests that researchers could give more attention to dispositional variables in examining the correlates of role stressors.  相似文献   

This study investigated the reciprocal relationship between perceptions of psychological contract fulfilment and employee performance (sales made and sales targets), and whether this was moderated by the quality and length of the social exchange relationship captured, respectively, through perceived organizational support (POS) and organizational tenure. We used a sample of 146 sales advisors and a four‐point longitudinal design and found support for reciprocal links where performance predicted subsequent psychological contract fulfilment and vice versa. The strength of the relationship between performance and psychological contract fulfilment increased over time. The quality of the social exchange relationship (i.e., POS) moderated reciprocal links between sales made and sales targets met and perceptions of psychological contract fulfilment at earlier, but not later, time points. One way to interpret the findings is the changing nature of the unfolding relationship between support, psychological contract fulfilment, and performance, where a supportive relationship buffers failing to deliver at earlier time points, but at later time points employee performance and psychological contract fulfilment associate more strongly as both parties prioritize delivery.  相似文献   

Cross-lagged panel analyses of the relation between attraction and perceived similarity to Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford were reported. The analyses were based on a panel of U.S. adults for 1972–1974–1976. The cross-lagged analysis involving Nixon was supportive of the causal flow being predominantly from attraction to perceived similarity. This conclusion was sustained in multivariate analysis. For ford, the cross-lagged correlations between attraction and perceived similarity were not significantly different. However, multivariate analyses suggested that the effect of attraction to Ford on perceived similarity to him remained significant even when numerous control variables were used. In contrast, the effect of perceived similarity to Ford on attraction to him was reduced to nonsignificance when controls were entered in regression analyses.  相似文献   

胥彦  李超平 《心理科学进展》2019,27(8):1363-1383
采用元分析方法探讨领导风格与敬业度的关系。经筛选, 共有148篇文献162个独立样本符合元分析标准(N = 84836)。元分析结果发现, 授权型领导、伦理型领导、变革型领导、领导-成员交换、真实型领导、交易型领导、服务型领导以及家长式领导与敬业度之间均呈显著的正相关关系, 且对敬业度的解释力递减; 不同的敬业度量表对领导-成员交换、真实型领导与敬业度之间的关系有显著的调节作用, UWES为中等正相关, 其他量表为高等正相关; 不同的研究设计对伦理型领导与敬业度的关系调节作用显著, 横截面研究设计测得的相关程度比纵向研究高; 文化背景能够显著调节变革型领导、领导-成员交换、真实型领导、伦理型领导、服务型领导以及交易型领导与敬业度之间的关系, 除服务型领导外, 东方文化背景下的相关系数均比西方文化背景下高。  相似文献   

Subjects varying in their levels of trait empathy encountered an attitudinally similar or dissimilar other. Replicating past research, subjects expressed much greater attraction for a similar rather than dissimilar other. Extending past research, the relationship between attitudinal similarity and attraction was much stronger among those having a strong rather than weak empathic tendency. Explanations, theoretical implications, and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between efficacy beliefs and task engagement in and over time, at both the individual and collective levels. We conducted latent growth curve analyses using data from 372 university students (individual level) who were assigned to one of 79 e‐work groups (collective level). The participants carried out three collaborative tasks in a laboratory setting. Results reveal, at both levels, that the level of task engagement of participants and groups with high initial levels of efficacy beliefs remained stable, whereas the level of task engagement of participants and groups with low initial levels of efficacy beliefs decreased significantly over time. Moreover, the relationships linking the parallel constructs were functionally equivalent across levels. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed from the perspective of Bandura's social cognitive theory.  相似文献   

The present five-wave longitudinal study examined the parallel development of career engagement and satisfaction among young adults over an eight-year period starting from the last stages of their secondary education and ending after the transition to higher education or working life. The research questions were analyzed with parallel process latent growth curve (LGC) modeling and growth mixture modeling (GMM). The study is part of the ongoing longitudinal Finnish Educational Transitions (FinEdu) study, and followed 826 participants from ages 17 to 25. The developmental dynamics showed that career engagement and satisfaction developed parallel, each predicting the changes in the other. Towards the end of secondary education, career engagement increased and career satisfaction decreased on the mean level; however, later on, after the transition to higher education/work, both processes leveled off. The GMM results also revealed the existence of two latent trajectory groups, one representing a high transitional and the other a low increasing trajectory of career engagement and satisfaction.  相似文献   

The study of leadership exchanges is extended by studying both leader-member exchanges (LMXs) and coworker exchanges (CWXs). Data from 110 coworker dyads were used to examine relationships between LMXs and CWXs and between exchange relationships and work attitudes. As predicted, the interaction between 2 coworkers' LMX scores predicted CWX quality for the coworker dyad. Also, after controlling for LMX, greater diversity in a worker's CWX relationships was negatively related to his or her organizational commitment but not job satisfaction. The quality of a worker's CWX relationships, however, did not moderate the relationship between CWX diversity and work attitudes.  相似文献   

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