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李燕  祝春兰  刘伟  武莹莹 《心理科学》2012,35(3):602-607
通过调查得到个体对日常情境中前瞻记忆失败的6种归因,在此基础上,编制12个日常生活中前瞻记忆失败的情境故事,让124名大学生被试进行归因,以确定事件重要性、人际关系和过错者身份对日常情境中前瞻记忆失败归因的影响。结果表明,被试对不重要事件的前瞻记忆失败归因为“主观无意”,重要事件归因为“主观故意”;在对事件后果和过错者人品判断时具有“对己严格”和“对人宽容”的归因特点;对包含亲子关系的前瞻记忆失败者进行责任较轻的归因与后果判断,在重要事件情境中,对包含朋友关系的前瞻记忆失败者进行责任较重的归因与后果判断。  相似文献   

彭坚  杨红玲 《心理科学》2018,(6):1464-1469
随着社会与环境问题的日益严峻, 责任型领导这个研究主题逐渐引起了学界的关注与探讨。观其发展历史, 责任型领导的概念界定主要历经了关系视角、过程视角和行为视角的变迁, 实证研究主要涉及道德认同、情境强度、社会交换、社会学习、社会信息加工、情感事件和资本理论等视角。在中国情境下, 未来研究既可以遵循本位研究思路, 从差序格局特征、集体主义取向类型等视角进行探索, 也可采用客位研究思路, 对以往西方研究视角进行检验或升级, 如整合、对比或探讨适用条件。  相似文献   

况志华 《心理科学》2012,35(2):430-435
基于日常经验取向,运用理论建构和深度访谈的方法,研究责任的心理结构以及责任情境的认知特征。对207名被试访谈研究的结果表明:(1)责任是人们频繁感知和体验到的一种社会心理现象;(2)人们体察到的责任情境,在职业活动和个人生活领域存在类型上的差异;(3)在职业活动中,人们更倾向于将责任归因于他人,而在个人生活中更倾向于归因于自己;(4)人们对责任情境性质的判定与责任事件最终能否达到预期目标有关;(5)责任心理结构共由情境起因、自我效能、成就感、内外动机等20个核心要素构成;(6)责任心理结构是一个由责任认知、责任情感和责任行为三者构成的一元单向决定模式。  相似文献   

王财玉  雷雳 《心理科学进展》2015,23(7):1245-1257
社会责任消费是指消费者通过个人努力来促进促进环境保护和社会良性发展的一种消费模式。社会责任消费结构与测量从单一维度逐渐过渡到了多维度, 并涵盖了从产品获得、使用到购后垃圾处理的整个过程。从影响社会责任消费的心理距离来看, 社会责任消费的形成机制主要包括三类:进化心理机制阐述了作为人类进化结果的亲社会偏好是如何影响社会责任消费的, 属于远端机制; 社会规范机制阐述了外部的社会规范(命令性规范与描述性规范)是如何发挥作用的, 属于中端机制; 态度-行为(意愿)模型则主要阐述了消费者内部心理因素的影响, 属于近端机制。随着消费者社会责任消费影响力的扩大, 企业纷纷重视其自身社会责任行为, 并由此衍生出以企业社会责任为导向的营销策略, 然而其效果受到诸多因素影响。文章最后指出了已有研究尚未解决的问题以及未来的一些研究方向。  相似文献   

共有消费是多位消费者共同参与并承担开销的一种常见的消费活动。本研究基于风险转移理论, 探究了消费情境(单独消费vs.共有消费)对不熟悉产品偏好的作用机理及边界条件。通过5个实验, 结果发现:相比于单独消费情境下的消费者, 在共有消费情境下的消费者更愿意尝试不熟悉的产品。原因在于共有消费情境会转移消费风险, 使得消费者对不熟悉产品的感知风险降低。但是该效应仅发生于产品风险较低的产品。同时, 当共有消费群体的关系较为疏远时, 该效应会消失甚至逆转。  相似文献   

环境恶化及消费对环境的巨大影响,使得顾客进行绿色消费的意义重大而深远.企业希望能够掌握绿色消费的特点和机制,从而能够拉动绿色需求.绿色营销研究多针对企业,而针对顾客的研究甚少.为数不多的绿色消费研究甚少关注顾客在进行绿色消费时在自身短期利益与社会长远利益之间的两难选择,对绿色消费机制的研究也很缺乏.本研究试图从该两难选择入手,使用自我控制、利他行为、自我构建等理论,采用实验方法,从顾客的视角来研究个体因素、文化因素与情境因素是如何通过影响“关注长远利益”、“关注社会利益”,从而影响绿色消费的,并研究这两种机制的边界条件、冲突及自我构建对自身短期利益与社会长远利益两难选择的调和.  相似文献   

企业社会责任归因是指个体对企业践行社会责任背后的动机进行主观推理和判断的过程与结果, 也是影响企业社会责任发挥积极作用的关键因素。通过梳理以往研究, 从个体、领导及组织三个层面总结了影响员工企业社会责任归因的因素, 同时从社会交换和组织认同视角深入剖析企业社会责任归因对员工态度和行为的影响及作用机理。未来研究可以进一步明晰不同企业社会责任归因的独特影响因素与作用效果, 基于归因理论探索企业社会责任归因的形成机制, 同时研究多种因素对企业社会责任归因的影响, 考察归因对企业社会责任公平启发机制的影响, 并基于中国情境开展本土化研究。  相似文献   

消费者环保责任来源于社会关系。就人与人的关系而言,消费者不应以自己的消费而影响他人的生存环境。就人与自然的关系而言,消费者也不应该以自己的消费而给环境带来危害。因此,消费者有责任保护环境,进行环保消费。消费者必须首先树立环保理念,同时还要实施环保行动,即环保购买、环保使用、环保处置。就与企业的关系而言,消费者还有责任迫使企业承担环保责任,一方面积极监督企业的行为,另一方面又通过环保消费促使企业转变生产方式,提供环保产品和服务。这是消费者环保责任的延伸。  相似文献   

企业社会责任是人类商业文明的表现,也是现代社会的一种文化现象.针对目前学界对企业社会责任兴起条件分析中所缺乏的伦理视阈,本文从企业性质的社会伦理学思考、经济价值中立论的逆转、环境危机的伦理诉求以及社会福利制度的责任分担的伦理理念,阐释了社会伦理文化对企业社会责任兴起的价值先导作用.  相似文献   

6~11年级学生情绪自我调节发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李晓文  李娇 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1042-1045
本研究以六年级到高二学生为被试进行问卷研究,着重探讨与情绪表达有关的自我意向和具体情境下的情绪反应。问卷设置了事件的正-负性、事件的大-小、情绪反应的人际-单独场合等多种情境因素。结果显示,稳重和开朗自我意向影响着情绪表达。开朗意向一般表现人际场合的情绪增强表达,稳重意向对单独场合的强表达和人际场合的弱表达有预测效果。进一步探讨日常活动与情绪表达状态及心理健康的关系,结果表明,日常活动的丰富性可以形成对个体情绪表达的有益补充。  相似文献   

袁登华  杨双  肖玫 《心理科学进展》2012,20(9):1337-1346
品牌不安全感是指消费者对某品牌存在潜在或现实威胁的主观感知和担忧。以往文献中, 与品牌不安全感有关的研究主要隐含在两个领域:一是以产品伤害危机为中心的品牌心智变化研究; 二是以企业伦理责任为中心的品牌心智变化研究。但这两个领域都尚未揭示消费者品牌不安全感的实质、心理表征、危害机制和预警功能等。品牌不安全感是消费者回避或拒绝某品牌的心理根源之一。因此基于产品伤害事件频发的事实和品牌心智理论, 有必要对品牌不安全感作系统研究, 具体探索品牌不安全感的本质内涵、导致品牌不安全感的威胁源、品牌不安全感的心理表征、危害机制、预防和化解策略、以及品牌心理安全管理理论等问题。  相似文献   

This paper sets forth the research on the school-based prevention of crises reactions to chlidhood stress. Four types of crises are considered: life transitions, traumatic events, developmental crises, and pscyhopathological crises. Each may be prevented by specific programs such as orientation programs for school entrance, informational programs to prevent child abuse, conflict resolution programs, and suicide prevention programs. General programs termed competence enhancement programs may address and ameliorate a variety of stressors. Prevention programs aimed at the entire school system are also discussed, including such activities as creating and supporting crises response teams. Additionally, a number of issues for future study and research are identified.  相似文献   

以提升组织即兴效能为出发点,构建了企业社会责任、员工满意度与组织即兴效能三者关系的理论模型;在此基础上,通过对三者各自维度的划分,借助结构方程统计分析方法,重点讨论了企业社会责任表现与员工满意度对组织即兴效能的影响机理。  相似文献   

Although issues of corporate social responsibility (CSR) have become an important topic of research, there have been few studies on this topic conducted in the fields of human resource (HR) management and organizational behavior (OB). To address this gap, we edited a special issue of Personnel Psychology that explicitly focuses attention on CSR in the HR/OB domains. In this introductory editorial, we synthesize and extend the four articles published in the special issue. We also address issues relating to the conceptualization and measurement of CSR, the application of microlevel theories to CSR, and the practical and methodological implications of research in this domain. Finally, we provide suggestions for future research linking CSR with some of the most frequently studied topics in HR/OB. We propose that a focus on HR/OB will improve our understanding of the antecedents and consequences of CSR and also benefit HR/OB in terms of bridging the science–practice and micro–macro gaps.  相似文献   

The current research demonstrates that retailer size moderates the positive effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives on consumer outcomes such as increased purchase intentions and perceptions of CSR. Retailer size is introduced as a factor that leads consumers to respond more positively to small retailers' CSR activities, relative to CSR from large retailers. We also provide support for the ability of consistency/commitment to CSR to serve as a means by which larger retailers can counter their size liability. We replicate and generalize these results across multiple CSR forms. Implications for retail management and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This research explored individuals’ reactions to perceived corporate social responsibility (CSR) using a multimotive framework. In 2 studies, the authors explored the boundary conditions of CSR effects among job applicants and internal employees. A scenario‐based experiment (N = 81) showed that the effect of CSR perceptions on job applicants’ job pursuit intentions was mitigated by applicants’ first‐party justice experiences, whereas it was amplified by their moral identity (Study 1). Survey data from 245 full‐time employees (Study 2) further supported the interactive effects revealed in Study 1. Specifically, first‐party justice perceptions attenuated the positive relationship between employees’ CSR perceptions and their organizational citizenship behavior (OCB); and the relationship between CSR perceptions and OCB was more pronounced among employees high (versus low) in moral identity. Our findings bridge the CSR and organizational justice literatures, and reveal that the effects of individuals’ CSR perceptions are more complicated than previously thought. The findings shed light on micro (employee)‐level CSR phenomena and offer implications for both research and practice.  相似文献   

Previous research has addressed the effects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives on consumer purchase intention (CPI). However, most of the empirical evidence is based on the analysis of mature large-scale firms; much less examines the effects of CSR initiatives on CPI in entrepreneurial contexts. In this study, we address this gap by investigating whether entrepreneurial start-ups' declaration of CSR engagement affects consumers' purchasing intent. We assert that consumers may consider firms' CSR engagement as a signal for unobserved product quality. We exploit a vignette experimental approach to test our theoretical predictions. In our experiment, participants received online invitations to subscribe to an electronic catalog that advertised various products supplied by entrepreneurial start-ups. The invitations are of five types, some of which presenting different CSR-related information on the suppliers to the participants. Overall, we find that the displayed information on CSR engagement promotes participants' willingness to subscribe to the electronic catalog, indicating that consumers will increase their purchase intentions for ethically oriented suppliers. Moreover, we find that among all the initiatives, external CSR initiatives (social contribution and environmental responsibility) promote consumers' intentions to purchase most effectively. To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to explore the effects of different CSR initiatives on entrepreneurial start-ups in entrepreneurship literature. We highlight the heterogeneous effects of CSR initiatives on CPI, contributing new insights to research on CSR and consumer behavior.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the growing literature on individual-level outcomes of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Employing a sample of 339 subordinate–supervisor dyads, we explored the differential impact of CSR attributions on employees’ creative performance in the telecom industry. We also introduced and tested the role of psychological safety as a mediator underlying this relationship. The results indicate that although intrinsic CSR attributions are not directly related to creative performance, extrinsic CSR attributions have a significant negative effect on creative performance. We also found that psychological safety mediates the positive relationship between intrinsic CSR and creative performance and the negative relationship between extrinsic CSR and creative performance. Directions for future research and implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Using three samples aggregating over 1,000 working adults, we developed and tested a measure of Substantive and Symbolic Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR‐SS). The resultant 14‐item CSR‐SS scale is a reliable and parsimonious measure that is best represented by two broad and distinctive factors—substantive and symbolic attributions of CSR. Our findings provide evidence of a solid nomological network and criterion validity, supporting predictions that when employees attribute CSR as substantive, greater benefits accrue to the individual and the organisation as a whole than when CSR is attributed as symbolic. This measure contributes a valid and reliable tool toward the advancement of micro CSR research on both negative and positive consequences of organisations’ CSR proclaimed initiatives.  相似文献   

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