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The author's purpose is to reflect about the function of the psychologist taking care of teenagers affected by somatic diseases, following the example of a therapy of a sixteen years old patient born with physical malformations and sexual ambiguity, suddenly suffering of severe somatic troubles, among them an insulin-dependent diabetes. The therapist may play a maternal function, as suggested by P. Marty. The idea is to give to the patient an alive, anaclitic and counter-exciting presence and a boundary context in order to make up for narcissistic deficiencies and to reach authentic movements. This article relates the way between the psychosomatic disorder and the new balance gradually reached. Trust and affective security are the preliminary conditions of autonomy.  相似文献   

Psychological research and practice shows increasing interest for prevention and health promotion in France. Current-scientific literature recommends the implementation of targeted actions, directed towards populations expressing specific needs. The community-based approach offers a framework corresponding to the flexibility, which is necessary to the effectiveness of this type of intervention. It includes the mobilization and the participation of the citizens in the development of each unique project, in the renewal of the project according to the needs, in finding possible solutions, and in assessing the actions carried out. This article aims at presenting the importance of a community-based approach in the field of health promotion; a field which would benefit from being better known in France in order to develop intervention programs adapted to each population.  相似文献   

Although widely used in North America, actuarial risk assessment tools have been criticized for their inability to capture the causal dynamics leading to criminal recidivism. In this article, we present a conceptual framework for linking static, historical risk factors to the psychological vulnerabilities that are targeted in offender treatment. To illustrate this model, a literature review was conducted that identified the psychological dimensions that underlie the items of the Static-99, the most widely used actuarial scale for predicting sexual recidivism. Two key dimensions were identified: sexual criminality, indicative of sexual deviance and/or sexual preoccupation, and general criminality, indicative of antisocial traits and/or psychopathy.  相似文献   

The parliamentary report proposes “non-sexual procreation for all”, which goes through medically assisted procreation for couples of women and single women, post-mortem procreation and dual gamete donation.  相似文献   

This paper presents the issues and main principles of community psychology and community research as well as associated relationships and viewpoints in terms of health psychology and social psychology. In this perspective, the paper presents the context in which community psychology has emerged and its fundamental principles such as empowerment, community involvement and the ecological model. Using two examples of research in prevention of HIV infection, the paper leads to a greater comprehension of how a particular community-based approach to involve affected populations may be particularly relevant, not only to better understand their beliefs and behaviors but also to try to encourage them to change current behaviors or generate new ones. Research with adolescents involved in promoting condom use illustrates the use of psychosocial models of behavior change through a community approach. A second research focus on medical and psychosocial innovation through the use of non-routine, rapid screening tests for HIV - which are neither carried out nor supervised by medical personnel - aims to highlight the impact of the development of preventive action by directly concerned communities. The article aims to present the innovative methodological and epistemological issues which underpin community research.  相似文献   

The paper aims at sketching the outline of a phenomenology of the artwork on the basis of the short analyses devoted to the topic by Hannah Arendt in a few texts. In order to overcome the mostly allusive and even superficial character of these texts, the paper refers to Kant's teaching in theCritique of Judgment and to Arendt's interpretation of it in several essays. We have tried to pursue as far as possible, in the direction of a philosophy of art, the path opened by her political interpretation of the thirdCritique. We have also endeavoured to develop, beyond what she writes explicitly but in an attempt to make her thought as consistent as possible, the marginal suggestions provided by the book onThinking about the relations between judgment and thought and the theses stated byThe Human Condition about the work of art as a reified thought. Accordingly, the artwork appears to be, in the realm of artefacts, what is the best, appropriated to provide to a human world its stability; since the artwork is the most enduring product of thehomo faber, while escaping the means-end categories as well as any usefulness. Hence the artwork is able to display within the realm of human artefacts the meaning of a human world; namely, a home on the earth, a dwelling to be shared in their being-together. While being useless and merely appearing in the world, the work is also what calls for a judgment of taste such as Kant describes it. This means a judgment of common sense based upon a sharing of the world by fellowpeople, and aiming at a standard which is the sensus communis as the very condition of possibility of such a sharing. Moreover, the artwork is a thought made into a thing. Again, as a thought which appears in the world, it calls for judging; for a judgment is a thought which renouncing solitude comes back to the human community. Therefore it turns out that the artwork unifies the human community in its sharing of a common world. Indeed, by requesting that we judge it, the artwork appeals in ourselves to asensus communis through which our thought takes into account the point of view of the others. Moreover, as a thought embodied in a hand-made thing, the artwork makes meaning present and publicly appearing in the sensible world.  相似文献   

Family reunification programs in the mid-1970s, the emergence of second generation immigrants in the early 1980s (rodéos des Minguettes in 1981, the march against racism in 1983) and the new position granted immigrants in French public and cultural life beyond economic and social frameworks, have provoked a series of reactions in public opinion. The realization that France is becoming a multicultural country aroused passions and stirred up concerns within French society as of the early 1980s. The debate moved logically towards a questioning of the very foundations of national identity and over ten years, structured itself around three republican values: citizenship, nationality, and secularity. The French felt threatened by the cumbersome presence of immigrants. From the 1960s to the 1980s, the evolution of the enfranchisement issue brought discussions of citizenship to the fore. The debate on the reform of the code on nationality between the mid-1980s and the mid-1990s highlighted the notion of nationality. Lastly, since 1989, the uncertainties and concerns surrounding the wearing of veils in schools have challenged the issue of secularity.  相似文献   

Self-disclosure, which consists in revealing personal information about oneself to one's client, could be a beneficial therapeutic technique. There are yet many definitions of this concept. However, empirical research shows that self-disclosure may be favourably perceived by clients and that it could influence how they perceive their therapist. Moreover, it could positively influence treatment outcome. Self-disclosure about immediate feelings in the therapy and about the therapist–client relationship would be particularly effective in resolving problematic events by enabling feelings to be expressed and accepted and by providing clients with interpersonnal learning. Several authors finally advise using this technique infrequently, about moderately intimate but relevant themes in relation to the therapy, examining each client's specific needs, and always with the intention of helping them or improving the therapeutic relationship.  相似文献   

The paper aims at sketching the outline of a phenomenology of the artwork on the basis of the short analyses devoted to the topic by Hannah Arendt in a few texts. In order to overcome the mostly allusive and even superficial character of these texts, the paper refers to Kant's teaching in theCritique of Judgment and to Arendt's interpretation of it in several essays. We have tried to pursue as far as possible, in the direction of a philosophy of art, the path opened by her political interpretation of the thirdCritique. We have also endeavoured to develop, beyond what she writes explicitly but in an attempt to make her thought as consistent as possible, the marginal suggestions provided by the book onThinking about the relations between judgment and thought and the theses stated byThe Human Condition about the work of art as a reified thought. Accordingly, the artwork appears to be, in the realm of artefacts, what is the best, appropriated to provide to a human world its stability; since the artwork is the most enduring product of thehomo faber, while escaping the means-end categories as well as any usefulness. Hence the artwork is able to display within the realm of human artefacts the meaning of a human world; namely, a home on the earth, a dwelling to be shared in their being-together. While being useless and merely appearing in the world, the work is also what calls for a judgment of taste such as Kant describes it. This means a judgment of common sense based upon a sharing of the world by fellow-people, and aiming at a standard which is thesensus communis as the very condition of possibility of such a sharing. Moreover, the artwork is a thought made into a thing. Again, as a thought which appears in the world, it calls for judging; for a judgment is a thought which renouncing solitude comes back to the human community. Therefore it turns out that the artwork unifies the human community in its sharing of a common world. Indeed, by requesting that we judge it, the artwork appeals in ourselves to asensus communis through which our thought takes into account the point of view of the others. Moreover, as a thought embodied in a hand-made thing, the artwork makes meaning present and publicly appearing in the sensible world.  相似文献   

Pointe extrême de la métaphore, l'oxymore postule, dans le théâtre claudélien, une altérité essentielle entre l'Amant et l'Amante, entre Dieu et sa créature, altérité que ne contredirait pas cependant l'identité existentielle: l'Incarnation. Prouhèze déploie sous nos yeux la bannière divine dont le signe est, comme dans les versets de Raymond Lulle, un homme mort. Si la corde de l'amour est tissée à coups de languissements de soupirs et de pleurs par le poète-dramaturge, la Croix est symétriquement désignée dans ses drames comme l'Arbre de Vie.Un personnage aussi étrange — car bien peu théâtral — que l'Ombre Double duSoulier de Satin résume ce paradoxe dans la mesure où la représentation qu'elle offre de la tension amoureuse crée un lien insécable entre la Terre et l'Ailleurs; l'Ombre Double témoigne de ce que l'Amant et l'Amante comme Dieu et sa créature peuvent concorder dans la béatitude sans pour autant fusionner. Autrement dit, selon Claudel, que l'homme soit à l'image de Dieu ne suffit pas à sa foi, encore faut-il qu'il ne cesse de manifester sa ressemblance à Dieu. Seule, la métaphore vive, c'est-à-dire la métaphore ayant gardé en mémoire les paradoxes et les tensions de l'oxymore, respecterait le mystère d'une relation où la présence croît a proportion de l'absence et fonderait cette parole sacrée et compensatoire d'une resseblance mille fois déjouée.  相似文献   

Continental Philosophy Review -  相似文献   

The practice of psychological assessment is an important step in the evaluation of the complex problems presented by patients dealing with chronic pain. We want to discuss here the framework of intervention of the psychologist in the context, but also shed light on the contributions of this practice to the pain clinic. This will include discussing a joint assessment, combining a psychological assessment referred to as classic with a psychological evaluation specific pain.  相似文献   

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