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Where as the predictive validity of the interview can be improved by structuring it, several authors indicate that its acceptability can be diminished by this structure (Campion, Palmer et Campion, 1997; Gilliland et Steiner, 1999). Two experiments using interview scenarios allowed us to evaluate the justice perceptions of different types of interviews. Overall, our results show that interviews which give the applicant the chance to participate and in which the interviewer is considerate are perceived positively. In contrast, when questions and the evaluation are more structured, interviews are viewed less positively. Results also show that the decision (hire or rejection) plays an important role in justice perceptions.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to show the relevance of organizational justice principles in interventions to prevent psychosocial risks. Following an introduction identifying organizational justice as a predictor of health and quality of work life, we illustrate its application to a diagnosis and an intervention for hospital staff. The responses of 685 employees to a questionnaire identified a lack of support and justice by managers; thus, sensitivity to organizational justice was incorporated into a training program on management and psychosocial risks. A quasi-experiment in which hospital staff participated revealed a beneficial effect of the manager training on justice perceptions of the staff, confirming in part our hypotheses. The illustration in our study of the benefits of using justice principles in manager training offers new perspectives for promoting quality of life at work and reducing psychosocial risks.  相似文献   

Faced with difficulties or obstacles, individuals react differently from each other: some are discouraged and give up immediately, others rather persevere. One of the explanatory factors for these differences is optimism. In organizational environment, optimism leads to many benefits in terms of commitment to the work, performance, which leads to think that line managers expect their subordinates to be optimist and that optimism can be normative. Three samples responded to an optimism/pessimism questionnaire, each group being confronted with one of the three main paradigms usually used to highlight the existence of a social norm. Results effectively show that line managers expect their subordinates to be optimist, and that these subordinates are aware of this expectation, showing optimism as well spontaneously as to be positively appreciated. Such data are in line with the hypothesized normativity.  相似文献   

Regarding the relationship between perceived organizational justice and psychological well-being at work, few studies compare the influence of the four organizational justice facets, and even fewer do so longitudinally. The objective of this study is to evaluate the longitudinal relationships between these facets and psychological well-being at work. Social exchange theory suggests that distributive, interpersonal, and informational justices are better predictors of well-being than procedural justice. A sample of 192 Canadian workers from a diversity of occupations completed two self-reported questionnaires at a six-month interval. Results support the importance of rewards allocation (distributive justice) and information given on this allocation (informational justice) to promote workers’ well-being.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to measure the relationships between organizational recognition and workplace psychological health for emergency dispatchers by a predictif correlational design. Data collected from a secure online questionnaire sent to dispatchers via four emergency call centers (n = 155) measured psychological health at work (Gilbert et al., 2011) and organizational recognition (Brun and Dugas, 2005). The results of multiple linear regression analyses partially confirmed the hypothesized links between the two variables: they attested that organizational and co-worker recognition partially explained psychological well-being at work (R2 = .25, p < .001) and psychological distress at work (R2 = .30, p < .001) among emergency dispatchers.  相似文献   

Organizational culture is studied here in a psycho-sociological approach, operationalizing the concept of organizational socialization in order to measure the internalization of organizational culture. We proposed to test its impact on extra-organizational prosocial behaviors by comparing a population of firefighters (n = 515, 34.9% female) to a general population (n = 201, 47.7% female) responding to an online survey. The results show, firstly, that firefighters engage in more extra-organizational prosocial behaviors than general population and, secondly, that the internalization of organizational culture has a significantly greater positive effect on these types of behaviors among firefighters than among general population. The construction of a cultural impact index is proposed. The results are discussed and research perspectives are proposed.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a study that examines the effects of job engagement and organization-based self-esteem on career satisfaction. Career satisfaction was measured at three separate times: at the same time than the predictor variables, and six months and one year later, respectively. Based on a sample of 294 respondents from various organizations at Time 1, 154 at Time 2, and 117 at Time 3, the analyses indicate that work engagement exerts a positive and relatively stable effect on career satisfaction over time while organization-based self-esteem displays a similar effect mainly in the short term. Moreover, organization-based self-esteem acts as a moderator of job engagement such that its effect on career satisfaction over time is stronger when organization-based self-esteem is higher. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of these results.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2014,20(4):231-248
This study focuses on the burnout framework and aims at examining the links between, on the one hand, the psychological burden, decision latitude, organizational justice and self-esteem and, on the other hand, the burnout. We measure the mediator effect of the social support. The data derived from a questionnaire submitted to 122 managers allowed us to establish a correlation matrix, linear regressions on the burnout and mediation analyzes. The results indicate that the predominant variables would be the organizational justice, support from colleagues, self-esteem and affects. The mediator effect of the social support between the different types of justice and the burnout was partially validated.  相似文献   

This research studies social climate's role in the efficacy of work teams. The referential work frame is based on the concept of organizational empathy (Guédon & Bernaud, 2008), which is specifically operationalized on a tri-dimensional model basis and the perceived organizational support from Eisenberger's model (Rhoades & Eisenberger, 2002). A total of 274 employees, belonging to 3 professional groups, who worked in a nuclear power house participated in this research. Linear regression analysis’ results show a major effect of organizational empathy on the efficacy of work teams, nevertheless predictors’ hierarchy varies upon occupied professional function.  相似文献   

Introduction and objectivesFew studies analyzed the reactions of a company head according to the degree of organizational justice adopted by his managers towards their subordinates. Similarly, the links between organizational justice and belief in a just world have rarely been studied. The aim of this research is to examine whether the three dimensions of organizational justice implemented by a manager have role of supervisor who had to value a manager who adopted, on each of the three dimensions of organizational justice, a just vs. unjust conduct. Participants were also asked about their belief in a just world an impact on the perceptions and reactions of the supervisor of the manager, and if the degree of belief in a just world mediates these perceptions and reactions.MethodIn terms of method, 410 men and women with a professional activity held the role of supervisor who had to value a manager who adopted, on each of the three dimensions of organizational justice, a just vs. unjust conduct. Participants were also asked about their belief in a just world, with a differentiation between personal belief in a just world versus belief in a just world to others.ResultsThe results show main effects and interaction effects between the three forms of justice on the manager's perception score, intends to award him a bonus, and the amount of assigned bonus. The results also indicate an influence of the degree of personal just world belief on the evaluation of the manager, but without interaction between just world belief and the dimensions of organizational justice.ConclusionsThe conclusion summarizes the main findings, examines their limits and deals with their theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

The aim of this article was to measure subjective well-being and burnout for managers. We examined the links between psychological burden, decision latitude, organizational justice, as well as personality factors and self-esteem, and subjective well-being, and burnout. We measured the mediator effect of the basic psychological needs between the organizational factors and personality factors on subjective well-being and burnout. The data derived from a questionnaire submitted to 163 managers, allowed us to establish a correlation matrix, linear regressions on subjective well-being and burnout and mediation analysis. Significant links appeared between organizational inductors and burnout, between self-esteem, neuroticism, agreeableness, related need and burnout.  相似文献   


En este artículo proponemos que el proceso de comprensión de narraciones interpersonales recoge los cambios que se producen en las relaciones de los protagonistas como consecuencia de las interacciones habidas entre ellos. Para comprobar esta hipótesis medimos la accesibilidadde una frase que describía una relación (próxima o distante) entre los protagonistas de un episodio, en el que acontecía una interacción interpersonal (positiva o negativa).

Los resultados del experimento realizado mostraron que el tiempo de lectura de la relación final de los protagonistas dependía de la congruencia con la relación previa y con la conducta. Estos resultados se presentan contrastando las diferentes perspectivas teóricas en la comprensión de narraciones y enfatizando la relevancia de la cognición social en la comprensión de textos interpersonales.  相似文献   


El objetivo ele la investigación fue determinar las propiedades psicométricas básicas de la Escala de Control de la Acción de Kuhl en una muesta de estudiantes mexicanos. La escala fue traducida y sometida a varias revisiones por los autores, después de lo cual se aplicó a una muestra de 180 estudiantes universitarios. La confiabilidad alfa de Cronbach de las diferentes subescalas fue baja. Un análisis de componentes principales con rotación ortogonal mostró que el porcentaje de varianza explicada por el primer factor de cada subescala fue muy pequeño. Se intenta explicar los resultados con base en la deficiente caracterización que hace Kubl de las diferentes clases de orientación hacia el estado y factores de tipo cultural.  相似文献   


En este artículo los autores aportan una visión de lo que se entiende por psicología del testimonio. Condensan los estudios sobre los procedimientos policiales de recuerdo de personas que se desarrollaron simulando las condiciones reales lo más exactamente posible, resaltando la capacidad de la ciencia psicológica en un campo “relativamente” nuevo y, a todas luces, aplicado. Comienzan por delimitar el área y describir los procedimientos policiales más difundidos en los diferentes países, comentando a continuación los resultados de las investigaciones psicológicas sobre los instrumentos genéricamente llamados “retratos-robot” y que, principalmente, han sido realizados en las universidades de Aberdeen (Escocia) y Houston (USA). En el último apartado sintetizan los datos más relevantes y finalizan subrayando la utilidad de la Psicología en este ámbito y la importancia de diseños experimentales cercanos a la realidad.  相似文献   

《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(3):419-430

Este estudio pretende penetrar en uno de los conceptos más relevantes de la historia del pensamiento filosófico y psicológico: la cuestión de la conciencia (y su carácter intencional) así como las aporías y problemáticas que acarrea.

Para Brentano, si la psicología pretende tener el estatuto de cientificidad, debe circunscribirse temáticamente a un único ámbito: la conciencia. Asimismo, su característica primordial radica en que siempre será conciencia de algo (será intencional). No obstante, la validez de esa intencionalidad se problematizará por los seguidores del planteamiento bren-taniano. Entre ellos, Husserl matizará ciertos aspectos de la naturaleza intencional de la conciencia, así como radicalizará ciertas cuestiones de Brentano.

Ulteriormente, se observará como la conciencia intelectualista brentaniano-husserliana empezará a enraizarse en el mundo, gracias a la ontología del ser-en-el-mundo de Heidegger, y perderá el carácter epistemológico preponderante, para adueñarse de una vertiente práctica. A su vez, esta relevancia de la praxis se radicalizará en Merleau-Ponty, con su propuesta de la intencionalidad operante haciendo referencia al vínculo antepredicativo, corporal, que el sujeto mantiene con el mundo.  相似文献   


Se llevó a cabo un experimento con vistas a estudiar el procesamiento de dibujos y de palabras en el marco de los paradigmas de Stroop y de anticipación. Las variables de tarea, modalidad y de relación semántica fueron equivalentes en ambos paradigmas. Según el intervalo temporal entre los estímulos se establecieron tres condiciones experimentales: condición previa—anticipación—, condición simultánea—Stroop—, y condición previa y simultánea—Stroop y anticipación—. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la existencia de efectos de facilitación e interferencia de signo opuesto que se atribuyen a la interacción entre la secuencia temporal entre los estímulos componentes, las demandas de las respectivas tareas y la modalidad en la memoria activa. Los resultados se discuten en relación con el diferente procesamiento a que se someten los dibujos y las palabras y la naturaleza del formato de representación.  相似文献   

This article investigates the links between personalization, workplace attachment and perceived workplace quality. Participants (N = 116) work in the same office building. This investigation focus also about the office ability to improve intimacy and appropriation by owners (open space, individual office, shared office). As we were expecting, we observe an effective link between personalization and workplace attachment, and perceived workplace quality. The overall results lead to the conclusion of a solid link between attachment and perceived workplace quality. We will discuss our conclusions furthermore and we will offer recommendations.  相似文献   

《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(63-64):73-86

Un grupo de 60 niños de habla hispana evaluó la familiaridad de 257 figuras, tomadas del conjunto propuesto por Snodgrass y Vanderwart (1980). La pertenencia categorial y la tipicidad de las figuras fue determinada a partir del trabajo de Piñeiro et al. (en prensa). Cuando se examinó la relación entre la familiaridad y la tipicidad, las correlaciones obtenidas no fueron significativas. Sólo para dos categorías: aves y frutas se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre la familiaridad y la tipicidad. Lo anterior sugiere que la familiaridad y la tipicidad son índices independientes. Además los valores de la familiaridad obtenids en este estudio fueron comparados con los reportados en un grupo de niños de habla inglesa (Berman et al., 1989), y para un grupo de adultos de habla hispana (Manzano et al., 1997). Se encontraron diferencias de tipo cultural en la primera comparación (grupos de niños). Las diferencias fueron menores cuando se compararon los juicios de familiaridad de los niños de habla hispana y los adultos. Los resultados sugieren que los juicios de familiaridad están mas influidos por diferencias de tipo cultural que por factores maduracionadles.  相似文献   

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