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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 19 毫秒
S amuels , A ndrew . Jung and the Post-Jungians
D ourley , J ohn P. The Illness That We Are: A Jungian Critique of Christianity
N atoli , J oseph (ed). Psychological Perspectives on Literature: Freudian Dissidents and Non-Freudians: A Case-book  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
J ung , C. G. The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1932
P apadopoulos , R enos K. (ed.). Carl Gustav Jung: Critical Assessments
S poto , A ngelo . Jung's Typology in Perspective
S tein M urray (ed.). The Interactive Field In Analysis: Volume One
S tevens , A nthony . The Two-Million-Year Old Self
B ollas , C hristopher & S undelson , D avid . The New Informants, The Betrayal of Confidentiality in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
S hepherd , R., J ohns , J. & R obinson H. R. (eds). D. W. Winnicott Thinking About Children
C lay , J ohn . R. D. Laing: A Divided Self
C oltart , N ina . The Baby and the Bathwater  相似文献   

A dler , G erhard . Dynamics of the Self.
J acoby , M ario . Sehnsucht uach dem Paradies
D ieckmann , H. Übertragung und Gegenübertragung
F ranz , M.-L. von ; F rey -R ohn , L.; J affé , A. Im Umkreis des Todes
W underli , J ürg , Stirb und Werde: Wandlung und Wiedergeburt in der Pubertät und in der Lebensmitte.
B rivic , S. R. Joyce Between Freud and Jung.
W olberg , L ewis R.; A ronson , M arvin L. Group and Family Therapy, 1980.
W heelwright , J ane H ollister . The Death of a Woman; How a Life became Complete.
P aolino , T homas J. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Theory, Technique, Therapeutic Relationship and Treatability.  相似文献   

H enderson , J oseph L. Cultural Attitudes in Psychological Perspective
C arotenuto , A ldo . The Vertical Labyrinth: Individuation in Jungian Psychology
K ugelmann , R obert . The Windows of Soul: Psychological Physiology of the Human Eye and Primary Glaucoma
D ryden , W indy (ed.). Individual Therapy in Britain
W elch , J ohn . Spiritual Pilgrims: Carl Jung and Teresa of Avila
T omlin , E. W. F. Psyche, Culture and the New Science: The Role of PN  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
M eier , C arl A lfred Personality: The Individuation Process in the Light of C.G. Jung's Typology
K ast , V erena . Folktales as Therapy
N eumann , E rich . The Fear of the Feminine: and Other Essays on Feminine Psychology
E l S affar , R uth A nthony . Rapture Encaged: the Suppression of the Feminine in Western Culture
S tein M urray , & H ollwitz , J ohn (eds.). Psyche at Work: Workplace Applications of Jungian Analytical Psychology
R obertson , R obin . Beginner's Guide to Revelation: a Jungian Interpretation
T hrail , E mma . Retrospect: The Story of an Analysis
U lanov , A nn B elford . The Wizard's Gate: Picturing Consciousness
W alker , S teven F. Jung and the Jungians on Myth: An Introduction
A lexandris , A thina & V aslamatzis , G rigoris , (eds.). Countertransference: Theory, Technique, Teaching
C lulow , C hristopher (ed.). Rethinking Marriage: Public and Private Perspectives  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
L iliane F hey -R ohn : Von Freud zu Jung (From Freud to Jung)
W illiam W illeford : The fool and his scepter
M oreno , M. Psicodinamica della Contestazione (Psychodynamics of the Student revolt)
A nna F reud , H einz H artmann et al.: The psychoanalytic study of the child , Vol. XXIV
E rnst L. F reud (Ed.): The letters of Sigmund Freud and Arnold Zweig , translated by Professor and Mrs W. D. Robson-Scott
P aul R oazen : Brother animal: the story of Freud and Tausk
D. L. B urnham , A. I. G ladstone , R. W. G ibson : Schizophrenia and the need-fear dilemma
W illiam B itter : Der Verlust der Seele (Loss of Soul)
J. D. S utherland and H. S. G ill : Language and psychodynamic appraisal  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
F ordham M ichael , The self and autism.
M oreno , M ario . Vend argomenti per un seminario di psicoterapia.
K raemer , W illiam ( ed. ); G ordon , R osemary ; W illiams , M ary ; L ambert , K enneth , The forbidden love.
M ahler , M argaret S.; P ine , F. and B ergman , The psychological birth of the infant.
H olbrook , D avid , Gustav Mahler and the courage to be
R oazen , P aul , Freud and his followers
L ayard , J ohn . A Celtic quest
V on D er H eydt , V era , Prospects for the soul
S hapiro , K enneth J oel , and I rving , E. A lexander , The experience of introversion
V an der P ost , L. Jung and the story of our time
K ahn , J. H., Job's illness. Loss, grief and integration.
F romm , E., S uzuki , D. T. and de M artino , R. Zen Buddhism and psychoanalysis  相似文献   

F rey -R ohn , L iliane , From Freud to Jung: a comparative study of the psychology of the unconscious.
H illman , James. Re-visioning psychology.
W ilhelm , H elmut . Change: eight lectures on the I Ching.
P incus , L ily . Death and the family: the importance of mourning. Pantheon
P arkes , C olin M urray . Bereavement: studies of grief in adult life.
E isenstein , S amuel A. Boarding the ship of death.
H enderson , J ames L. A bridge across time.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1957,10(3):371-395
Books reviewed in this article:
C ros , P ierre , E mmanuel , L ucas L., G amble , R obert B., E t A l . Imagination-Undeveloped Resource
R oe , A nne . The Psychology of Occupations
F raser , J ohn M unro . Psychology: General, Industrial, Social
M aier , N orman R. F., S olem , A llen R., AND M aier , A yesha A. Supervisory and Executive Development: A Manual for Role Playing
U rwick , L yndall F. The Pattern of Management
H emphill , J ohn K. Group Dzmensions: A Manual for Their Measurement
C ampbell , D onald T. Leadership and Its Egects Upon the Group
C alhoon , R ichard P., AND K irkpatrick , C. A. Influencing Employee Behavior
S priegel , W illiam R., S chulz , E dward , AND S priegel , W illiam B. Elements of Supervision
A bruzzi , A dam . Work, Workers, and Work Measurement
S togdill , R alph M., S cott , E llis L., AND J aynes , W illiam E. Leadership and Role Expectations
S elekman , S ylvia , AND S elekman , B enjamin . Power and Morality in a Business Society
S tunkel , E va R ussell , H eitman , S ara M., AND D avidoff , I sabel S. Improving Employment Reference Checks  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1970,23(2):271-294
Books reviewed in this article:
M organ , J ohn S. Business Faces the Urban Crisis.
G urin , G erald . Inner-City Negro Youth in a Job Training Project: A Study of Factors Related to Attrition and Job Success.
C rosby , A ndrew . Creativity and Performance in Industrial Organization.
S iegel , L aurence . Industrial Psychology.
L evy , R onald B. Human Relations —A Conceptual Approach.
M iner , J ohn B. Personnel Psychology.
Managing Organizational Effectiveness.
E dwards , A llen L. Statistical Analysis.
K olasa , B lair J. Introduction to Behavioral Science for Business.
W ortman , M ax S., J r . Critical Issues in Labor: Text and Readings.
M ussen , P aul H., and R osenzweig , M akk R. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 21, 1970.
S choonmaker , A lan N. Anxiety and the Executive.
K azmier , L eonard J. Principles of Management: A Program for Self-instruction.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Universes. By J ohn L eslie .
Physical Cosmology and Philosophy. Edited by J ohn L eslie .
The Biology of Moral Systems. By R ichard D. A lexander .
An Interpretation of Religion: Human Responses to the Transcendent. By J ohn H ick .  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1972,25(3):573-573
Book review in This Article:
A rgyris , C hris . Management and Organizational Development: The Path from xa to yb.
L evinson , H arry , M olinari , J anice and S pohn , A ndrew G. Organizational Diagnosis.
W einberg , G erald M. The Psychology of Computer Programming.
K lein , S tuart M. Workers Under Stress: The Impact of Work Pressure on Group Cohesion
D rake , J ohn D. Interviewing for Managers.
M ace , M yles . Directors: Myth and Reality.
P eskin , D ean B. Human Behavior and Employment Interviewing.
D ichter , E rnest . Motivating Human Behavior.
K rause , E lliott A. The Sociology of Occupations.
P ugh , D. S. (Ed.) Organization Theory.
H ornstein , H arvey A., B unker , B arbara B enedict , B urke , W. W arner , G indes , M arion and L ewicki , R oy J. (Editors) Social Intervention: A Behavioral Science Approach.
C olbert , J ohn and H ohn , M arcia . Guide to Manpower Training.
K irkpatrick , D onald L. A Practical Guide for Supervisory Training and Development.
M yers , C harles A. The Role of the Private Sector in Manpower Development.  相似文献   

A niela J affe : Der Mythus vom Sinn im Werk von C. G. Jung
A. D e R euck and J. K night (eds.): caste and race
N orman C ohn: Warrant for genocide: the myth of the Jewish world conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
H umberto N agera : Vincent van Gogh, a psychological study
D aniel O ffer and M elvin S abshin with a foreword by Roy R. G rinker, S r : Normality theoretical and clinical concepts of mental health  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Cultural Psychology: Essays on Comparative Human Development . Edited by J ames W. S tigler , R ichard A. S hweder , and G ilbert H erdt .
Technology and Religion. (Vol. 10 of Research in Philosophy and Technology . Edited by F rederick F erre .
Human Universals . By D onald E. B rown .
A Theory of Religion . By R odney S tark and W illiam S ims B ainbridge .
Creation and the History of Science . By C hristopher K aiser .
Portraits of Creation: Biblical and Scientijiic Perspectiues on the World's Formtion . By H oward J. V an T ill , R obert E. S now , J ohn H. S tek , and D avis A. Y oung .  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1970,23(4):609-651
Book reviews in this article:
B urns , T homas J. (Editor) The Behavioral Aspects of Accounting Data for Performance Evaluation.
C ampbell , J ohn P., D unnette , M arvin D., L awler , E dward E., III, and W eick , K arl E., J r . Managerial Behavior, Performance, and Effectiveness.
K ast , F remont E. and R osenzweig , J ames E. Organization and Management: A Systems Approach.
P owell , R eed M. Race, Religion, and the Promotion of the American Executive.
W asmuth , W illiam J., S imonds , R ollin H., H ilgert , R aymond L., and L ee , H ak C hong . Human Resources Administration: Problems of Growth and Change.
M ueller , E va (with others). Technological Advance in an Expanding Economy: Its Impact on a Cross-section of the Labor Force.
B lake , R obert R. and M outon , J ane S rygley . The Grid for Sales Excellence: Benchmarks for Effective Salesmanship.
F rench , W endell . The Personnel Management Process: Human Resources Administration.
R eddin , W. J. Managerial Effectiveness.
B lack , J ames M. HOW to Get Results from Interviewing: A Practical Guide for Operating Management.
C ohen , J acob . Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavorial Sciences.
L ucas , R ex A. Men In Crisis:. A Study of a Mine Disaster.
G roff , G ene K. and M uth , J ohn F. (Editors) Operations Management: Selected Readings.
N i B hroin , N oirin . the motivation and Productivity of Young Women Workers.
E rdos , P aul L. Professional Mai Surveys.
A dams , S exton and F yffe , D on . The Corporate Promotables.
…Briefly Mentioned
Books and Materials Received  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1970,23(1):111-134
Books reviewed in this article:
F ord , R obert N. Motivation through the Work Itself.
D ale , E rnest . Management: Theory and Practice.
A llison , D avid (Editor). The R & D Game: Technical Men, Technical Managers, and Research Productivity.
K elly , J oe . Organizational Behaviour.
Q uinn , R obert P., T abor , J oyce M., and G ordon , L aurak . The Decision to Discriminate: A Study of Executive Selection.
M aurer , J ohn G. Work Role Involvement of Industrial Supervisors.
R obinson , J ohn P., A thanasiou , R obert , and H ead , K endra B. Measures of Occupational Attitudes and Occupational Characteristics. (Appendix A to Measures of Political Attitudes)
B lackwell , R oger D., E ngel , J ames F., and K ollat , D avid T. Cases in Consumer Behavior.
B elasco , J ames A., and T rice , H arrison M. The Assessment of Change in Training and Therapy.
K azmier , L eonard J. Principles of Management: A Program for Self-Instruction.
R itzer , G eorge , and T rice , H arrison M. An Occupation in Conflict: A Study of the Personnel Manager.
B auer , R aymond A., G reyser , S tephen A., et al . Advertising in America: The Consumer View.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1980,33(3):641-690
Book Reviewed in this article:
S chein , E dgar H. Organizational Psychology.
O ttaway , R ichard N. (Editor) Change Agents at Work.
H unt , J ames G. and L arson , L ars L. (Editors) Crosscurrents in Leadership.
M oore , L arry F. and C harach , L arry . (Editors) Manpower Planning for Canadians: An Anthology.
P otter , B everly A. Turning Around: The Behavioral Approach to Managing People.
B ass , B ernard M. and B urger , P hilip C. In collaboration with Robert Doktor and Gerald V. Barrett. Assessment of Managers: An International Comparison.
S ingleton , W. T. (Editor) Compliance and Excellence. The Study of Real Skills, Volume 2.
L andy , F rank J. and T rumbo , D on A. Psychology of Work Behavior.
P eterson , R ichard B., T racy , L ane and C abelly , A lan . (Editors) Readings in Systematic Management of Human Resources.
C hampion , J ohn M. and J ames , J ohn H. (Editors). Critical Incidents in Management.
M assey , M orris . The People Puzzle: Understanding Yourself and Others.
A dair , J ohn . Action-Centered Leadership.
D u B rin , A ndrew J. The Practice of Supervision: Achieving Results through People.
B udde , J ames F. Measuring Performance in Human Service Systems: Planning, Organization, and Control.
A dair , J ohn . Training for Leadership.
A dair , J ohn . Training for Decisions.
A dair , J ohn . Training for Communication.
Y ates , J ere E. Managing Stress: A Businessperson's Guide.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1980,33(3):691-691
Book Reviewed in this article:
S chein , E dgar H. Organizational Psychology.
O ttaway , R ichard N. (Editor) Change Agents at Work.
H unt , J ames G. and L arson , L ars L. (Editors) Crosscurrents in Leadership.
M oore , L arry F. and C harach , L arry . (Editors) Manpower Planning for Canadians: An Anthology.
P otter , B everly A. Turning Around: The Behavioral Approach to Managing People.
B ass , B ernard M. and B urger , P hilip C. In collaboration with Robert Doktor and Gerald V. Barrett. Assessment of Managers: An International Comparison.
S ingleton , W. T. (Editor) Compliance and Excellence. The Study of Real Skills, Volume 2.
L andy , F rank J. and T rumbo , D on A. Psychology of Work Behavior.
P eterson , R ichard B., T racy , L ane and C abelly , A lan . (Editors) Readings in Systematic Management of Human Resources.
C hampion , J ohn M. and J ames , J ohn H. (Editors). Critical Incidents in Management.
M assey , M orris . The People Puzzle: Understanding Yourself and Others.
A dair , J ohn . Action-Centered Leadership.
D u B rin , A ndrew J. The Practice of Supervision: Achieving Results through People.
B udde , J ames F. Measuring Performance in Human Service Systems: Planning, Organization, and Control.
A dair , J ohn . Training for Leadership.
A dair , J ohn . Training for Decisions.
A dair , J ohn . Training for Communication.
Y ates , J ere E. Managing Stress: A Businessperson's Guide.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
J ohn J. J oughin & S imon M alpas (eds.), The New Aestheticism .
J ohn A rmstrong , The Secret Power of Beauty .  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1963,16(3):289-316
Book review in this Article
H aefele , J ohn W. Creativity and Innovation.
R audsbpp , E ugene . Managing Creative Scientists and Engineers.
M aier , N orman R. F. Problem-Solving Discussions and Conferences: Leadership Methods and Skills.
P resthus , R obert . The Organizational Society: An Analysis and a Theory.
D unlop , J ohn T. (Editor). Automation and Technological Change.
G keenbebger , M artin (Editor). Management and the Computer of the Future.
L evinson , H arry , P rice , C harlton R., M unden , K enneth J., M andl , H arold J., and S olley , C harles M. Men, Management, and Mental Health.
L ysaught , J erome P., and W illiams , C larence M. A Guide to Programmed Instruction.
L yman , H oward B. Test Scores and What They Mean.
T yler , L eona E. Tests and Measurements.
H eyel , C arl . Management for Modern Supervisors.
re : U ris , A uben . The Management Makers.
A rnold , M agda B. Story Sequence Analysis.  相似文献   

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