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通过进行美国影像专科住院医师培养模式特点的分析和总结并进行一定程度上的借鉴,归纳分析目前中国医学影像专业学位研究生培养的现状及在培养过程中存在的问题及不完善之处,结合美国影像专科住院医师的培养模式思考如何进行符合中国国情的医学影像专业学位研究生的培养教育,同时提出适用于中国社会现状的影像专业学位硕士培养的新思路,从个人培养目标的达成到机构部门间的通力协作,从而实现培养出适用于我国国情及社会现状的影像专业高素质医学人才的目的。  相似文献   

医学影像诊断工作中的哲学思考和人文关怀   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
随着现代医学模式的转化和医学影像技术的进步,在临床影像诊断工作中应该更注重哲学思维的运用和人文精神的培养。主要体现在以下几个问题:影像诊断在临床诊断中的地位、影像检查方法的合理选择、医学影像学的发展、影像诊断的辩证思考、检查前准备过程和检查过程中的人文关怀。  相似文献   

加强医学影像技术的伦理建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,医学影像技术如数字成像、计算机体层摄影、磁共振成像、照片存档和通讯系统、介入治疗等现代医学影像技术[1]突飞猛进,为医疗诊治技术提高发挥了突出作用,然而随医学影像技术发展而来的医学伦理问题同样值得认真思考。1医学影像技术发展带来的福祉蓬勃发展的医学影像技  相似文献   

医学影像诊断工作中的哲学思考和人文关怀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代医学模式的转化和医学影像技术的进步,在临床影像诊断工作中应该更注重哲学思维的运用和人文精神的培养.主要体现在以下几个问题:影像诊断在临床诊断中的地位、影像检查方法的合理选择、医学影像学的发展、影像诊断的辩证思考、检查前准备过程和检查过程中的人文关怀.  相似文献   

近年来,医学影像技术如数字成像、计算机体层摄影、磁共振成像、照片存档和通讯系统、介入治疗等现代医学影像技术[1]突飞猛进,为医疗诊治技术提高发挥了突出作用,然而随医学影像技术发展而来的医学伦理问题同样值得认真思考.  相似文献   

医学影像学的飞速发展,带来了一系列伦理问题,如过度检查、放射线辐射损害、医患交流缺乏、不尊重患者知情同意权及不尊重患者隐私等一系列超越医学影像诊断和技术学范畴的伦理问题出现在医学影像工作者面前,亟待医学影像学工作者重视和研究.如何让现代医学影像伦理学与医学影像技术、诊断相融合,让医学影像工作者重视伦理学,是值得深刻思考的.根据患者的病情需要,扬长避短,完善资源配置制度,优化影像检查程序,以最短的时间,最少的费用,获得最切实的医学影像学诊疗效果.  相似文献   

高等医学影像(技术)教育办学模式的国际比较   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
由于历史的原因 ,医学影像学教育形成一门独立且比较系统的学科 ,仅有 5 0多年的历史。纵观我国高等医学影像(技术 )教育发展 ,从 1984年开始至今已有近 4 0所高等院校开设医学影像学专业 ,为我国医学影像学事业的发展奠定了坚实的基础。但也不讳言 ,其发展水平与发达国家相比还有相当大的差距。1 中国、美国、日本各国医学影像学 (技术 )教育现状1.1 中国举办高等医学影像 (技术 )教育情况我国在 2 0世纪 5 0年代末至 6 0年代中叶及 70年代到90年代中叶 ,曾在中等卫生专业学校培养放射技术人才 ,90年代中叶 ,基本终止了这种培养模式。进…  相似文献   

对加拿大Western大学医学影像专业学生入学要求、课程设置、选课环节、导师计划、向住院医师过度课程Transition to Residency(TTR)的设置等方面详细介绍加拿大医学影像专业学生培养模式,结合中国尤其是西部地区医学影像本科培养模式现状,思考如何进行符合中国国情的医学影像专业培养模式,同时提出适用于远期目标的医学影像专业培养新思路,即解放思想、面向未来,通过重视并增强国际化培养模式,引进优质教育方法及教学理念,进而提高中国尤其是西部地区医学影像专业人才培养质量。  相似文献   

试论临床超声检查中的漏诊误诊   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
现代临床医学诊断中,超声影像检查因其对软组织分辨力高并且无损、实用、价廉,已成为影像检查中首选的最常用的方法之一。与其它影像学检查相比,超声影像检查具有实时、动态、多方位多角度观察病变的特点。近年来彩色多普勒超声技术的应用使超声检查不仅能观察形态学改变,同时可以观察部分脏器的血流以判断其功能状态。而介入性超声的发展又将超声诊断推进到了病理组织学的高度。因此,超声医学已成为医学影像中发展迅速的学科之一,也是医学影像的新热点[1]。超声诊断水平,无疑对临床实践产生重要影响。然而普遍认为[2,3]超声…  相似文献   

浅论医学影像诊断学中的方法与原则第一军医大学93级研究生(广州510515)欧陕兴导师黄其鎏医学影像诊断学是研究人体大体病理形态学,依据影像特征,结合临床资料诊断疾病的专门学科。在影像诊断中特别强调合理正确运用方法学中的原则性,分析和解决问题,指导医...  相似文献   

This paper is a contribution to a book symposium on my book Experiencing Time. I reply to comments on the book by Natalja Deng, Geoffrey Lee and Bradford Skow. Although several chapters of the book are discussed, the main focus of my reply is on Chapters 2 and 6. In Chapter 2 I argue that the putative mind-independent passage of time could not be experienced, and from this I develop an argument against the A-theory of time. In Chapter 6 I offer one part of an explanation of why we are disposed to think that time passes, relating to the supposedly ‘dynamic’ quality of experienced change. Deng, Lee, and Skow’s comments help me to clarify several issues, add some new thoughts, and make a new distinction that was needed, and I acknowledge, as I did in the book, that certain arguments in Chapter 6 are not conclusive; but I otherwise concede very little regarding the main claims and arguments defended in the book.  相似文献   

本文从《庄子》的有关记载中,发现《庄子》一书中的孔子既“具有道家思想的儒者形象”,又有“道家的反面形象”。进而又从书中“以重言为真”的写作方法等方面探讨了儒道两家之间既互相矛盾又互相渗透的关系。  相似文献   

宋婕 《现代哲学》2003,9(2):114-121
本文从夏中义先生主编的《大学人文读本》的旨趣入手,考察了中西方关于人文一词的来源及涵义,认为人文的内涵是随着人对宇宙人生的真理和价值的认识而不断加深和丰富的,大学的人文教育则旨在型塑人对自身在宇宙中的地位、意义和价值的觉解,人的丰厚蕴涵、独特自我、高尚人格、高雅品德,以及人与人、人与社会、人与自然的良性关系。由此反思了《读本》的缺弊,并为中国大学的人文教育提出一愿景。  相似文献   

This is an extended book review of the second edition of the book by Harris and Winokuer (2016). They describe what is currently known about grief counseling, bringing us up to date about the latest research and what has been successful in working with clients. They seamlessly fit the theoretical foundation of grief counseling with its practice and process. This helps the reader to understand the relationship between grief counseling and other kinds of counseling. The book includes chapters that help counselors reflect on the quality of their own work. The book’s style is easy to read and filled with examples, yet also a resource for further study. It does not have explicit references for grief counseling in religious settings, though its principles are applicable to religious settings. Moreover, the book provides a social-historical context of grief counseling, helping the reader understand how far the science has advanced since the 1960s. This resource is valuable for pastoral counselors, care-givers, and others that minister to people in grieving situations.  相似文献   

This study investigates suicide from the vantage point of the suicidal person by analyzing the personal meaning(s) of the act for the individual. Twenty-seven suicidal persons and survivors contributed to the research. Their individual recollections are studied and ordered within the framework of Jean Baechler's approach (as presented in his book Suicides). The study indicates that there is, in each case, an identifiable purpose or a pattern of purposes that can be categorized within a restricted and meaningful system, which may help the observer understand what human beings are doing when they want to end their lives.  相似文献   

This brief article is concerned with an aspect of Jonathan Glover's book, Alien Landscapes?. After reflecting a little on the book as a whole, the question that is taken up is, ‘Why might a book that seeks to help those without mental disorders understand what they are like “from the inside” be of interest to laymen and practitioners in the criminal law?’. One answer lies in part in the way that ‘what it is like from the inside’ might interact with judgements of criminal responsibility. Taking its cue from examples used by Glover the article considers, and puts pressure on, the ‘dual view’ he proposes: that when dealing with those with mental disorders we should treat them as responsible agents in the sense of not withholding from them Strawson's ‘reactive attitudes’, while nevertheless accepting that their personalities and behaviours are the results of large doses of ‘bad luck’.  相似文献   

I explore some interpretations of the practice of international market reliance that forms the focus of Aaron James' book, and I wonder how our actual practices help to settle what we should go on to do now.  相似文献   

It is not commonly known that, in his eighties, Michael Fordham sought the help of Donald Meltzer in what Dr Meltzer described as ‘more a weekly supervision of dreams than an analysis’. Dr Fordham is said to have commented that it was ‘a weekly supervision of my inner world - and you can't get closer to psychoanalysis than that’ He was greatly helped by these ‘supervisions’ and at the end of their work together, Meltzer suggested that Fordham wrote his memoirs. This resulted in The Making of an Analyst: Michael Fordham, published in 1993.

This fascinating account of Fordham's life and work contains much of interest about his personal development. He talks with candour about his confusions and passions in what is at times a surprisingly revealing manner. In particular Fordham talks openly about his closest relationships and how they affected him. The book was published, as he wanted it to be, after careful discussion with James Astor and Karl Figlio.

We are pleased to be able to publish the following contribution from Dr Meltzer about the book which he prompted. It is a mixture of personal responses on reading the book and memories of the man.  相似文献   

Murray Sidman's book, Tactics of Scientific Research: Evaluating Experimental Data in Psychology, published in 1960, has been called the bible of the experimental analysis of behavior and has been a major influence on basic as well as applied research in behavior analysis. The contents of the early reviews of the book are summarized and the commemoration in The Behavior Analyst at the 30th anniversary of the book is reviewed along with Sidman's comments on updates that he would have made if he were to revise or supplement the book. Included are some later remarks by Sidman regarding specific issues in Tactics. Continuous rates of citations are displayed and show the sustained relevance of the book, and selected themes from the book are discussed. Finally, experiences from using Tactics in lab courses and in graduate-level courses on scientific method are recapitulated, including questions raised by students, and Sidman's answers to those questions. Tactics is a true classic in behavior analysis.  相似文献   

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