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The church has an opportunity not only to nurture and support persons in their marriage but also to minister to those whose marriage comes to an end. This ministry includes enabling these persons to work through their sense of grief and failure and to expereince forgiveness and reconciliation toward the possibility of another marriage in the future.Appreciation is expressed to Commonweal, Hamilton Publishing Company, Basic Books, Inc., Harper & Row, and Pilgrimage for permission to quote from their publications.  相似文献   


This study compared workaholism components and workaholic behaviors of managers currently divorced or currently married. Data were collected using anonymous questionnaires from 530 women and men. 44 divorced and 415 still-married managers indicated similar workaholism and workaholic behaviors.  相似文献   

Using data from a new survey of mainline Protestant clergy, we explore the extent to which a political gender gap exists between male and female mainline Protestant ministers. Analysis reveals major partisan, ideological, attitudinal, and participatory disparities among clergymen and clergywomen. Women are far more liberal than their male counterparts, and even though they face the constraint of being a professional minority, clergywomen tend to participate in politics at higher rates than clergymen.  相似文献   

Clergy are sometimes matched with congregations that are not as liberal or conservative as they are. We develop two arguments that predict different effects of clergy-congregation mismatches in theological conservatism/liberalism on clergy job satisfaction. One argument predicts no effect of a mismatch on job satisfaction because clergy have been socialized to expect challenges and frustrations in their ministry. The other argument predicts a reduction in clergy job satisfaction because of the clergy-congregation conflict produced by the theology mismatch. National data ( N = 2,467) from two Protestant denominations are used to test these two hypotheses. We find support for the conflict argument: theology mismatches do produce clergy job dissatisfaction, net of numerous other factors. However, this happens only when the minister is more liberal (not more conservative) than the congregation. Additional analysis also showed that these mismatched clergy are more likely to intend to leave their current churches.  相似文献   

The interactions and perceptions of two groups of divorcing parents using different dispute resolution processes were compared at final divorce and at 1 and 2 years post-divorce. Using objective and standardized measures, the effectiveness of a comprehensive divorce mediation process was contrasted to the more customary two attorney adversarial process. The 153 parents at final divorce were part of a larger, longitudinal study of 435 divorcing men and women who were followed from the beginning of divorce to 2 years post-divorce. Parents in the divorce mediation group reported less conflict during the divorcing period, and less conflict, more contact and communication, and a more positive attitude toward the other parent at final divorce, results which remained significant after controlling for several baseline group differences. The majority of differences favoring the mediation intervention continued through the first year after divorce, and disappeared by the 2 year post-divorce data collection. The nature of the mediation process is discussed in relation to these parental behaviors and attitudes.  相似文献   

This study assesses the Oswald Clergy Burnout Scale (OCBI), the psychometric properties of which have not been previously described. Analysis of responses from a large number (N?=?3,012) of ministers in charge of Australian congregations showed that the scale’s internal reliability was satisfactory, and that the scale could be represented by two factors, identified, respectively, as the personal and social aspects of burnout. This structure was supported by confirmatory factor analysis. Several demographic and job-related variables that might relate to burnout were regressed on the total, personal and social factor scores. Age is the predominant (negative) predictor of burnout as measured by the total scale and the personal factor scores. All variables predict burnout as measured by the social factor. However, in all models, the predictor variables account for no more than 5% of the total variance. These findings suggest that demographic factors and working conditions are poor predictors of burnout among clergy.  相似文献   

Improving the situation of women includes more than simply updating laws to correspond to the modern woman's aspirations. It is just as important to bring about changes in attitudes. Understanding and acceptance of equality must be fostered through persuasion and logical argument in order to dispel traditional misconceptions. This paper reviews the history and current status of women and divorce in France.This article has been made available to the journal through the kindness of the French Embassy, Press and Information Division. The editor would like especially to thank Andre Baeyens, Director of the Press and Information Division, French Embassy, New York City.  相似文献   

A standard Facts on Aging Quiz was administered to 140 ordained ministers representing five Protestant denominations as well as Catholics and Jews. Their mean score reflected an accuracy rate of 66 percent, while a subscore indicated a high pro-aging bias. A comparison reveals clergy's level of knowledge of aging is no better than that of a criterion group of undergraduates. There is a suggestion clergy's high pro-aging bias may be unrealistic and thus militate against effective intervention on behalf of the elderly.  相似文献   

The toll exacted by occupational injuries and illnesses on employed people involves a degree of personal and family suffering of such magnitude that clergy can legitimately consider it a part of their pastoral responsibilities to address the problem. Several cogent reasons for clergy involvement in occupational safety and health are provided, along with approaches clergy can implement to help parishioners reduce their workplace risks. Resources for assistance in engaging in these activities are suggested.This article represents an expansion of a paper that appeared originally inCurrents in Theology and Mission, Fall 1979.  相似文献   

Although the presence of both religious organizations and violence in American communities is pervasive, scant attention has focused on how to best enroll clergy and religiously oriented resources in the battle against family violence. Given that it is not uncommon for women or couples to seek counseling or advice from clergy before accessing community-based resources, the frequency, nature, and utility of these contacts were assessed in this exploratory study from the perspectives of 47 female victims and 70 male perpetrators of domestic violence. Forty-one clergy members from various denominations were also surveyed about their contacts with those seeking help for domestic violence. Results indicated that 43% of the victims and 20% of the perpetrators did seek help from clergy. Almost all of the victims who contacted clergy reported satisfaction with the counsel they received. All clergy respondents reported counseling people who had experienced domestic violence during their career, and 80% had violence-related contacts in the past year. The service-related implications of these clergy contacts from victim, perpetrator, and clergy perspectives are discussed.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the reliability and validity of the Clergy Occupational Distress Index (CODI). The five-item index allows researchers to measure the frequency that clergy, who traditionally have not been the subject of occupational health studies, experience occupational distress. We assess the reliability and validity of the index using two samples of clergy: a nationally representative sample of clergy and a sample of clergy from nine Protestant denominations. Exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach’s scores are generated. Construct validity is measured by examining the association between CODI scores and depressive symptoms while controlling for demographic, ministerial, and health variables. In both samples, the five items of the CODI load onto a single factor and the Cronbach’s alpha scores are robust. The regression model indicates that a high score on the CODI (i.e., more frequent occupational distress) is positively associated with having depressive symptoms within the last 4 weeks. The CODI can be used to identify clergy who frequently experience occupational distress and to understand how occupational distress affects clergy’s health, ministerial career, and the functioning of their congregation.  相似文献   

Although most couples' problems are brought to marriage counselors, a great percentage of these marriages, treated or not, will end in divorce. In this article, the importance of the role of the therapist's values and attitudes about divorce is stressed as a significant ingredient in the therapy on this difficult decision. A number of the tasks of RET divorce counseling are reviewed, including helping the individual(s) decide whether to remain married or divorce, reviewing their perceptions for distortions of data and their cognitions for distortions of evaluation or reasoning,and helping them to implement the decision, survive the aftermath, and work out a changed relationship with the exspouse.There have always been many things you can do short of actually ending an unhappy marriage—buying a house, having an affair, and having a baby are the most common, I suppose. Nora Ephron,Heartburn  相似文献   

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