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一种新的统计方法和研究思路——结构方程建模述评   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
张建平 《心理学报》1993,26(1):94-102
结构方程建模(SEM)是一种新的统计方法和研究思路,近年来在心理学和社会科学领域的应用日益增多。本文在非数学化的基础上,结合心理学研究实例介绍了SEM的渊源、发展、基本概念、分析过程以及相应的计算机统计软件LI-SREL。本文认为SEM有四大优点:①引进潜变量使研究更为深入,②遵循一般线性模式进行验证型分析,使研究更有意义,③妥善处理多变量间的复杂关系,④模型具有参数不变性。SEM应该引起国内心理学界的重视。  相似文献   

Etude interculturelle des jugements de “dêsirabilité” sociale. — On compare les estimations faites sur la désirabilité sociale de 143 items de personnalité par 100 étudiants de L'Université de L'Indiana et par 100 étudiants avancés de L'Université de Nagpur. Les deux séries de valeurs corrèllent à .61. Les deux groupes diffèrent significativement dans leurs jugements pour 55 des items. Ces différences peuvent être interprétées selon la manière dont divers aspects du comportement sont considérés par des gens appartenant à des cultures différentes. Les résultats tendent à suggérer que les étudiants indiens mettent fortement L'accent sur le conformisme social, les relations interpersonnelles et une atmosphère saine et paisible, tandis que leurs homologues américains aspirent à obtenir autonomie, pouvoir, succès, bonheur et richesse. Les étudiants américains attribuent également une grande valeur à la plupart des items qui sont en relation avec le désir de réussite. Les résultats sont discutés en référence à des données antérieures.  相似文献   

关于健康社会性格的跨文化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆剑清  孟慧 《心理科学》1999,22(5):427-430
社会性格作为国民素质的重要组成,其健康程度将直接影响精神文明建设的成效。本研究发现,当代人健康社会性格体系由五个因素构成,分别是:进取心、道德感、安定感、领导性与家庭性,为进一步深入探究,本研究采用跨文化方式,将日韩、欧美的参照样本与当代中国人进行比较研究,发现性别与国别因素对于五个因素中的若干项具有显著性影响,体现出跨文化差异性。本研究对于成功塑造跨世纪中国人健康社会性格将具有积极的理论与实践意义。  相似文献   

Abstract— An experiment demonstrated that false incriminating evidence can lead people to accept guilt for a crime thev did not commit Subjects in a fast- or slow-paced reaction time task were accused of damaging a computer by pressing the wrong key Alt were truly innocent and initially denied the charge A confederate then said she saw the subject hit the key or did not see the subject hit the key Compared with subjects in the slow-pace/no-witness group, those in the fast-pace-witness group were more likely to sign a confession, internalize guilt for the event, and confabulate details in memory consistent with that belief Both legal and conceptual implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Kelly's Commonality and Sociality corollaries deal with shared meanings. In this article, the authors revisit Kelly's early work on superpatterns to demonstrate the relationship between superpatterns and the concept of corporate construing (Balnaves & Caputi, 1993) as a way of extending the Commonality and Sociality corollaries. The authors argue that corporate construing is joint action. Constructs in such an action originate from corporate, not personal, agents. Corporate agency entails anticipation in joint action of the mode of representation of everyone else (sensus communis), justification of the joint action (reasons as good reasons), recognition that a personal action is corporate (the same) within a style of reasoning (a system of specialized techniques or corporate constructs). It is not the individual patterns of personal constructs, or an individual's interpretations of his or her own actions, that is relevant in an explanation of personal actions. It is an understanding of the genre, the overall template, the superpattern.  相似文献   

Two aides operating a kindergarten-style program for institutionalized mental retardates were trained, using observer feedback, to apply generalized “correct” social contingencies to 10 defined classes of appropriate and inappropriate child behaviors. A multiple baseline design was used to demonstrate, sequentially, the effects of the training procedure upon the attending behavior of each teacher. After withdrawal of feedback, a posttraining follow-up served to assess the durability of training. For both aides, the effect of training was to increase the proportion of appropriate child behaviors attended to, compared with baseline data, and a follow-up over a number of weeks indicated that the effects of training were apparently durable.  相似文献   

繁殖群中婴幼川金丝猴社会关系发展的个案研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
使用瞬时取样法,对繁殖笼内出生的两只婴幼川金丝猴进行连续22个月的行为记录。结果表明,川金丝猴婴猴断乳大约在19—20月龄;断乳表现为母婴之间矛盾冲突的过程;群内其他雌性对初生婴儿表现出明显的抢婴、护婴和育婴行为;父亲对婴幼猴表现出接纳和容忍的态度;婴儿在断乳前是群内全体成员保护和爱护的对象,以后开始进入社会关系网,受到成年个体的责备,但很轻微;雌性幼猴在32月龄时尚未被记录到对群内成员表现威胁、蜷缩和匍伏等行为模式。  相似文献   

A conceptualization of gendered interpersonal aggression that is grounded in the social ecological framework is presented to explicate factors in adolescents' gendered environments that give rise to aggression and victimization. The focus is on gendered social structures and social networks. Our framework for prevention suggests that violence prevention requires that we move our culture from one that continually recreates gendered structures that reinforce power and authority as masculine and that confer opportunities and constraints in ways that favor men over women. It will require deliberate action to legitimize the feminine in our culture and develop laws and practices that abolish gender inequities.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of assigning a classroom manager's role on the frequency of social interactions and the sociometric standing of three withdrawn kindergarten students. Results showed that when the three socially withdrawn students were placed in the manager's role they substantially increased the frequency of their positive social initiations during free-play time, were the recipients of many more positive and significantly fewer negative social bids from their peers, were rated more favorably by their classmates on a sociometric rating scale, and were selected more frequently as best friends by their peers. In addition, follow-up data suggested partial maintenance of treatment effects when students no longer occupied manager positions.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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