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This study uses interpretative phenomenological analysis, a qualitative interview methodology, to examine the information experience of Catholic readers of the Bible. It presents a detailed, individual-focused account of how Catholics experience the Bible, in its diverse oral, print, and digital manifestations, as a source of religious information. Participants in this study were found to experience the Bible as God's Word, with which they interface in three thematic ways: Connections, Journey, and Practice. These themes are, in turn, linked by the processes of sharing, repetition, and interpretation. This work extends previous research on the religious reading of believers and numinous document experience, and it contributes to a budding conceptualization of reading as an example of document work rather than a merely cognitive activity.  相似文献   

《圣经》的生态思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<圣经>认为宇宙万物和人类是上帝创造的,上帝创造的世界是美丽、有序、和谐的;人是自然的一部分,自然是人类赖以生存的基础;世界万物都有其存在的价值,人负有管理万物的责任;人与自然关系的不和谐是人类犯罪的结果,"原罪"引发了最初的生态危机;耶稣基督救赎的范围包括自然界;<圣经>以恢复人与神的正常关系为中心,人与自然的和谐关系以此为基础.  相似文献   


Polish antitrinitarians of the sixteenth century (also known as Polish Brethren and later as Socinians) rejected some of the most fundamental dogmatic beliefs of traditional Christianity. However, while their Church emerged as the result of a split in the Reformed Church, they still used the Brest Bible to read not only the Old Testament (the antitrinitarian translation of Szymon Budny was controversial and rarely accepted by the Brethren), but also the New Testament. This situation is discussed here using the example of Erazm Otwinowski, a major antitrinitarian poet. His two major poetical works are based on various biblical passages. In his Parables of Our Lord Jesus Christ there is considerable evidence that he used both the Brest Bible and the first edition of the New Testament translated by his antitrinitarian friend, Marcin Czechowic. However, it is also possible that he used Jakub Wujek's Catholic version, even if strongly contested in Czechowic's polemical works.  相似文献   

赫胥黎是达尔文进化论的坚定捍卫者和热情发扬者。他以“不可知论”为武器,与基督教神学作了卓越的斗争。本文就其对《圣经》的态度所作的介绍,生动地体现着这一精神。  相似文献   

Biblical studies has often avoided the children in the biblical text, to the detriment of the discipline. The topic of childhood in the Bible provides a particular opportunity for dialogue between biblical studies (including historical, theological, and social approaches), psychology of religion, and pastoral psychology. This article examines three biblical stories: Adam and Eve, David, and Jesus. In each case, I inquire about the ages of the characters, the interpretive assumptions at work in biblical studies, and the psychological insights that may be brought to bear on the biblical text.  相似文献   


The Brest Bible is regarded traditionally as the first translation of the entire Scriptures from the original languages into Polish. This study assesses this claim. A cursory analysis reveals that the Brest translators generally followed the hebraica veritas. They made use of Stephanus's Latin Bible (1556/57) whose Old Testament text was the literal Latin translation of the Hebrew Bible by Santes Pagnini (Pagnino); the Vulgate text was also included. It is shown that where there are significant differences between the printed editions of the Hebrew Bible of the sixteenth century and Pagnini's version, the Brest Bible follows Pagnini. Its translators followed Pagnini in Stephanus's edition verse by verse, and also applied the latter's division into chapters and verses to the Polish text. It is, then, suggested that there is doubt whether the Brest translators translated directly from the original version, it being more likely that they availed themselves chiefly of Pagnini's Latin version.  相似文献   

《圣经》中的性是个敏感的问题。本文试图从性的联系意识、性的创造功能和性的快乐原则三方面来论述《圣经》中的性道德观 ,并说明除了世俗的快乐意义之外 ,上帝的性观念更有其理性的意义。  相似文献   

Abstract: In theological and ethical discussions, Lutherans appeal to a “Lutheran hermeneutic.” The content of this hermeneutic often is assumed more than defined. When defined, often a theological short‐hand is employed: the Word of God, law and gospel, grace through faith alone, and the like. This article suggests a more complex context for Lutherans reading the Bible and engaging in hermeneutics. There are “orientational dimensions” which create an environment for this biblical exegesis, interpretation, and proclamation. Noticing these orientational dimensions can deepen our understanding of the Lutheran tradition and also its ecumenical rootage.  相似文献   

作为基督宗教的经典,圣经对英美文学产生着重要影响。英美文学从圣经中汲取丰富的营养,英美文化中,众多诗人、作家的作品都与圣经中的观念和意象紧密相关。客观、中肯地探寻圣经对英美作家作品的各种影响,对于全面、准确地理解英美文学,把握世界文学发展的脉络和规律,具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

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