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In today’s field of forensic psychiatry, psychopathy is seen as a subtype of antisocial personality disorder and includes manipulative behavior, egocentric and arrogant characteristics, high-risk behavior as well as a lack of empathy. Empirical data on the prevalence of psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder among offenders greatly vary depending on the study design and the composition of the sampled population. Offenders who committed both violent and sex offenses seem to have antisocial traits with a higher probability than offenders who committed only violent or only sex offenses. In the context of criminal responsibility and risk assessment for sex offenders, antisocial and psychopathic traits have a negative impact on the prediction of recidivism. Many study results, even though not all, additionally indicate that the combination of psychopathic traits and sexual deviance (i.?e. for example a paraphilic disorder such as sexual sadism) in sex offenders may be associated with a particularly high risk to reoffend. Due to the specific interpersonal characteristics (e.?g., dominant, provocative behavior, exaggerated self-esteem), therapeutic treatment of sex offenders with antisocial and psychopathic traits is often difficult. The regular supervision by the therapist is considered to be crucial to avoid harmful relationship dynamics or distorted perception of the therapist.  相似文献   

There have previously been only few objective investigations on the combined occurrence of intellectual disability and personality disorder. Despite this difficulty, from the current clinical viewpoint there is no doubt that at least people with mild intellectual disability can also develop personality disorders. In slight degrees of intellectual disability it is possible to psychopathologically describe the typical symptoms objectively. For the disorder symptomatic of combined personality disorder in people with an intellectual disability, there are no confirmed facts, publications or diagnostic rules. The diagnostic assignment of behavioral abnormalites as combined personality disorder with dependent and infantile components in people with intellectual diasabilities still does not seem to be justified. In people with medium to severe mental disorders only the comprehensive term “behavioral abnormalities” should be applied.  相似文献   

Narcissism is a multifaceted term which encompasses traits of normal personality as well as a specific personality disorder. While much research has been concerned with narcissism as a trait there are only few empirical studies on narcissistic personality disorder (NPS). The current diagnostic system of NPS according to DSM-5 (section II) focuses on grandiose narcissism whereas vulnerable narcissism, which is emphasized by clinicians and researchers, has not yet been recognized. While treating NPD patients an increased suicide risk has to be taken into consideration. Psychotherapy of narcissistic patients mainly focuses on processes during patient-therapist interactions, the analysis and processing of grandiose and vulnerable schemas, emotion regulation techniques and a correction of narcissistic behavior in favor of prosocial interactions.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) is based on robust scientific evidence identifying a group of individuals who display antisocial behaviour from a very young age that remains stable across the life-span. This population of persons with ASPD is heterogeneous, composed of distinct sub-types defined by comorbid disorders. Evidence indicates that ASPD is distinct from both psychopathy, as defined by the PCL-R, and from Dissocial Personality Disorder, as defined by ICD-10. Studies of the prevalence of ASPD are reviewed, highlighting the difficulties inherent in designing and conducting investigations of community samples that derive accurate estimates. The few studies of the socio-demographic correlates of ASPD are presented followed by a review of the evidence on disorders that are comorbid with ASPD. Finally, a hypothesis is presented for orienting future research on the aetiology of ASPD and the development of effective programmes for reducing violence among persons with ASPD.  相似文献   

Although dependent and avoidant personality disorders are frequent in patient populations, there are only few studies in which the efficacy of psychotherapeutic interventions for these two personality disorders was reviewed. The purpose of this study was to examine whether psychodynamic short-term therapy based on the model of the cyclic maladaptive pattern (CMP) is effective for reducing the mental impairment of patients diagnosed with a dependent or an avoidant personality disorder. Data were collected via a self-report scale (Symptom-Checklist, SCL) and expert ratings by therapists [Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) Scale and Severity of Impairment-Score (Beeinträchtigungsschwere-Score, BSS)]. In the study 20 patients received 25 sessions of outpatient therapy. Mental impairment decreased significantly from the beginning to the end of the therapy; moreover this decrease remained stable over a 2-year period following completion of the therapy. The findings show that psychodynamic short-term therapy can lead to an enduring improvement in the mental health of patients with a dependent or an avoidant personality disorder.  相似文献   

This paper begins with a cursory overview of psychotherapy outcome research for personality disorders; however, relatively little is known about process research or process outcome relationships. It then focuses on relevant patient and therapist variables. Significant controversies in personality disorder treatment techniques are examined. Initially, studies generally associated transference interpretation with less favorable therapy outcomes. Recent work supports the possibility of differentiated correlations. There is increasing evidence that a moderate amount of transference interpretation and perhaps even a therapeutic alliance that is not so good, maybe indicative of an inner conflict with the therapist relationship, could ultimately be beneficial. This association most probably does not exist in cluster C personality disorders. A problem with this type of research is that clear definitions are often lacking. This complicates comparisons between studies and the influence of other mediating variables remains vague.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das Wissen über Psychopathologie, Ätiopathogenese und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten der Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung (BPS) hat sich in den letzten Jahren deutlich verbessert. Heute sehen die meisten Wissenschaftler eine generalisierte Störung der Affektregulation im Zentrum der BPS, deren Ursachen in Wechselwirkungen zwischen genetischen Faktoren, traumatischen biographischen Erfahrungen und dysfunktionalen Verhaltensmustern liegen. Störungsspezifische Therapieverfahren, insbesondere die Dialektisch Behaviorale Therapie (DBT) nach Linehan, flankiert von psychopharmakologischer Behandlung, zeigen gute Behandlungsergebnisse sowohl im stationären als auch im ambulanten Bereich. In jüngster Zeit wurden viel versprechende Konzepte zur Behandlung schwerer komorbider Störungen [Alkohol und Drogenabhängigkeit, Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (PTBS)] entwickelt.  相似文献   

In contrast to the vague application of the term empathy in general usage, the neurobiological literature differentiates between cognitive empathy and emotional empathy. The former includes cognitive recognition of the mental state of someone else due to reflexive acquisition of perspectives and theory of mind functions, the latter includes the reflexive intuitive sympathy and sharing the emotions of others. Both independent from each other and interindividual differently expressed facets can be assigned to different brain networks which process these events. Early evolutionary processes of emotional empathy are already developed in infants by mirror image imitation of mimicry and gestures of the primary contact person. They involve premotor regions, areas of the sensomotor cortex, the inferior parietal lobule and the anterior insular regions. Phylogenetically younger processes of cognitive empathy are represented in particular in midline structures, such as the medial prefrontal cortex, superior temporal sulcus, posterior cingulum or precuneus as well as in the temporoparietal junction. They have their beginning in shared attention processes in early dyadic processes. Both facets of empathy are involved in moral decision-making processes. In this context, neurobiological studies show that psychopaths have undisturbed cognitive empathic capabilities and are principally able to recognize and apply moral values but confer little attentional importance to them when they compete with own targets. Individuals with borderline personality disorders in contrast to psychopaths show impairments in cognitive empathy. The deficits affect mentalization functions, which involve the understanding of the mental state of others and oneself and are also the starting point for many misunderstandings in an interpersonal context. Additionally, individuals with borderline personality disorder have a tendency to share emotions with other people. They therefore succeed in showing sympathy and compassion although associated with the danger of diffusion of self and third party borders.  相似文献   

The S2 guidelines for the treatment of personality disorders (PD) are summarized. In the diagnostic assessment of personality disorders a clinical interview should be supplemented by (semi-) structured clinical interviews and self-report measures for the categorical and dimensional assessment of PDs. The results of the assessment process should be communicated to the patient based on a psycho-educational framework. The diagnosis should always be linked to the patient’s individual history. Psychotherapy is the treatment of choice for personality disorders. A detailed analysis of the patient’s problems as well as the definition of a hierarchy of treatment goals are part of the process of treatment planning. For three PDs empirical evidence for treatment approaches is available: (1) dialectical behavior therapy, mentalization-based therapy, schema focused therapy and transference focused therapy all proved beneficial in the treatment of borderline personality disorder. Cognitive-behavior therapy proved helpful in the treatment of (2) dissociative personality disorder and (3) avoidant personality disorder. There is limited evidence for interpersonal therapy and psychodynamic therapies in the treatment of avoidant personality disorder.  相似文献   

Diagnosing and classifying personality disorders is complex and difficult from both the scientific and clinical perspectives. Dimensional and categorical models and assessment instruments of personality disorders, and different (behavioral and psychodynamic orientated) clinical procedures are described. Furthermore, an integrative view on clinical practice is presented.  相似文献   

The frequent equalization of antisocial personality disorder with habitual criminality has led to the fact that therapeutic pessimism still pervades and many psychotherapists are reluctant to treat patients with antisocial personality disorder because of widespread belief that such patients are frequently untreatable. There is increasing evidence, however, that antisocial personality disorders can absolutely be successfully treated. Meta-analyzes have shown that successful treatment programs are modularized and thus highly structured thematically according to therapy priorities. Furthermore, therapy optimism of therapists could be repeatedly demonstrated as an additional factor, which at the same time implies significant positive effects on a favorable therapist-patient relationship. In this article the most important research results from recent studies are summarized and discussed. Treatment planning in detail is then discussed, based on thorough assessment of the individual’s personality characteristics to determine prognosis, risk management, and appropriate treatment.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Begriff des Narzi?mus wird aus historischen, soziologischen, anthropologischen, mythologischen und etymologischen Quellen hergeleitet und dann in die verschiedenen psychoanalytischen Theorien eingeordnet. Die theoretischen Grundpositionen zum Narzi?mus und zur Auffassung narzi?tischer Pers?nlichkeitsst?rungen werden ausführlich erl?utert. Die Annahme eines prim?ren Narzi?mus wird anhand der theoretischen Vorstellungen von Freud, Grunberger, Mahler und Kohut erkl?rt, die Annahme einer prim?ren Objektbeziehung durch die Theorien von Ferenczi, Balint, Klein und Winnicott illustriert. Anschlie?end werden die Konzeptionen des Narzi?mus im Rahmen der Triebtheorie bzw. als eigenst?ndige Entwicklungslinie (Kohut) erl?utert. Grunberger nimmt dabei eine Mittelstellung ein. Kohut und Kernberg stehen sich gegenüber, wenn es um die Einordnung des Narzi?mus als pathologisches Ph?nomen (Kernberg) oder als Entwicklungsarretierung (Kohut) geht. Es schlie?t sich ein Abschnitt über die klassifikatorisch-deskriptive Erfassung des Narzi?mus an, in dem die Auffassungen der narzi?tischen Pers?nlichkeitsst?rung im Rahmen der g?ngigen Klassifikationssysteme (DSM-IV, ICD-10, OPD) beschrieben werden. Ebenso finden die Testdiagnostik sowie interpersonelle Ans?tze Berücksichtigung. Danach werden die Befunde der modernen S?uglingsforschung und deren Auswirkungen auf ein ver?ndertes Verst?ndnis der narzi?tischen Pers?nlichkeitsst?rung dargestellt. Die übersicht schlie?t mit einer differenzierten Betrachtung der unterschiedlichen therapeutischen Vorgehensweisen.   相似文献   

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