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Intimate relationships of convicted and released sexual offenders have hardly been the topic of systematic research. This article presents a systematic review of this topic. Only nine articles were found in a systematic literature search which investigated this topic with qualitative and quantitative methods. These studies were dominated by the determination of multiple deficits in the sexual offenders, such as intimacy and empathy problems, high frequencies of conflicts and aggression in the relationships as well as social isolation of the female partners. The female partners of sexual offenders also showed a high tendency to denial and minimization similar to the offenders and blamed the victims for the offence. The women seemed to like their status as a “martyred wife” and gave their husbands a “second chance in life”. However, the currently available studies have barely investigated the “sexual offender couple” and the dynamics of their relationship to elucidate stabilizing factors. In a pilot study on the topic of “partnerships of sexual offenders” 17 “sex offender couples” were questioned by interviews and questionnaires to collate the dynamics of the partnership, which was published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. In the quantitative results it was found that the female partners of sex offenders predominantly demonstrated an insecure preoccupied attachment style and this influence on the relationship stability is discussed. Further studies are needed in this field of research to gain detailed data of “sex offender couples” for relapse prevention and therapeutic implications.  相似文献   

Treatment of sexual offenders is still a controversial issue for both forensic clinical practice and research. The methods to evaluate efficacy and effectiveness in the field of forensic psychiatry and psychotherapy show many distinctive characteristics. Especially outpatient treatment of sexual offenders takes place in a conflict of interest. This article aims to illustrate several potentials and difficulties in the field of sexual offender treatment using the example of the Hamburg Institute for Sex Research and Forensic Psychiatry at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE).  相似文献   

Modern methods of risk assessment for sexual recidivism are reviewed, amongst others the statistical and the clinical approaches. The recidivism of sexual offenders is also strongly influenced by basic criminological risk factors like age, intelligence, former criminality, dissocial patterns and poor social integration. A further important risk factor is paraphilia. The analysis of the determining factors of previous sexual assaults is an essential basis for risk assessment. The different forms of sexual assaults are outlined under the aspect of risk assessment.  相似文献   

Many sex offenders deny the charges which is often considered as a barrier to treatment and an indicator of an elevated risk for re-offending. Both expectations, however, are controversial in the literature. In the context of Andrews’ and Bonta’s risk-need-responsivity (RNR) model it seems appropriate to understand denial not as a risk factor but as a responsivity issue. A study of 1,381 sex offenders released from prison in Bavaria since 2004 showed that deniers seldom participated in treatment programs and were rarely granted a temporary licence or early release from prison, compared to those who admitted the offenses. The proportion of deniers was higher in immigrants, married and older persons. For 833 offenders released up to the end of 2008 reconviction records were available, with a time at risk of between 5 and 9 years. No correlations were found between denial and violent, sexual, serious or general recidivism. The implications of these findings relate to the correctional treatment of sex offenders and the need for programs that are adapted to the needs of deniers.  相似文献   

This study investigated how often and depending on which factors sexual offenders are examined by mental health experts regarding their criminal responsibility. Out of a total of 306 legal charges against sex offenders accused of child sexual abuse (CSA: n?=?145), rape or sexual assault (n?=?89), exhibitionism (n?=?39), sexual abuse of adolescents, mentally defective, physically helpless or warded persons (n?=?18) that were admitted by a criminal court in 2001 in the German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein, 209 (95.6 %) were analyzed regarding the following questions: how often was the accused examined by a mental health professional regarding mental responsibility? Was the chance of being examined systematically related to certain factors (e.g., personality of the accused)? Expert advice regarding the mental responsibility of the accused was obtained by the court in only 34 cases (11.7 %). No systematic relationships of personal variables as well as the modus operandi and the chance of commissioning a mental health expert were found. The main reason for assigning a forensic expert opinion was the vague impression of a psychic disorder. Re-offending increased the rate of a mental health examination only in CSA (34.6 % of re-offenders were examined compared to 9.2 % of first-time offenders), but not in rape or sexual assault. Also age does not predict the commissioning of an expert opinion. Only one fifth of all accused below the age of 21 were investigated by a mental health professional. Results are discussed in terms of legal background, consequences for risk assessment and relapse prevention.  相似文献   

The German correctional treatment in prison, social therapeutic units and social therapy capitalizes on therapeutic interventions developed in English-speaking countries, which are based on the risk-need-responsivity model (RNR). However, this approach is rarely discussed in the German literature. The present article aims at filling this gap by illustrating the basic assumptions, strengths and limitations of the RNR model. Moreover, this presentation highlights the usefulness of the RNR model for the treatment of offenders.  相似文献   

In 2002, the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in Berlin started a pilot project for combined treatment of sex-offenders with anti-androgenic LH-RH agonists and psychotherapy. On the basis of experience-based knowledge transfer and with almost six years of practical experience, this article reports results of this new approach of combined psychotherapy and drug treatment from medical and psychological viewpoints. First, a short history and general information about the combined treatment are provided. Secondly, its effects on patients’ sexual self-perception, personality disorders and aspects of prognosis are explored. Thirdly, a medical therapy scheme, possible side effects, as well as issues of patients’ rights and approvals are discussed.  相似文献   

It makes sense to treat sexual offenders in prison. Treatment can be successful even if coerced. However, particular difficulties arise due to the great power disparity between therapist and patient and the latter’s remoteness from normal living conditions. This report will describe the current status of treatment techniques/approaches for sexual offenders in prison (with particular regard to social therapy) and special forensic hospitals as viewed by an external reviewer judging the process, methods and success of treatment for preventing relapse and estimating criminal prognosis. We mention standards for a respectful and positive approach towards the patient client. With regard to the Good Lives Model, it is supportive to develop positive resources in the perpetrator. This also requires a heightened readiness from therapist and team for transparency (instead of confidentiality) towards the perpetrator as to the assessment of progress and status of therapy. We criticize tendencies for a confrontative, if not humiliating approach, which undermines the self-esteem of the client and exploits the power disparity between therapist and perpetrator.  相似文献   

The rehabilitation of offenders in English-speaking countries is primarily guided by a risk management framework (the risk-need-responsivity principles: RNR model), which aims at reducing the possibility of harm to the community rather than improving offenders’ quality of life. In the last decade Tony Ward and his colleagues have developed the good lives model of offender rehabilitation (GLM) as an alternative to the RNR model. The GLM incorporates the RNR principles of risk, need and responsivity into its theoretical structure while aiming to provide a more constructive and comprehensive approach to correctional practice. More specifically, it aims to both reduce risk while enhancing the quality of offenders’ lives. The present article aims at outlining the general, etiological assumptions and practice implications of the GLM. In addition, its strengths and limitations and evidence base are reported. These illustrations highlight the usefulness of the GLM for the treatment of offenders and sex offenders in particular.  相似文献   



Since 2010 a total of 15 individually justified, therapeutically accompanied treatment-free intervals from antiandrogenic treatment (ADT) have been carried out in the Forensic Therapeutic Outpatient (FTA) department in Berlin.

Material and methods

This article describes the conditions under which a responsible and legally justifiable cessation of ADT can be carried out.


In all 15 of the investigated stable, forensically rehabilitated patients who had been on long-term psychotherapeutic treatment, no criminally prognostic or clinically relevant destabilization has so far occurred, which would have necessitated cessation of the treatment-free interval with resumption of the antiandrogenic depot medication.


The short-term experiences from the clinical aftercare practice have so far shown that in a strictly structered aftercare setting with continuous clinical monitoring, it is possible to withdraw even long-standing antiandrogenic medication. This is important not least to attest the argumentation for a removal of supervision of conduct in case destabilization does occur. Further long-term longitudinal investigations will be the subject of later publications.

Early release, temporary absence, and minimum security confinement have been permitted less often in German prisons in recent years. There are several reasons and indications that sexual offenders are particularly affected by these developments. Prison files and recidivism data of 115 adult sexual offenders who had been in a Lower Saxony prison in the mid-1990s were analyzed for the current study to find out whether this group posed a specific risk when permitted temporary absence or minimum security confinement. It was also considered whether temporary absence and minimum security confinement were related to reduced recidivism after release. The average follow-up interval was 8.5 years. The following findings emerged: First, 50.9% were reconvicted for any offence, 21.3% with an aggressive offence, and only 7.4% were reconvicted with a sexual offence. Every fifth (19.4%) was sentenced to another prison term or had another probation term revoked. Second, rule-breaking and criminal activity by sex offenders during minimum confinement or temporary absence were very rare and of low severity. Third, sexual offenders in minimum security confinement were less likely to recidivate than others on all measures of reoffending. With Cox regression analyses that controlled for important risk factors for recidivism it was found that minimum security confinement contributed to reduced general, but not to reduced sexual or aggressive reoffending. No relationship was found between level of temporary absence status (unaccompanied vs. accompanied) and recidivism. It is concluded that, contrary to public opinion and judicial practice, sexual offenders can be granted minimum security confinement and temporary absence if an adequate selection process is implemented.  相似文献   

The basis of this study was a census of all offenses of sexual assault and sexual abuse that were reported to the Berlin police between 1994 and 1999 (N?=?2,446). The purpose was to analyse the particularities of elderly offenders (60 years or older, n?=?68) compared to the 273 juvenile and the 2,105 younger adult offenders with regard to prior offenses, index offenses and recidivism rates. Furthermore, the analysis focused on the prediction of sexual and violent reoffence by means of the static-99 within the elderly age group. The analysis showed that the rate of former sexual offence committed by seniors was comparable to the younger adults; however, sexual and non-sexual violent pre-offences were much less frequent. On the other hand, the seniors were more frequently involved in sexual abuse, their modus operandi showed lesser degrees of intensity of the sexual acts and less use of force and violence (even among sexual abusers only) and group-offence was definitely uncommon. Furthermore the rate of sexual reoffence was similar to the juvenile offenders, but lower in comparison to adult offenders younger than 60 years. A more sophisticated analysis of the age-effects on recidivism-rates confirmed the anticipation of growing risks until middle adulthood and decreasing risks of reoffence afterwards. However, an explicit trajectory of first growing and than decreasing risks in the course of aging could only be found among offenders with sexual abuse, whereas the zenith was shifted in elderly stages of age. On the other hand, among offenders with sexual assaults, the risks of sexual reoffending seemed rather similar until the middle adulthood and increasingly lower in later stages. In spite of these aging-effects and the particularities of the elderly sexual offenders, the static-99 predicted sexual reoffence among the senior offenders quite well and there was no difference in comparison with the total sample.  相似文献   

The accuracy of the recidivism risk assessment instruments Static-99 and Stable-2007 for sexual offenders was examined in a population of released male forensic sexual offenders hospitalized under mandatory treatment in Austria (N?=?96). The Static-99 with an area under the curve (AUC) ?value of 0.86 and the Stable-2007 (AUC?=?0.71) were significantly related to sexual reoffending after nearly 7 years time at risk, thus revealing a predictive power comparable with offenders released from prison (N?=?274). Also the Stable-2007 incrementally supplemented the predictive accuracy of the Static-99. Static-99/Stable-2007 risk/need categories identified a high risk group with a 50?% chance for sexual reconviction within 5 years after release despite a favorable risk assessment as the precondition for release and post-release risk management. On the other hand, there was virtually no relapse in the three lowest risk categories suggesting a specific effect of the mandatory treatment at least in these offender categories. The data suggest that the instruments are valid not only for offenders released from prison but also for forensic sexual offenders.  相似文献   

Sexual homicides by juvenile offenders are statistically rare and until now only a few studies explored this phenomenon. Studies on forensic psychiatric court reports and follow-up data from federal criminal records were used to investigate the delinquency of a sample of 19 juvenile sexual homicide perpetrators from their childhood up to the mean age of 45 years of age. More than the half (58%) committed or attempted sexual assaults prior to the sexual homicide. Seven from 13 who were released from custody (54%) committed sexual or violent reoffences. In a long-time analysis as much favourable as unfavourable developments were found. The results suggest that most of the persons who commit sexual homicides as juveniles already committed sexual offences before and have a high risk of sexual and violent reoffending even a long time after the homicide.  相似文献   

This study compared a sample of 273 juvenile (aged 14 to under 18), 178 adolescent (aged 18 to under 21) and 273 adult (older than 20 years) male sex offenders modus operandi (or MO, the way in which they committed their offenses), frequency of recidivism and predicted recidivism via the static-99. In terms of the frequencies of the MO aspects we found that juveniles and adolescents differed significantly from adult sexual offenders. However, concerning the frequency of sexual violent behaviors, adolescents committed more severe offenses in contrast to the two other groups. The comparison of recidivism rates indicated that adolescent sexual offenders were significantly less likely to commit a new sexual offense, but were considerably more likely to commit a non-sexual violent offense compared to adult sexual offenders. For juvenile offenders, only few static-99 variables were predictive of future recidivism in comparison to the other groups, suggesting that the static-99 may only have a restricted utility in juvenile offenders. Further, juvenile offenders risk levels were found to fall primarily within the medium risk group making individual differentiation of potential risk difficult. It is suggested that additional predictors, which help to differentiate young sexual offenders must be investigated.  相似文献   

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