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南阳汉画像石艺术与楚文化密不可分,是楚地浪漫主义的表现载体。汉画像石通过其拙朴大气的艺术表现方式,反映出汉代社会生活万象,体现出当时人们对于生前身后的理解以及对于祥瑞升仙的追求。南阳汉画像石有着深厚的楚文化烙印,这也成为其不同于其它地区汉画像石的独具特色的艺术风格,具有浓厚的楚文化的神秘色彩。  相似文献   

汉画像是一种象征型的艺术,它通过象征性符号展示了汉代的精神风貌。车马出行、瑞鸟衔币、拜谒等图像统构在这块汉画像石上。一个概念中寓意了好几个形象,又或者说一个形象中蕴含了多层意义。过去与升仙,现在与祭拜,未来与祈望,共同呈现了汉代的文化空间。  相似文献   

早期道教教义的传播与汉画像石葬俗的演变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
汉画像石以其丰富的文化内涵,受到了学界的广泛关注。但由于众多研究文章未曾于汉代文化整体结构与特定画像石语境的内在关联上进行通观,不仅使一些问题悬而未决,而且还演绎出新的误会,严重地影响着汉画像石尤其东汉末期画像石这一不言灵石生命活力的解放。若从汉代早期道教文献视角去探询、观照和梳理画像石的宗教内涵和文化价值,以前许多误会及悬置的问题便可得到合理解析。  相似文献   

邹迪 《美与时代》2013,(6):52-53
梦想升仙也许是从古到今人们始终无法摆脱的欲念,也正是此欲念,才把许多幻想变为了现实。而梦想升仙只不过是人们将现实生活中受到启发的东西在脑海中逐步升华为对未来美好的想象,并通过绘画形式表达出来。绘画是空间的艺术,其凭借的语言是多种多样的,但大体上不外乎写实、夸张、象征三种手法。象征是人类最古老最基本的一种认识世界的思维方式,也是最巧妙的表达方式,其借物传神,就是不从正面去表达创作者的思想情感,而是借用其他物象隐喻地表达。无论是表达抽象的理念,或者表达一种不可见的神秘升仙观念,只有象征使其传达才能成为可能。汉画像石将三种艺术手法结合起来,把人的欲望、想象和生活状态表现了出来。由此可见,汉代升仙画像石同汉代社会生活和文化观念有着密切的关系,体现了浓厚的现世情怀。  相似文献   

中国古代四大传说之一——牛郎织女的故事,在汉画像石中则是象征性符号,它具有象征和隐喻的内容,反映的是世俗阶层的心声,通过羽化升仙的艺术模式,展现出汉代"人生幸福"的文化模式。它对我们今天的审美,仍然具有意义。  相似文献   

汉画像石作为一个民族形象的文化史诗,蕴含着丰富的汉代先民们的智慧。在这其中,有以"鱼"和"莲"图像以不同的组合方式出现。概括性地介绍了目前我国所发现的汉画像石中的"鱼莲"相结合的图像的基本情况以及汉代先民崇尚鱼、莲的缘由,并分析了其背后蕴含的象征意义。  相似文献   

南阳汉画像石是中国古代汉文化遗产中的一块重要印记,它常常以拓片的形式出现,是一部真实反映汉代文化的百科全书。翻阅大量历史书籍资料,就南阳汉画像石产生的文化背景进行探究,通过对画像石的成因和基本品貌进行粗浅地分析,抛砖引玉,借此表现南阳汉画像石稚拙雄浑、夸张变形、运动疏简的艺术特点。  相似文献   

汉画像石是在祠堂、地下墓室等建筑壁上雕刻画像的建筑构石,是汉代一种特殊的丧葬艺术。汉画像石题材多样,其中伏羲女娲艺术形象在汉画像石上屡次出现,图像形式丰富,出土地域范围广泛。文章从类型分布、组合方式演变等方面对其进行研究,继而解析"伏羲女娲"形象在汉画像石中广泛出现的原因,以及形象背后隐藏的内涵寓意。  相似文献   

正汉代画像石、画像砖结合了我国汉代绘画和雕刻艺术,形制多样、图案精彩、主题丰富,深刻反映了汉代审美风格与社会风情,表现了汉代容纳万物的宏大气魄。汉人贾谊的一段排比文字很能表现汉画像砖的特点———"席卷天下,包举宇内,囊括四海、并吞入荒"。随着时代推进,现代人快节奏的艺术追求往往忽略了以神构笔的汉画像砖,忽略了线条勾勒中汉朝人的天地宇宙。"在砖石上刻画,把有汉一代的宇宙观、生活观、审美观  相似文献   

南阳汉画像石中的人物服饰直观地再现了汉代的服饰艺术,动态地展现出汉代服饰艺术和服饰审美的发展过程。通过对南阳汉画像石中人物服饰的艺术风格、造型款式、服饰制度、审美意识等方面的分析研究,揭示了汉代服饰文化的特点,体现出两汉时期南阳地区高度发达的服饰文化和社会经济文化。  相似文献   

Twenty volunteer male college students were exposed to motion picture films which reliably elicit symptoms of motion sickness. Those Ss with relatively higher apparent sympathetic nervous system dominance showed significantly smaller autonomic reactions to the film. It was concluded that increased sympathetic tone tended to reduce autonomic reactions to motion sickness stimuli. It was suggested that the sympathetic nervous system symptoms that usually occur in motion sickness are actually defensive reactions rather than symptoms of nausea.  相似文献   


Intersex’s representation as “border case,” explored via six fictional treatments of unusually sexed bodies, echoes the ways “atypical” and “marginal” sex and sexuality receive attention to defer focus on that never queried because it seems so ordinary. Across the novels, the purported otherness of the intersex character highlights the dysfunctionality of those around them. In this way, dysfunction, disjunction, and disgust exist across the relationships and dynamics surrounding the scapegoated identity and are a means to avoid the hard work of critical self-reflection on the parts of those who do not usually deem themselves “other.” If the supporting characters in all these novels are guilty of failing fully to explore their own marginality, the same has frequently happened with religious bodies’ attitudes to intersex, and this is discussed with reference to accounts of intersex in Judaism and Islam, and tensions surrounding the casting out of sexual “violators” in one Christian tradition.  相似文献   

Susan Schneider 《Synthese》2009,170(2):235-250
According to the language of thought (LOT) approach and the related computational theory of mind (CTM), thinking is the processing of symbols in an inner mental language that is distinct from any public language. Herein, I explore a deep problem at the heart of the LOT/CTM program—it has yet to provide a plausible conception of a mental symbol.  相似文献   

This article explores how older lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people in the United Kingdom engage with religion in later life. Drawing on research with older persons who are LGB and with activists, it explores religious spaces as sites of both inclusion and exclusion, historically and in the present day. Particular consideration is given to the equality implications, in the form of parity of participation, including in the context of religious-based social care provision for older people. Future research implications are addressed.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to examine the relationship between Wolfhart Pannenberg's idea of God and his conception of history, with the intention of determining the precise nature of the link that, in his view, connects both philosophical and the theological reflection on the meaning of history. We shall first analyze Pannenberg's response to the traditional criticism of Christianity as an anthropomorphic projection of the human being. Then we shall pay attention to the features of any possible fundamentum of history. We will show that, according to Pannenberg, a transition from a philosophical into a theological consideration of history is needed in order to provide a rationally acceptable foundation for both the unity and the meaning of universal history.  相似文献   

Investigation of the anatomical substructure of the medial temporal lobe has revealed a number of highly interconnected areas, which has led some to propose that the region operates as a unitary memory system. However, here we outline the results of a number of studies from our laboratories, which investigate the contributions of the rat's perirhinal cortex and postrhinal cortex to memory, concentrating particularly on their respective roles in memory for objects. By contrasting patterns of impairment and spared abilities on a number of related tasks, we suggest that perirhinal cortex and postrhinal cortex make distinctive contributions to learning and memory: for example, that postrhinal cortex is important in learning about within-scene position and context. We also provide evidence that despite the strong connectivity between these cortical regions and the hippocampus, the hippocampus, as evidenced by lesions of the fornix, has a distinct function of its own—combining information about objects, positions, and contexts.  相似文献   

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