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"幸福"是一种生活状态,一种人们对生活经验的主观感受,当然也是一种生活价值的评价.人们对幸福的感受与人们时幸福的追求和心理欲望是相辅相成的.从社会或人际的角度看,幸福是一种可以观察、可以评价的生活状态.创造幸福的过程是痛苦的,但同时享受创造过程本身就是一种幸福体验,要学会创造幸福,学会享受幸福,这种享受不是独享而需要分享.分享有两个好处,就个人来说,与人分享不仅更安全,也更有幸福感.就社会的角度来说,幸福的分享程度越广泛,说明这个社会越公平,秩序越好.国家和社会的发展目标要与公民的幸福目的一致.  相似文献   

作为社会经济生活中的一种根本制度安排和人们的一种基本权利,产权是社会道德的基础。一定的利益差别和产权界定,是道德产生的前提;社会产权制度的性质和变迁,规定着社会道德体系的特质和演变;社会产权安排的结构和状况,影响和制约着人们的道德行为选择和社会道德风尚。健全的产权安排有利于规范和约束人们的行为选择,安定人们的生活心态,创造积极的道德环境和条件,从而优化人们的道德行为选择,促进良好社会道德秩序的形成。  相似文献   

对于很多力图否定约定俗成设计的设计师而言,静下心来从细微之处观察和体验生活中的一切,以及其与人之间的关系,就会发现不一样的设计世界,这就是所谓的无意识设计,给了我们很大的启发。设计是为人的设计,关注生活的点点滴滴,把握容易被人们忽略的小小细节,灵感可能会偶然爆发,但最终还是要为人服务;推动我们社会的进步,不能只停留在自己的创新世界无法自拔。在这个世界上,大到宇宙小到原子都和人们息息相关,认认真真地去思考,关注这些不经意的小瞬间也是捕捉设计灵感的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

人类的历史,也是一部衣着生活的历史,从兽皮草叶到现今多姿多彩的着装,服装发展也经历了时代变迁的洗礼。服装设计作为艺术领域中的一个重要门类与其他艺术之间互相联系互相影响。本文从伟大画家蒙德里安所创立的以几何抽象图案为表现主体的新造型主义艺术的角度,来看其在历史长河中对服装设计师和服装设计的影响,及其发展演变。服装设计中的新造型主义一直以其独有的表现形式影响着人们的生活,反映了现代人在繁杂社会中追求简单纯粹的精神世界。  相似文献   

犬儒主义为什么是一种意识形态?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文梳理了犬儒主义概念从古希腊到后现代社会的演变逻辑,即从愤世嫉俗到玩世不恭,进而演变为后现代式的一种犬儒理性主义。现代犬儒主义的特征表现为:人们对自己的所作所为一清二楚,但他们依旧坦然为之。所以,现代犬儒主义的意识形态是处于某种清醒意识之下的反讽和玩世不恭的行为。相反,齐泽克所谓的意识形态是建立在拉康精神分析的基础上,它服从于拉康幻想公式逻辑,它不是偏见,而是具有崇高对象的无意识的幻想建构;它遵循的是"穿越幻想,认同症兆"的逻辑。因此,我们的结论是:精神分析维度下的意识形态并不是犬儒主义式的,而现代犬儒主义仅仅是建立在无意识基础上的现代意识形态的一个变种,我们切不可将两者混为一谈。  相似文献   

凌宵 《四川心理科学》2014,(18):224-224
伦理是处理与协调各种利益关系的特殊规范与标准,是人们在长期的社会生活中积淀生成的。伦理关系渗透于人类社会生活的方方面面,人类社会的所有规则体系都是直接或间接地建立在伦理关系和道德规范基础之上的。当然,法律领域也不例外,也蕴含着一定的人伦关系和道德规范。  相似文献   

随着国内各项建设的逐步开展,人们的生活水平也有了明显的改善。在满足了温饱的基本需求后,人们的关注点逐渐转移到住房上,希望能提高自己的生活质量。在这种社会需求下,室内环境艺术设计开始真正走人人们的生活中。而基于人们对室内环境艺术设计的最基本要求,室内环境设计的人性化设计是人们关注的重点。为了能更好地满足人们的需求,展开对室内环境艺术设计的人性化设计的各方面展开探讨。  相似文献   

老瓷器随着历史时空的变迁、自然和人为的破坏,其遗存到现在大多散落成瓷片,致使现在的人们无法全面窥见其本来面目,但是老瓷片同样拥有历史、审美及文化价值。以老瓷片为研究对象,从搭配的新器物材质、造型、色彩出发,通过把老瓷片与新器物组合在一起,以使老瓷片完美地融入新器物中,这既为老瓷片的创新应用和传承保护提供了有益的启示,也让老瓷片再放光彩。  相似文献   

在工业化进程中,领域分化使人们的生活陷入到了支离破碎的状态,人们在不停地进行领域穿梭和角色转换中变得碎片化。而在后工业化进程中,人们开始寻求从碎片化到总体性的回归,这是人类和社会发展的必然趋势,同时也是社会治理变革对完整人格的必然追求。在人的总体性的回归过程中,社会生活各个层面也都朝着多元化的方向运动。而在这个逐渐走向成熟自治的多元化社会里,基于个性化特征所建构起来的生产体系和社会治理体系也都走向了个性化定制的思路,并且社会治理的制度框架和治理方式也将沿着这一全新的方向发展,社会治理变革的问题已然成了如何建构合作治理模式的问题。  相似文献   

近年来,随着生活质量的提高,国人也开始逐渐重视起食物设计来。从食物到它物,也可从从它物到食物,怎么设计是设计方法的问题,但食物设计的核心是研究食物与人、食物与社会的关系,并没有一成不变的设计方法,完全可以根据具体的设计需求来定。未来食物设计的方向应更多地偏向于这两个方面:一是以市场为主导的食物消费设计,这类的食物设计偏向于商业的行为,主要目的是愉悦大众、制造感觉、诱导消费;一是对于食物关系的深入研究,主要以高校实验性设计研究为主。当今中国的食物设计方兴未艾,在北京、上海都举办过相关的展览,食物设计具有很好的发展潜力。  相似文献   

Basic math skills are important for success in school and everyday life. Yet many people experience apprehension and fear when dealing with numerical information, termed math anxiety. Recently, researchers have started to probe the antecedents of math anxiety, revealing some surprising insights into its onset, risk factors, and remediation.  相似文献   

We examined changes in pain sensitivity in the rubber hand illusion (RHI). Experiment 1 investigated changes in pain tolerance immediately after a “healthy” and “wounded” RHI when immersing the hand in a cold pressor ice bath. There was 19% increased pain tolerance and increased perception detection threshold after the healthy RHI, but 11% reduction after the wounded RHI. Experiment 2 examined pain experience during the wounded RHI with capsaicin-induced hyperalgesia. Pain intensity and unpleasantness was higher on the illusion arm during the synchronous RHI, compared with asynchronous trials. There was no change in pain experience on the control arm, and both arms had similar pain sensitivity after the experiment. Our results highlight the impact of embodying a substitute limb on pain, with increased tolerance and reduced tactile sensitivity when the fake limb is healthy and apparently pain-free, but increased pain sensitivity when the self-attributed limb appears to be wounded.  相似文献   


We present a programmatic line of experimental studies which focus on the how and when of tacit coordination (i.e., the phenomenon that people can successfully coordinate their decisions without communication). We investigated this phenomenon using different types of economic games (i.e., social dilemmas as well as coordination games). Our studies broadly cover three themes: (a) fairness as a coordination rule, (b) uncertainty and common understanding, (c) social information as a cue. By focusing on these themes we have obtained several new insights on the prerequisites and boundary conditions of tacit coordination. We conclude that tacit coordination is often facilitated by mutual adherence to social norms (e.g., fairness rules, rules of deference, etcetera), but that in order to employ such norms people need sufficient environmental and/or social information.  相似文献   

In a study by Matthews, Helmreich, Beane, and Lucker (1980), responses by academic psychologists to the Jenkins Activity Survey for Health Prediction (JAS), a measure of the Type A construct, were found to be significantly, positively correlated with two measures of attainment, citations by others to published work and number of publications. In the present study, JAS responses from the Matthews et al. sample were subjected to a factor analysis with oblique rotation and two new subscales were developed on the basis of this analysis. The first, Achievement Strivings (AS) was found to be significantly correlated with both the publication and citation measures. The second scale, Impatience and Irritability (I/I), was uncorrelated with the achievement criteria. Data from other samples indicate that I/I is related to a number of health symptoms. The results suggest that the current formulation of the Type A construct may contain two components, one associated with positive achievement and the other with poor health.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - Worker well-being is a hot topic in organizations, consultancy and academia. However, too often, the buzz about worker well-being, enthusiasm for new programs...  相似文献   

Among Asian Americans, particularly within immigrant communities, religious leaders are respected and sought out for support and guidance. There is a need to examine how religious leaders, especially within non-Christian faiths, identify persons and ascribe meaning and attributions to mental health concerns. The aim of this paper was to address this knowledge gap by exploring the perceptions of five Vietnamese American Buddhist leaders in regards to mental illness. Using qualitative analytic techniques we identified appearance, behaviours, and cognitive impairments that leaders interpreted as indicators of a mental health condition. Religious leaders cited messy and overly adorned outer appearance, aggressive and violent behaviours, and abnormal cognitive functioning as indicative of mental health problems. They attributed mental illness to a variety of causes: daily stressors, mind-body imbalance, karma, virtuous deeds, and spiritual possession. Findings inform strategies for faith-based initiatives and mental health service delivery to religiously affiliated Asian Americans.  相似文献   

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