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Popular and academic press alike have concluded that mindfulness significantly benefits healthy individuals as well as those suffering from physical and psychological problems. Workplace interventions, clinical therapies, and popular self-help programs aimed at enhancing mindfulness abound, and research has demonstrated the efficacy of such mindfulness interventions in enhancing mindful states. It is of importance to note that research also suggests the average frequency with which individuals experience states of mindfulness varies from person to person, underscoring the existence of a dispositional tendency toward mindfulness—trait mindfulness. We meta-analytically cumulate the results of 270 independent studies (N = 58,592 adults from nonclinical samples) of trait mindfulness in order to explore its personal and professional correlates. Results suggest the benefits of trait mindfulness extend to both personal and professional domains. With regards to personal benefits, trait mindfulness was found to be positively correlated with confidence (ρ = .39), mental health (ρ = .38), emotional regulation (ρ = .40), and life satisfaction (ρ = .36), and negatively correlated with perceived life stress (ρ = –.43), negative emotions (ρ = –.40), anxiety (ρ = –.34), and depression (ρ = –.38). Professionally, results suggest trait mindfulness may benefit job satisfaction (ρ = .29), performance (ρ = .34), and interpersonal relations (ρ = .31), while also reducing burnout (ρ = –.48) and work withdrawal (ρ = –.17). Meta-analytic regressions also suggest trait mindfulness adds incremental predictive variance over more traditional predictors of employee burnout and work performance.  相似文献   

The experience sampling method is used to measure variance over time in events, moods, and behaviours in the work setting via palmtop computers in a sample of 41 employees. Theoretical propositions about event–mood–behaviour relations are derived from Affective Events Theory ( Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996 ) and tested using within‐ and between‐persons variance. The experiment found 56% of the variance in hedonic tone of mood was within‐ rather than between‐persons. Hedonic tone was significantly related to both positive and negative work events in expected directions. The relationship between negative events and mood was approximately five times stronger than that between positive events and mood, even though positive events were reported three to five times more frequently than negative events. Hedonic tone was positively related to engaging in work withdrawal and negatively related to engaging in work tasks. Implications of these findings as well as the use of experience sampling for the study of dynamic workplace variables are discussed.  相似文献   

Life history or biodata correlates of ministerial success were investigated for a group of 92 Seventh-Day Adventist ministers. The criterion data reflected their current level of success and the predictors reflected their status as seminarians between the years 1940 to 1950. Two significant bivariate correlations indicated that successful ministers chose their career later than less successful ones and that earning college expenses was predictive of success. A stepwise multiple regression process was used to develop a weighted prediction model, but the model did not hold when cross-validated.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between trait competitiveness and occupational interests of under-graduates prior to entering the work force. The findings indicate that competitiveness is related to Investigative and Realistic types within Holland’s model of vocational choice and that competitive individuals are attracted to jobs involving competition and competitive pressure based on O*NET job characteristic ratings. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim was to explore the patterns of correlations between psychosocial stress indices and neuroendocrinological factors in managers. Fifty-eight male managers in three Swedish companies constituted the sample. They answered two questionnaires with 17 selected stress indices and also an organizational test. The indices have been analyzed by means of computations of age adjusted partial correlations with nine different variables analyzed in fasting blood samples. The serum concentrations of lipids were the variables most strongly correlated with psychosocial factors. Neither smoking nor physical activity changed the correlations significantly. Good social support at work and in private life was consistently associated with low adverse serum lipids and corresponding lipoproteins. On the other hand, some indices of social support were associated with indices of high arousal levels. This may indicate a possible psychophysiological “load effect” of some aspects of social support in managers. The analyses of corporate culture measured as “Rules of the Game” indicated that “bureaucracy” was significantly associated with high LDL-cholesterol and low HDL-cholesterol. Managers have special conditions and therefore the patterns of associations between psychosocial conditions and coping strategies on one hand and endocrine-biochemical state on the other hand may be different, from those of other groups. To what extent such differences are due to individual characteristics or environmental factors needs to be further investigated. According to the results, however, good social support is in general health promoting also to managers, at least with regard to serum lipids. Bureaucracy, on the other hand, seems to be dangerous to the health of managers.  相似文献   

This study attempted to examine the work value correlates on various occupational scale dimensions like service, sales and management. In all 1458 people completed two validated questionnaires: one measuring six occupational scales (HPI: Hogan Personality Inventory) and the other measuring the values and preferences that indicate the type of work that an individual would like to do, and is best suited for (MVPI: Motives and Values Preferences Inventory). There were many sex differences on the values measured. Hierarchical regressions showed some values (Affiliation, Power, Recognition) related to many of the occupational scales but often in the opposite direction. Factor analysis suggested three overall value/vocation factors (Enterprising, Traditional and Social). Implications for vocational guidance and limitations of the study are considered.  相似文献   

Personality correlates of success in total quality manufacturing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the relation of the Big Five factors of normal personality to individual performance in total quality manufacturing. One hundred thirty-six automobile plastic-part injection molding machine operators completed the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI). Criteria included behaviorally-based performance ratings. Successful employees had significantly lower scores on Openness (HPI: Intellectance) and Extraversion (HPI: Sociability) than less successful employees, but higher Conscientiousness scores (HPI: Prudence). A new HPI scale was developed to predict performance in this environment.We would like to thank Robert Hogan, Maryalice Citera, and Bob Gordon for their comments on earlier drafts. Please send comments about this report to Ted Hayes, Department of Psychology, 309 Oelman Hall, Wright State University, Dayton, OH, 45435  相似文献   

Using subjects' own ratings of their academic performance, a group of american university students were divided into academically successful (n = 312) and unsuccessful (n = 170) subgroups. A comparison of mean scores of the two groups on nine personality variables convered by Eysenck's PEN Inventory and Lanyon's Psychological Screening Inventory showed that academic success, as rated by subjects themselves, is associated with low psychoticism, neuroticism, and discomfort but high extraversion and defensiveness.  相似文献   

Although work represents an important achievement setting, research on the perceived motivational climate, as defined by the achievement goal theory (AGT), remains limited. Calls have been made for research on the salience of such situational influences based on traditional AGT. Therefore, the aim of this research was to develop a scale to measure the motivational climate at work. In a pilot study, participants completed a developed questionnaire and the findings supported psychometric properties of the questionnaire. Two further studies were conducted and the findings provided evidence of content validity, criterion‐related validity, construct validity, and internal consistency. The findings suggest the questionnaire might be used to determine the perception of the extant motivational climate in the workplace.  相似文献   

Twenty-five personnel from two Antarctic research stations spent the austral winter (February-October) confined in small, isolated stations located on the Antarctic ice cap. At the end of this confinement, they completed two questionnaires. The first asked about alcohol and marijuana use and self-rated adjustment to the living conditions; it also asked for nominations of others with whom each would most like and least like to spend another Antarctic tour. The second questionnaire was a recently developed personality inventory. Personality scale scores were correlated with self-rated adjustment and peer nominations. The results were consistent with previous research, and indicated that adjustment was a function of narrow interests and a low need for stimulation. More importantly, the findings also demonstrated that personality inventories are useful for predicting adjustment to working conditions in such isolated settings.  相似文献   

Data from a longitudinal study of postbaccalaureate nursing careers are discussed in the context of the motive-to-avoid-success controversy. Two groups of nurses with continuous work histories were intensively studied. While most had experienced upward professional mobility, a significant minority had lateral careers, which, though not characterized by advancement, typically provide rewards of intensification. Further, lateral careers only occurred in specialties allowing a high degree of professional autonomy. Thus, upward mobility and advancement should not be the sole criteria of women's occupational progress. Alternative conceptions of success may be significant in many occupations, although such beliefs may not serve as viable substitutes for professional autonomy and the opportunity for personal development. Lateral movement may also characterize most men's work lives more aptly than descent or ascent; hence the findings underscore the necessity to rethink the image of movement in both male and female work spheres.The research upon which this paper is based was supported by a grant from the Nursing Resources Division, USPHS (Grant NU-004-94-03) for the study of Post-Baccalaureate Careers in Nursing, Fred Davis and Virginia Olesen, Principal Investigators, Ellen Lewin, Assistant Project Director. This article was originally presented as a paper at the Pacific Sociological Association meetings, Sacramento, California, April 1977, where the panel commentator, Sheryl Ruzek, provided useful comments on the essay. Jane Tabata Usami provided a very helpful bibliographic search and other technical assistance.  相似文献   

The advent of the desktop computer has allowed organizations to help their employees become faster and more productive workers. Some employees, however, use their work computers in unproductive ways as well, such as sending personal email and playing computer games. We call this Personal Use of Work Computers (PUWC). Using a work computer for personal reasons deviates from many organizations' norms. In the current study, we surveyed employees at an educational institution and asked them to report how they use their computers at work. These respondents also answered questions related to their sensation seeking, impulsiveness, conscientiousness, and job satisfaction as well as demographic information. We found that people who use their computers in unproductive ways tend to be men, younger, more impulsive, and less conscientious. We also found that those who use their computers for riskier PUWC behaviors (like viewing sexual content) tended to have sensation seeking personalities.  相似文献   

The implications of adult relational aggression in adults for personality pathology are poorly understood. We investigated the association between relational aggression and features of DSM-IV personality disorders and psychopathy in a sample of undergraduates (N = 220). In contrast to the childhood literature, we found no significant difference in relational aggression between men and women. Unlike overt aggression, which correlated about equally highly with features of all three personality disorder clusters, relational aggression correlated significantly more highly with features of Cluster B than Clusters A or C. In addition, even after controlling for overt aggression, relational aggression correlated significantly with features of psychopathy, although only with Factor 2 traits. With the exception of sadistic personality disorder features, gender did not moderate the relationship between relational aggression and personality pathology. Further research on the psycho-pathological implications of relational aggression in more severely affected samples is warranted.  相似文献   

儿童行为与心理水平的特质推理的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王美芳  陈会昌 《心理学报》2009,41(10):947-957
选取4岁组、5岁组、7岁组、10岁组、12岁组儿童和成人共192名(各年龄组32名, 男女各半)为被试, 采用个别测查法考察学前和小学儿童行为与心理水平的特质推理发展。结果表明: (1)4岁时儿童已能进行行为水平的特质推理, 5岁时才能进行心理水平的特质推理, 即使用特质引发规则进行特质推理, 10岁时两者均达到成人水平。(2)4岁、5岁时儿童心理水平的特质推理显著落后于行为水平的特质推理, 至少7岁时两者处于同一水平上。(3)儿童使用概念相似规则而不是情境匹配规则进行行为预测。(4)4岁儿童不使用简单效价规则进行行为预测, 5岁及以上儿童使用简单效价规则, 但他们是在区分同一特质范畴和不同特质范畴的基础上、在较低的确定程度上使用该规则。  相似文献   

Abstract This study examined the role of social support in the relationship between work demand and psychological distress (GHQ 12) in correctional officers (N=419), a high stress occupational group. Work demands were positively associated with strain. There was no evidence that social support buffered the negative impact of work demands. Rather, consistent with most previous research findings, support showed direct benefits and these were discussed in the context of worker participation and control. The hypothesis that officers high in negative affectivity, as measured by trait anxiety would show greater reactivity to work demands was not supported. However, trait anxiety appeared to inflate the relationship between work stressors (work demand and work support) and psychological distress supporting recent suggestions that the role of trait anxiety in occupational stress should not be disregarded. Trait anxiety combined additively with work demand to predict individual differences in psychological distress, however social support moderated the impact of trait anxiety on strain.  相似文献   

Connections between work, stress, and emotional distress have become the object of extensive litigation in the workers' compensation system and other legal forums. This article examines some of this activity from the perspective of medicolegal sociology. It explores five forums in which discussion of these connections takes place-every day life, science, within organizations, adjudicatory inquiries, public policy-and the moral stress discourse that helps bind these discussions together. Particular attention is paid to stress litigation stemming from investigations into violations of the law, principdy police work. Workers' compensation stress claims are viewed as part of an extensive societal medicolegal inquiry into the emotional underlife of work organizations.  相似文献   


The role of gratitude in the workplace is understudied, despite its potential for promoting well-being and achievement in organizational contexts. We developed and evaluated a measure of workplace-specific gratitude called the Gratitude at Work Scale (GAWS). In Study 1 (N = 207), we used exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses to identify a two-factor structure. The two subscales (Gratitude for Supportive Work Environment, Gratitude for Meaningful Work) had good estimated internal consistency and incrementally predicted burnout after controlling for trait gratitude and workplace satisfaction. In Study 2 (N = 269), we replicated the GAWS two-factor structure, found further evidence for construct validity, and uncovered strong two-week temporal stability. In Study 3 (N = 161), the GAWS was sensitive to manipulations of workplace attitudes following a writing task. The GAWS has initial psychometric support and may be useful when studying workplace functioning and well-being.

(142 words)  相似文献   

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