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Experiencing unpredictability in the environment has a variety of negative outcomes. However, these are difficult to ascertain due to the lack of a psychometrically sound measure of unpredictability beliefs. This article summarizes the development of the Scale of Unpredictability Beliefs (SUB), which assesses perceptions about unpredictability in one's life, in other people, and in the world. In Study I, college students (N = 305) responded to 68 potential items as well as other scales. Exploratory factor analysis yielded three internally consistent subscales (Self, People, and World; 16 items total). Higher SUB scores correlated with more childhood family unpredictability, greater likelihood of parental alcohol abuse, stronger causal uncertainty, and lower self-efficacy. In Study II, a confirmatory factor analysis supported the three-factor solution (N = 186 college students). SUB scores correlated with personality, childhood family unpredictability, and control beliefs. In most instances the SUB predicted family unpredictability and control beliefs beyond existing unpredictability measures. Study III confirmed the factor structure and replicated family unpredictability associations in an adult sample (N = 483). This article provides preliminary support for this new multi-dimensional, self-report assessment of unpredictability beliefs, and ideas for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Family ties after divorce: long-term implications for children   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Drawing on the data from the longitudinal Binuclear Family Study, 173 grown children were interviewed 20 years after their parents' divorce. This article addresses two basic questions: (1) What impact does the relationship between parents have on their children 20 years after the divorce? and (2) When a parent remarries or cohabits, how does it impact a child's sense of family? The findings show that the parental subsystem continues to impact the binuclear family 20 years after marital disruption by exerting a strong influence on the quality of relationships within the family system. Children who reported that their parents were cooperative also reported better relationships with their parents, grandparents, stepparents, and siblings. Over the course of 20 years, most of the children experienced the remarriage of one or both parents, and one third of this sample remembered the remarriage as more stressful than the divorce. Of those who experienced the remarriage of both of their parents, two thirds reported that their father's remarriage was more stressful than their mother's. When children's relationships with their fathers deteriorated after divorce, their relationships with their paternal grandparents, stepmother, and stepsiblings were distant, negative, or nonexistent. Whether family relationships remain stable, improve, or get worse is dependent on a complex interweaving of many factors. Considering the long‐term implications of divorce, the need to emphasize life course and family system perspectives is underscored.  相似文献   

目的:对Neff编制的自我怜悯量表进行修订和信效度检验。方法:总共对440名大学生进行了问卷预测与正式测验,使用SPSS13.0和LISREL8.70软件对数据进行分析。结果:①修订后的量表包含6个维度、26个条目。②各维度和量表的同质信度在0.64-0.87之间;探索性因素分析表明各条目对所属因子有中度以上的负荷,抽取的6个因子解释了总方差的55.09%。验证性因素分析的拟合优度指数、相对拟合优度指数、非标准化拟合优度指数为0.85-0.94,近似误差均方根为0.059。结论:大学生自我怜悯量表的信效度符合心理测量学要求。  相似文献   

Globally, there are nearly 2 million HIV positive children, many of whom are adolescents. The majority have perinatally acquired HIV. A key challenge for this population is communicating about HIV to meet emotional and practical needs. Despite evidence of its benefits, HIV communication in adolescents with HIV is rare. To enhance HIV communication, individuals’ beliefs may need to be taken into account. There is no measure of beliefs about HIV communication for adolescents living with HIV. A seven-item measure of HIV communication beliefs was developed and administered to 66 adolescents with HIV in the UK (39 female; aged 12–16 years). Data were explored using principal component analysis. Preliminary criterion-related validity was assessed by examining relationships between the measure and communication occurrence, frequency and intention. Preliminary construct validity was assessed by examining relationships between the measure and HIV stigma, HIV disclosure cognition and affect, quality of life and self-perception. Two factors were revealed: communication self-efficacy and normative beliefs; and communication attitudes. The full scale and its subscales were internally consistent. The total score showed statistically significant positive relationships with HIV communication intention, HIV disclosure cognitions and affect, and HIV stigma but not with other variables. Preliminary evidence of the measure’s good psychometric properties suggests it may be helpful in outlining relationships between HIV communication beliefs and other constructs. It may also be useful in testing interventions that aim to enhance HIV communication in this population. Further work needs to be done to establish the scale’s psychometric properties.  相似文献   

The Beliefs About Medication Scale: Development, Reliability, and Validity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The purpose of the study was to develop and evaluate a psychometrically sound health belief measure, the Beliefs About Medication Scale (BAMS) that can be used with adolescent chronic illness populations whose prescribed treatment includes oral medication. One hundred and thirty-three adolescents (age 11–18 years) with asthma (n = 60), HIV (n = 31), or inflammatory bowel disease (n = 42) completed the BAMS and, along with their parent, a self-report medication interview. A confirmatory factor analysis supported the hypothesized subscales of Perceived Threat, Positive Outcome Expectancy, Negative Outcome Expectancy, and Intent to Adhere to treatment. The subscales evidenced good internal consistency and 3-week test-retest reliability. Univariate and multivariate analyses demonstrated that the health belief constructs accounted for 22% of the variance in medication adherence beyond demographic and illness characteristics. The study provides preliminary evidence of the reliability and validity of a theoretically based measure of health beliefs for adolescents. The BAMS may be a useful tool to evaluate the psychological barriers to adherence that place teenagers at risk for nonadherence.  相似文献   


The reliability and validity of the Chinese Self-Report Family Inventory (C-SFI) were examined in three studies. In Study 1, data based on 361 adolescents showed that the C-SFI was temporally stable and internally consistent and there was support for its concurrent and construct validities. In Study 2, data analyzed from a clinical group and a nonclinical group (N = 281 and 451, respectively) showed that the C-SFI scores were able to discriminate these two groups. With data pertaining to 3649 secondary school students, Study 3 gives support for the internal consistency, concurrent validity, and construct validity of the C-SFI in different adolescent samples. These studies strongly suggest that the C-SFI possesses good psychometric properties in different Chinese adolescent samples.  相似文献   

No-fault statutes changed divorce from an adversarial system pitting victims against victimizers, with the state acting as enforcer of marital norms, to a private decision between unhappily married but legally blameless partners. Divorce reform following no-fault primarily focused on making divorce more fair for the parties involved. Over the last several decades, divorce reform has transitioned from making divorce better to making marriage healthier. The good divorce has slipped from policy attention, elevating the potential for restigmatization of divorced couples and their children. We trace the trajectory of media framing of divorce reform discourse in three general circulation newspapers from the start of the no-fault revolution, noting how media framing parallels and naturalizes the transition in divorce reform policy. We conclude by observing the prevalence of divorce and the related need for therapists to be cognizant of this naturalization process, thereby keeping the good divorce as a goal for those who desire to end their marriages.  相似文献   

青少年学生自立人格量表的信度与效度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
使用3个信度指标和7个效度指标对青少年学生自立人格量表的信度与效度进行了检验.结果发现:(1)青少年学生自立人格量表的内部一致性信度、分半信度和冉测信度均达到了人格测量通行的标准;(2)青少年学生自立人格量表与相关效标的关系特点与理论构想基本吻合,量表的效度较好.可以认为:青少年学生自立人格量表具备符合心理测量学要求的信度与效度水平,其能够测到其理论构想所想要测量的人格特征,适用于测量青少年学生的自立人格.  相似文献   

Development of the Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale (IIFAS) is described. In Study 1, a set of 17 items was selected on the basis of responses by 125 postpartum women. Analyses of the reliability and validity were then conducted. In Study 2, these analyses were replicated using data from an independent sample of 130 postpartum women. Study 3 involved an analysis of the ability of scores on the IIFAS to predict duration of breast-feeding among a sample of 725 women who had initiated that method of feeding their babies while in the hospital. Limitations of this research and possible future uses of the IIFAS in studies addressing the determinants and consequences of infant-feeding attitudes are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between adult offspring's perception of family functioning and of parental use of topic avoidance to maintain secrecy regarding the use of donor assistance to conceive. A cross‐sectional design was used to study a convenience sample of 69 young adult donor offspring who completed a demographic questionnaire, a topic avoidance scale relative to each of their rearing parents, and the Beavers Self Report Family Instrument. Findings indicated that participants perceived both parents as avoiding the topic of donor assistance more than other topics, mothers as avoiding all topics less than fathers, and topic avoidance was negatively associated with family functioning. Mothers' general topic avoidance was the strongest predictor of family functioning. Parents' disclosing together was predictive of higher family functioning. Implications for practice and future research are suggested.  相似文献   

This article reports on the development of a scale designed to measure aggression. Using usual procedures for Thurstone scaling, a thirty-seven item Aggression Scale was created, Form A consisting of twenty items and Form B of seventeen. The test-retest reliability coefficient was .60. Results from three validity studies showed that aggression as measured by the Aggression Scale was related to perceived mild aggression training by fathers for males only, to nationalism, and to Machiavellianism.  相似文献   

The Family Environment Scale has been used extensively in family research since first being published. However, despite its appeal both conceptually and empirically, doubts have been raised over the scale's reliability. This article presents normative and reliability data for the Family Environment Scale from a large, combined sample of adolescents. Means and standard deviations were generally found to be in line with those reported in the scale's manual; however, estimates of internal consistency for most subscales could be considered inadequate for research purposes.  相似文献   

Le besoin d'une échelle de dominance dans le questionnaire Manifest Needs est démontre, pour rendre acceptables sa fidélité et sa validité. Des recherches complémentaires devraient permettre d'éprouver la fidélité interne de l'échelle, démontrer plus complètement sa valeur prédictive et améliorer notre compréhension des relations entre les concepts de dominance, d'autonomie et de réalisation.
The need for dominance scale of the Manifest Needs Questionnaire is shown to have acceptable reliability and validity. Further research should strive to improve the internal reliability of the scale, demonstrate more fully its predictive validity, and improve our understanding of the relationships between the constructs of dominance, autonomy, and achievement.  相似文献   

在大学生群体中选取三个样本进行集体施测。选取500名大学生作为样本一,使用家庭近乎完美量表中文版、自尊量表、一般自我效能感量表和Beck抑郁问卷对其施测,对数据进行验证性因素分析、内部一致性信度分析和效标效度分析;六周后在样本一中随机抽取71名大学生作为样本二,使用家庭近乎完美量表对其施测,对数据进行重测信度分析;另选取500名大学生作为样本三,使用家庭近乎完美量表中文版、近乎完美量表修订版的中文修订版和Frost多维完美主义量表对其施测,对数据进行聚合效度和区分效度分析。结果表明,家庭近乎完美量表中文版  相似文献   

该研究旨在编制情绪感染问卷并探讨问卷的信度与效度,问卷以Doherty编制的《情绪感染问卷》(the emotional contagion scale)作为蓝本,删除了不适合东方文化的项目,增加了符合中国人的情绪情境和展现情绪方式的项目,经过预测修订后,最终问卷包含5个维度25个项目,正式施测共回收747份有效问卷,并对数据进行了信效度检验。结果表明,探索性因素分析KMO为0.802,总问卷的标准化的Cronbach’sα系数为0.852,项目分析表明项目的鉴别指数D值在0.340~0.479之间,验证性因素分析具有较好的模型拟合度,问卷的重测信度与效标关联效度均达到显著水平。情绪感染问卷的信效度均达到了测量学的要求。  相似文献   

Unpredictability within the family environment has been consistently linked to anxiety and depressive symptomology in early adulthood. The current investigation sought to examine how individual and family factors may serve to protect college students from the potentially detrimental effects of growing up with family chaos. A multi-dimensional survey, including measures assessing family unpredictability, coping behavior, anxiety, and depressive symptoms, was administered to 260 (68% female) undergraduate college students. A series of regression models found mediating and moderating effects: the relationship between family unpredictability and psychological distress was explained in part by less family closeness, and this was especially true among students who engaged in more emotion-focused coping. Individuals who used less emotion-focused coping did not appear to suffer from psychological distress associated with family unpredictability. Conversely, task-focused coping did not moderate the association between family unpredictability and psychological distress; yet, individuals who used more task-focused coping, in general, experienced less distress. These findings could be used to inform intervention efforts targeted at improving parenting and caregiving practices as well as the development of campus programs aimed at improving students’ coping strategies.  相似文献   


This study aimed to conduct the reliability and validity study of the Religious Health Fatalism Scale in Turkish language. The study carried out in methodological type and consisted of 500 individuals. The basic component analysis was applied to the 17-item scale, and it was decided that the Turkish version of the scale would have one sub-dimension. Factor loads were over 0.30 for all items, and the explained variance of the scale was found 42.70%. The Cronbach’s α coefficient was determined to be 0.91. Consequently, it was determined that the Religious Health Fatalism Scale had one dimension in the Turkish language, and it was a highly valid and reliable tool. It was determined that the elderly, females, housewives, illiterate, people with no health insurance, married individuals, those with low income, and people with chronic diseases had higher health fatalism scores.


This study evaluated the reliability and validity of the Cleveland Scale for Activities of Daily Living (CSADL), a scale designed to measure in detail specific activities of daily living in individuals with dementia. Administered to knowledgeable informants by trained examiners, the CSADL demonstrated good reliability in terms of interrater agreement and internal consistency. The validity of CSADL total scores was shown by its sensitivity to degree of cognitive impairment: All comparisons between means of the healthy elderly group and three groups of AD patients differing in severity were statistically significant. The CSADL was highly correlated with the Blessed–Roth Dementia Scale (DS-ADL) and more highly correlated with Mini-Mental State Exam scores than was the DS-ADL.  相似文献   

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