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To know oneself is to like oneself: self-certainty and self-affect   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Four experiments demonstrated that certainty about self-attributes is associated with positive affect about the self. In Experiments (Exps.) 1-3, low esteem was associated with less certainty about possessing several trait attributes, as measured by confidence intervals (Exps. 1-2) and reaction time (Exp. 3). The finding that low-esteem Ss were less certain was reversed when Ss rated the traits in public (Exp. 2a), suggesting that low-esteem Ss do not simply respond to impression management cues, and was attenuated when Ss estimated the traits of friends (Exps. 2b and 3), suggesting that lack of certainty of low-esteem people is specific to self-judgments. In Exp. 4, Ss exposed to certain diagnoses of their self-perceived traits showed an improvement in self-affect and egotism. Links between prediction and control, and subsequent affect about the self are discussed.  相似文献   

刚刚过去的 2 0 0 1年 ,是新世纪的开端之年 ,也是中国的好运之年。我国人民在中国共产党的领导下 ,同心同德 ,艰苦奋斗 ,夺取了改革开放和现代化建设的新胜利。在过去的一年里 ,中华大地喜讯频传 ,全国人民热烈庆祝中国共产党成立 80周年 ,江泽民总书记发表了“七一”重要讲话 ,进一步统一了思想 ,明确了在新世纪我国人民肩负的历史使命 ,使全国人民倍受鼓舞和激励。在世界经济增长明显减缓的情况下 ,我国经济保持了较好的发展势头。各项改革继续深化 ,西部大开发取得重要进展 ,经济持续增长 ,人民生活水平进一步提高。我国正式加入WTO …  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The demand for bodily parts such as organs is increasing, and individuals in certain circumstances are responding by offering parts of their bodies for sale. Is there anything wrong in this? Kant had arguments to suggest that there is, namely that we have duties towards our own bodies, among which is the duty not to sell parts of them. Kant's reasons for holding this view are examined, and found to depend on a notion of what is intrinsically degrading. Rom Harré's recent revision of Kant's argument, in terms of an obligation to preserve the body's organic integrity, is considered. Harré's view does not rule out all acts of selling, but he too ultimately depends on a test of what is intrinsically degrading. Both his view and Kant's are rejected in favour of a view which argues that it does make sense to speak of duties towards our own bodies, grounded in the duty to promote the flourishing of human beings, including ourselves. This provides a reason for opposing the sale of bodily parts, and the current trend towards the market ethic in health care provision.  相似文献   

A simple method to stand outside oneself   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Here we outline a simple method of using two mirrors which allows one to stand outside oneself. This method demonstrates that registration of vision with touch and proprioception is crucial for the perception of the corporeal self. Our method may also allow the disassociation of taste from touch, proprioception, and movement.  相似文献   

“养生”是庄子思想中的一个重要内涵,从其养生观念可以关联到庄子哲学的整个体系。庄子哲学的出发点与儒、墨、法等家不同,并不注重对于现实社会问题尤其是所谓国家大事的探讨,他主张生命与生活是大事。庄子玄虚论道的根本目的,还是在于论人之生,故而在《庄子》中提出诸如“活身”“全形”“尊生”“卫生”“达生”等一系列养生命题。庄子谈养生最根本的立足点在于他把人视作自然界一物,《秋水》篇言:“号物之数谓之万,人处一焉”。人只不过是万物之一。四海之内,在天地之间只算得一粟,而天地在宇宙之中又犹如薒米,在这薒米之上有万物,人是…  相似文献   

Roman Catholicism has long opposed suicide. Although Scripture neither condones nor condemns suicide explicitly, cases in the Bible that are purported to be suicides fall into several different categories, and the Roman Catholic tradition can show why some of these should be considered morally wrong and some should not. While Christian martyrdom is praised, it is not correct to argue that this Christian outlook invites suicide, or that it recommends physician-assisted suicide for altruistic motives. Church Tradition, from its earliest days, has clearly distinguished martyrdom from suicide. The principles of double effect and cooperation, mainstays in Roman Catholic moral theology, enable one to see the moral difference between martyrdom and suicide, and to appreciate why physician-assisted suicide is wrong for both patient and physician.  相似文献   

在道教义理中非常重视度人与度己的思想。度人,一方面从精神和肉体上拯救教化世上之人,为之清心疗疾;超度荐拔死去的亡魂,树立接引众生的楷模形象;另一方面通过著书立说传播道教义理,运用智慧悟性为他人指点迷津。度己,即通过自身的修炼,广积善德以达与道合真,得道成仙。二者有  相似文献   

Despite the growing popularity of watching oneself on videotape, little systematic research has been conducted determine viewers' affective responses to video replay. This study addresses the question: what affective responses do women have when they view themselves for the first time on unedited videotape, in comparison to their responses when they view a peer or nature scenes on videotape? Affective responses were measured in three ways: self-report, physiological, and behavioral. Subjects who viewed themselves reported more negative feelings and anxiety, and smiled more frequently than subjects who watched another person or nature scenes on video. Subjects with high private self-consciousness had higher mean arterial blood pressures when viewing themselves than did subjects with low private self-consciousness. Overall, the implications for seeing oneself on video point to potential embarrassment but generally moderate effects.  相似文献   

性命原为先秦儒学的重要范畴。《易传》说:“穷理尽性,以至于命。”在这里“性”是指心理与精神方面的禀赋和个性;“命”指三命,即天的给予或决定。《太上老君内观经》解释说:“从道爱生谓之命,自一禀性谓之性”。意谓人从道,元气所禀的生命本元,谓之性命。性命双修,是内丹的根  相似文献   

Conclusion The aim of this paper has been to draw attention to the non-cognitive aspects of Vygotsky's theoretical heritage. We hope that we have succeeded in presenting here his principal ideas on motivation and volition in the present-day problem context. It should be noted that the problem of human freedom and self-determination was of great importance for Vygotsky, though the explicit discussion of this problem is not common in his writings. Approaching this problem both as a philosopher and as a psychologist, Vygotsky inevitably had first to get some idea of the general psychological regularities which could serve as a concrete-psychological basis for the constructive paradigm in the explanation of the phenomena of human freedom and non-freedom. It is highly probable that he planned to discuss this problem at length in his last uncompleted book,Doctrine of Affects. However, even the existing texts provide a weighty and insightful basis not only for scientific research but also for creating applied methods of enhancement of human will-power, or, more exactly, the talent to will. Some of the possibilities, revealed by the Vygotskian approach, are presented in the last section. Many other of Vygotsky's brilliant ideas still await an unbiased reading in the contemporary, rather than merely historical, context.  相似文献   

道教思想源远流长,经久不衰,很重要的一点就在于道教思想深深的扎根于中华民族文化古老而不断更新的土壤之中,既保留了中华文化的精髓,又能随时代的变化发展而变化发展。道教发展到今天已有两千余年,始终同中华民族的发展历史息息相关。现在,我国已经进入了社会主义初级阶段,开始全面建设小康社会,中国道教必须与时俱进,也就是要与社会主义社会相适应,这已经是人们普遍的共识和一个不争的事实。当前人们关心的问题是:道教要“与时俱进”,进什么,怎么进?说同社会主义社会“相适应”,什么需要去“适应”,怎样才算“适应”?就此问题,谈谈个人的…  相似文献   

Michael Bacharach 《Synthese》1992,91(3):247-284
According to decision theory, the rational initial action in a sequential decision-problem may be found by ‘backward induction’ or “folding back’. But the reasoning which underwrites this claim appeals to the agent's beliefs about what she will later believe, about what she will later believe she will still later believe, and so forth. There are limits to the ‘depth’ of people's beliefs. Do these limits pose a threat to the standard theory of rational sequential choice? It is argued, first, that the traditional solutions of certain games depend on knowledge which exceeds depth limits, and that these solutions therefore cannot be shown rational in the usual sense. Then, for that related reason even ‘folding back’ solutions of one-person problems cannot be! A revision of our notion of rational choice is proposed, analogous to the reliabilist account of knowledge of Goldman and others, by which this paradox is resolved.  相似文献   

For certain patients, the experience of self lacks solidity and conviction. These patients appear to be unable to know themselves directly and turn to others in their environment and in fantasy in order to discover or confirm a vision of themselves. The author argues that we can come to understand these patients' shadowy sense of self by looking at direct self-knowledge and knowledge of the self that is acquired through others as two storylines. Detailed clinical material from the analysis of a woman who came to analysis feeling shadowy and insubstantial illustrates the value of attention to both storylines and to the changing relationship between them.  相似文献   

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