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Although statistical power is often considered in the design of primary research studies, it is rarely considered in meta-analysis. Background and guidelines are provided for conducting power analysis in meta-analysis, followed by the presentation of a SAS macro that calculates power using the methods described by Hedges and Pigott (2001, 2004). Several detailed examples are given, including input statements and output. Practical issues in the application of power analysis to meta-analysis are discussed. The macro and examples may be downloaded as supplemental materials for this article from brm.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental.  相似文献   

A macro for calculating the Hubert and Arabie (1985) adjusted Rand statistic is presented. The adjusted Rand statistic gives a measure of classification agreement between two partitions of the same set of objects. The macro is written in the SAS macro language and makes extensive use of SAS/IML software (SAS Institute, 1985a, 1985b). The macro uses two different methods of handling missing values. The default method assumes that each object that has a missing value for the classification category is in its own separate category or cluster for that classification. The optional method places all objects with a missing value for the classification category into the same category for that classification.This study was supported in part by Individual National Research Service Award F32 DA 05283 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.Requests for the Macro code can be sent via BITNET: CUSGPXH @ UCLAMVS. A copy of the macrocode can also be obtained by sending a stamped self-addressed mailer and a PC-DOS formatted floppy diskette to Paul Hoffman, 5628 MSA, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1557.  相似文献   

In contrast to prospective power analysis, retrospective power analysis provides an estimate of the statistical power of a hypothesis test after an investigation has been conducted rather than before. In this article, three approaches to obtaining point estimates of power and an interval estimation algorithm are delineated. Previous research on the bias and sampling error of these estimates is briefly reviewed. Finally, an SAS macro that calculates the point and interval estimates is described. The macro was developed to estimate the power of anF test (obtained from analysis of variance, multiple regression analysis, or any of several multivariate analyses), but it may be easily adapted for use with other statistics, such as chi-square tests ort tests.  相似文献   

This article describes the functions of a SAS macro and an SPSS syntax that produce common statistics for conventional item analysis including Cronbach’s alpha, item difficulty index (p-value or item mean), and item discrimination indices (D-index, point biserial and biserial correlations for dichotomous items and item-total correlation for polytomous items). These programs represent an improvement over the existing SAS and SPSS item analysis routines in terms of completeness and user-friendliness. To promote routine evaluations of item qualities in instrument development of any scale, the programs are available at no charge for interested users. The program codes along with a brief user’s manual that contains instructions and examples are downloadable from suen.ed.psu.edu/~pwlei/plei.htm.  相似文献   

The seriation of proximity matrices is an important problem in combinatorial data analysis and can be conducted using a variety of objective criteria. Some of the most popular criteria for evaluating an ordering of objects are based on (anti-) Robinson forms, which reflect the pattern of elements within each row and/or column of the reordered matrix when moving away from the main diagonal. This paper presents a branch-and-bound algorithm that can be used to seriate a symmetric dissimilarity matrix by identifying a reordering of rows and columns of the matrix optimizing an anti-Robinson criterion. Computational results are provided for several proximity matrices from the literature using four different anti-Robinson criteria. The results suggest that with respect to computational efficiency, the branch-and-bound algorithm is generally competitive with dynamic programming. Further, because it requires much less storage than dynamic programming, the branch-and-bound algorithm can provide guaranteed optimal solutions for matrices that are too large for dynamic programming implementations.  相似文献   

Previous findings that dissimilarity judgments for rectangles are strongly subadditive, that qualitative individual differences are always present, and that four-parameter psychophysical maps can reproduce the average ratings (Sch?nemann & Lazarte, 1987) are replicated. However, the present study in addition suggests that the metric for bounded response transformation, previously used to restore additivity of responses, has a modest effect on the fits of the psychophysical maps. The differential weighing of the coordinates already incorporates segmental subadditivity predictions into the maps. In fact, the psychophysical maps define a subadditive saliency metric that depends on assigning larger weights to larger coordinates. This constraint on the weights of these maps, together with the response times, allows us to identify a strategy shift when subjects respond to two classes of stimulus pairs: For rectangle-rectangle pairs, subjects center on the shape and size of the rectangles; for square-rectangle pairs, the focus is on height and width.  相似文献   

Two studies are presented to introduce a 10-item short form of the Need for Affect Questionnaire (NAQ-S; cf. Maio & Esses, 2001 ). Study 1 was based on 4 independent samples (German or English language; N (total) = 2,151) and demonstrated the expected factorial structure of the NAQ-S; its measurement invariance with respect to gender, age, and education; and the predicted associations with relevant personality measures. A latent state-trait analysis conducted in Study 2 (N = 140) suggests that most of the reliable variance of the NAQ-S represents stable individual differences.  相似文献   

Estimates of observer agreement are necessary to assess the acceptability of interval data. A common method for assessing observer agreement, per cent agreement, includes several major weaknesses and varies as a function of the frequency of behavior recorded and the inclusion or exclusion of agreements on nonoccurrences. Also, agreements that might be expected to occur by chance are not taken into account. An alternative method for assessing observer agreement that determines the exact probability that the obtained number of agreements or better would have occurred by chance is presented and explained. Agreements on both occurrences and nonoccurrences of behavior are considered in the calculation of this probability.  相似文献   

To help disseminate the knowledge and software implementation of a state space model (SSM), this article provides a SAS/IML (SAS Institute, 2010) program for estimating the parameters of general linear Gaussian SSMs using the Kalman filter algorithm. In order to use this program, the user should have SAS installed on a computer and have a valid license for SAS/IML. Since the code is completely open, it is expected that this program can be used not only by applied researchers, but also by quantitative methodologists who are interested in improving their methods and promoting SSM as a research instrument.  相似文献   

Among Bayesian confirmation theorists, several quantitative measures of the degree to which an evidential proposition E confirms a hypothesis H have been proposed. According to one popular recent measure, s, the degree to which E confirms H is a function of the equation P(H|E) ? P(H|~E). A consequence of s is that when we have two evidential propositions, E1 and E2, such that P(H|E1) = P(H|E2), and P(H|~E1) ≠ P(H|~E2), the confirmation afforded to H by E1 does not equal the confirmation afforded to H by E2. I present several examples that demonstrate the unacceptability of this result, and conclude that we should reject s (and other measures that share this feature) as a measure of confirmation.  相似文献   

Given the substantial rise in the number of students identified as learning-disabled, increasing attention has centered on methods for determining a severe discrepancy between ability and achievement. Using scores from 86 learning disabilities referrals, we compared four such methods (a z-score discrepancy, an estimated true score discrepancy, an unadjusted regression procedure, and an adjusted regression procedure). Each student was evaluated with the WISC-R, PIAT, and K-ABC. A high degree of agreement was found between z-score and estimated true score difference approaches. Less agreement was found between the unadjusted regression procedure and the other methods. It was concluded that the four methods cannot be used interchangeably in the calculation of severe discrepancies. Of the four methods that were analyzed, the unadjusted regression procedure selected the smallest percentage of students.  相似文献   

Robustness has long been recognized as an important parameter for evaluating game-theoretic results, but talk of ‘robustness’ generally remains vague. What we offer here is a graphic measure for a particular kind of robustness (‘matrix robustness’), using a three-dimensional display of the universe of 2 ×  2 game theory. In such a measure specific games appear as specific volumes (Prisoner’s Dilemma, Stag Hunt, etc.), allowing a graphic image of the extent of particular game-theoretic effects in terms of those games. The measure also allows for an easy comparison between different effects in terms of matrix robustness. Here we use the measure to compare the robustness of Tit for Tat’s well-known success in spatialized games (Axelrod, R. (1984). The evolution of cooperation. New York: Basic Books; Grim, P. et al. (1998). The philosophical computer: Exploratory essays in philosophical computer modeling. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press) with the robustness of a recent game-theoretic model of the contact hypothesis regarding prejudice reduction (Grim et al. 2005. Public Affairs Quarterly, 19, 95–125).  相似文献   

A coefficient of interrelationship between overlapping groups that avoids indeterminacies inherent in the construction of fourfold tables for such purposes and, at the same time, is relatively insensitive to the absolute magnitude of marginal totals of fourfold tables, is developed. Under assumptions that are consistent with the objectives of organizational analysis, this coefficient is shown to be equivalent to a product-moment correlation coefficient. The advantages and limitations of this coefficient are pointed out. A numerical example giving computational procedures is presented.This measure was developed in connection with a study made by Dorothy C. Adkins (1). Her influence in the development was felt in many ways. The article was prepared while the author was employed at The University of North Carolina.  相似文献   

The construction and validation of a projective type I-E Scale was devised to measure locus of control. This scale was designed specially to suit the age and culture of a population of school-going children in Sri Lanka. Results indicate that the general feeling of being in control of one's circumstances rather than that of being controlled by outside factors is related to the attitudes one brings to bear on academic achievement and on other achievement related situations. In addition, there was an overall tendency among these subjects towards greater internality. This was interpreted to support the concept of the moral value and the efficacy of effort and hard work.  相似文献   

A computer program for Markov chain analysis is presented and discussed. The program is written in the language of the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) but detailed knowledge of SAS is not required for its use. The program tests hypotheses about the goodness of fit of first- and second-order Markov models. It also tests if transition probabilities are homogeneous between the first and the second half of each sequence.Presented, in part, at the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Convention, November 1984.  相似文献   

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