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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 15 毫秒
Short Notices     
Books reviewed in this article:
Konrad Schaefer, Psalms
L. Daniel Hawk, Joshua
Hans Urs von Balthasar (ed.), Robert J. Daly, S.J. (trans.), Origen: Spirit and Fire, A Thematic Anthology of His Writings
Nicholas de Lange (ed.), Ignaz Maybaum: A Reader
James M. Byrne, God: Thoughts in an Age of Uncertainty
David R. Law Inspiration
Stanley J. Grenz and John R. Franke, Beyond Foundationalism: Shaping Theology in a Postmodern Context
George Pattison, A Short Course in the Philosophy of Religion
Rufus Black, Christian Moral Realism – Natural Law, Narrative, Virtue, and the Gospel
Peter C. Hodgson, Theology in the Fiction of George Eliot
Theresa M. DiPasquale, Literature and Sacrament: The Sacred and the Secular in John Donne
Hans Dirk van Hoogstraten, Deep Economy: Caring for Ecology, Humanity and Religion
David Martin, Pentecostalism: The World Their Parish
Douglas V. Porpora, Landscapes of the Soul: The Loss of Moral Meaning in American Life  相似文献   

Short Notices     
Short notices of reissued books:
Jacques Waardenburg (ed.), Muslim Perceptions of other Religions: A Historical Survey
Nicholas Awde (ed.), Women in Islam: An Anthology from the Qurãn and Hadiths
Jacob Neusner and William Scott Green (eds), Dictionary of Judaism in the Biblical Period
Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Rhetoric and Ethic. The Politics of Biblical Studies
Yairah Amit, History and Ideology: An Introduction to Historiography in the Hebrew Bible
David R. Slavitt (translator), The Book of the Twelve Prophets
Anthony R. Ceresko OSFS, Introduction to Old Testament Wisdom: A Spirituality for Liberation
Martin Abegg Jr., Peter Flint, Eugene Ulrich, The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible: The Most Ancient Versions of the Books of the Bible
N.T. Wright, The Challenge of Jesus
Calvin Roetzel, Paul, the Man and the Myth
Robert Dodaro & George Lawless (eds), Augustine and His Critics: Essays in Honour of Gerald Bonner
Allan D. Fitzgerald (ed.), Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia
Bernhard Lohse, Translated by Ray A. Harrisville, Martin Luther's Theology: Its Historical and Systematic Development
Robert Pope, Seeking God's Kingdom: The Nonconformist Social Gospel in Wales 1906–1939
Anton Wessels, 'A Kind of Bible': Vincent van Gogh as Evangelist
Daniel E. Albrecht, Rites in the Spirit: A Ritual Approach to Pentecostal/Charismatic Spirituality,
David G. Kamitsuka, Theology and Contemporary Culture: Liberation, Postliberal and Revisionary Perspectives
Lynn Japinga, Feminism and Christianity: An Essential Guide
Michael Howard, God in the Depths – Images of the Sea in the Development of Faith
Pat Lyne OCDS, Edith Stein Rediscovered: A Personal Portrait  相似文献   

Short Notices     
《Heythrop Journal》2001,42(1):118-127

Short Notices     
《Heythrop Journal》1997,38(2):233-239

Short Notices     
Books reviewed in this article: Julian Baldick, Animal and Shaman: Ancient Religions of Central Asia David Noel Freedman, Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible Tod Linafelt (ed.), Strange Fire: Reading the Bible after the Holocaust Michael Joseph Brown, What They Don't Tell You: A Survivor's Guide to Biblical Studies Esther Fuchs, Sexual Politics in the Biblical Narrative: Reading the Hebrew Bible as a Woman Karl Löning and Erich Zenger, To Begin with, God Created ≡: Biblical Theologies of Creation Gregory W. Dawes (ed.), The Historical Jesus Quest: Landmarks in the Search for the Jesus of History Kevin Ward and Brian Stanley (eds), The Church Mission Society and World Christianity, 1799–1999 Leslie J. Francis and Yaacov J. Katz (eds), Joining and Leaving Religion: Research Perspectives Kimon Howland Sargeant, Seeker Churches: Promoting Traditional Religion in a Nontraditional Way J. Heywood Thomas, and Paul Tillich, Outstanding Christian Thinkers John Webster, and Karl Barth, Outstanding Christian Thinkers Samuel M. Powell, The Trinity in German Thought James Woodward and Stephen Pattison (eds), The Blackwell Reader in Pastoral and Practical Theology Marc Gopin, Between Eden and Armageddon: The Future of World Religions, Violence, and Peacemaking John Hick, The Fifth Dimension: An Exploration of the Spiritual Realm Mark Larrimore (ed.), The Problem of Evil: A Reader Michael Taylor, Poverty and Christianity: Reflections at the Interface between Faith and Experience Patrick Riley, Civilizing Sex: On Chastity and the Common Good Brian S. Hook and R. R. Reno, Heroism and the Christian Life: Reclaiming Excellence Douglas A. Hicks, Inequality and Christian Ethics Joseph Sittler, Evocations of Grace: Writings on Ecology, Theology and Ethics M. W. Sinnett, Restoring the Conversation: Socratic Dialectic in the Authorship of Søren Kierkegaard Eef Dekker, Middle Knowledge Pierre‐Marie Emonet, The Dearest Freshness Deep Down Things. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Being Pierre‐Marie Emonet, The Greatest Marvel of Nature. An Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person Scott Cowdell, A God for this World Alister E. McGrath (ed.), Christian Literature: An Anthology Rowan Williams, Lost Icons: Reflections on Cultural Bereavement  相似文献   

Short Notices     
Books reviewed in this article: Phillip B. Munoa III, Four Powers in Heaven: The Interpretation of Daniel 7 in the Testament of Abraham Kenneth Ballhatchet, Caste, Class and Catholicism in India 1789–1914 Richard J. Coggins, Sirach S. Jones and S. Pearce (eds), Jewish Local Patriotism and Self-Identification in the Graeco-Roman World Gerd Ludemann and Martina Janssen, Suppressed Prayers: Gnostic Spirituality in Early Christianity Richard Cross, The Physics of Duns Scotus: The Scientific Context of a Theological Vision Columba Stewart, Prayer and the Community: The Benedictine Tradition Richard Woods, Mysticism and Prophecy: The Dominican Tradition Saskia Murk-Jansen, Brides in the Desert: The Spirituality of the Beguines Gordon S. Wakefield, An Outline of Christian Worship Stratford Caldecott (ed.), Beyond the Prosaic Movement: Renewing the Liturgical Movement Romano Guardini, The Spirit of the Liturgy Horace T. Allen & Joseph Russell, On Common Ground: The Story of the Common Lectionary John Blakesley, A Garland of Faith: Sequences, Prayers and Poems of the Medieval Church arranged for the Three Year Lectionary David J. Schlafer, What Makes this Day Different? Preaching Grace on Special Occasions Leonel L. Mitchell, Pastoral and Occasional Liturgies: A Ceremonial Guide Alan Wilkinson, Christian Socialism: Scott Holland to Tony Blair Michael Budde, The (Magic) Kingdom of God: Christianity & Global Culture Industries T. W. Boxx and G. M. Quinlivan (eds), Toward the Renewal of Civilization: Political Order and Culture Philip Sheldrake, Spirituality and Theology: Christian Living and the Doctrine of God J. Ian H. McDonald, The Crucible of Christian Morality James F. Sennett (ed.), The Analytic Theist: An Alvin Plantinga Reader  相似文献   

Short Notices     
《Heythrop Journal》1998,39(4):486-493
M. R. Wright Cosmology in Antiquity Boniface Ramsey Ambrose Marcia Colish Medieval Foundations of the Western Intellectual Tradition, 400–1400 Leo F. Stelten Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin Henry Wansbrough and Anthony Marett-Crosby (Eds) Benedictines in Oxford Ian Richard Netton A Popular Dictionary of Islam Katherine L. French, Gary G. Gibbs and Beat A. Kümin (Eds) The Parish in English Life, 1400–1600 Karl Müller et al. (Eds) Dictionary of Mission: Theology, History, Perspectives David Fate Norton (Ed) The Cambridge Companion to Hume Ian Linden Liberation Theology: Coming of Age?  相似文献   

Short Notices     
Books reviewed in this article: Jay L. Garfield, Empty Words: Buddhist Philosophy and Cross–Cultural Interpretation Frederick Farrar, Christianity for Buddhists John L. Thompson, Writing the Wrongs: Women of the Old Testament among Biblical Commentators from Philo through the Reformation Hans Küng, Women in Christianity Anne Sofie Roald, Women in Islam: The Western Experience John L. Esposito and John Voll (eds), Makers of Contemporary Islam Jone Salomonsen, Enchanted Feminism: The Reclaiming Witches of San Francisco Ronald Hutton, Shamans: Siberian Spirituality and the Western Imagination Jenny Blain, Nine Worlds of Seid–Magic: Ecstasy and Neo–Shamanism in North European Paganism Marshall D. Johnson, Making Sense of the Bible: Literary Type as an Approach to Understanding Arthur Gibson, Biblical Semantic Logic: A Preliminary Analysis J. David Pleins, The Social Visions of the Hebrew Bible: A Theological Introduction Martin Hengel, The Septuagint as Christian Scripture: Its Prehistory and the Problem of its Canon Steve Moyise, The Old Testament in the New: An Introduction Peter J. Miano, The Word of God and the World of the Bible: An Introduction to the Cultural Backgrounds of the New Testament Alexander Samely, Rabbinic Interpretation of Scripture in the Mishnah Jennifer A. Glancy, Slavery in Early Christianity G. R. Evans, Law and Theology in the Middle Ages Robert J. Rider (edited by Alan C. Robinson and P.E.H. Hair), Reflections on the Battlefield: From Infantryman to Chaplain 1914–1919 Richard T. Antoun, Understanding Fundamentalism: Christian, Islamic and Jewish Movements Joe R. Jones, A Grammar of Christian Faith: Systematic Exploration in Christian Life and Doctrine Helen Oppenheimer, Making Good: Creation, Tragedy and Hope J. Denny Weaver, The Nonviolent Atonement Steven Bouma–Prediger, For the Beauty of the Earth: A Christian Vision for Creation Care Rita Nakashima Brock and Rebecca Ann Parker, Proverbs of Ashes: Violence, Redemptive Suffering, and the Search for What Saves Us James H. Olthuis (ed.), Religion With/Out Religion: The Prayers and Tears of John D. Caputo  相似文献   

Short Notices     
Books reviewed in this article: Shamita Basu, Religious Revivalism as Nationalist Discourse: Swami Vivekananda and New Hinduism in Nineteenth‐Century Bengal Lynne Hume, Ancestral Power: The Dreaming, Consciousness and Aboriginal Australians Henrietta L. Moore and Todd Sanders (eds), Magical Interpretations, Material Realities: Modernity, Witchcraft and the Occult in Postcolonial Africa Philip R. Davies (ed.), First Person: Essays in Biblical Autobiography Martin O’Kane (ed.), Borders, Boundaries and the Bible Craig Bartholomew, Colin Greene and Karl Möller (eds), After Pentecost: Language and Biblical Interpretation, Scripture and Hermeneutics Series, volume 2 George J. Brooke (ed.), Book List 2002, Society for Old Testament Study V. Phillips Long, David W. Baker and Gordon J. Wenham (eds), Windows into Old Testament History: Evidence, Argument, and the Crisis of ‘Biblical Israel’ Ronald S. Wallace, Hannah's Prayer and its Answer: An Exposition for Bible Study Steven Tuell, I and II Chronicles Paul Murray O.P., A Journey with Jonah: The Spirituality of Bewilderment John Barton, Joel and Obadiah Magen Broshi, Bread, Wine, Walls and Scrolls Michael J. Gorman, Cruciformity: Paul's Narrative Spirituality of the Cross Daniel Marguerat, The First Christian Historian: Writing the ‘Acts of the Apostles’ Jan Willem van Henten and Friedrich Avemarie (eds), Martyrdom and Noble Death: Selected Texts from Graeco‐Roman, Jewish and Christian Antiquity Gwilym Beckerlegge (ed.), From Sacred Text to Internet Alain Blancy and Maurice Jourjon and the Dombes Group, Mary: In the Plan of God and in the Communion of Saints Ronald J. Allen, Preaching is Believing: The Sermon as Theological Reflection Robert Gibbs and Elliot R. Wolfson (eds), Suffering Religion Laura E. Donaldson and Kwok Pui‐lan (eds), Postcolonialism, Feminism and Religious Discourse Susan Frank Parsons (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Feminist Theology Hugh Connolly, Sin Steven Croft, Transforming Communities: Re‐imagining the Church for the 21st Century  相似文献   

Short Notices     
Books reviewed in this article: Divine Love in Islamic Mysticism: The Teachings of Al‐Ghazali and Al‐Dabbagh , Binyamin Abrahamov, RoutledgeCurzon Sufi Series, RoutledgeCurzon 2003 (0‐7007‐1607‐6), pp. 190, Hb £65 Who Are You, My Daughter? Reading Ruth Through Image and Text , Ellen F. Davies (Translation and notes) and Margaret Adams Parker (woodcuts), Westminster John Knox Press 2003 (0‐664‐22374‐5), pp. xxiii + 123, Hb £12.99 A Woman’s Place is in the House: Royal Women of Judah and their Involvement in the House of David , Elna K. Solvang, JSOTS Series 349, Sheffield Academic Press 2003, A Continuum Imprint (0‐8264‐6213‐8), pp. xiii + 188, Hb £50 A Prophet in Debate: The Rhetoric of Persuasion in the Book of Amos , Karl Möller, JSOT Series 372, Sheffield Academic Press 2003, A Continuum Imprint (0‐8264‐6568‐4), pp. xiv + 352, Hb £65 Jesus the Pharisee , Hyam Maccoby, SCM Press 2003 (0‐334‐02914‐7), pp. x + 228, Pb £16.99 Moses as a Character in the Fourth Gospel: A Study of Ancient Reading Techniques , Stan Harstine, JSNTS Series 229, London, Sheffield Academic Press 2002, A Continuum Imprint (0‐8264‐6026‐7), pp. viii + 194, Hb £50 A New Heaven and a New Earth: The Meaning and Function of the Old Testament in Revelation 21.1–22.5 , D. Mathewson, Sheffield Academic Press 2003, A Continuum Imprint, JSNTS Series 238 (0 8264 6226 X), pp. xii + 282, Hb £60 From Judgment to Passion: Devotion to Christ and to the Virgin Mary, 800–1200 , Rachel Fulton, Columbia University Press 2002 (0‐231‐12550‐X), pp. 676, Hb £28/$40 The Formation of Christianity in Antioch: A Social‐Scientific Approach to the Separation Between Judaism and Christianity , Magnus Zetterholm, Routledge 2003 (0‐415‐29896‐2), pp. xiv + 272, Hb £50 Blessed One: Protestant Perspectives on Mary , B.R. Gaventa and C.L. Rigby (eds), Westminster John Knox Press 2002 (0‐664‐22438‐5), pp. xii + 158, Pb £12.99 Being Still: Reflections on an Ancient Mystical Tradition , Jean‐Yves Leloup, Gracewing 2003 (0‐85244‐537‐7), pp. viii + 141, Pb £9.99 Theology, Rhetoric, and Politics in the Eucharistic Controversy, 1078–1079: Alberic of Monte Cassino Against Berengar of Tours , Charles M. Radding and Francis Newton, Columbia University Press 2003 (0‐231‐12685‐9), pp. xi + 197, £13/$18.50 Ignatius: Sharing the Pilgrim Story. A Reading of the Autobiography of St. Ignatius of Loyola , Peter Du Brul SJ, Gracewing 2003 (0‐85244‐536‐9), pp. lxxii + 206, Pb £15.99 Religion and the Cold War , Dianne Kirby (ed.), Palgrave Macmillan 2003 (0‐333‐99398‐5), pp. xiii + 245, Hb £45 Religion in Late Modernity , Robert Cummings Neville, State University of New York Press 2002 (0‐7914‐5424‐X), pp. xv + 284, Pb $22.95 The Methodists and Revolutionary America, 1760–1800: The Shaping of an Evangelical Culture , Dee E. Andrews, Princeton University Press 2002, pp. xv + 367, Hb £15.95 Terror and Triumph: The Nature of Black Religion , Anthony B. Pinn, Fortress Press 2003 (0‐8006‐3601‐5), pp. xiv + 274, Pb $22 Rastafari: From Outcasts to Culture Bearers , Ennis Barrington Edmonds, Oxford University Press 2003 (0‐19‐513376‐5), pp. x + 194, Hb £19.99 Thinking Through Myths: Philosophical Perspectives , Kevin Schilbrack (ed.), Routledge 2002 (0‐415‐25461‐2), pp. xi + 217, Pb £15.99 Belief Beyond Boundaries: Wicca, Celtic Spirituality and the New Age , Joanne Pearson (ed.), Ashgate, in association with The Open University, 2002 (0‐7546‐0820‐4), pp. ix + 339, Pb £13.99 Spirituality in Aotearoa New Zealand: Catholic Voices , Helen Bergin and Susan Smith (eds), Accent Publications 2002 (0‐9583454‐4‐9), pp. 277, Pb NZ$35 Believing in Nothing and Something: An Approach to Humanist Beliefs and Values , Geoff Heath, Bowland 2003 (0‐9544221‐0‐4), pp. 134, Pb £11.95 Who are the Christians in the Middle East? , Betty Jane Bailey and J. Martin Bailey, Eerdmans 2003 (0‐8028‐1020‐9), pp. xiii + 215, Pb £14.99/$20 The Theology of Reconciliation: Essays in Biblical and Systematic Theology , Colin Gunton (ed.), T. & T. Clark 2003, A Continuum Imprint (0‐5670‐8889‐8), pp. vi + 177, Hb £25 Theology in Dialogue: The Impact of the Arts, Humanities, and Science on Contemporary Religious Thought. Essays in Honor of John W. de Gruchy , Lyn Holness and Ralf K. Wüstenberg (eds), Eerdmans 2002 (0‐8028‐3916‐9) / David Philip Publishers 2002 (0‐86486‐605‐4), pp. xxvi + 286, Pb £28.99/$40 Incarnation and Physics: Natural Science in the Theology of Thomas F. Torrance , Tapio Luoma, Oxford University Press 2002 (0‐19‐515189‐5), pp. viii + 230, Hb £35 Shelter from the Storm: Caring for the Victims of Kosovo , Bruce D. Thompson, SCM Press 2003 (0‐7162‐0569‐6), pp. xvi + 121, Pb £9.99  相似文献   

Short Notices     
Books reviewed in this article: Seth D. Kunin (ed.), Themes and Issues in Judaism Daniel J. Harrington, S.J., Invitation to the Apocrypha Jon Davies, Death, Burial and Rebirth in the Religions of Antiquity John Sawyer, Sacred Languages and Sacred Texts Donald H. Juel, The Gospel of Mark Peter Richardson, Herod: King of the Jews and Friend of the Romans Charles Carpenter, Theology as the Road to Holiness in St. Bonaventure Friedrich von Hügel, The Mystical Element of Religion As Studied in Saint Catherine of Genoa and her Friends Richard Cross, Duns Scotus Denis R. Janz (ed.), A Reformation Reader: Primary Texts with Introductions Carter Lindberg (ed.), The European Reformations Sourcebook Frank J. Coppa (ed.), Controversial Concordats: The Vatican's Relations with Napoleon, Mussolini, and Hitler Frank J. Coppa (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Vatican and Papacy Dorothy Day, On Pilgrimage Michael Jenkins, The Church Faces Death: Ecclesiology in a Post‐Modern Context James L. Fredericks, Faith Among Faiths: Christian Theology and Non‐Christian Religions Vinoth Ramachandra, Faiths in Conflict?: Christian Integrity in a Multicultural World Eric James, In Season, Out of Season John R. Tyson, Invitation to Christian Spirituality: An Ecumenical Anthology Donald Eadie, Grain in Winter Michael Welker, Creation and Reality  相似文献   

Short Notices     
Books reviewed in this article:
Davila, James R., Liturgical Works (Eerdmans Commentaries on the Dead Sea Scrolls)
Goshen-Gottstein, Alon The Sinner and the Amnesiac. The Rabbinic Invention of Elisha ben Abuya and Eleazar ben Arach
Walsh, P. G. (ed.), St Augustine, De Bono Coniugali and De Sancta Virginitate
McKim, Donald K. (ed.), Calvin's Institutes
Funkschmidt, Kai, Earthing the Vision. Strukturreformen in der Mission untersucht am Beispiel von CEVAA (Paris), CWM (London) und UEM (Wuppertal)
Anthony Bradney and Fiona Cownie, Living without Law – An Ethnography of Quaker Decision-Making, Dispute Avoidance and Dispute Resolution
VanElderen, Marlin, Finding a Voice: Communicating the Ecumenical Movement
Fiddes, Paul S.(ed.), The Novel, Spirituality and Modern Culture: Eight Novelists Write about their Craft and their Context
La'Porte, Victoria, An Introduction to Theology
Leech, Kenneth (ed.), Setting the Church of England Free: The Case for Disestablishment
Atkins, Peter, Ascension Now: Implications of Christ's Ascension for Today's Church
O'Brien, Glen, Praying from the Margins: Gospel Reflections of a Gay Man
Alison, James, Faith Beyond Resentment: Fragments Catholic and Gay
Frankforter, A. Daniel, Stones for Bread: A Critique of Contemporary Worship
Swinton, John, Resurrecting the Person: Friendship and the Care of People with Mental Health Problems
Atkins, Peter, Soul Care: Facing Life with God
Forrester, Duncan, On Human Worth: A Christian Vindication of Equality
Polkinghorne, John and Welker, Michael, Faith in the Living God: A Dialogue  相似文献   

Short Notices     
Books reviewed in this article: Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, Hinduism and Buddhism Yaakov Elman and Israel Gershoni (eds), Transmitting Jewish Traditions. Orality, Textuality, and Cultural Diffusion Daniel H. Frank, Oliver Leaman and Charles H. Manekin (eds), The Jewish Philosophy Reader Robert L. Cole, The Shape and the Message of Book III (Psalms 73–89) M. Marcovich (ed), Athenagorae Qui Fertur: De Resurrectione Mortuorum Carol Harrison, Augustine: Christian Truth and Fractured Humanity Donald K. McKim, Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms Tina Beattie, God's Mother, Eve's Advocate: A Gynocentric Refiguration of Marian Symbolism in Engagement with Luce Irigaray Leo D. Lefebure, Revelation, the Religions, and Violence Ian Barbour, When Science Meets Religion H. Paul Santmire, Nature Reborn: The Ecological and Cosmic Promise of Christian Theology Mark A. Noll and Ronald F. Thiemann (eds), Where Shall My Wond'ring Soul Begin? The Landscape of Evangelical Piety and Thought Donal Dorr, Mission in Today's World John d'Arcy May, After Pluralism: Towards an Interreligious Ethic Alan Aldridge, Religion in the Contemporary World: A Sociological Introduction Martyn Percy (ed), Calling Time: Religion and Change at the Turn of the Millennium Matthew Fox, Sins of the Spirit, Blessings of the Flesh: Lessons for Transforming Evil in Soul and Society Nicholas M. Healy, Church, World and the Christian Life: Practical‐Prophetic Ecclesiology T. J. Gorringe, Thinking Things Through. 8. Salvation  相似文献   

Short Notices     
Shamanism: A Reader , Graham Harvey (ed.), Routledge 2003 (0‐415‐25330‐6), pp. 461, Pb £17.99 Ancient Jewish Novels: An Anthology , edited and translated by Lawrence M. Wills, Oxford University Press 2002 (Hb 0‐19‐515141‐0; Pb 0‐19‐515142‐9), pp. x + 298, Hb £40.50, Pb £20 4QPesher Nahum: A Critical Commentary , Gregory L. Doudna, Sheffield Academic Press 2001, Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha Supplement Series 35, Copenhagen International Series 8 (1‐84127‐156‐X), pp. 813, Hb £95 Copper Scroll Studies , George J. Brooke and Philip R. Davies (eds), Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha Supplement Series 40, Sheffield Academic Press 2003, A Continuum Imprint (0‐8264‐6055‐0), pp. xvi + 344, Hb £95 Jesus in his Jewish Context , Geza Vermes, SCM Press 2003 (0‐334‐02915‐5), pp. x + 198, Pb £12.99 The New Testament: History, Literature, Religion , Gerd Theissen, T. & T. Clark 2003, A Continuum Imprint (Hb 0‐567‐08948‐7, Pb, 0‐567‐08949‐5), pp. xii + 206, Hb £40, Pb £12.99 Mary Magdalene: Beyond the Myth , Esther de Boer, Translated by John Bowden, SCM Press 2003 (0‐334‐02690‐3) pp. xi + 147, Pb £12.99 Slave of All: The Paradox of Authority and Servanthood in the Gospel of Mark , Narry F. Santos, JSNTS Series 237, Sheffield Academic Press 2003, A Continuum Imprint (0‐8264‐62251), pp. xii + 337, Hb £65 An Introduction to the New Testament Apocrypha , Fred Lapham, T. & T. Clark 2003, A Continuum Imprint (Hb 0‐8264‐6978‐7, Pb 0‐8264‐6979‐5), pp. ix + 193, Hb £70, Pb £14.99 The Spirit of Early Christian Thought: Seeking the Face of God. Robert Louis Wilken, Yale University Press 2003 (0‐300‐09708‐5), pp. xxii + 368, Pb £22.50 Communication and the Gospel , John Holdsworth, Darton, Longman & Todd 2003 (0‐232‐52488‐2), pp. xii + 119, Pb £8.95 From Angels to Aliens: Teenagers, the Media, and the Supernatural , Lynn Schofield Clark, Oxford University Press 2003 (0‐19‐515609‐9), pp. xii + 292, Hb £20 Mediating Religion: Conversations in Media, Religion and Culture , Jolyon Mitchell and Sophia Marriage (eds), T. & T. Clark 2003, A Continuum Imprint (0‐567‐08807‐3), pp. xv + 407, Pb £17.99 Introducing Christianity , Sally Bruyneel and Alan G. Padgett, Orbis Books 2003 (1‐57075‐395‐4), pp. xi + 164, Pb $18 Problems in Theology 1, Creation: A Reader , Jeff Astley, David Brown and Ann Loades (eds), T. & T. Clark International 2003, A Continuum Imprint (0‐567‐08977‐0), pp. vii + 119, Pb £12.99 Problems in Theology 2, Evil: A Reader , Jeff Astley, David Brown and Ann Loades (eds), T. & T. Clark International 2003, A Continuum Imprint (0‐567‐08975‐0), pp. viii + 112, Pb £12.99 The Cambridge Companion to Postmodern Theology , Kevin Vanhoozer (ed.), Cambridge University Press 2003 (0‐231‐12733‐2), pp. xv + 295, Pb £15.95/$23 Apostolicity and Unity: Essays on the Porvoo Common Statement , Ola Tjørhom (ed.), Eerdmans 2003 (2‐8254‐1375‐5), pp. xii + 271, Pb £18.90/$30 Signs amid the Rubble: The Purposes of God in Human History , Lesslie Newbigin, Eerdmans 2003 (0‐8028‐0989‐9), pp. xiv + 121, Pb £10.99/$15 The Ecclesiology of Stanley Hauerwas: A Christian Theology of Liberation , John B. Thomson, Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Religion, Ashgate 2003 (0‐7546‐3394‐2), pp. x + 245, Hb £49.50 The Resurrection of God Incarnate , Richard Swinburne, Oxford University Press 2003 (Hb 0‐19‐925745‐0, Pb 0‐19‐925746‐9), pp. vi + 224, Hb £45, Pb £16.99 Truth in the Making: Creative Knowledge in Theology and Philosophy , Robert Miner, Routledge 2004 (0‐415‐27698‐5), pp. xvi + 166, £17.99 A Political Theology of Nature , Peter Scott, Cambridge University Press 2003 (Hb 0‐521‐64165‐9, Pb 0‐521‐52717‐1), pp. xiii + 275, Hb £47.50, Pb £17.95 Re‐ordering Nature: Theology, Society and the New Genetics , Celia Deane‐Drummond, Bronislaw Szerszynski and Robin Grove‐White (eds), T. & T. Clark 2003, A Continuum Imprint (Hb 0‐567‐08896‐0, Pb 0‐567‐08878‐2), pp. xiv + 368, Hb £50, Pb £17.99 Subverting Greed: Religious Perspectives on the Global Economy , Paul F. Knitter and Chandra Muzaffar (eds), Orbis Books 2002 (1‐57075‐446‐2), pp. xiv + 193, Pb $20 Marriage and Modernization: How Globalization Threatens Marriage and What To Do About It , Don S. Browning, Eerdmans 2003 (0‐8028‐1112‐4), pp. xiv + 292, Pb £21.99/$30 Spiritual Caregiving as Secular Sacrament: A Practical Theology for Professional Caregivers , Ray S. Anderson, Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2003 (1‐84310‐746‐5), pp. 192, Pb £15.95/$24.95 Growing Old in Christ , Stanley Hauerwas, Carole Bailey Stoneking, Keith G. Meador, and David Cloutier (eds), Eerdmans 2003 (0‐8028‐4607‐6), pp. x + 310, Pb £17.99/$24 Psychotherapy and Spirituality , Agneta Schreurs, Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2002 (1‐85302‐975‐0), pp. 313, Pb £17.95/$26.95 Islam and the West: Conflict or Cooperation? , Amin Saikal, Palgrave Macmillan 2003 (1‐4039‐0358‐1), pp. x + 171, Pb £13.99 Gender, Politics, and Islam , Therese Saliba, Carolyn Allen, and Judith A. Howard (eds), University of Chicago Press 2002 (0‐226‐73428‐5), pp. 354, Hb $39 Searching for God in Godforsaken Times and Places: Reflections on the Holocaust, Racism, and Death , Hubert G. Locke, Eerdmans 2003 (0‐8028‐6084‐2), pp. x + 109, Pb £12.99/$18  相似文献   

Short Notices     
Books reviewed: Legitimating New Religions , James R. Lewis, Rutgers University Press 2003 (0‐8135‐3324‐4), pp. viii + 272, Pb $21.95 Dictionary of Buddhism , Damien Keown with contributions from Stephen Hodge, Charles Jones and Paola Tinti, Oxford University Press 2003 (0‐19‐860560‐9), pp. x + 357, Hb £20/$35 The Bible: The New Revised Standard Version Cross‐Reference Edition, with Apocrypha; Anglicized Text , Managing Editor Martin H. Manser, with John Barton (for the Old Testament) and Bruce Metzger (for the Apocrypha and New Testament), Oxford University Press 2003 (0‐19‐100016‐7), pp. xxii +1,520, Hb £35 When the Great Abyss Opened: Classic and Contemporary Readings of Noah's Flood , J. David Pleins, Oxford University Press 2003 (0‐19‐515608‐0), pp. xi + 242, Hb £20 Exploring the Old Testament, Volume 3: The Psalms and Wisdom Literature , Ernest Lucas, SPCK 2003 (0‐281‐05431‐2), pp. xvi + 207, Pb £16.99 Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From? , William G. Dever, Eerdmans 2003 (0‐8028‐0975‐8), pp. xi + 268, Pb £17.95 Paul, Luke and the Graeco‐Roman World: Essays in Honour of Alexander J. M. Wedderburn , Alf Christophersen, Carsten Claussen, Jörg Frey and Bruce Longenecker (eds), Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series 217, Sheffield Academic Press 2002, A Continuum Imprint (1‐84127‐259‐0), pp. xvi + 290, Hb £65 God and History in the Book of Revelation: New Testament Studies in Dialogue with Pannenberg and Moltmann , Michael Gilbertson, Cambridge University Press 2003 (0‐521‐82466‐4), Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series 124, pp. xiii + 235 Hb £47.50/$65 From Dogma to History: How Our Understanding of the Early Church Developed , William H. C. Frend, SCM Press 2003 (0‐334‐02908‐2), pp. vii + 212, Pb £12.99 Richard Hooker and Reformed Theology: A Study of Reason, Will, and Grace , Nigel Voak, Oxford University Press 2003 (0‐19‐926039‐7), pp. xviii + 348, Hb £50/$85 Nice and Hot Disputes: The Doctrine of the Trinity in the Seventeenth Century , Philip Dixon, Continuum 2003 (0‐5670‐8816‐2), pp. xi– 236, Hb £40 Christian Mystics: Their Lives and Legacies Throughout the Ages , Ursula King, Routledge 2004 (0‐415‐32652‐4), pp. v + 270, Pb £13.99 The Blackwell Companion to Political Theology , Peter Scott and William T. Cavanaugh (eds), Blackwell 2004 (0‐631‐22342‐8), pp. x + 566, Hb £85 Progressive Christians Speak: A Different Voice on Faith and Politics , John Cobb Jr (ed.), Westminster John Knox Press 2004 (0‐664‐22589‐6), pp. xvi + 341, Pb £20 War and Peace: A Selection of Key Readings. Problems in Theology 3 , Jeff Astley, David Brown and Ann Loades (eds), T. & T. Clark 2003, A Continuum Imprint (0‐567‐08973‐8), pp. viii + 111, Pb £12.99 Invitation to the Sociology of Religion , Phil Zuckerman, Routledge 2003 (0‐415‐94126‐1), pp. ix + 156, Pb £15.99 Faith and Feminism: An Introduction to Christian Feminist Theology , Nicola Slee, Darton, Longman and Todd 2003 (0‐232‐52486‐6), Exploring Faith: Theology for Life, pp. xi + 131, Pb £8.95 Introducing Feminist Perspectives on Pastoral Theology , Zoë Bennett Moore, Introductions in Feminist Theology 11, Sheffield Academic Press 2002, A Continuum Imprint (0‐8264‐6261‐8), pp. 157, Pb £15.99/$11.90 Teaching Freud Diane Jonte‐Pace (ed.), Oxford University Press 2003 (0‐19‐5157680), AAR Teaching Religious Studies Series, pp. xi + 276, Pb £48 Blessed are the Cynical: How Original Sin Can Make America a Better Place , Mark Ellingsen, Brazos Press 2003 (1‐58743‐042‐8), pp. 208, Hb $23.99 Worship , Keith F. Pecklers, Continuum 2003 (0‐8264‐6856‐X), pp vi + 234, Pb, £14.99 Worship Seeking Understanding: Windows into Christian Practice , John D. Witvliet, Baker Academic 2003 (0‐8010‐2623‐7), pp. 319, Pb $26.99 Theology at the Eucharistic Table: Master Themes in the Theological Tradition , Jeremy Driscoll, Gracewing 2003 (0‐85244‐469‐9), pp. 251, Pb, £17.99 Confessing Jesus Christ: Preaching in a Postmodern World , David J. Lose, Eerdmans 2003 (0‐8028‐4983‐0), pp. viii + 264, Pb £19.99 Charis and Charisma: David Yonggi Cho and the Growth of Yoido Full Gospel Church , Sung‐Hoon Myung and Young‐Gi Hong (eds), Regnum 2003 (1‐870345‐45‐2), pp. xi + 217, Pb £19.99  相似文献   

Short Notices     
Books reviewed in this article: Alan Race, Interfaith Encounter Paul D. Wegner, The Journey from Texts to Translations: The Origin and Development of the Bible Paul J. Achtemeier, Joel B. Green, Marianne Meye Thompson, Introducing the New Testament, its Literature and Theology Richard A. Horsley, Hearing the Whole Story: The Politics of Plot in Mark’s Gospel Anna Wierzbicka, What did Jesus Mean? Explaining the Sermon on the Mount and the Parables in Simple and Universal Human Concepts James E. Tull (edited and with a preface by Morris Ashcraft), High‐Church Baptists in the South: The Origin, Nature, and Influence of Landmarkism Thomas C. Kennedy, British Quakerism, 1860–1920: The Transformation of a Religious Community Philip A. Cunningham, A Story of Shalom: The Calling of Christians and Jews by a Covenanting God Kathryn Tanner, Jesus, Humanity and the Trinity: A Brief Systematic Theology Paul Matthews, The Revelation of Nature Michael Palmer, The Question of God: An Introduction and Sourcebook Michael Paul Gallagher, Dive Deeper: The Human Poetry of Faith John Wijngaards, The Ordination of Women in the Catholic Church: Unmasking a Cuckoo’s Egg Tradition Andrew Davey, Urban Christianity and Global Order: Theological Resources for an Urban Future Anthony G. Reddie, Faith, Stories and the Experience of Black Elders B. J. Gibbons, Spirituality and the Occult from the Renaissance to the Modern Age James E. Gilman, Fidelity of Heart: An Ethic of Christian Virtue  相似文献   

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《Heythrop Journal》1997,38(1):118-120

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《Heythrop Journal》2000,41(2):254-257

Short Notices     
《Heythrop Journal》1999,40(4):528-531

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