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Thom Chittom 《Reviews in Religion & Theology》2005,12(4):493-500
Book reviewed:
Recovering Theological Hermeneutics: An Incarnational-Trinitarian Theory of Interpretation , Jen Zimmerman, Baker 2004 (0-8010-2727-6), pp. 345, Hb £17.99 相似文献
Recovering Theological Hermeneutics: An Incarnational-Trinitarian Theory of Interpretation , Jen Zimmerman, Baker 2004 (0-8010-2727-6), pp. 345, Hb £17.99 相似文献
哲学诠释学的方法论问题--哈贝马斯与伽达默尔之争 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
自从 2 0世纪 80年代以来 ,诠释学问题一直是国内哲学界所关注的一个热点。然而 ,从传统的诠释学到哲学诠释学 ,恰恰是从作为方法论的研究到作为本体论的研究过程中产生的。那么 ,哲学诠释学是如何对待方法论问题的 ?这里我将结合伽达默尔与哈贝马斯的有关论争 ,来讨论这一问题。一要知道伽达默尔对待方法论的态度 ,我们可看看他的哲学诠释学的奠基性著作《真理与方法》。伽达默尔在该书的第二版《序言》中说 :“像古老的诠学那样作为一门关于理解的‘技艺学’ ,并不是我的目的。我并不想炮制一套规则体系来描述甚或指导精神科学的方法论程… 相似文献
《International Journal of Systematic Theology》2006,8(2):224-226
Books reviewed:
Jens Zimmermann, Recovering Theological Hermeneutics: An Incarnational-Trinitarian Theory of Interpretation. Reviewed by Anthony C. Thiselton University of Nottingham and University of Chester 相似文献
Jens Zimmermann, Recovering Theological Hermeneutics: An Incarnational-Trinitarian Theory of Interpretation. Reviewed by Anthony C. Thiselton University of Nottingham and University of Chester 相似文献
伽达默尔是西方诠释学顶峰时期的代表人物,朱熹的经典诠释学也达到了中国经典诠释的高峰。两者在理论上有着相似性,如哲学诠释学与经典诠释学的本体、伽达默尔的前见理论与朱熹关于理解之蔽的论述、实践智慧等。由此分析并比较两位大师的诠释理论,从中找出共同之处与互补之处,可以促进中西方诠释理论的发展。 相似文献
JAMES ANDREWS 《International Journal of Systematic Theology》2010,12(2):184-200
To define theological interpretation, this article appeals to Augustine's De doctrina christiana. The article argues against the claim that De doctrina is a rhetorical handbook and asserts instead that the treatise can best be described as an ‘expanded hermeneutics’, that is, a hermeneutics that includes rhetoric. The discussion highlights that rhetoric is defined loosely as ‘communication’: the focus is on the target audience, not the mode of delivery. De doctrina is put into dialogue with a contemporary proponent of theological interpretation, Stephen Fowl, to highlight its distinctiveness. The article concludes that the paradigm for theological interpretation is the sermon. 相似文献
AbstractIn this paper we make the case that simulation provides an important and relatively novel tool for confronting and possibly even surmounting various epistemological hurdles. To support the claim that simulation has particular merit for approaching certain theological and philosophical problems, we suggest a number of advantages, evaluate possible objections, and make the case in a specific domain by illustrating how an actual simulation system can be used to this end. 相似文献
《Journal of Religious & Theological Information》2013,12(3-4):69-86
SUMMARY Theological institutions accredited by the Association of Theological Schools with distance education courses or programs continue to increase. Theological librarians, although often overlooked, play a significant role in their use of technology to meet the needs of distance students with the support of national library guidelines and accreditation standards. The current state of support to seminary distance programs includes traditional interlibrary loans, consortium relationships, proprietary full text journals, and free Internet resources. Distance learning for graduate theological education is here to stay. The continuing efforts of pioneering distance seminary librarians will guarantee quality, passionate service to students of tomorrow. 相似文献
灵魂是否不灭?上帝是否存在?上帝意志是否具有超必然的自由?这三个问题涉及宗教的根本基础。宗教神学家一直把上述三个问题视为神学的基本问题。一方面把它们奉为神圣的信条,不许信仰者怀疑;另一方面,也不断利用哲学和理性的形式,对之作出各式各样的证明。但是历史上的启蒙哲学家和自然科学家对之发出了公开的挑战,从哲学世界观的高度,从自然科学新成就出发,证明统一的自然界不可能有任何超自然存在。围绕三大神学问题的争论,一直是哲学与神学关系史上的中心问题,它也成了宗教哲学必须解答的重要理论问题。 相似文献
本文立足于哲学视域,对<周易>诠释中的一些基本问题进行了探讨.其一,在<周易>的性质问题上,认为从发生意义上看,它是一部卜筮之书;从内涵意义上看,其意蕴精微广大,乃天人之学;从历史发展来看,它自身有一个学术品格转换、提升、发展的历程.其二,初步揭示了占筮中所具有的哲理意蕴,指出占筮与<周易>的天人整体之学之间有甚深之诠释关系,占筮所蕴具的天地人物一体融通的终极境域乃是易学无穷意义的来源.其三,认为深入挖掘文本,澄清<周易>的表达方式,乃是易学研究的基础,就此本文主张回到<易传>以开显易学活的精神,辞、变、象、占四圣道的确立为解读<周易>精微之蕴开辟了道路. 相似文献
Robin J. Steinke 《Dialog》2011,50(4):363-367
Abstract : This essay explores renewed ways to reimagine theological education. Incarnation is used as a theological lens that engages anew “the transmission of Christian memory, the education for God's peace and justice, and the formation of church and community leadership.” Attention is given to apprenticeship, project‐based learning, distributed learning, and global learning, and concludes with implications for governance and faculty. 相似文献