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In Experiment 1, 128 experimentally naive, water-deprived rats (Rattus norvegicus) received pretraining access to either 0.25 or 1.5% saccharin, distilled water, or 2.0% saline, followed either by a pairing of 0.25 or 1.5% saccharin with an intraperitoneal injection of 0.15 M lithium chloride (LiCl) or by a pairing of distilled water with LiCl. Preexposure to either saccharin concentration reliably reduced conditioned aversion effects to 0.25% saccharin, relative to that for preexposure to distilled water or saline. But only preexposure to 1.5% saccharin reduced aversion effects to that concentration. In Experiment 2, 48 naive, water-deprived rats received preexposure procedures as in Experiment 1. Afterwards, the rats were tested for neophobia to 0.25 or 1.5% saccharin. Neophobia was reliably greater to the 1.5% concentration. However, preexposure to either saccharin concentration obliterated evidence for neophobia to saccharin, relative to that following preexposure to distilled water or saline.  相似文献   

Plasticity in dendritic spines may underlie learning and memory. Spinophilin, a protein enriched in dendritic spines, has the properties of a scaffolding protein and is believed to regulate actin cytoskeletal dynamics affecting dendritic spine morphology. It also binds protein phosphatase-1 (PP-1), an enzyme that regulates dendritic spine physiology. In this study, we tested the role of spinophilin in conditioned taste aversion learning (CTA) using transgenic spinophilin knockout mice. CTA is a form of associative learning in which an animal rejects a food that has been paired previously with a toxic effect (e.g., a sucrose solution paired with a malaise-inducing injection of lithium chloride). Acquisition and extinction of CTA was tested in spinophilin knockout and wild-type mice using taste solutions (sucrose or sodium chloride) or flavors (Kool-Aid) paired with moderate or high doses of LiCl (0.15 M, 20 or 40 mL/kg). When sucrose or NaCl solutions were paired with a moderate dose of LiCl, spinophilin knockout mice were unable to learn a CTA. At the higher dose, knockout mice acquired a CTA but extinguished more rapidly than wild-type mice. A more salient flavor stimulus (taste plus odor) revealed similar CTA learning at both doses of LiCl in both knockouts and wild types. Sensory processing in the knockouts appeared normal because knockout mice and wild-type mice expressed identical unconditioned taste preferences in two-bottle tests, and identical lying-on-belly responses to acute LiCl. We conclude that spinophilin is a candidate molecule required for normal CTA learning.  相似文献   

Relatively little information is available regarding the intradimensional stimulus generalization of conditioned taste aversion (CTA). Experiment 1 employed a between-groups generalization test to examine the extent to which conditioned flavor aversion to one sucrose solution generalized to other concentrations of sucrose in adult rats. Evidence of a gradient of aversion was obtained. Because generalization gradients in other tasks have been found to flatten over a retention interval, Experiment 2 investigated the effects of delayed testing (2, 7, or 21 days) upon the slope of the generalization gradient. The generalization gradient flattened at the intervals, suggesting that subjects forgot the specific attributes of the conditioning concentration and avoided generalized stimuli as if they were the original CS. Experiment 3 used a long delay between taste and toxicosis to degrade the associative contingency and found no evidence that the generalization gradients found in the first two experiments could be explained in terms of enhanced neophobia due to poisoning. These findings provide further evidence (cf. A. W. Logue, 1979, Psychological Bulletin, 86, 276-296; M. Domjan, 1980, in J. S. Rosenblatt, R. A. Hinde, C. Beer, & M. Busnel (Eds.), Advances in the study of behavior, Vol. 11, New York: Academic Press) that CTA shares a number of similarities with other learning processes. Further, they illustrate that stimulus forgetting can be detected in a paradigm considered relatively immune to retention loss.  相似文献   

The effects of preexposure and gonadal hormone manipulation on the extinction of a conditioned taste aversion were investigated. In Experiment 1, male rats were given one prior exposure to sucrose at some selected time (Days 4, 2, or 1) before a second exposure (Day 0) to sucrose and an LiCl injection. Controls received no prior exposure to sucrose but experienced only the sucrose + LiCl condition (Day 0). under the single exposure condition (Day 0) castrated animals extinguished the aversion faster than either testosterone-treated castrated rats or sham-operated rats. Sham-operated and castrated rats that had received preexposure treatment (Days 4, 2, or 1) were not distinguishable on a within-groups comparison of behavior but differed from their respective controls by exhibiting faster rates of extinction. However, in the testosterone-treated group only the Day 4 preexposure group exhibited a faster extinction rate. In Experiment 2, estradiol, dihydrotestosterone, and testosterone were studied by using only a Day 1 preexposure condition. The testosterone-treated group maintained the aversion for the longest period of time, followed by dihydrotestosterone-treated, sham, castrated, and estradiol-treated groups. It appears that estradiol augments the castration effect whereas dihydrotestosterone attenuates the effect. In Experiment 3, estradiol was administered alone or in combination with two different doses of dihydrotestosterone, and a Day 1 preexposure condition was used. The findings indicate that the outcome of behavior is dependent on the ratio of estradiol to dihydrotestosterone, with variations in this ratio resulting in fast (estrogen effect) to slow (androgen effect) rates of extinction.  相似文献   

Hooded rats were conditioned to avoid drinking saccharin by following exposure to saccharin with injection of cyclophosphamide, a drug that produces visceral upset. Extinction trials were then given by presenting saccharin without cyclophosamide injections with the rats under low (10 hr) or high (23 hr) fluid deprivation. The aversion extinguished in fewer trials in rats under high deprivation.  相似文献   

Preweanling (18 days old) and adult rats were made ill with LiCl either 2 min or 1 hr after tasting controlled amounts of either one of two single flavors (saccharin or NaCl) or a compound mixture of the two. Conditioning was assessed with a single test 4 days later relative to explicitly unpaired control conditions. Generally, potentiation of the aversions to either flavor occurred for animals conditioned to the compound. The potentiation effect was decreased or eliminated by nonreinforced exposure to the alternative flavor of the compound. These effects tended to be stronger for the younger rats. Specifically, adult animals did not express potentiation of the saccharin aversion whereas preweanlings expressed potentiated salt aversions. Nonreinforced exposure to the alternative element eliminated the potentiation effect. Conditions conducive to potentiation are discussed in light of investigators who have not observed this effect in similar studies with compound stimuli.  相似文献   

Preexposure to one or two elements of a compound flavor stimulus greatly reduced a neophobic reaction to the compound but did not attenuate conditioned flavor aversion in rats. Results indicated that (1) a preexposure effect on conditioned aversion to a flavor compound is not likely to be obtained if subjects initially show a strong neophobic reaction to the elements and (2) the level of neophobia at the time of conditioning has little influence on conditioned flavor aversion.  相似文献   

The time course of memory decay for infant rats may shed light on the processes responsible for infantile amnesia. A taste aversion conditioning procedure appropriate for both neonatal and adult rats was employed in four experiments to investigate the ontogeny of extended retention. In Experiment 1, rats trained at 1, 10, 20, or 60 days of age were tested for retention of the taste aversion 25 days later. At testing, only those rats conditioned when 20 or 60 days old demonstrated significant taste aversions. Experiments 2 and 3 established that rats 14-15 days old and older were able to retain significant taste aversions following a 25-day retention interval. Younger rats did, however, acquire and retain the aversion for several days and showed a gradual retention loss over progressively longer retention intervals (Experiment 4). These findings suggest that preweanling rats demonstrate initial consolidation, storage, and retrieval of conditioned taste aversions. It is only after this initial period that retention deficits become evident.  相似文献   

The present work shows that the dorsomedial telencephalic pallium of teleost fish, proposed as homologous to the amygdala of mammals, is involved in taste aversion learning (TAL). To analyze the behavioral properties of TAL in goldfish, in Experiment 1, we used a delayed procedure similar to that employed with mammals, which consists of the presentation of two flavors on different days, one followed by lithium chloride and the other by saline, both after a 10-min delay. The results showed that goldfish developed a strong aversion to the gustatory stimulus followed by visceral discomfort and that, as in mammals, this learning was rapidly acquired, highly flexible and maintained for a long time. Experiment 2 showed that dorsomedial pallium lesions and the ablation of the telencephalic lobes impaired the acquisition of taste aversion in goldfish, whereas damage to the dorsolateral pallium (hippocampus homologue) or cerebellar corpus did not produce significant changes in this learning. Experiment 3 showed that these TAL deficits were not due to a lesion-related disruption of taste discrimination; goldfish with telencephalon ablation were able to learn to distinguish between the two tested flavors in a differential conditioning procedure. These functional data demonstrate that the dorsomedial pallium in teleosts is, like the amygdala, an essential component of the telencephalon-dependent taste aversion memory system and provide further support concerning the homology between both structures.  相似文献   

Animals develop robust learning and long lasting taste aversion memory once they experience a new taste that is followed by visceral discomfort. A large body of literature has supported the hypothesis that basolateral amygdala (BLA) plays a critical role in the acquisition and extinction of such conditioned taste aversions (CTA). Despite the evidence that BLA is crucially engaged during CTA training, it is unclear how BLA neural activity represents the conditioned tastes. Here, we incorporated a modified behavioral paradigm suitable for single unit study, one which utilizes a sequence of pulsed saccharin and water infusion via intraoral cannulae. After conditioning, we investigated BLA unit activity while animals experience the conditioned taste (saccharin). Behavioral tests of taste reactivity confirmed that the utilized training procedure produced reliable acquisition and expression of the aversion throughout test sessions. When neural activity was compared between saccharin and water trials, half of the recorded BLA units (77/149) showed differential activity according to the types of solution. 76% of those cells (29/38) in the conditioned group showed suppressed activity, while only 44% of taste reactive cells (17/39) in controls showed suppressed activity during saccharin trials (relative to water trials). In addition, the overall excitability of BLA units was increased as shown by altered characteristics of burst activity after conditioning. The changes in BLA activity as a consequence of CTA were maintained throughout test sessions, consistent with the behavioral study. The current study suggests that the neuronal activity evoked by a sweet taste is altered as a consequence of CTA learning, and that the overall change might be related to the learning induced negative affect.  相似文献   

A series of experiments assessed the effects of ACTH and the ACTH analogue ACTH4-10 on drinking in conditioned taste aversion and neophobic situations. Both substances delayed the extinction of a conditioned taste aversion established by a single pairing of lithium chloride with milk (Experiment 1). However, in this situation, the ACTH parent peptide was more potent behaviorally. Administration of ACTH suppressed milk consumption in animals with no toxicosis experience (Experiment 2). This effect was apparently not due to the conditioning of a taste aversion (Experiment 3) with ACTH serving as a weak aversive unconditioned stimulus. Administration of exogenous ACTH (Experiment 4) or ACTH4-10 (Experiment 5) did not enhance neophobia; however, repeated injections of ACTH suppressed drinking. This ACTH suppression was related to the familiarity/novelty of the subtance being consumed. The neophobic response to milk eas no accompanied by pituitary-adrenal activation (Experiment 6). Both neophobic and conditioned taste aversion situation appear to be useful for assessing peptide effects on consummatory behavior.  相似文献   

The functional relation between restricted damage to ventral primary somatosensory neocortex and the ability of rats to acquire conditioned taste aversion (CTA( was examined by a combination of behavioral and neurohistological techniques. Lesions confined exclusively to the established gustatory neocortex (GN) did not disrupt CTA acquisition, nor did lesions confined to suprarhinal cortical areas ventral to the GN. Lesions that encroached on dorsal prepiriform and insular cortices produced CTA acquisition deficits and damaged a large proportion of efferent projections to the prefrontal and precentral neocortex. In a second experiment, lesions of dorsal prepiriform and insular cortices did not modify taste preference-aversion threshold to any of the four taste modalities. It is concluded tha ventral somatosensory neocortical fields, including the established GN, do not mediate CTA acquisition and that rhinal cortices ventral and posterior to the GN are preferentially involved in associative learning for tastes and illness.  相似文献   

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