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The present paper examines test anxiety from a cross-cultural perspective with specific reference to the Indian and American cultures. The construct of test anxiety has been examined in many cultures all over the world. In this review, the importance of understanding and incorporating contextual factors in cross-cultural research is emphasized. Moreover, some of the methodological issues related to investigating culture-behavior relationship are discussed. Specifically, the derived-etic approach for conducting cross-cultural research is espoused. Then, research findings from western, cross-cultural, and Indian studies on test anxiety are reviewed. Consistent with the individualistic orientation of the western society, much of the research in the western world has adopted a de-contextualized approach. Inasmuch as many of the cross-cultural and Indian studies on test anxiety have their roots in western research, they have ignored the cultural context as well. To address this void, contextual variables relevant to test anxiety in the Indian setting are examined and hypotheses regarding the nature of test anxiety in Indian children are proposed. Finally, a research agenda is presented to examine these hypotheses using a derived-etic approach.  相似文献   

李超平  孟慧  时勘 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1477-1481
本研究探索了变革型领导、家长式领导、PM与领导有效性之间的关系。对288份调查数据的层次回归分析表明,与家长式领导相比,PM对员工满意度有更强的预测作用;与PM相比,变革型领导对组织承诺与领导者有效性有更强的预测作用;与家长式领导相比,变革型领导对组织承诺与领导者有效性有更强的预测作用。这表明,在中国这一特殊的文化背景下,变革型领导对领导有效性具有最强的预测力。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A formulation of Durkheim's theory of suicide is tested using data from a sample of 55 societies covered by the Human Relations Area Files. The model predicts suicide rates in five “pure” conditions but only in one “mixed” condition. In addition, the rates differ in each of the four pure extreme conditions. It is concluded that “integration” may be more important than “regulation” in determining the suicide rate of societies, groups, or social conditions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether the Pictogram Test (PT; Vygostsky, 1960) a test of logical memory that was developed in Russia, is applicable for diagnosing and understanding thought disturbances in schizophrenia within an English-speaking population. Participants included 62 patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders and 80 community nonpatients from Russia and the United States. We used correlational analysis to organize PT variables into Concrete (CI), Attribute (AI), and Geometric (GI) indexes. Discriminant function analysis revealed that only AI and GI had significant discriminatory power. These indexes correctly classified 91% of English-speaking and 86% of Russian-speaking participants as either patients or nonpatients. Controlling for age and education, multivariate analysis revealed that patients had significantly lower AI and significantly higher GI scores relative to nonpatients, and those differences were similar across languages. These results indicate that the PT can discriminate between patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders and nonpatients, which suggests that characteristics of the PT could be used to understand the mechanism of logical thinking in patients and nonpatients.  相似文献   

Randomly formed groups of 160 male students a t St. Francis Xavier University performed both a structured and an unstructured task. Style of leadership and leader position power were experimentally manipulated, while leader member relations were held constant. Although manipulation checks were positive, results failed to support any of the hypotheses derived from Fiedler's contingency theory of leadership effectiveness.  相似文献   

本研究的目的是揭示大学生关于健康观的认知构造,并对中日大学生健康观的认知构造进行比较。通过对收集到的日常生活的健康观数据进行处理,制成了一个包含50个项目的问卷,然后对收集到的儿8名日本大学生和81名中国大学生的数据进行了因子分析,得到了健康观认知构造的五个因子,即“自律性”(因子Ⅰ)、“主观自我”(因子Ⅱ)、“身体因素”(因子Ⅲ)、“心理因素”(因子Ⅳ)、“健康习惯”(因子Ⅴ)。中日学生的健康观认知结构在Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ因子上存在差异。  相似文献   

领导领域中归因理论的研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
领导领域中的归因研究对于把握领导过程、组织绩效评估以及领导成员关系等问题均具有重要的理论与实际意义。文章回顾了自领导归因理论提出以后,领导归因领域中包括有关模型构建、验证与发展、内隐归因在内的相关研究;同时,对归因偏差、归因风格、领导成员关系、人格特质、领导类型、情绪、文化及相关人口学变量等因素与领导归因的关系研究进行了系统梳理;最后,分析、总结了该领域以往研究的不足及今后的研究趋势  相似文献   

吕耀军 《世界宗教研究》2011,(5):149-156,194
跨文化人权理论为当代伊斯兰人权哲学提供了新的思路。现代国家观念的发展和国家之间的互动是该理论产生影响的主因。穆斯林学者强调伊斯兰文化中,关于尊严、公正和平等的伦理精神是实现伊斯兰跨文化人权普遍性的基础。这就需要依据经典的原初精神和现代理念,对伊斯兰法做出新的解释。人类社会生活的共同需要、人性的共同趋向和人权的跨文化视角并不会削弱宗教的核心原则的观点,是穆斯林学者主张跨文化人权理论的依据。在此基础上,学者发展了"重叠共识"理论,结合伊斯兰国家人权情况,提出了实现跨文化人权理论的具体方式。  相似文献   

Certain sentence stems in the 73 item Miale-Holsopple Sentence Completion Test can be interpreted as open-ended attitude questions, revealing world views in particular societies. Sentence stems #7, "The easiest way to get money;" #8, "Twenty years from now;" #18, "The white girl who married the black man;" #48, "A naked man;" and #54, "A woman's body" were selected for cross-cultural study. Thirty-nine American college students answered the standard form of the Miale-Holsopple, and 60 Brazilian students answered a Portuguese version of this test. American students gave more positive work ethic responses to stems #7 and #8 and more negative responses to interracial marriages than did Brazilians. The Brazilian females gave more positive responses to stem #54 than did American women.  相似文献   


In a 1st attempt to identify an implicit theory of leadership among Chinese people, the authors developed the Chinese Implicit Leadership Scale (CILS) in Study 1. In Study 2, they administered the CILS to 622 Chinese participants from 5 occupation groups, to explore differences in perceptions of leadership. Factor analysis yielded 4 factors of leadership: Personal Morality, Goal Efficiency, Interpersonal Competence, and Versatility. Social groups differing in age, gender, education level, and occupation rated these factors. Results showed no significant gender differences, and the underlying cause for social group differences was education level. All groups gave the highest ratings to Interpersonal Competence, reflecting the enormous importance of this factor, which is consistent with Chinese collectivist values.  相似文献   

领导学研究的新发展:诚信领导理论   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
诚信领导是一个全新的领导学构念,指的是一种把领导者的积极心理能力与高度发展的组织情境结合起来发挥作用的过程。该文首先分别介绍了诚信领导的概念、特点及测量方法,并比较了诚信领导与其他类型领导的联系和区别;接下来进一步分析了诚信领导在组织中的功效;最后指出该理论尽管强调了一些诸如情绪过程、领导者道德等以往领导理论所忽视的方面,但诚信领导的测量工具、诚信领导与组织结果之间的调节因素等问题仍有待于实证研究的进一步探讨  相似文献   

This study examines the cross-cultural generality of Hering's (1878/1964) color-opponent theory of color appearance. English-speaking and Somali-speaking observers performed variants of two paradigms classically used to study color-opponency. First, both groups identified similar red, green, blue, and yellow unique hues. Second, 25 English-speaking and 34 Somali-speaking observers decomposed the colors present in 135 Munsell color samples into their component Hering elemental sensations—red,green,blue, yellow, white, and black—or else responded “no term.” Both groups responded no term for many samples, notably purples. Somali terms for yellow were often used to name colors all around the color circle, including colors that are bluish according to Hering's theory. Four Somali Grue speakers named both green and blue elicitation samples by their term for green. However, that term did not name the union of all samples called blue or green by English speakers. A similar pattern was found among three Somali Achromatic speakers, who called the blue elicitation sample black or white. Thus, color decomposition by these Somali-speaking observers suggests a lexically influenced re-dimensionalization of color appearance space, rather than a simple reduction of the one proposed by Hering. Even some Somali Green-Blue speakers, whose data were otherwise similar to English, showed similar trends in yellow and blue usage. World Color Survey data mirror these results. These within- and cross-cultural violations of Hering's theory do not challenge the long-standing view that universal sensory processes mediate color appearance. However, they do demonstrate an important contribution of language in the human understanding of color.  相似文献   

In a grounded theory study, the authors examined the leadership identity development of 12 past presidents of the American Counseling Association. Using individual interviews, the authors identified 3 interactional themes that form a theoretical framework for leadership identity development: (a) influence, motivation, and support to lead; (b) leadership skills; and (c) reinforcing experiences. Implications for counselors and counselor educators are offered.  相似文献   

初级指挥官人格类型与PM领导行为类型有效性的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对陆军初级指挥官人格心理类型与领导行为有效性的心理学研究 ,探讨个人的领导潜能、人格心理类型对领导行为有效性的影响。研究发现 :1方差分析表明 ,具有不同领导行为的指挥官在人格维度上存在明显的统计学差异。提示了指挥官的领导行为取向与人格因素有密切的关系。2卡方分析结果也表明 ,PM型行为的军官在其人格特征上具有“ESTJ”组合特征 ,而 pm型的军官则正好相反 ;另外 ,pm型的军官在成就动机上获得高分的人数最少。3系统聚类分析显示 ,“成就动机”、“感觉”和“判断”三种人格因素与军事指挥官完成整体领导职能有着更为密切的关系。  相似文献   

Ward  Colleen A. 《Sex roles》2000,43(7-8):529-552
This paper explores models and measurements of psychological androgyny by extending research to a new cultural context—Singapore. Five studies, which include the construction of a culturally appropriate measurement of masculinity and femininity and the investigation of the masculine, additive, and interactive models of psychological androgyny, are reported. The results indicate that the Singapore Androgyny Inventory (SAI) demonstrated good internal consistency and temporal stability. M and F scales were unidimensional and orthogonal with composite items reflecting instrumental and expressive orientations. Masculinity was associated with need for achievement (r = .56), and femininity related to need for affiliation (r = .24). In addition, a 2 (gender) × 2 (M) × 2 (F) analysis of variance revealed main effects for both masculinity and femininity on personal and social self-concept, but no significant interaction effects. The same analysis demonstrated main effects only for masculinity on psychological well-being and self-acceptance. Taken together, evidence supported a differentiated additive model rather than a masculine or interactive model of androgyny, self-concept, and mental health. The advantages of cross-cultural extensions in psychological androgyny research are also discussed.  相似文献   

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