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中国医学人文学研究生教育初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国医学生的医学人文素质教育近年来有了较大的发展,但学界尚未对本领域研究生教育给与足够的重视.分析了我国医学人文研究生教育现状,描述了美国一些医学人文研究生项目,并指出在借鉴的基础上建构我国的医学人文学研究生教育决定着该领域未来的发展.  相似文献   

随着我国医学研究生教育规模的扩大,研究生的培养质量问题备受关注.在研究生培养体系中,导师制度及导师队伍建设发挥着举足轻重的作用.比利时的医学研究生教育使用"导师小组负责制",导师队伍结构科学合理,学术水平高,并具有管理自主性强、国际化和企业化的特点.这些特色可为我国医学研究生教育改革提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

医学专业学位研究生教育是为了向社会提供高层次应用型医学专门人才,以提高临床医疗队伍整体素质为教育目标.这项工作有其自身特点,同时也面临着各种问题的挑战.实行"双导师制"培养模式.有利于实现临床教学和科学研究的双向互补,有利于将研究生所学知识更好地应用到临床实践中,实施创新实践能力教育,更好地按照社会实际需要培养职业性人才.  相似文献   

医学专业研究生扩招对其培养目标与模式的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从医学专业研究生招生的现状及目前研究生培养目标和模式中存在问题出发,分析了我国医学专业研究生招生规模不断扩大对研究生教育的影响,并针对以上变化和问题提出针对逐渐膨胀的医学研究生群体,应采取新的管理及教育模式,从而使研究生的质量和水平得到全面的提高,使我国医学研究生教育水平逐渐与世界接轨.  相似文献   

加强研究生德育之我见   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究生德育是研究生教育的重要内容。由于历史和现实的原因 ,研究生德育并没有受到应有的重视 ,在理论上和实践上都存在着一些亟待探索和解决的问题。本文试图就当前研究生德育存在的问题及原因做些分析 ,为解决这些问题做一点努力。  相似文献   

医学研究生是学术研究的重要群体,是推动医学发展的生力军,而学术不端乃至学术失范严重影响着学术发现和学术创新。通过对某医学高等院校进行调查,发现研究生学术失范的总体情况不容乐观,其中既有社会大环境的原因,也有研究生本身的原因。超七成研究生认为加强研究生自身学习、强化严谨求实的科学精神和培养诚信的价值观是提高研究生良好学术素养的有效途径。在宏观管理层面必须严把入学质量关,以学术内需为引导,整体提升生源质量;教育与惩戒相结合,考核制度贯穿科研全过程;管理措施必须多管齐下,内外并重,提高研究生学术素养。  相似文献   

王栾井  杜佳 《学海》2004,(5):172-174
高水平的研究生教育,历来是世界一流大学的重要标志之一.研究生培养模式是指研究生培养过程和主要环节的组成部分及相互关系的一种定式,它反映了研究生培养过程中各环节的最优化设计及诸因素的最佳组合.  相似文献   

心理健康教育在我国高校已经有了很大的发展,但有关研究生心理健康却相对薄弱。研究生心理健康是研究生素质教育的重要组成部分,理应受到高度重视。本文试从研究生心理健康状况、影响因素及对策等方面入手,对研究生心理健康进行分析。  相似文献   

研究生的心理健康一直是高校和社会关注的焦点,本文以研究生为中心对研究生心理健康的状态、形成心理问题的原因及研究生立体化心理健康教育模式的研究进行综述,旨在为研究生的心理健康教育模式进行综合分析,发现网络环境下研究生立体化心理健康教育的新模式。  相似文献   

北美生命伦理学和医学人文学研究生教育   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
北美生命伦理学和医学人文学研究生教育KirkSmith聂菁葆编译北美生命伦理学和医学人文学研究生教育是当代生命伦理学和医学人文学学科发展的一个缩影。本文将对北美生命伦理学和医学人文学研究生教育的历史、现状和未来趋势作一简要介绍和初步分析。文中医学人文...  相似文献   

浅谈医学院校科研现状及研究生培养管理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
倡导良好的科研风尚并建立有效的研究生培养管理体制,对增强医学院校科研能力,提高研究生培养质量至关重要,也是当前高等医学教育工作者共同关心的问题。对医学院校科研现状及现行研究生培养管理模式中存在的问题进行分析,并提出若干思考及建议。  相似文献   

The relationship between adolescent extra‐curricular activities and choice of graduate‐education field was examined among students from three fields of study, science (n = 12), art (n = 12), and education (n = 14), using qualitative and quantitative methods. Results of profile analysis indicated that the different majors participated in stereotypically varying activities when they were adolescents. Science majors generally participated in mathematics and science activities during adolescence. Art majors generally participated in theater and music activities, and education majors tended to have participated in social leadership and educational activities. Interviews with the participants supported these findings and provided a more comprehensive discussion of these tendencies. While in high school, the participants had many influences when determining a field of study. Using personal happiness as a guide, the participants chose activities and ultimately graduate‐level majors that reflected their interests. It was concluded that adolescent extra‐curricular activities are important in the development of interest in creatively talented individuals and may lead to graduate field selection.  相似文献   

研究生思想教育工作中存在的问题和对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
结合医学研究生特点,分析当前思想教育管理工作中存在的问题,并从提高思想认识、完善管理模式、健全运行机制三个方面探讨解决问题的对策.  相似文献   

试论研究生德育的当务之急   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
诚信危机已渗透到了学术研究领域 ,并对研究生德育提出了严峻的挑战。标举学术责任 ,确保学术诚信 ,是研究生德育的当务之急。为此 ,研究生德育必须 :坚守学术宽容 ,营造学术诚信的学术环境 ;强化学术引导 ,建立学术诚信的学术航标 ;优化制度约束机制 ,创设学术诚信的学术平台 ;培养研究生的道德自律 ,塑造学术诚信的学术人格。  相似文献   

外科研究生的科研工作是十分重要的,他们以后不论从事临床或者科研工作,都会在架设临床与基础之间的桥梁中起着重要的作用.外科研究生在实验室做科研时,会遇到很多问题.除了自身的主观因素外,还有来自社会的客观因素.针对这些问题,提出了一些对策.  相似文献   

医学生之医学伦理素养教育剖辨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对医学生加强医学伦理素养教育是当前国内外医学教育的共识,但在教育的内容、方式和方法上却是各具特色.相对而言,我国医学院校对医学生的医学伦理素养教育尚处于不成熟的阶段,其表现就是教育过程中存在着诸多的问题、教学效果不甚理想.从医学伦理素养教育的现状入手,尝试分析我国医学伦理素养教育中的重点和难点问题.  相似文献   

Despite numerous studies demonstrating that authoritarian leadership and benevolent leadership exert incompatible influence on an individual’s creativity, the combined effects of authoritarian leadership and benevolent leadership on an individual’s creativity and the related mechanisms have yet to be explained. This study tests a model that considers the combined effects of authoritarian and benevolent leadership on graduate student creativity in the universities in China, while also examining the mediating role of the intrinsic motivation of graduate students. Multisource data were collected from 297 graduate students in 60 university scientific research teams in China. The results show that when authoritarian leadership and benevolent leadership are in congruence, the intrinsic motivation of graduate students and their creativity increase as supervisor authoritarianism and benevolence increases. When authoritarian leadership and benevolent leadership are in discrepancy, the intrinsic motivation of graduate students is higher when low supervisor authoritarianism is combined with high benevolence; however, the findings also show that low authoritarian leadership combined with high benevolent leadership would not increase graduate student creativity. The relationship between authoritarian–benevolent leadership and graduate student creativity is partially mediated by intrinsic motivation. The theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

A model is described for implementing a program in research ethics education in the face of federal and institutional mandates and current resource, disciplinary, and infrastructure limitations. Also discussed are the historical background, content and evaluation process of the workshop at the heart of the program, which reaches a diverse group of over 250 students per year—from first-year graduate students in basic research labs to clinical fellows. The workshop addresses central issues in both everyday laboratory ethics and in larger societal questions. Goals include improving overall awareness of ethics guidelines and philosophy and enhancing skills in identifying and then analyzing the ethical components of situations. Pedagogies used and their effectiveness and that of the overall workshop and extended program are addressed. Programs like these have initiated a shift in the culture of basic research, which is a critical need given the current atmosphere.  相似文献   

彭亚风  卢家楣 《心理科学》2020,(6):1304-1311
情感素质在促进学生全面发展中占有举足轻重的地位,而研究生作为高层次人才的重要输出来源,其本身的情感素质值得关注。本研究对10056名研究生的情感素质进行潜在类别分析,结果表明:研究生情感素质总体发展尚好,但存在水平差异,且各水平间情感素质内部维度的发展规律不一致;性别和专业会影响研究生情感素质的发展。此外,本研究基于潜在分类的结果,得到了《中国大学生情感素质问卷》划界分数,实现对研究生情感素质的直观评价。  相似文献   

The visibility of qualitative research methods (QRM) in U.S. psychology has increased with the dissemination of qualitative research in journals and books, formation of professional and scientific organizations, and recognition in educational institutions. While gains have been made, the current state of doctoral training in qualitative methods remains uncertain. It is unclear what training graduate students receive in U.S. psychology programs about qualitative methodologies and how further gains can be made in expanding visibility of QRM in graduate education. In this mixed-methods study, we surveyed a sample of faculty in U.S. psychology graduate programs about the frequency of QRM course offerings, graduate training, and students’ use of QRM in their dissertation research. We also explored qualitative responses from faculty regarding their attitudes about QRM and how these attitudes might help increase or diminish the frequency of methods training available to students. We found that even within graduate programs where there was support for QRM, enduring perceptions about the value of qualitative research limit faculty and graduate students’ use of qualitative methodologies in their research. With these findings in mind, we offer several recommendations for increasing the visibility of QRM in U.S. graduate education and the discipline of psychology as a whole.  相似文献   

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